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MARCH 2025

Syrian Forces Consolidate Their Gains In Rastan Pocket, Prepare For Further Advances – Reports

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On April 3, the Syrian Arab Army and the National Defense Forces establsihed control of the town of Taqsis and nearby villages in the Rastan pocket in northern Homs. On April 4, government forces contributed additional efforts to secure their recent gains and to prepare for further advances in the area, according to pro-government sources.

Local sources say that soon government troops may enter more villages via deals with locals. Considering that the April 3 advance was also made without any clashes, this scenario looks realistic.

Syrian Forces Consolidate Their Gains In Rastan Pocket, Prepare For Further Advances - Reports

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Go SAA! We support you!!!

US-Navy Revert Shia

The great Syrian Army Is No Joke Down With ISISraHELL


Meaningless platitude gets the most upvotes- didn’t see that coming (tis why JEWISH forum services like this one allow upvoting).

Meanwhile Putin is in Turkey actively assisting the massive NATO invasion of Syria currently underway.

Meanwhile while even the jewish controlled mainstream media is giving increasing amounts of coverage to the recent neo-nazi jew atrocity in Gaza, where ONE SHOT TWO KILLS (google it please) jewish snipers, with Putin’s absolute support, put bullets into almost ONE THOUSAND unarmed protestors, Southfront has killed all mention of the atrocity here.

If Putin wants an issue ignored or shoved diwn the memory hole, this outlet gets the memo and obeys. And if Putin wants a monster lionised, as with the current ruler of Saudi Arabia, then Southfront will plaster promotional images of the monster, given to Southfront by the Saudi government itself, all over this site.

Meanwhile it is beginning to look like the true purpose of the nerve agent false flag in the UK was to get Corbyn to power in time for the Iran War. The narrative is changing to make the existing Conservative goverment look like lying fools. Labour is the official Fabian party of the UK, and under Blair’s direct leadership, invaded Iraq. In the UK it is safest to have Labour in power during war- that way anti-war protests by Labour supporters can be quashed by politicians who claim to be on the same side. Supporters of the ‘right’ (Conservatives) don’t protest war in the UK.

The turkish invasions of Syria AND Iraq, 100% supported by Putin, are very much designed as anti-Iranian operations. More basic prep for the nearly here Iran War.

Feudalism Victory

The turkish invasions are also good for keeping them away from crimea the caucasuses breaking up nato oh my so many wins.

The persian empire also needs to be kept within its traditional boundries.

And gosh what is southfront. From which countries view is this the southern front…hmm…why its russias! As distinct from its western front in ukraine.


They are anti-Kurdish operations. In addition, despite all Russia’s economy is still in disarray, they need therefore to sell to just about anyone.

Feudalism Victory

Lol fan boys.

Oh wait…. TRUMP 2020 :>

US-Navy Revert Shia

The Syrian Army Will go down in History As A Miracle From Almighty ALLAH-(SWT)

Roger Snellman

How many of Allah’s children did they slaughter?


Where will America & Western-Europe start their next war?

Joe Dirt

I hope Iran but probably Yemen.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Look you jew cock sucker, The Knesset is Done https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05b72c43e54fad9b4d43445dc60544b8d3c3c2d9bbaed613a8bd6e59e3de370c.jpg

Roger Snellman

Clearly you care not how many of Allah’s children are slaughtered as long as Iran gains power. Only Allah will judge who is worthy and the blood of his children on your hands will weigh heavily.

neil barron

Why don’t you ask the terrorist.

US-Navy Revert Shia


US-Navy Revert Shia

Well Blow Me Down, The Event In Syria Defeating All World Powers Namely [NATO] & All the jew Traitor Arab Governments Such As Jordan, Egypt, & the Saudi Talmudic Mafia has met its Death, Now the Freedom Fighters need to get at What Satan Has In The Great Nation Yemen, there is many Yemeni People Who Are In The Great Satan who Fled and Run Stores in the USA, I ask them About The Shia In Yemen who are fighting For Freedom & They Hate Them, Hadi People I Ask Them Where Is Hadi Now-? They Act Like They Don’t Know Well They Do He Is iN pRISON iN Arabia Never Sat Saudi-Arabia

Mahmoud Larfi

“Rastan Pocket” isn’t that the name of a Disney movie with Jamaicans and a bobsled ? Oh wait…


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yFFtiTVEm_Y Putin, Erdogan launch Turkey’s first nuclear power plant

Putin, the Russian President have inaugurated the construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey, Akkuyu. four power units with a general power of 4,800 megawatts. The implementation of this project opens the long-term prospects for Russian-Turkish cooperation in the field of peaceful atomic industry.

Tayyab Erdogan spoke in his address that we will become nuclear power if somebody is happy with our this decision or not. We will not accept anybody pressure against our development in the field of nuclear power. Now we will progress in the field of nuclear power. We have no need to take permission from anybody to become nuclear power. We know that some morons will be not happy with our this step but this is our basic right. His indication was obvious towards Zionist led Washington and Zionist led UK and EU countries.

Erdogan also insist that we want to increase our deal with Russia to US$200 billion. We also want that there should be no visa requirement between Russia and Turkey.


Looks like people are flocking to winning side now, or at the very least, abandoning the terrorist losers. Won’t be long before the few remaining pockets are liberated, then the big pushes into Daara and Idlib can begin.

Roger Snellman

Just as I predicted on this very forum weeks ago. Syria is already gone. Kurdistan will control everything around the Euphrates North. Turkey will take as much of NW Syria as they can. Turkey is ready to knock on Aleppo’s door. They have the green light from the US and are in discussion with Russia. Israel will extend their control in SW Syria but more importantly take southern Lebanon all the way to the Litani River using Hezbollah buildup in Syria as pretext. Hexbollah/Iran/Russia will consolidate power in the rest of Syria and add in existing territory in NE Lebanon.

Feudalism Victory

Sounds about right although im not sure israel can defeat forces in southern lebanon and I think Turkey Unites the kurds under its control. Kurdistan wont be tolerated by them.


There are only two ways into Lebanon from Israel on the ground – both are canyons and are easily predictable paths with high sided surroundings. In 2006 a far less well armed and experienced Hezbollah stopped IDF tanks columns in these canyons – using second tier Hezbollah fighters with ATGM’s – first tier Hezbollah fighters were entrenched further in-country.

Roger Snellman

Hezbollah cannot wait to take on Israel, US and whoever Trump brings along for the fight. Hezbollah is so blinded by their hate for Israel and the US that they cannot see their own fate. They will see clearly when the US drops fire on their heads so powerful that it turns everyone inside out within 4 city blocks. By the time they see that it will be too late.


The US cannot engage or participate in a direct war on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in isolation – Hezbollah are an elected part of Lebanese government structure. It would be an illegal US war of aggression against state of Lebanon, who pose no threat to US mainland or its foreign interests. Aint gonna happen.

Roger Snellman

US cannot engage? Ever heard of Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, …


The US will not go to war with Lebanon, ‘aint gonna happen. Beyond that…your given examples are, err, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea? Well sure the US engaged in those states – notably, illegally into the non combatant Cambodian state – but it simply led to self inflicted and monumentally self destructive political and military disasters that still scar the US to this day.


‘…when the US drops fire on their heads so powerful that it turns everyone inside out within 4 city blocks.’

The major confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah have occurred in southern Lebanon. Are you remotely aware of what this environment even consists of? It is rocky and hilly rural landscape punctuated by villages and towns – Hezbollah are derived from the local population and well dug into this landscape with network of bunker systems throughout the undulating terrain.

Roger Snellman

Hezbollah’s air force strikes fear across the entire Middle East. There are bombs designed specifically to destroy fortified bunkers deep underground. In this case all they need to do is hit every entry/exit, ventilation hole, power station, … No bullets required, they all die a horrible death trapped below ground with no light, power, food or oxygen. It will be over in 24 hours.


‘Hezbollah’s air force…’

I see that am wasting my time here.

Joao Alfaiate

Uncle will whip them just like he did the Taliban…oh, wait….

Roger Snellman

Last time the US was exerting extreme pressure on Israel to end the war. This time Trump will be supplying them, providing tactical support, US special forces and air support. Objective will be to humiliate Iran on the world stage as their Hezbollah in south Lebanon is snuffed out. The hope is Iran will attack in a vain attempt to save what is left of Hezbollah. Iran Mullahs believe Allah will give them victory even after they slaughtered 100s of thousands of his children. Their act of arrogance is all the US needs as an excuse for it to begin.


Never underestimate the sheer scale of self delusion and self fantasy to be found on the internet.


Yes, it looks like, but the Syria people opinion is still missing, let us wait what they will say about all of this.


syrian people emigrated and left fall their home.

Roger Snellman

Do you consider everyone living within the pre-civil war boundaries to be Syrian and worthy of expressing their opinion and being heard.


Every inch of Syria will be liberated, regardless of how long it takes.

Roger Snellman

Syria is gone, Hezbollah, Iran & Russia are the new masters of Syria. They pull the string and Syria bends over for their amusement. They only keep the last vestiges of Syria around for cover. The Syrian Army is sacrificed in endless battles to shield their new Iranian masters. Fighting will only stop when the last Syrian is slaughtered. Then a Persian will ascend to the throne.


Iran and Syria are allied. Back when Iran was fighting Iraq in the 80s Syria was one of the few nations in the world that helped Iran, Iran is now returning favor. It doesn’t mean Iran will be the “master” of Syria. They will simply work together as a united force against common threats. Also I find it ironic that you say “Hezbollah” will be “masters” of Syria when Lebanon itself is historically part of Syria.

Roger Snellman

In what you call Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Syria working together you are adamant that Syria is calling all the shots and Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are doing Syria’s bidding. Dream on.


What are you smoking?There is a big difference between wishful thinking and reality.

Roger Snellman

Please demonstrate your mastery of the English language by picking at least one of my facts to discuss.


Ha ha ha. How could I possibly discuss something with you? I am not mental! You are here to promote israhell’s agenda which by the way is falling to dust. So much for greater israhell….ha ha ha. If you haven’t noticed your mercenaries are either getting the goats/virgins or moving to a place where intensive fire works are going to be displayed by SAA and allies!


uhuh me predicted turquey will controlled the greece!! mdr!

Roger Snellman

Give it one more shot after you sober up


ahah you sober op! agent euroatlantiste zionis pro kurds! fake news fakes news!!

neil barron

Did lighting take out your senses because you’re definitely speaking in tongues.

Roger Snellman

The language is commonly called English. Not sure what you mean by speaking in tongues but some believe Allah speaks through mere mortals in tongues. Obviously you despise anyone who believes in religion.

Roger Snellman

Update, now Iraq is drooling over a piece of what was at one time Syria. Look’s like the midsection south of the Euphrates is about to go Iraqi.

Roger Snellman

Kurdistan Update. Kurds have a shot in Syria since there are 35M of them where Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria come together. Syria’s population is only 25M and 10% of them are Kurds. As everyone can see the remaining 90% of Syrians are far from united. The Kurds deserve to have their own country if they unite and fight as one, this just might be the time. Kurds have been oppressed for hundreds of years and forced to fight just to avoid genocide. They are good fighters all they need is US technology to give them at least a fighting chance. Look at it this way who do you want watching your back the Kurds who defeated ISIS or the Syrians who bend over for Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, …


The Pocket needs to be closed before June.

This summer sees three possibilities. 1. Trump pulls American forces from Syria and turkey and Assad will have to race to grab it. 2. Israel and Saudis invade eastern tanf region to replace Americans and prevent Syria from taking this region. They may do it even if American stays. 3. Turkey makes an attack on Aleppo .

In all three cases, the SAA needs to be ready and not bogged down this summer.

That Guy

Yeah, time is ticking.


Cool, hey! So many keyboard warriors are on the “battle field” denying the victories of SAA. You must be losing badly. Keep on barking.


It’s a compliment to Southfront and its willingness to describe, rather than explain for propaganda effect. SF describes things as reports, rumours, too soon to be sure, demonstrated or not by film evidence and conceded or not by the opponents. SF also takes care to label its sources, unlike toilets like COMbbc and the US corp-0-rat media.

No wonder we sometimes have to wade through antisemite provocations, pro-US reign-of-terror fatuities, mockery of every minor tactical reverse and denigration of every strategic victory. Do they only sing when they’re winning?


No, but they do when they lose.


They must be getting lot of practice.

That Guy

One by one, they are falling.

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