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MARCH 2025

Syrian Forces Counter-Attack Near Saraqib As Air War Heats Up Over Idlib (Maps, Videos)

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Syrian Forces Counter-Attack Near Saraqib As Air War Heats Up Over Idlib (Maps, Videos)

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On March 1, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah launched a counter-attack on Turkish-led forces in the area of Saraqib retaking the villages of Jawbas, San, Dadikh and Kafr Battikh, and forcing Turkish-backed militants to retreat from the eastern part of Saraqib itself.

According to pro-government sources, Syrian artillery and air forces were carrying out an active bombing campaign in support of this attack. Russian warplanes were also involved.

These developments took place amid the heating up air war over Greater Idlib. Turkish state media reported that Turkish artillery and drones had targeted Al-Nayrab military airport operated by the Syrian military near Aleppo city.

“The Turkish Armed Forces targeted the Syrian regime’s military airport in Aleppo, according to local sources on Sunday.

Al-Nayrab military airport, on the outskirts of Aleppo city center, was known as one of the bases that the Assad regime frequently used in the attacks against the Turkish Armed Forces and civilians in Idlib, northwestern Syria.

The Turkish Armed Forces used armed drones and fire support vehicles to target the airport, making it out of service, the sources said.

The regime army transported aircraft and equipment to Al-Nayrab from the Kuweires military airport in eastern Aleppo, which was targeted by Turkish forces the previous day, it added.

Local sources said the regime’s range of action has been further restricted as the Al-Nayrab military airport has been made unusable,” Anadolu Agency reported.

Nonetheless, it should be noted that Al-Nayrab military airport is mostly used as a logistical hub for ground forces, rather than the military airbase.

At the same time, Syrian air defense repelled a drone attack on Hama Airbase and intensified its operations against Turkish combat drones operating in the area. According to Russian media, Syrian forces shot down 6 Turkish UAVs. Syrian media claims that 3 Turkish UAVs were downed. However, the visual evidence allows to confirm one Turkish combat UAV (Anka) downed in eastern Idlib.


According to Russian state media, Turkish F-16 fighter jets two times violated Syrian airspace over Idlib on March 1. This version says that Turkish fighter jets were responsible for downing of 2 Syrian Su-24 earlier today. Syrian pilots safely ejected from the warplanes and landed in the government-held area.

Later on March 1, reports appeared that a third Syrian warplane was targeted by Turkish forces. However, these reports remain unconfirmed.

The recent developments demonstrate that if Turkey continues avoiding employing its own troops in a direct fighting, its forces appear to be not able to deliver a swift and devastating blow to the Syrian Army and achieve the goal declared by its top leadership: to force Syrian troops to retreat from all the areas liberated from al-Qaeda since October 2018. It is likely that Turkey is trying to deliver as much damage as it could to strengthen its negotiating positions before March 5, when Erdogan is set to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the situation in the region. At the same time, Turkey is trying to get support from the EU by sending migrants to Europe and blackmailing the bloc with a new migration crisis.


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Neo Onh

Roast Turkey…

Tim Williams

As many as 8 Turk drones shot down so far today …


Len Zegelink

in liba shot down 4 turkisch drone,s haha.

Louis IX

Great news !


8 seems not right, as SF said themselves, only 1 is confirmed, Syrian state media says 3, and Ru state media says 6. So it could be anything from 1-8, though i guess the truth is in the middle.

Jens Holm

I agree. I might see 2 or 3 and not 8.


Russia, why play by the rules of the game? The western powers expect Russia to wage conventional war on Turkey and get sucked into a quagmire. But why dutifully trot out your precious troops and equipment to be blown up and shot down by your enemies? Why not take the fight to them? Hit them where it hurts?

I’m calling for a preemptive decapitation strike on Erdogan, using a nuclear weapon if necessary. Yes, everyone in the west will go nuts, Russia will be declared a pariah state, and the world economy will tank for awhile. Big deal. Russia’s been through all this before, and the coming 4th Industrial Revolution is about to make international trade mostly unnecessary anyways. Being an accepted member of the global economic community is soon going to be an overrated privilege. So, f*ck it, why not play to your strengths and make use of that fine nuclear arsenal, Russia?

I guarantee you the citizens of the US, Isreal and Turkey are not ready to die in nuclear fire so that their ruling elites can play empire games. They’ll choose withdrawal over death, every time. The question is, how proud are the Russians? Will the citizenry rise to this occasion?

Tim Williams

are you Quaaludes or meth ? Russia is not going to nuke Turkey … good grief


Yeah, so many here who actually believe this BS. It is stunning.

Tim Williams

By the March 05 meeting, the entire Turk drone fleet will be wiped out, all the gains the RATS had made will be reversed, 70 % of the armor and vehicles they pumped in will have been destroyed, RAT population will be 50% smaller and Erdogan will be looking at tens of thousands of more IRANIAN militia members inside Syria …


Although that would be fantastic development, you have to admit its extremely optimistic:)


They have already started moving.. Convoys of Iranian missiles already on the way to syria.. Not sure if these are missiles or just replacements..But the shia’s are now in the fight and before they were just happy to sit it out and create a buffer for their own towns. If we see israel moving we know this is true..

Jens Holm

Hardly any in the whole world can believe any of that.

As long as You stay in Israel, You also cant see Israel. ‘ What kind of translation is that. Its written that If Muhammed cant go to the Mountain the Mountain has to go to Muhammed.


The solution is simple actually, The Russian Federation have to apply for the rabid dog the same treatment the Americans applied to Joseph Stalin at the end of WW2 when Stalin was planning to appropriate for himself the Iranian oil. “You have 12 hours to withdraw or we nuke you back to the stone age” <~by morning the message was received that there are no Russian soldiers left in Iran. Give an ultimatum to the dog publicly and to the Turkish people saying that either they withdraw to their country, cease and desist all hostilities and end their support for the terrorists or we nuke you. I'd wish to see the turks trying to stop a full yield Tzar Bomba.

Karen Bartlett

Seems to be a lot of nuke happy folks on this thread. It’s not the solution. It’s the problem.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Erdogan better be careful otherwise his favorite Al Qaeda govt of Tripoli, Libya will be gone tomorrow.

Al Balog

Really hope that Haftar does so. I was skeptical of him at first (former CIA asset, Trump praised him and then shit-canned him, April 2019 offensive), but the more that I’ve seen the situation in Libya develop, the more he seems like the good guy. If he plays his cards right, he could become something like the Libyan version of Assad.

Al Balog

Nice ??. I just really hope that once Saraqib is re-taken by the SAA, that they take the lost land back in that southern green pocket. I don’t mean to sound like a wuss, but that green rat advance in the south is making me anxious (I do have anxiety disorder BTW).

Tim Williams

SAA needs to go all the way to SARMIN …


Let’s see how serious is Putin this time

klove and light

lololol turkish fighter jets in idlin airspace…and stupid Zionist brainwashed Folks here still believe that Putins russian Military is there to help……there are ONLY 2 possibilities ..

1. russian air defense , S-400 is a piece of shit

2. Russia is not engaing turkish planes

well take a pick you fucking Zionist brainwashed idiots.

pointless here…99% Zionist brainwashed cock sucking Putin Lovers here

Dick Von Dast'Ard

2. For now.


Well what if Syria welcomes the Iranian Covid-19 on the front line and Golan heights ? I guess that nobody has vaccin… but the Covid looks to spead strategically : China – Iran – EU – USA – Russia but not Syria, neither Yemen, Turkey, or… Israel.

It’s just a question…

Karen Bartlett

Covid19 is little more than a common cold. Old people and babies and people undernourished are the most susceptible to it being a major problem for them.. Not vaccines, but vitamins D, C and zinc are what can successfully counter-attack or prevent it. (Bill Sardi, medical reporter at LewRockwell.com.)

klove and light

the russian Military Leadership should burn Putin, , and send 50% of his ashes to BIBI and 50% to erdogan.

death to america to to Israel curse on the jews,, the houthi Slogan. the bravest of the brave

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Question is will Qatar take in Erdogan if he has to flee Turkey?


Erdo has the cash to pay for asylum.

Infact an asylum is the correct place for him :)

Tim Williams

TERRORIST waving the white flag …. let them surrender … or kill them ?



Accept their surrender as prisoners of war. The US would love to see the SAA doing what the US Coalition of Terror do.This must not happen.

They can be tried in a court for warcrimes if applicable.


If that happens, NATO’s 6th fleet would strike Syria

David Price

Turkey is in Syria illegally For Article 5 of the NATO convention to be implemented, it requires an Attack on a NATO Allie inside there borders. Turkey will meet with Russia within the week and seek a get out clause while saving face, they should not expect much.Maybe a promise of save protection of all Turkish Troops in observation posts on the outskirts of Idlib. THE RESISTANCE want to wipe these off the face of the earth. Turkey should leave now, NATO will not be dying for the trickster Erdogan who tried to deceive all put none


NATO bombed Syria twice and the missiles flew over Russian bases without them saying anything. But that’s all they want: protection of all Turkish Troops in observation posts on the outskirts of Idlib. They won’t help Turkey in any other way other than info and smart weapons.

George King

Over 6,000 US sailors sacrificed for what, show of force with BS intent as all well know.


They bombed Syria twice and Russia had nothing to say


Your toast porky,just like ye blubber gut slobby leader jewhadi of ukraine(period)

good american

Sense sounds so sweet.


Even on a practical level, who wants veterans in the future to have murdered people on cold blood with all the negative social issues that would bring.

The Jihadi remnants are going to be a massive future problem for the NATO countries they flee to. With over 600 bomb attacks in Sweden in 2019, it appears that the ‘Love a Terrorist Chicken to do our dirty work’ favoured by the West is coming home ro roost :)


lol..strap few hand granades around them and BooooK!! good bye scum..They died like they wanted.. fck them..

George King

I understand Erdogan is arresting those who refuse to fight, maybe a prisoner exchange for Turkish troops in observation points? Or of course we have seen a few videos where their fellow jihadist and turkish regulars were ill-treating captured SAA with jihadist style hospitality, maybe they would show them the same….


A disciplined army that prohibits the abuse of prisoners has many advantages. The enemy is more likely to surrender, and that the veterans after they leave service are not so mentally damaged as to be a cause of callous violence at home, being just two advantages.

It is also important in this day and age to realise that todays soldiers are more aware of ‘wars of choice’ that destroy countries for the military industrial complex and the plunder of other peoples resources.


Cut those scums to pieces. fckn subhuman filth!!


In Mikhail Gorbachev’s Biography, he basically said that the Iron Curtain only temporally lifted her skirt to fool the western people into slowly adopting Socialism/Marxism and it work. The perestroika deception also goes into this.

Putin has been called the Jewish King by many rabbis. He has a personal friend who is a rabbi, so it would seem he’s crypto and he’s purposely showing the world this, even though he claims to be a Russian Christian who Outlawed Street preaching unless in the state sponsored churches. Only Stalin enacted this law before Putin.

Remember, Communism/Bolshevism is judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious” Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7

Hitler’s fight was in retaliation to the Jewish bolshevik movement. Just listen to a few hours of Hitlers speeches. If you can say afterwards that Hitler was still a Zionist stooge, then that is precisely what you want to believe. He kicked out the jews and masons and introduced debt free money. He basically kicked the bankers out of Germany, no wonder he is so demonised. The victors write the history books, never forget that.




Al Balog

What are you, a Ukrop Nazi? Next thing you know, you’ll make a comment praising Stepan Bandera.


The End Game is the Mes-sia-nic Age, with the Go-yim living under No-ah-ide in a socialist (for thee but not for me) one world Government – Gr-eat-er Is-ra-el being the cultural, spiritual, economic, judicial, military and political centre of the world. The disparate populations will be race mixed into one, and the only pure whites will be ti-ny hat-ted tribesmen – within a few generations, once all memory of any white race (other than chosen ones) has since been extinguished, all people will be raised a la Brave New World, to truly believe that certain root-less inter-national hye-nas have been appointed by God as overseers of humanity: and why not, they will look different to everyone else and they will hold all the power. All education, media, laws and mechanisms of the establishment will corroborate this new history of humanity, and there will never be any hope of salvation.

Karen Bartlett

Nonsense. Who made this stuff up?




They never called themselves “Nazis” chump.



You keep repeating Jew lies. You haven’t taken the red pill.


You are a flog,seriously you got no hope in hell (period) You fool truth not,loser! nose outta joint because you can’t deal with the facts sooner or later kepoot!

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt shut it down you racist ;)


Libtard snowflake.

Lone Ranger

No sense of Humor comrade?:)


You been exposed as another luciferian pro genocide wannabe of no cause!

Karen Bartlett

Bolshevism had nothing to do with Judaism, even though a rabbi said so (Zionists made their own rabbis because the traditional Rabbis did not support Zionism.) Likewise, Zionism is not Judaism. Bolsheviks and Zionists are not religious, practicing Jews. They were and are atheists.Theft, murder and terrorism are diametrically opposed to Judaism, which is a religion.


You clearly havent read the old testament, the talmud, zohar and mishnah.

Karen Bartlett

I’ve read the OT. Not the others.


1 Samuel 15:3

Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'”

Lying kike.

Karen Bartlett

You are taking one verse out of one chapter of one period of Israelite history. This doesn’t make it doctrine, except to Zionists, perhaps, who use Scripture for their own ends.


Hold on a minute, you said “Theft, murder and terrorism are diametrically opposed to Judaism”. That obviously isnt the case once you study the OT. Its full of genocide with the Israelites wiping out entire cities of people’s as I showed in my previous comment. The god of the OT also permits babies being ripped out from their mothers wombs. You are very dishonest.

Karen Bartlett

I’m not Jewish, idiota. I’m American Indian, Irish and English. Mixed blood.


Jews singing about dashing infants against rocks.

Psalm 137:9

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Karen Bartlett

You misinterpret the Scripture. This is King David or another psalmist singing a song about the sorrow of what the other people did to them. It’s a heartbroken song, not serious, not a doctrine.


Nice try flogged, but the fact remains Stalin Is communist not socialist deep state get it racist!

Also mr desperato putin is100% russian orthodox,his liason WW2 strictly orthodox jews/rabbi, now you take MI6 british RUBBISH back to where the sun don’t shine flog https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90a05770bf4eaf935cfa68e5d466c489b0276a29ac0998fade57dc7ac8fbbfad.jpg because you failed!


Putin is micromanaging the matter causing unnecessary Syrian losses, let the military take care of the matter and operate at full efficiency.


As a matter of fact, the SAA leaders are raging and just threatend Erdogan by message through Russia that they will soon take all op posts hostage if Erdo does not pull out of Idlib.. Shit is REALLY going to get even more crazy..

Karen Bartlett

Wow! What’s the source?

Karen Bartlett

I don’t think Russia is micromanaging. Syria belongs to Syrians. I think they cooperate in strategy but not that Russia tells Syria what to do.


Beat the shit out of the Turks


Somehow Turkish self propelled howitzers must be targeted. It appears that they are firing ‘guided shells’ at some targets. The Turk drones are indeed a problem and it is perfectly legal for the SAA to attack Turkish airfields in response. The Iranians could facilitate this if the SAA does not have the necessary equipment.

President Putin and his staff are dealing with a madman as we all realise. Russian actions to tame Erdo will me measured, and relentless against the Jihad’s , I am sure. Its not in the christian Russian character to backstab allies, unlike the Zionist Christians of the West who are in power.

The morale of the SAA and allies is an important consideration for Russia. Russia and the SAA, Iran, Hezbollah and all the stalwart allies of Syris have achieved what the NATO Terror Supporters thought was impossible.

Whatever weapons are necessary to neuter Turkey and eradicate the Medieval Terrorists within Syria surely must be utilised NOW.

Tim Williams

I read 90% of the guns have been knocked out of action


The Turkish guns or the USS 155mm towed howitzers that Erdo gave to Al Qaida and friends?

Both would be good :)

Lone Ranger

Erdofuck will torture fuck his beloved white micro Pomeranian again, oy gevalt…the poor thing.




Lone Ranger

Mossad is cramping out a lot izf CGIs ;) Slow clap. Idlib will fall ;) Get use to it Shlomo…



Karen Bartlett

Wish I could like this comment more than once.

Angry Guy

“Its not in the christian Russian character to backstab allies”

Maybe not but you must understand that Russia is being led by Putins jewish oligarchs interest. What exactly do you call the inaction from the Russian side this last two weeks then? That is a definition of a betrayal and backstabbing an ally. More and more ppl are shocked on the internet at absolute lack of a response to the turkish madman from the russian military inflicting big losses on their ally. And Putin is a half-jew btw from the mother side, so is Lavrov. Russia is being led by ethnical Jews. This explains a lot doesn’t it? Syrian generals are raging because Russia command ties their hand with the appropriate response. But things are rapidly changing now as I am writing this…

Karen Bartlett

Nonsense-Mr. Putin’s mother was Orthodox Christian and had him baptized as a baby. She did it secretly, however, as Mr.Putin’s father was a communist. Mr. Putin was baptized by Patriarch Kirill’s father. (And anybody who’s mother is Jewish is considered Jewish by Israel, I believe. Not that they count. One would have to ask a traditional Rabbi.)

Angry Guy

I am talking jewish by blood not religion. His mother was jewish by blood. You proved my point perfectly.

Karen Bartlett

I think not.W hat is your source for this statement that his mother was “Jewish by blood”? It’s very doubtful, if she were Orthodox, for her to be of Jewish descent. Even if she were, Jewishness is determined by religion, not blood, according to the traditional Rabbis. https://youtu.be/-I9O9RWqdgk

Angry Guy

No, the Jews don’t care if you are religious or an atheist really. (in their inner circles) What is important is if you are a jew by blood as one of them. Everyone can convert to judaism. I dont have the link now but you can google it yourself.

Jens Holm

I have no time for that probatly usefull video. Jews are from very religios to very sekular. The main rule is to keep jews making jews. Thats why women are allowed to marry non jews and give birth to “half” jews and men can act more free.

But its not kept.

The Jews in USA came there and as many as 5 millions from Russia in the first wave from Russia. Those were enough and not integraed more then they needed and kept “the Jewish blod”, which also gor power by being well educated and by that given power.

We still name that as the Jewish lobby. But that silently has changed. Jews do integrate and are mixted as well as other do but are a little slow in that compared to others.

It might be therefor so many american curly hair jews join the Westbank as the contrast to that.


Hey moron jews or your dogs ain’t god ,putin is orthodox christian which far excells over your ignorant rant,no matter what,like what the fk are you albanian? Hey stupid,may the truth hit ye thiockj skull like the powers in me, Get Thee Behind Me Satan: your false zog god burn in hell,Jesus is lord!

ALWAYS SISTERS,DIG IT!YOU CAN’T RAPE MOTHER NATURE,cia flogged! Mr joe biden junkie sonovabitch,vile,evil,mr russiahakelection flogged wannabe!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bd1bbbe12291bbc30d544db344a9f43f32bc89e387b7104020c8c37bb030771.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6268536b65a380e4bd491a9398474cc69cbab2ff101139bac88c20da92cb960.jpg


Really enjoyed this video you shared Karen. However, Shapiro, Finkelstein, Falk and let’s not forget Uri Avnery are hated more by Zionists the world over than Hamas, Hezbollah and all Palestinians put together.

Jens Holm

Thats not even the point for me. Most jews are very productive by raising them to ask and logic conclusion. The anytime pay a lot for having them in school. They pay for education. They work hard in their skills and actually are paid pr hour as a result.

I think that should be rewarded. They do create a lot of jobs and are innovative.

We have no problems with people here. We have high income tax, which is given back to all for free school, free education, free hospitals, good pension for all. That gives incitaments to work harder and improve our systems. People are paid back.

That includes all, which work for people creating jobs.

We even create jobs for the lazybums andforce the ones, which leadt can produce something not advanced. We do have many needed non advanced jobs too.

So go and take a job instead of Your insinuations including the one about Putin. To me he is an ordinary criminal. His etnicity is not important.

If I goo back in time and You are from ME, Your family started as Jews, then they converted to Christianity and then became muslims. After trying all that, You for good reasons became a sekular infidel haram.


Syria was more generous,I am sure the more prudent are aware of that fact, as opposed to miseducated boxheads like you,but I guess jealousy is you curse now isn’t it eu-epp unconstituate mentally disorientated soros bot of no virtues! Yaeee vote for hitlary hey neo-liberal incest spawn wannabe,fk your teorrists,fk your excuses are only just that,you fear only for yourself you petty creedy gimp!

You got the scenario back to front like the luciferian liar you truly are a wetard!


You moron,what part of jew do you not understand,putin is 100% orthodox!

Jens Holm

AG might be the last Khazar:)

Jens Holm

Mych like You onece worked for some jews paid pr hour but hardly did much and the got paid for that.

You probatly only think watches re invented for car bombs.

Etnics is not relevent. There are many small and big dirty Putins in the world. I dont se it matters if they are muslims, green or yellow. Its the same kind of people.

I dont see chocking childprogrammes from Idlib even raising Putin to be seen as Jew. I support people making programs and comments like that are jailed as soon as possible and a great part of them has to work for the first time in their miserable lives – inside our menthal hospitals.

The only succesfull growing might be Your hair. I kind of expect You are bolded too or will be soon.



Creeps like you sorosbot facists assume you know it all,like fk you do,blowhards!


He got rid of soros,browder,rotchilds and a host of other traitors via sanctions dumbass!

Jens Holm

Something like that in the farce version. Now Soros dont take the oil, Purin does. In those matters they are more family then any jew and arab.

Christian S

Zionist israel fundaments are biased on occult athiest zionist ideology who have blended in jewish society. They worship baphomet and love transgenders and hate jews who dont join their little crusade israel project, putin is the only leader with ballz enough who has exposed and mentioned zionist warcrimes in public( zionist bolsjevik murderin of russians ). Zionist build up circle of worldleaders from even when they were kids does not garantee those leaders will follow the script, zionist made many mistakes before

Jens Holm

Again Ypou write as if Turks are stupid sitting ducks. This has nothing to do with religion. If any christians are involved, its the ones from Damaskus.

Per Jensen

Yes, Putin must now support Syria more intensively against Turkey and its Nato supporters. Otherwise Russia will run out of resources in the long run, as the Soviet Union did in Afghanistan, and a new Afghanistan and Libya II will prevail in Syria. And don´t forget that the US and its allies control the global production means and the financial infrastructure and thus controlling the money, which means that they potentially can go on recruting and paying millions of poor young middle east men to join into their regime change project in Syria.


Us economy is in life support fkwit,russia has china as manufacture backer in any event absolutely dwarfs your invalid elon musk and wall street infastructures and arabs do have the itch for real gold,know what I mean,you begotten incest spawn dolla 24t debts!

Per Jensen

Try spelling first.

Jens Holm

“In the long run” is danish”. English writers here might relate it to Marathon. Nå, prøv igen.

Per Jensen

Nej. “In the long run” is English.

Jens Holm

As You wish. Do You sell those new shoe :)

Google translate says “long run” – Undskyld.


What the Turks have been doing is illegal, and a violation of the UN Charter. If the UN meant anything at all, it would have voted censure and punitive actions against Turkey by now.


I agree, yet we both realise that the US, UK,Turkey, France and Israel in particular are the most warlike cheerleaders from behind. These nations leaders are devoid of all morals . The arming of ISIS and Al Qaida rapists, torturers, murderers of all, including babies.

These nations then have the perfidy to claim that they fight for democracy, when the reality is that they employ criminals to fight for plunder that enriches the few.

Ricky Miller

It’s just as useless as the old League of Nations. But at least that forerunner had the integrity to boot more powerful states when they attacked their neighbors. This “United Nations” does nothing, except find ways to avert their eyes and make excuses for the transgressors.

Icarus Tanović

Any honest man wouldn’t backstab allies.

Icarus Tanović

Any honest man wouldn’t backstab his allies.


Correct, and unfortunately , few politicians are honest.

President Putin is one of the few who are honest and adhering to the non aggression pact with Turkey is part of this. He gave Erdo a chance to alter his maniacle ways and Erdo betrayed President Putins trust. A silly thing to do.

Assad must stay

russia needs to be relentless against any nation who supports rats/headchoppers/terrorists, including torki lorki porki

John Brown

Russia can take down the Turkish economy any time they want and that will be the end of any Turkish offensive as Russia is the # 1 trading partner of Turkey with China being number 2.

Dušan Mirić

Isn’t it strange that after nine years of war, so many drone attacks on Khmeimim, US murdering General Soleimani Syrians, Russians and Iranians didn’t take Turkish drones in account? If Russians are able to spot wooden, makeshift drones kilometers away, how it happen that large aerial vehicle like UCAV gets throug? Why their control stations were not destroyed? Isn’t it strange?

Tim Williams

SAA is going to seize all the surrounded outpost in SAA territory … hold them hostage until the TURKS leave



is this confirmed ?


This is NOT happening now. But the SAA leaders are raging, and put the message to Erdo through Turkey that this will happen soon if he does not pull out of Idlib.

Lone Ranger

Whehe, there will be a lot of crying and raging ;)



Lone Ranger

Mire missad CGI.. Thanks Shlomo.


You welcome.When is the funeral this time and where? Teheran?

Lone Ranger

You are welcome.* I didn’t know CGI videos get funerals…


Those guys got,why those abouve wouldnt?


Lone Ranger

Was that in english?


Toasted Khomeini farts :)

Lone Ranger

+25matzo balls…


Btw…US Aircraft carrier group just entered mediteranian :) I guess you should start working on a shelter. ;)

Lone Ranger

They are always there…

Black Waters

That’s how the turks fight now? Sheltering behind the U.S gay army?



There have been plenty of Turkish funerals lately too, fool. So I wouldn’t gloat.


If they do that it would be the end for Syria unfortunatly.Hope they dont do that.Would be more devastating then the bombing of Turkish soldiers.

Frank Dudley

Thank you Mr Erdogan.


Well,we all saw what the attack on those soldiers brought.


yeah bunch of gloating by your wahabi kebab boys on line

Simon Ndiritu

Just Like Saudis invasion In Yemen brought really good outcome for Saudis. In-fact, Erdo should be scared of messing with moderately armed state with vast allies and really nothing to lose


Emp fkn’drr bot.


give it a rest turkey!!! after sending half a million terrorists to destroy syria and taking 3 months to get 300 ISIS to leave, you think you are some kinda shit.. You are shit.. talk a lot and use kidnapped children to fight your wars. But you run away from a fight yourself. Go learn some history instead of regurgitating propaganda.




I had mine today and thet were really good,incidentally I ain’t into this for money,what for? Like the man,money finds me instead,when you get used to it,not much to do,yet

the things in life that no money can ever buy,i would not swap for billions,understand?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Good time to turf the Turks out of Northern Cyprus now.

Jens Holm

Take swimming lessons and go there by Yourself. All winners get a bottle of Retzina, almost local tobacco from Latakia and a goat with food for one year and an instruction for making fata cheese.

Remeber to cut the beard of the goat, when it grow and it lokk more and mpre like Your father and mother.


Spell check,retsina.

Jens Holm

Brain check You know what it is.

George King

There is talk about Libya and stolen Hatay as well, Libya delegation in Syria for discussions and co-operations now…..


Since when a cockroach can pretend win a bear? And even millions of cockroaches can’t win a bear. So are the Turkish, they can’t win Russia.


Okay, where are all the trolls now?


they’re searching twitter to find any ak-47 or farms captured by hts scum and come here posting that sh*t and celebrating it


They seem to have been celebrating when Turkey shot down it’s own drone, supposedly. Doesn’t take much with them. :P

Al Balog

I was arguing with a legit Ukrainian neo-Nazi in the comments below. See for yourself.


Satan will throw them under the bus,they vy incest,gods wrath decimate their lies cursed! Truth time,either they refine and learn and wake up or die for nothing,nobody but hells!

Lone Ranger

They are eating their dinner at the hasbarat HQ, matzo ball soup and gefillte fish…


Along with a large portion of crow.


Yes the mighty eagle has never spent insomuch time as learning from the crow!


Not much to defend other than same sex marriage I suppose,maybe hitler turning on its grave?


all this advance is made purly by the syrian forces alone ….russia didn’t provide any support apart from few air raids that targeteded terrorists…russia has the same approach with turkey as they do with israel they do not engage with them …this is a message to show that the saa is capable of defending it skies and breking the terrorists backbone in saraqeb

Azriel Herskowitz

The SAA counterattack failed and rebels are taking back villages in the Al-Ghab Plain. Kafr Nabl will soon be liberated by moderate rebel forces :)

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining, Turkroaches are draining ;)


Excellent job by SAA and Hezbollah, there needs to be more and closer involvement of Iran and Iraq in Syria as Syria’s other ally, Russia, is too preoccupied with keeping the Ziojews of the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine and Erdogoon’s neo-Ottoman Islamists happy.


Russia is trying to avoid giving NATO an excuse to attack Syria directly.

Russian soldiers have died for the freedom of Syria and to give up the fight now would be an insult to them all.

I trust President Putin to do what is right and honorable, whatever the consequences. To retreat now is only putting of the time when battle with NATO is inevitable, and today Russia is years in front of the US with missile development.

The time to stand tall with Syria is NOW.

Karen Bartlett

Wish I could like this comment a couple of times too.



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