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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces Repel Syrian Army Attack In Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Democratic Forces Repel Syrian Army Attack In Deir Ezzor


On April 29, Kino Gabrie spokesman for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that SDF fighters repelled the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) attack on their positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in the province of Deir Ezzor  recapturing the villages of Junaynah, Jiyah, Shaqrah and Hoyqat Ma’esha.

Kurdish sources reported that SDF fighters and the US-led coalition had killed 12 soldiers of the (SAA) and had captured a 12.7mm gun.

Few hours earlier, the SAA backed by tribal fighters managed to enter the four villages in a rapid attack. Syrian opposition sources reported that the SAA had killed more than 8 fighters and commanders of the SDF, including “Ahmad al-Jifil”, a senior Arab commander in the SDF.

According to Syrian pro-government activists, the attack was planned by Arab pro-government fighters who had  wanted to recapture their villages from the Kurdish-dominated SDF. This could explain the limited response from the US-led coalition.

Deir Ezzor governorate is now witnessing high tensions between the SAA and the SDF. However, local observers doubt that the situation will escalate as both the US and Russia are working to avoid this scenario.

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Just a whiff of something much bigger going on. But, after looking at the video, this appears to be something that is staged. That machine gun looks as though it has never been used and is dismounted. They also conveniently have an SAA flag to display. Something is not right here.


john local sources on the ground have confirmed the battle, US JETS HAVE POUNDED GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. US most likely will not announce this officialy but it might stay tuned.

jerry hamilton

Are you sure of this?


Yes i am sure, also the coalition hit other pro-regime bases which trains radical shia fighters. these are iranian bases we hit 2 of them and we killed and wounded many fighters. (hezbollah, National defense forces).


I wouldn’t be surprised. They have always supported the PKK terrorists (as they have been supporting countless terrorists in so many places) and always (first indirectly then directly) attacked Syria since the beginning of this war against Syria.


Actually the turks are the terrorists, They are ethnically cleansing kurds in their southeast and putting down any direct confrontation between kurds and them, so the kurds have to resort to guerilla tacticts in self defense. IF the turks stop attacking kurds starting today than the PKK will never lay a finger on any human.


Hey screw. I get all that but, something just seems amiss here. It is almost as though this was just a probing attack to begin with. I am staying tuned. I wish well to you.


You are right about that though the US and its allies have staged many chemical attacks just to justify an attack on iranian militias inside syria. Sometimes we just have to do stuff the dirty way to get justice. this is a stealth war we are launching against the iranians and russians ( pro regime forces). We just bombed Iranian bases in aleppo and hama which houses surface to surface missiles we blew up about 200 missiles today killing over 20 iranian fighters. The US will not confirm this but the missiles used today was GBU-39 cruise missiles which the british and US use.

Travis Kelso

Southfront is suspect. Every time you get skull dragged everyone here is silent.

Feudalism Victory

Gosh?!?! News reporting everywhere is slanted. Dunno why youd expect anything else.

Still though its useful information content is well above average. Bbc cnn etc are virtually useless unless you want to know what your supposed to think.

Southfront commentators can be brilliant or insane seems to be one or the other. And very very biased but thats fun too.


More important is after the news , did the event actually took place. Yes , many times it did.

So I trust Southern Front or rt.com more than useless western MSM. Lie practically 105% of the time.

Jens Holm

I kind of agree. Southfront is more reliable then many others even I often dont like the writings by them here.

But difficult for me to see “west” is only one source. I can find many sources and they dont agree as well.

Bobby Twoshoes

I don’t get this “bias” fixation, the wrong answer is NOT as valid as the right answer, why should we give equal consideration to both sides when one is patently false? The only reason I can think of for this dogmatic reaction is that you guys are subjected to so many opinion based arguments from ideological drones, devoid of factual content and brimming with emotional misrepresentations, that you are forced for the most part to choose between two false arguments. The only way this post-modernist moral relativism that nobody is “right” doesn’t collapse completely is when considering MSM drek.

Jens Holm

Very simplified. Its not only about oppinions but very much about what You want or have to accept explaing it too.


Is you Dutchnational’s replacement, Travis ? :D

Travis Kelso

No just reporting the obvious about the website. I’m not going to go die in Afrin like dutchnational. You call the MSM fake where as on here you are never wrong, just another story to fit the narrative.

Daniel Castro

Did he really die in Afrin?

Travis Kelso

that is what has been said on here. so who knows.

Daniel Castro

Well, if so that is what happen when people start believing their own lies…

Anyway… you seem to imply we don’t comment when SAA suffers a defeat. I don’t know about others, but I only comment when I see something relevant. While the 1st report about SAA attacking kurds had some relevance (because they don’t attack SDF for some time now), this report just make the initial report to be irrelevant also, because it is clearly something very limited and will lead to nothing.


Are you PZIVH´s replacement, PZIVJ ? :D


Without air cover any attack is doomed fail. No matter how many villages captured , all forces would be destroyed by US air power just like Russia destroying ISIS or other rebels.

Waste of men and resources.


By USA air power!? As they did in Duma?

That Guy

Nah, more like “small” CAS missions with A-10’s and F-16’s.

Jens Holm

USA has promised, that Assads and ISIS never should take back. I do not know if its half of Manbij County as well.


Yeah, disgusting how they try to survive and not being crushed by Russia’s proxy – the SAA… terrible.


Be prepared Syria, Palestine, Iraq, will take their lands back from US, UK and France terrorists. They will crush their all terrorists and buried in the lands with christian cross and david stars.

Jens Holm

Those socalled countries were not even able to liberate themselves from the despotes of Kontantinople.

Now they have their own.


The White helmets want new faces for acting. The wage is only few dates, cookies, biscuits and an attack of some hundred cruise missiles on your country. LOL. So this is the organisation that work for ba*sta’r_ds trump, may and macron. Shame……

Dušan Mirić

History’s repeating. The USA is supporting ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, denying their right on private property in favor of terrorist regimes in Zagreb, Sarajevo and quislings in Pristina. The same pattern is applied here


Dušane you forget the fact that US helped install Milosevic in Belgrade in the first place, with the mission to initiate disintegration of YU by warming up ethnic tensions. And what a “superb” job he did. He would have a lot of interesting things to reveal in during his trial if it wasn’t for that “unexpected heart attack” in the Hague prison cell…

Dušan Mirić

When my “brothers” Serbs brought me to the front line in police van a man called Zastavnik Đemo (Slobodan Dotlić) told me “I am going to be behind you pointing my rifle into your head” one of “great” Serbs told me that Americans pushed us into the conflict with Croats. We almost ended in gunfight when I argued I am not in conflict with Croats but with fools like he is… No one can find excuse in someone else’s wrongdoing/


True. But context and timeline does matter…For example , my fellow Croats were so indifferent towards the idea of independence in 1990, that the independence referendum question never actually mentioned the word “independence”. It took, oddly, a Croat -Frenki Simatovic – head of Slobo’s secret police and his JSO organizing “revolution” in Krajina for the same people that weren’t trusted by Tudjman to answer correctly the independence question to start volunteering for war. In 1990 election nationalist agenda got roughly 40% of vote – i.e almost 2/3 of voters rejected it. In 1992. Tudjman got almost 60% of votes. Cause and effect…

viktor ziv

Agree, also Tudjman was installed by western agencies as well.


lies cont.


We had thought that US, UK and France will be soon bankrupt with wars in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and in Afghanistan and will withdraw but not because the main sponsor is Saudi Kingdom.


Well that is the way it is going to be. In ME the west make sure it is the Muslims that are going to die not them. You thing Trump is so kind to say they are leaving and getting Saudis or Arab force to replace? Well that silly Arab is again going to fall prey to US/Western methods of using Muslims killing muslims as happened in the Iraq/Iranian war and now in Syria.

So US forces know that once Assad has gotten rid of the terrorists and all , they would be hard pressed to stay or risk being slaughtered completely aka wiped out in Syria as there is just no way logistically US forces can ever stay in the midst of Syria. That really stupid moronic thinking.




That’s exactly what I think about that man of Mr Milsevic. But, at some point he protested to be just an executioner of the USA policy. Why? I don’t have a clue to that point. Later on, he had just proved himself, time and time again, as an incapable man, a pure bureaucrat, who pushed his people on the verge of extinction. Well, what else could be expected from a person whose parents (both) died by committing suicide.


Actually the USA stopped the serbs and croats from ethnically cleansing of muslims in bosnia. WOMEN WERE RAPED BY THOUSANDS AND FAMILIES FORCED TO WATCH AND THAN MURDERED BY RUSSIA BACKS SERBS, get your intelligence from somewhere else.

Dušan Mirić

Really. Why don’t you reset some thing and start comparing numbers. Just read numbers

Jens Holm

It was in phases. His is one of them.

Dušan Mirić

I use to live in Yugoslavia. I am Croatia born Serb these days I heard that Sarajevo was the second largest Serbian city in former Yugoslavia. 157.000 Serbs were use to live there. Some four thousands live there now. Eight thousands are still missing… There were 39 konzlagers for Serbs (one of them visited and there is a video about it by bosnian president at the time) set up by different muslem gangs… to remind you, some local muslem gangser (called Ćelo, or ballheaded) shot dead Serbian priest during the wedding and that was the spark that ignited hostilities

Jens Holm

You must live in some some funny farm. If You have left and cant find back, You might be able to take a taxi.

You forget, that serbs did hard cleansing themselves in east as well as to connect Banja Luka.

I had a refugee friend, which came from Bosansky Brod. None in his family can see You hit them first killing many and sending the rest striped out to fx Denmark.

Croats did the same, and Tudjman and Milosowitch went in so hard, so the moderate muslims there prefared Al Qaida for You.

You write against almost all facts ot has a great memorylack. We probatly only can agree Tudjman was a nasty nationalist(too).

You collapsed by Your socialisme was not effective and as usual the peacefull ones lost apart from the Slovenians.


Yes there was killings on both sides but lets be real europe is a christian continent, so your telling me small little muslim bosnia with only single shot rifles from WW1 and some AK-47s and maybe couple mortars imposed genocide against the russian backed serb governemnt? The serb leaders have been sentenced for war crimes so there is your evidence.

Augsta “Augsta”

Yeah just Like the Serbs massacred the Albanians Croats and Bosnians OH and don’t forget the hungarians and vulvodynia thanks the milosevic stop being f****** denial dusan and own up to it .

Dušan Mirić

Augusta, you’re either ignorant or just same mind as CNN


Ah, he must be a Croat.

Dušan Mirić

Well, being a Serb or a Croat is not a political designation and I never give up of my Croat relatives and friends… but this is not what I commented in the first place, it was (forgive me if I forget) about the way the superpower that use to be idol in many ways, “exceptional” nation as Mr Pompeo said, the country I stil love in many ways is supporting regimes it was fighting through history alongside with Serbia too. I never think it was some awful thing if some country disintegrates, but it is awful that people lives in ghetoes in Europe (Kosovo is stil in Europe, isn’t it). EU, nato and the usa have the actual power there, and they stil allow human rights violation, deprivation of people to handle their private property and to move without fear for security. If it is not that I don’t have objections to independence of any country. But if a government is not willing to protect the right to its minority to use Cyrillic in Croatia, the government that erased prefix Srpsko from a name of a place (Srpsko polje in Lika region is Hrvatsko polje now), it is unacceptable to me and the duty of the patron of those countries, and it is the usa and eu in most cases to twist their hands and slap their face. I wouldn’t like to test is the transformers oil cancerous or not, to bomb chemical complex (Pancevo) in the name of humanity, to kill tv staff… It is the way mob acts not a superpower


I’ve never considered the US a superpower. It is a social freak missing the most important stage in the development of an empire. Namely, a true superpower is the empire enlightened by ‘civilization’ between the eras of ‘barbarism’ and ‘decadence’. However, that country of the US has entered the stage of decadence never dropping inherited barbarism. So, the USA is just the last form of the death agony of the British Empire that’s going to put on trial all what the people of Europe have done since adopting Christianity. The difference between Serbs and Croats is deeply rooted in that very foundation of the two nations. Orthodox Christianity didn’t take part in colonization, plundering, ruining and exploiting entire continents for centuries; in exterminating entire civilizations as Maya, Incas, Aztecs; in effacing from Earth Aborigians from Australia or Maories from New Zealand, just to list some of the examples. On the other hand, Croats’ dream was/is to be under the wing of a superpower, to participate in creating atrocities so immanent to the United States of America. Therefore, Dusan, our standpoints are obviously completely opposite. That’s why I don’t feel myself in need to make an ‘objective’ picture of the events in former Yugoslavia or Kosovo prison, far otherwise. I try to describe the things as I see them completely ignoring ‘objective’ approach so popular in the West and so attractive to you – for, if it’s a spade, I call it ‘spade’.

Dušan Mirić

Phantom, thank you for your time and effort for this strong analysis. My regards.

Dušan Mirić

I forgot to say what I wrote on the end is that I wouldn’t like usa to use such arguments teaching its vassals what is right and what is wrong. They have long history of bullying so they know soft ways to do that

Dušan Mirić

I had on mind the overall environment created by the usa which allows emerging of nazi movements in Croatia, in BiH and on Kosovo in which the usa allow expulsion of 500000 Serbs from croatia, stealing of their property (which was the basic reason for the repetition of WWII genocide)…

Dušan Mirić

…besides, the usa was and it is still aggressor in Serbia, it holds part of its territory under occupation using Kosovo as transit route for narcotics to Wurope… so their narrative is typical for mobsters and if you are following it you’re the part of that mob


The serbs were the aggresors. Why did the UN approve for united nation forces to be stationed in bosnia? to protect the minority which was muslims in bosnia from extinction and by the way the croats and serbs laid seige to UNITED NATION PERSONEL AND BASES . THEY ATTACKED UN PEACE KEEPING MISSIONS!


… when they were sheltering Orić’s gangsters, who had been murdering neighbouring Serbian villagers. Simply put, the so-called U.N. peacekeeping forces weren’t really keeping peace in the first place. They were keeping a safe harbour for terrorists.

Jens Holm

Thats mainly lie. If so, You were dead.

I am so tired to read and listen to any nationalistis totally infected serbs. Well, all of You down there.

Go to Mars and mary the green ones there.

Dušan Mirić

What do you think is a lie? In the first place I commented that the usa and its terrorist mob called nato set up environment for rise and resurrection of nazi movements in former Yugoslavia, supporting chauvinist instead to slap every sign of it. They are repeating the same malign policy in Syria. What evil drives them to do that I can speculate. Talking about numbers, I think you can easily check them. I never be a Serb before a local drunk denies me the right to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=513VOo5P63Y

Jens Holm

I will only comment Your crap as I have.

Read what most of the rest world sayd about it and take away the local mainly higly manipulated sources from just before Tito died and until now.

Dušan Mirić

Yeah, Yeah, that nazi part of the world burned my family house for three times in seventy years. Keep it for yourself


What the rest of the world says about Serbs doesn’t count whatever (opposite is true) Do you consider the western ‘civilization’ as ‘the rest of the world’, I can only tell you that such a gang of barbaric primitive liars had never faced the earth prior to the colonization of America. (just the most recent: 911, WMD – Iraq, Assad is gassing his own people – Syria, Eastern Ghuta, Duma – Syria, Skripal case – GB, downing of MH 17 – Ukraine, and on and on and on)

Thomas Wolsey

Looks suspicious why should Syrian army start a war with SDF without Russian air covering?

Jens Holm

Hard again to read people like You knowing nothing about it at all. I only can recommend You to folow tis site and news from the rest of the world about it too.

Smith Ricky

Fighting with no shoes on… Very Democratic.


SAA is waging it’s own version of proxy war against SDF and their US masters, using local Arab tribes against the Kurds. Now these people may not be exactly “Assad loyalists” – not by a long shot – but neither will they accept Kurdsh quasi Marxist ethnocentric military dictatorship laying down. There were already large protest of local Arab population in Raqqa this week – all sporting brand new, regular, “Baathist” Syrian flags. I wonder how those things found their way across the river and were those the only thing smuggled in…


There were already large protest of local Arab population in Raqqa this week

around 80 people


Hey knobhead – your contribution to the conversation is as useless as always. Go stick a kielbasa where Sun doesn’t shine…


hahaha, croatian lier, i counted them on photos :P


…like you could count…polish retard…


How many months a croation cunt keeps the shit inside her? 9 months you piece of catholic pederast…


…a person whose sister is also his mother shouldn’t be posting bad pregnancy jokes on line or criticizing unnatural sexual behavior – being yourself an obvious unfortunate consequence of a failed abortion…


shut up, ustasha!


…oh, did I insult your lover-boy’s feelings…and here’s you protecting his honor…like a brave little gay knight…I’m touched


You do understand that you can’t really insult an “ustaša” by calling him ustaša? Just like I can’t insult you by calling you an inbred moron – it’s just stating obvious facts – knobhead :-D


i know, you are simply nazi. that means, will come the day D, when you will hang!


…it’s cool that you recognize openly the fact that you ARE an inbred moron – respect…BTW you used to accuse me of being a Russian troll, but now I’m a Nazi – well it’s either one or the other, choose. Me on the other hand always took you for an inbred moron – you can accuse me of many things but not of flip-flopping….


Come on you pedo shit croatian… Just accept the reality and try not to change the subject. Now it seems that your sister kept your father shit 9 minths. But that’s typical for the gay catholic serbian…


It’s a miracle. You stupid comments cured me from being Catholic. I no longer believe abortion should be illegal, on the contrary. In case of your family it should be MANDATORY…bye shitforbrains…


Your mother-sister thing indeed kept the shit nine months inside her. Too bad that that whore did not drop it on the toilet. Instead the world got another schizo gay catholic thing; who dreams to his family shitholes/animals. A worm with an appetite for shit you are…

Jens Holm

No there was not. There was small ones and thats expected. Many incl. Assads did not like ISIS and some would like to be sheep of Assad again.

80 of around 20.000 in Raqqa center are 0,4%.

Besides that they have to vote about their relationship to the rest of the world themselves. The arab population. Only 20.000 of estimated 200.000 are there at all.

Jens Holm

Very twisted version, but true the SAA tropps there probatly has a large % of locals. Very cheep of them comming back supporting the winner for only own purpose.

Bill Wilson

According to US troops stationed there, the attacks were instigated and funded by wealthy local businessmen who wanted to regain control of the oil and gas fields so they could get back to making some serious money. Assad is probably ignoring their fool adventures because he knows that those fields had been rendered unoperational for a long time due to the coalition’s bombing of ISIS source of income plus may be pissed off at those businessmen if they were reluctant to use their wealth to assist his government since the fighting started. Besides that, Assad has been reliant upon oil, gas and grains from the SDF held regions and sent in SAA units to assist the SDF facing the Turks/TFSA so wouldn’t be ordering attacks against them somewhere else.


you are correct but the syrian regime is playing both sides. they assist the SDF against turkey and they ASSIST turkey against the SDF.


SYRIAN DEMOCRATIC FORCES ARE DEMOCRATIC AND NOT MARXIST. IF THEY ARE MARXIST WHY IS THE RUSSIANS BOMBING THEM? the YPG is now democratic ( they used to be under russian control). but now they are the only normal group in syria. 20 percent of the YPG are women. that is democracy because women and men have the same rights and also gays are allowed. THATS PURE DEMOCRACY NOT COMMUNISM. THE SDF CONTROL 60 percent of syrias oil reserves and the syrian regime needs it in order to finance itself and without it they are going to rely on foreign aid so thats why they are trying to retake deir ezzor from SDF to take oil fields. US LED COALITION WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED WE ARE THE STRONGEST MILITARY.


Syrian “democratic” forces are as democratic as “Democratic” Peoples Republic of Korea – an about as much “Syrian” as Kim Jong Un…


You peddle nothing but bullshit. 1. The Russians are not bombing them. 2. YPG is both Marxist and democratic. 3. SDF are occupying ethnically non-Kurdish regions, which is *the* problem. Of course, they do this to occupy oil-rich areas. 4. You have already been defeated. 5. You were defeated in Vietnam, etc., you are losing in Afghanistan, you have basically lost in Iraq, Libya, Syria… and just about everywhere that you have gone since the 2000s. As you see, even the strongest military can be strategically defeated quite easily.


Can the local fighters actually plan and do these attacks without the approval of the Central Command of Syrian Armed Forces? Why would the Syrian Command allow such a partly attack? Do the local forces simply have some autonomy on their decisions? ;o

Irina Rakhsha

Of course, Damascus has very little control over mercenaries, Shia militias and local militias operating in the country.

You can call me Al

Maybe to entice them deep into a trap ?

Jens Holm

I think I saw them several months ago. They said they were 4.000 and supporters of Assad as voulnteers. They looked armed as in old days and probatly are bad trained. But 4.000 – if true – are many.

They can be better armed now. Well it looked like it could not be worse.

Richard M

Damascus controls these militias as closely as Lebanon government controls Hezbollah.


Relax. Here it is: https://www.rt.com/newsline/425476-syrian-troops-sdf-clashes/ The Kurdish terrorists ( I can neither call them Syrian nor democratic) are reporting their wishes.


It is sad, you can’t call them ‘democratic’ because that entity is certainly the only one in Syria with any valid claim to democracy. People defending their homes from oppression can only be called ‘terrorists’ by someone using Orwell’s newspeak.


Thanks for the laugh.


This hurts the Credibility of the SDF and Coalition since this attack proves they’re more then capable of crushing the ISIS Hajin Pocket near the Iraqi Border. This once again proves the US needs ISIS in order to give the american public an excuse for its illegal influence in Syria. What’s their next excuse to defend this? “ISIS is putting up a strong resistance or something?”


During next 3 weeks the excuse for not attacking ISIS will be: “SDF is busy fortifying these 3 villages” :D This is just one reason why this SAA militia advance was so stupid.


– we dont have tigers. :))

Jens Holm

SAA could clean “theír own side” first. You ignore that.


that is somewhat true because we did slow down the offensive on ISIS so we have a pretext to stay and protect people. If the USA never showed up in syria than millions would be murdered, thousand of women will be raped and killed. The syrian regime and the turkey backed rebels are brutal savages they rape and torture. the Kurds would be extinct if the USA never came, the kurds were pushed back into a small corner in northeast syria and were about to be overun and ethnically cleansed, Sometimes lying saves people.

Bobby Twoshoes

“were pushed back into a small corner in northeast syria” WTF? You’ve got it twisted mate; they expanded out from the North East to steal Arab majority lands. Your comment is not one of those lies that save people.

Jens Holm

That not stolen from Assads. Its taken back from ISIS arabs and 45% in the once announced “Rojava” was kurds. So they also took their own property back.

Seemes like You not even know, whats going on. Today the majority of SDF is not even kurds. They have taken out or at least moved PKKs and Barzanis too -and not only arabs.

I have not seen Assads comming to take away Manbij, Tabqa, Raqqa as well as all those announced deserts, hamlets, villages and oilwells.

Did You really expect those people would sit and being killed drinking tea or just flees if they had other options. Many people are not like that wainting Uncle Assads some time in the future might liberate the few leftovers ?

Besides that the uprise by the Jihadists has been made by the mis-regimente during many years by Assads. Should they support that being in absolutly non sevellopment zones.

Marxisme was an answer to conditions then that uniting people in sekularisme in stead of splitting them up as Baathistats or not or religios fragmentations, which we see even its a cover for warlords.

Turks supported ISIS hard to solve their socalled Kurdish problem. USA only supported ISIS hoping it was the last stone for an Assad deroute. But ISIS came out of hands for them too even Assads started it and also supporting ISIL in Iraq.


you uneducated person. When did the US-led coalition come into syria? in 2014-2015 because if they didnt ISIS was gonna murder every kurd trapped in the sinjar mountains and the city of kobani was under siege by ISIS the kurds were pushed back against the wall and had nowhere to go but to fight to the dead and that is why the US led coaltion provided air cover for them to repell the isis advance and now they control all of rojava. But in 2013-2014 they were pushed up against a wall and were gonna get slaughtered if the US never came in to help. As a matter of fact here is a link for only the sinjar kurds not counting the kurds in kobani.


Bobby Twoshoes

LOL, start with an insult, that’ll convince me you’re worth listening to. I dispute your interpretation of events, Americans using a massacre of Kurds to push their decades old policy of ME hegemony is regrettable but in no way support for your revisionist history. Neither is an open encyclopaedia an academically acceptable source.

Jens Holm

I agree in that in more moderate terms. As a start 400.000 more kurds would be refugees in Turkey.

Jens Holm

More like SAA and SyAF are too weak. “Their side isnt cleaned up either”.

Pure propaganda US need this and that and they are the illegals. Assads are by foreign support based on what Russia and iran wants. Russians will be payd by dirty sulphus, asphalt oil.


This kind of random activity does not make sense. Either they have a plan to kick out kurds completely, or they should wait. First to focus on the islamist stronholds.

You can call me Al

Remember the PMU is waiting to join in as well….whether that is the plan or not, I am with you; there must be one.


US air power will kill 150000 PMUs.

You can call me Al

Call me the tooth fairy.

US air power……whahahahaha

Jens Holm

Ok, its the opposite to me. They should at least eliminate ISIS closer to 0 there all 3 SDF and Iraq taking “their partsw”.

We might agree in improved focus and eliminating one by one making less and smaller supply lines saving fuel as well.

Neo Onh

Obviously it was NOT SAA but some pro-government tribal forces. When SAA will liberate east of Euphrates it will be with russian air-defence cover!

Jens Holm

No, it will not be with russian aircover unless Russia change very much.

Russia has told, they dont support Assad takings across Eufrat more then they already have.

Neo Onh



Fucking Kurdish proxies, they are literally NO ONE without the US backing no one. Look how fast they left Afrin, when there is no one to back them up, if there is no one to back them up, this PKK terror groups would have been million times with Daesh by now, in which a lot of them are in with Daesh tho. Disgusting Kurds.

Icarus Tanović

Wait, mate. Turkey will stuff them right.

Jens Holm

You are nothing in this at all. USA and we never supported anything in Afrin even it was runned by YPG.

Besides that kurds are not allowed to be heavy armed. Thats kept. If Kurds in Afrin was armed by USA they as a minimum still was there.

Hard for light infantery to defend against artillery, tanks and F16s.

Your World_Eye must be a rotten apple or something.

Rodney Loder

I’d wait for confirmation on these SDF claims, if the SAA was so intent on backing down why did they initiate the attack in the first place only days ago.?.

Jens Holm

You can read several places, that there are fightings again. If You see the frontzones, You can see a littleforward and a little back.

No reasons not to believe kurds for that minimum advance. Next week they might go back a little again.

Rodney Loder

SAA and SDF can’t engage like SAA and ISIS, HTS, Jaish al-Islam or like the SAA engaged the exclusively US/Saudi backed Ahrar al-Sham because there is US Troops imbedded in SDF that the US public know and hear about specifically to protect the SDF, maybe SAA was only testing the response but I think that would be a very callous use of Soldiers. Probably Assad is applying a dosage strategy against SDF in conjunction with Erdogan, gradual increments.

However an incremental advance can’t be thwarted in the initial stages.

Kira Binkley

So are you saying that if these embedded U.S. troops are injured, killed or maimed by Assad’s forces, that would give the U.S. justification for actually declaring war on Syria.? Even Trump isn’t that stupid. Or is he?

Rodney Loder

It would push the debate in that direction, public opinion would feel a slight or great, depending on the individual, unpleasant like sensation, Trump will then seek to capitalise on that patriotic need to show US ability if it exists he will have no doubt that it does.

Trump won in Korea like Obama won with the Chemical deal ending his red line with some assertiveness, that is unlikely to happen again, because the end is near for the Armed Opposition doing the fighting in Syria.

At the moment Syria’s allies want to keep all settlements in the political arena so the enemy is allowed to settle in idlib under Turkish protection.

Obama could have escalated with the Mediterranean stand off 2013 but Britain opted out, now both Britain and France want to join in, although they are not all that strong on the home front, so they want Trump to take a bold stand, probably end up alone with only token support.

Trump was gifted the Presidency by Hillary to give it a go, it could work if Putin backs down, Trump’s pretty stupid and naive enough to respond egotistically that’s why he’s President.

Kira Binkley

A veritable mare’s nest. Trump won in Korea; you say that, yet nothing is conclusively decided yet. Humans are still in the present; the future hasn’t made an appearance.

Rodney Loder

So you knew what the mare’s-nest nest was all along and I can see that you were only playing Possum, hiding behind a mask of innocence, well. !! I have removed Trump’s mask and immediately I did that something happened, one war went away and a better one came shining through.

Uncle Kim Jong Un gives up his development program because Xi Jinping agree to step up to the mark, and the only mark China will step up to is the Unification of China, Trump doesn’t know Chinese history or sociology, he thinks that plugging up Taiwan is a minor indiscretion.

And the future hasn’t made an appearance ???.


So this is a local mini war committed without reference to higher ups. The lack of unity of command in neither the pro-Assad or the Kurds is what really allows this to happen. Just because this sub-conflict transcends factional borders does not mean that the US, Russia, or Assad are directly involved.

Jens Holm

Apart from important airsuppport ???


The only airstrike I know of from this area was the one in reaction to the shelling of US held positions. I’m saying these locals aren’t even bothering to inform their arbitrary bosses.

Jens Holm

I have seen several even most of them were annonced as against ISIS. I could be wrong.

Jens Holm

I think You are not are correct, but I am wrong too myself. Hard to follow. I also thínk I know some Seahawk helicopters now are staioned north of DEZ.


The Russian-backed SAA is trying to annihilate any military or policitical Kurdish presence in Syria. After Russia (and hence the Syrian regime) being in collusion with Turkey, they now try to take the Jeziirah… (remember Turkey bombing civilians to bits, having Militias loot their homes all the while Syrian regime forces blocked the entry of civilians from the occupied areas into rest-Syria. Only those who paid up were allowed to enter. The Syrian regime is nothing but another thievish militia. https://www.juancole.com/2018/04/looted-militias-kurdish.html Kurds are probably well advised not to throw their lot with them.

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