FILE IMAGE. Source: https://anfenglish.com/
The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured the village of Assadiyah in the northern Raqqa countryside. Some experts describe the village as an northern entrance to the city. However, the SDF have so far not been able to capture the nearby 17th Division base. Thus, the group cannot enter the ISIS stronghold even if it wants.
A video from Assadiyah:
SDF Forces have captured the town of Assadiyah (الاسديه) near #Raqqa‘s 17th Div Army Base. Here is Quwat al-Nukhba forces touring. pic.twitter.com/UOC7kdc10b
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) May 30, 2017
In eastern Raqqa, the SDF captured the village of Raqqa Samra, the last village that had been conrolled by ISIS in the area. Thus, SDF units reached the eastern entrance of Raqqa.
In the southern countryside of Raqqa, the SDF captured the villages of Abu Kabi Gharbi and Abu Kabi Sharki after the withdrawal of ISIS fighters. It looks that the SDF may encircle Raqqa from the southern direction.
According to unconfirmed reports, US special forces carried out a landing operation in northwest of Raqqa, where they managed to capture two ISIS commanders.
During the last 24 hours, US-led coalition warplanes destroyed 12 ISIS oil tankers near Al-Bukamal in Deir Ezzor province, and carried out eight airstrikes on positions and vehicles of ISIS in the Raqqa countryside and Tabqah.
The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq published a video showing the communications center in Raqqa city completely destroyed as a result of an airstrike by the US-led coalition air power.
Screenshots from the video:
Death to the Syrian (un)Democratic Forces, US/Zionist puppet scum.
Seems you prefer IS.
Your comment is highly informative, not so much about Syria, the SDF or whom- or whatever, but says a lot about yourself.
Trading one jihadi for another doesn’t sound like a good deal, no matter WHO backs them…
Remember, OBAMA was the one that brought them in… And YOU want to support THAT???
I support the rights of kurds to be a free people within Syria, rights denied to them by the Assads.
I supprt the rights of arabs to live in a free, democratic and secular society.
I support the rights of people in general to be free of oppression.
I support the rights of women and gay people, to be free.
I support all of those so my children and theirs can be free too.
Oh bullshit, go spout your shit at some dumb woman so that she can cry on your shoulder…
I thought I was spouting at some dumb woman, aren’t I?
Aren’t you an angry rotten apple!
The kurds are actually nomadic and have been their whole existence. Theyremore related to persians and have always been treated as gypsies because they act like them.
How would you like a group of ppl who squat in the houses of your neighborhood, seemingly to just be ‘down on their luck’ and never having a home of their own because of powers beyond their control *always* seem to make come up a day late and a dollar short for the house they wanted?
then they decided to just barge into your place and plant stakes in your living room, uninvited, and then when they wont leave, they get someone from the otherside of your block who is the loud, heavyset, pervert who always stinks of crappy beer and demands ppl follow his lead whilst never minding his own business, to come over and decide those gypsies squatting in your living room have a ‘god given *right*’ to live in your home? How would that feel to be told by some beer swilling loudmouth that those ppl deserve a home and if you dont give them one, hell come back at night and start attacking your home?
How would you feel if that deranged ‘neighbor’ got his ‘allies’ together to constantly harass your fambly, smash your windows, break in and steal your stuff and even help the gypsy squatters SELL your stuff to your other next door neighbor who has slowly been trying to encroach upon your property and doing so because thats just what that neighbor does to the others around him?
No one seems to care what syrians want – they just want their fucking home. ? Whether sunni, shia, kurd, druz, yazid, alawite, assyrian, christian, ethnic this or that it doesnt matter because first, and foremost: They. Are. SYRIAN.
They have a right to keep their home. They’ve been more than welcoming and everyone except Russia Iran and Iraq, has been abusing them for far too long.
Победа Матушка Сирия! ?✌
comeon Babe,you need me i think,Gypsy?,i hear and read only here first time someone calling Kurds gypsy.!but no matter they are also people i respect them as well but dont do like some trolls here working for money making spekulation and popaganda of haters, using here as propaganda page.but we Kurds will be behind of their neck always while my people fighting to devil for their bread,water and land. and did you Know that first robot ,first pomp,first elevator that you are using to go up in your flat is discovered by your“ gypsy Kurd“?do you know this arabic music,nice nomadic as well and father of arabic music also Kurd,?father of guitar ,toothpaste ,first beautycaring also discovered by a nomadic Kurd?respect darling pls.kiss you.
You know, I really do not care if kurds were nomads. Firstly, it is irrelvant, secondly, it is incorrect as there were nomadic tribes but kurds were sedentary in the mountain areas.
By your words, you must be very much anti Turk, they were without question nomadic.
As for your comment about kurds being related to persians, linguistically correct but how is that relevant. Arabs are linguistically related to Israelis and Ethiopians. So?
As for personal habits, there are good and bad people everywhere. There are many here on this site commenting in a racist way and I would not like to have them as neigbours.
In the Netherlands we have some 70.000 to 100.000 kurds, some 50.000 arameans (syriacs) living here since the early 80ies to 90ies. Unlike as with turks and arabs, there never were any problems with them.
As for being Syrians, the Syrian kurds are just as Syrian as anybody else born within Syria and they have just as much right as anyone else.
I prefer Syria returned back to its former status before your Zionist/American masters made a mess out of it.
why,?to make it thousand times more Zionist like before?but SDF is not zionist they are Democratic and humanists like in their name Syrian Democratic People.you know what i mean?
They are shills and puppets of the US, and their “power” will last as long as their terrorist American masters continue supporting them. You Kurds are nothing but gypsies and thieves, you steal everything from everyone, you steal land that isn’t yours, you steal history that isn’t yours. Media was NOT a Kurdish civilization, it had Kurds living in it but it was NOT Kurdish and there is absolutely zero academic scientific historical evidence to suggest otherwise. “Kurdistan” has no historical basis, it is a modern Western/American/Zionist idea and project.
you are my BaLl,gypsy also a human but you are bitch of asad.so asad is bitch of Mr.Putin…you say thieves?if you stolen my land i will drink your blood. you homo turk. what example we stolen?say.but i can say you thousands of stolen from Kurds.like Kurdistan Land.come on dont be like a girls ,i dont fuck who cries.tell me what Kurds stolen?talk assyhole. America is not terorist you stupid people are terorist and believe your terrorist presidents as your god.
you are murderer of armenians. i wish to you the same fate.
The Ottoman empire as a state planned and excuted the genocide on Armenians and Arameans. The turkish army executed those plans. Irregular kurdish forces participated to some extent in these massacres while on the other hand saving many of them on a personal basis.
Kurdish organisations, like the HDP, apologised for the part the kurds played in this crime. What else can they do, a hundred years later.
To wish on the kurds the fate of your ancestors for the part some of their ancestors played, is beyond petty, it is really dangerous. Within Armenia the largest minority is that of the Yezidis, a kurd speaking people. Should they be murdered too? The yezidis in Syria too?
If a hundred years ago someone killed your grandfather, do you have the right to kill his grandson? Not in my view nor in that of any country nor in that of any christian church, including the Armenian Orthodox Church.
Sometimes one should not forget but forgive.
You are thieves, you are not indigenous to Syria and most of Eastern Turkey that you now occupy was Armenian land, you are land thieves and you participated in Armenian genocide. You also steal history. MEDIA WAS NOT KURDISH. Stop trying to steal history and land you gypsy thief. Take that delusional map off your profile, Kurdistan has never existed in history, it is fake project created by Zionist and Western powers.
Iran is you’re real master ,what you have said is just Lie’s it never has helped that Kurd’s have had to put up with idiots like you and Assad, Iran ,Saddam for year’s also he also used chemical weapons on his own people so please Kurd’s have done well in Europe when they have been given the chance,I believe your maybe just a little mad with the Kurd’s for some reason !!!
I’m mad with anyone selling out to the terrorist Americans who are the cause of ALL of the problems in the Middle East. I’m also mad at anyone who lies and steals what isn’t theirs.
If Kurds, FSA etc. use Chemical weapons on Syrians under ‘US plan-B’ then trust me you will get more support from USA, Isreal and France. US government just blame and attack on countries and it will facilitate the construction of great Kurdistan.
But don’t forget this time Syria and their allies are active as FSA, Kurdish or any other US and Israeli proxy use Chemical weapons under ‘ US plan-B’ on Syrian nation then with in one hour all these US and Israeli proxies FSA, Kurds or any other terrorist who have used WMD will be burned alive. Wish you good luck.
death for kurds
oh that what you can only wish?because of you homos,sick brain terorist already happening dont worry Death to you and your nation.whatever shity nation you are. Herbiji Kurd u Kurdistan.lixen cavi dujmen brejin…welat azadkin..
die, you murder of armenians!
that was not us your friend stephens grandfathers,do you want to know about Karapete haco?and many like him Seroye Bro… Kurdish singer but he was armenian go read about his life and see how Kurds saved the armenians.better you die solmon the fishbrain.
lol you smoke crack?
The comment seems quite normal to me,
dont you see what kind of bullshit he writes? “SDF is not zionist they are Democratic and humanists like in their name” – Yes of course, and the Detroit Lions are so called because they are Lions…*facepalm
kim jongs little dick,ofcourse Detroit lions brave like lions.and SDF is Democratic foce which also for you too good,equal.you dont know anything about it but you talk like a oldbitch.look at the syrian map and research where which peoples live.you will see north more safe and mixed nation better about peace together living.by the way its Ramadan i dont eat drink and also no somke so i think you ve got some captagon like isis terorists.asad became zionist so he could be president from his fathers time.i suggest dont be so paranoid seeing everybody zionist.can not be sometime for selfdefense and protect their own Land which was stolen for centuries first time?
Im dont think you a zionist agent because even them are well better educated than you. And now fuck off and delete your account. I am ready with you.
i will delete you before my account you Homo.i fuck zionist and haters like you.SDF heroes are not alone.
better improve your english.
Don’t knock Detroit! You have a problem with the Lions?
I have problems with people who talk bullshit.
Nice with some darks jokes now and then. Frogs leavs french kitchens in wheelchairs but allive.
Nope, actually Kurds the US proxies are occupying Syrian land from Syrian nation, which is an alarming threat for Syrian nation.
Typical leftard personality attack tactics…
Go drink bleach you stupid cunt…
Death to you and you will.zionist is all other countries maybe but not SDF.believe me .they survive even your ass,look still you can sit on and via PC can write all bulshit propaganda for real zionist erdogan or asad in this.but noway,aint go this time so.and as SDF says Live to All People in peace noone dies in war.
looks deserted
I’m sure the general vicinity has been abandoned due to the airstrike. The blasts cleared out the structures across the streets and the inhabitants/workers are now laid up with severe concussions and injuries.
sure, or maybe they’ve just left
Acc to @AP report, the Palestinian Govt informed Israel in May it’ll only pay $7 million per month (of $11 million monthly electricity bill)
1. Palestine should have to F u c k Israel and produce their own cheap electricity by Russian technology. Palestine should have to Install 1000 Mega Watt Coal or gas power plant and the money that they give to Israel they should have to give that to Russia and power plant will become their own.
2. They should have to install industries in their own country and secure their country borders by the help of Russian and Chines military force.
3. They should not have to take help from America and Israel. America have created Israel to have a foothold in Middle East and take country from Palestine.
4. They should use Chines LED lights and Induction cooking hubs. Chines LED lights and Induction cooking hubs consumption is too low.
Chines LED light 10W = 100W filament bulb and Induction cooking hub 600W = 1500W filament hub ———————————————————————————
Chinese solar panels and lithium batteries..
Too expensive and non sustainable energy. Not good for industries.
The good option is coal power plant much cheaper than gas which can provide 24/7 sustainable electric power with out any interruption.
Gas is expensive than coal.
But Palestine first needs border security. Palestine should have to take help from Russia or China to control their borders. Israel slowly slowly occupying their country and slaughtering Palestinians.
His post had nothing to do with the article. But he is right that LED lighting is much more energy efficient. :D
Firstly you have to import and built the plants. Then you have to import the coal. How are you going to do that if you have no harbour and no money to pay for it?
Secondly, it is not Israel attacking Gaza, it is the other way around. It might even be possible in my mind that were Russia to offer stationing borderguards within Gaza, disarm Hamas and be responsable for security, Israel might even say : Starting tomorrow?
As for energy conservation : fully agreed. Might even clean up a bit of the mess Gazans have made of their region.
Russia will recruit people in Gazza and West bank will provide weapons and necessary training to secure their land and borders. Russia will just do the advisory job. ———————————————–
Russia could give a rat’s ass about Gaza and The West Bank since those are populated with lazy losers that are content to live off international welfare.
You scared? How much charity Badanyahu takes from our government each year US $3.5 billion? Now tell me what Israel do for us? nothing. Israel are parasites on our economy. They do nothing, they are really rat bastard.
Israel creates problem for us in the Middle East. If we remove Israel from Middle East completely then only one country will be left there called Palestine which we can easily manage. This will be so nice.
You don’t know the entire world is running on loans, even our country US which is considered a richest one in the world has total debt of US$70 trillion.
SDF is fully supported by USA logistic, economically, and military equipment. Therefore, SDF will do only what USA will order. They pretend to fight ISIS, but in reality, USA created this army to fight Syria army, you will see it.
SDF creation mean something to divide Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. For this USA gov. can do any thing for example creation and sponsoring of terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Iran and in Turkey. The recent military coup operation in Turkey.
In this instability operation of USA in Syria, Turkey not only became partner of US led coalition but openly they have supported by providing Inserlike military air base, but the military coup in Turkey immediately changed Turkey mind.
Turkey got Listen that USA government can never be trusted. USA destroyed Syria by the help of Turkish government, slaughtered 100,000+ Syrians.
Turkey have cut their own legs by immerging a new state of Kurdish.
I think if a politician read his speech from a paper then he should leave his position to a good talented politician because running a government is not a joke. Turkey have killed so many innocent people women children in Syria and Iraq by supporting USA was a foolish move.
Look at the map. Syria is already diveded. It became so, when the third star was moved away from the flag.
So Gamel Abdul Nasser was a zionist, jewish american which invaded You.
No body can invade us because our government keep balance for every war but when we send our troops to other countries for destabilization then they will be attacked but not our country our country boundaries are safe.
Wiping of the dirt is started now. It will be continued until complete Syria is cleaned like Mecca.
The SAA will run away from the SDF just like they did when ISIS showed up. Hell, ISIS didn’t face much resistance at all except from the Syrian Army units stationed at Deir al-Zor.
Yup, SF the wankikes army of drooling idiots and liars are back on track, we missed you, and the Kurdish fake history you can, with all respect, shuffle up your own behind, because its there is belongs, its just crap.
Fake history is western specialty, create some people and force the rest to accept them, Kurds have NO right to anything, other than live in peace with the rest of the native Arabs in the region, and YOU aren’t Arabs, but like the Turks from Caucasus, period, boy. fake Jews, and also participants of the Jews slaughtering of Armenians, because, and this is why, because the censure of history is still much alive and kicking, and the west makes the history, never forget that. I bet you have watched the latest bonkers propaganda about Assad creating ISIS on the National Geo. channel haven’t you, and of course, NG never lies, right, BBC never lies, huh.
And somehow, this Kurdish “friends” dont know shit, but whines about Kurds, but to me, whom have experienced this kind of swaps, creating an people where they get everything and controls the local resources, where they simply ignore the rest of us, we aren’t even in their so called democratic system of indigenous people (the Sami gov, where we have an “representant”), even when I can document my self for century’s back in time, and I know that most of the so called “sami” isnt even from that region, people moving in an presto, becomes an native people, the Sami is as the Kurd an 100% fake entity, period.
I consider anyone whom isnt with the Syrian people, the Iraqi people as traitors and enemy’s within. You have 0 rights boy, what so ever. If not, just hunt them down, no mercy. Its up to the Kurds to chose, peace or war.
And please, wankikes, this isnt your local pub, and local idiots, boy, cant deal with it go somewhere else, go to your grandmother and drool nonsense.
letme say first of all, Kurds always wants PEACE,Peace and courage means KURD.but if you come to me with bullet and gone i will not say welcome..ofcourse easy to say fake history, Myson imagine you dont have state and divided 4 pieces your Land and they always asimilate and crossing all what is on your name and stealing from you.of course soon will ooklike you are even not exist ,But Arian Kurds never gave up to take back all their rights .and we will teach you if necessary hit your head with wooden spoon to let you learn from at least Gutis Medes ,Kurds managed the world even the Achamenisians was originaly also Kurds together with other iranians, which you are reading just as persian. maybe also nortafrica also arabs are minority because Berberi People they are.if you dont know anything shutup or go learn and join SDF support Kurds then you also supported yourself and all Humanity.Sdf Kurds will bringing finally freedom to Assyrians,Circasian,Armenians,Turkmans,Druzi and all other nation and religion in Middle east we are democrat and humaniarian People we love all people aslongas they respect us.