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MARCH 2025

Syrian Democratic Forces Respond To Syrian Defense Minister Threats, Vows To Retaliate To Any Attack

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Syrian Democratic Forces Respond To Syrian Defense Minister Threats, Vows To Retaliate To Any Attack

By: sdf-press.com

In its first response to recent remarks by the Minister of Defense of Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) accused the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of adopting a “sterile racist policy.”

“The use of threatening language against SDF that liberated and protected all areas of north and east of Syria from the terrorist forces serves only the forces that are working to divide Syria’s unity,” the Defense Office in the Autonomous Administration of North and East of Syria, which leads the SDF, said in a statement released on March 19.

The US-backed group added that it will continue to support the dialogue with the Damascus government in order to reach a solution within the framework of a united Syria. However, it said that Damascus is planning to restore its authority by force only.

“The statement … confirms the insistence of the Syrian government on the policy of repression, violence and the evasion of peaceful democratic solutions. … The declarations of the Syrian regime’s defense minister confirm that the regime insists on producing itself through military and security decisions,” the Defense Office’s statement reads.

The SDF concluded its statement by saying “we want all sides to know that we support the option of the political solution, but we will not hesitate to defend our rights if necessary.”

Two days ago, Syrian Defense Minister Ali Abdullah Ayoub said that the SAA will recapture territory controlled by the SDF and all other illegal militias by force if needed.

“The Syrian government will deal with this issue in one of two ways: A reconciliation agreement or liberating the territory they control by force,” Ayoub stressed at a joint press conference following a meeting with Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Armed Forces Othman Al-Ghanimi, and Chief of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Mohammad Hossein Bagheri.

Ayoub’s remarks reflect Damascus’ frustration with the SDF, which is still pinning all of its hope on U.S. support. The Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region warned the SDF from this last week and called on the Kurdish group to reach a deal with Damascus, involving Moscow as a mediator.

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Pave Way IV

“…the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) accused the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of adopting a “sterile racist policy.”

Hey! That’s anti-Kurmedic!

[Trope alert] “The Kurd cries out as he strikes you!”

F’king land and oil thieves…

Saddam Hussein

Kurds can go back to Turkey or Iran if they dont want to live in an Arab country.


you should go back to Iraq! oh wait, sadaam doesn’t exist anymore… my bad

Lena Jones

Are you as stupid as you look?

Saddam Hussein

True. Also, the kurdistan fairytale meme suspiciously borders the Greater Israel project borders that the Zionists want to establish.


Not a coincidence.


and having a covert dialogue with israel – worth saving? nah not really!


Kurds did the majority of the work against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria, get over it. They deserve their own state and autonomy in Syria and they will get it, guaranteed by the USA.

Bill Rood

Fantasy: “USA! USA! USA! The exceptional, indispensable nation.” Reality: The Empire is in the process of collapse. US position in Iraq and Syria is untenable. It will be forced out sooner or later.


cough cough bull bull….

Rafik Chauhan

look like SDF illetrete read only one part which is by force . but dint read which SAA said that they will first try with SDF with REconcilation means if that fail then SAA will use force . and its obovious any country in this world do not want state within state. and kurds try to do that in Syria .Iraq iran and turkey by force. with the help of US Zionist government .kurds are traitor specially in Syria.

Saddam Hussein

President Assad needs to arm the barrels. Every inch of Syria will be liberated from these kurdish backstabbers.


Careful with your terminology. You don’t want to smell Nikki Hailey’s breath.


scared of nikki haley? oh wait, that’s right! She helped get 50 tomahawks to hit syrian army in Syria in 2017 and another 100 tomahawks again in 2018 :)

George King

Best check the facts, there may have been 150 launched but not hit target/s. One must keep in mind that the declaration that source (launchers air/air bases or ship/s) will be taken out at the very least. Do you doubt the resolve or capabilities exist to carry this out? One day you must move out of mom’s basement, the sunlight might be harsh on the eyes at first.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

they’re nothing but kurdish gangsters directly backed by an occupying invader zionist USA. remember kurds also DIRECTLY helped the ottoman turks massacre 1,000,000 assyrians, millions of Armenians, and thousands of Greek refugees during the early 1900’s. NO ONE talks about that though. And Saddam protected Christians and Assyrians. Kurds are nothing but persian gypsies – the roma of the middle east.


I’ve met few Assyrians who support us Zionists, Israelis, and Kurds, true. However, many Assyrians love being oppressed by dictators and have gotten used to liking people like sadaam and assad. No surprise there. Plus Kurds deserve their own state since they are numbered in the 30+ millions, while Assyrians number less than 2 million today…


their own state built on top of the people they exterminated?

Saddam killed tens of thousands and then turds killed millions and then kurds helped wipe out what was left..

Over a lot of dead bodies.. A LOT of dead bodies.. Should call it deathistan..


about time that sdf were herded back to the border and become a good and dutiful tenant under syria, under turkey, under iraq and under iran – no homeland for the kurds! basta! in fact no use for kurds anywhere.

Bill Rood

The dominant Kurdish culture (that of PKK, Asayish etc) are, like the Zionists, undeserving of statehood and will remain that way until they recognize in non-Kurds (or Goyim as the case may be) all the same rights that they claim for themselves.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Meanwhile SAA protect Kurds in Aleppo…..


Said the usurpers. You packs of sacks of shite welcomed the zio-cancer of the world for your short-sighted goals. Deal with it bitch.


Zionists in America will leave SDF lonely as they have left Iraqi Saddam Hussain. Then the SDF leader will be hanged. These people don’t learn lessons from the history.


cant wait to see the likes of the entire pkk leadership hanging in the wind. All terrorists by any other name.

Jim Prendergast

SDF should listen to their Iraqi brothers. They would be lucky to be Syrian.U.S. wants them to do what ISIS did in the oilfields. Look what happened to ISIS. Accept peaceful reconciliation.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

every single Assyrian Christian I’ve met in Europe or the USA HATES backstabbing zionist proxy kurds and the terror state of israel. *Fact* And they admire and support Assad and Sadaam. What does that tell you? Israel is anti-Christian, and USA carries out its interests only.


kurds helped exterminate all Christians that were left in northern iraq and syria. Not even enough left to count now.


The Zionists advise will become the collars of SDF leadership.


lol SDF can topple assad in less than a week with full USA Air/Naval support

Bill Rood

If the US could do that, it would have done it years ago.


Kurds are USA-Israel puppets and will do whatever these nation order them.

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