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MARCH 2025

Syrian Forces Deploy Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok Heavy Flamethrower System For Mayadin Advance

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Syrian Forces Deploy Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok Heavy Flamethrower System For Mayadin Advance

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Syrian government forces have deployed a Russian-made TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system for the ongoing advance on the ISIS-held city of Mayadin in the province of Deir Ezzor.

Mayadin is located in the Euphrates Valley, on the western bank of the river and serves as one of the key ISIS strongholds in the province.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have already captured many points west and south of the city, including the old airport, the grain silos and the nearby farms.

The TOS-1A system will likely be used to destroy ISIS fortitifications in the area.

Syrian Forces Deploy Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok Heavy Flamethrower System For Mayadin Advance

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Syrian Forces Deploy Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok Heavy Flamethrower System For Mayadin Advance

More about TOS-1A systems:

Syrian Forces Deploy Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok Heavy Flamethrower System For Mayadin Advance

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Daniel Castro

This weapon needs a new name, perhaps we should call it the Jihadslayer, or takfirislayer, something like that…

Rafik Chauhan

it should be ZIONISTSLAYER

Valery Grigoryev

Jihad’n’Grill :)


The Macrowave, much bigger than an Microwave but similar result.

Daniel Castro

Won’t work for me, here in brazil durg dealer gangs already have this expression for a type of execution when they burn their victims alive…


Just a waste of time until you get a boss to rule.




Kentucky Fried Chicken :)


Palmyra Barbecue!


Takfiri Kebab.

Gary Sellars

I vote for Roachburner…

…but still want to see FOAB do its thang…

George King

Trying to hide garbage can backfire, you just can’t hide it……….. I vote for “Alice’s Restaurant” for a little lifting of the spirit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m57gzA2JCcM

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

1.You could call it the “Vladimir Putin Grill” cooks Jihadi and Takfiri terrorists anyway you want. 2. The “RussiaCo All-in-One Turkey Fryer/Roaster”. 3. The “Tos-O-Majed” slices,dices everything and will even make Jihadis fried.

andy l

Great now they can barbecue these Isis rats. Well done is best.

Zainab Ali

these terrorists must feel the pain of how they did on others – russian led coalition way – nowhere to hide losers


Thermobaric Missile Attack. For those times when Carpet Bombing Sunni Villages just isn’t enough. Russia is now going “Full Grozny” trying to win the war before the Russian Elections in 5 months.


Oh, Russia carpet bombed a lot of Sunni villages, right? What was the name of those villages carpet bombed by Russia?

Any name, even ONE name will do.

Tudor Miron

Kenny troll appeared here not long ago (I actually think that it’s just a new account of an old troll) and started from their usual “I love Russia/Israel is agressor etc.” to get some credibility and now is showing his true and ugly snakehead.


There’s a bunch of them like that, ziotroll 101.


Yes, you are right. I noticed that just before the shooting in Vegas, there were a bunch of new trolls that hit here and other sites. AMN was down for days at the same time. All at the same time that Russia started accusing the US cabal of deceit and working with ISIS. At the time many were remarking that something was up and an ‘event’ was expected, then the Vegas shooting. All a coincidence?

Tudor Miron

It doesn’t look as a coincidence. Indeed AMN went down same night that it published that inteview with isis fighter was saying that they cooperated with US and Kurds.

Weldon Cheek

Agreed,and now i think of it,is or has carpet bombing ever been a tactic used by the soviet/russian airforce? I thought it was british/U.S. tactic in ww2 and vietnam?.but please correct me if i am wrong.


You are right. Carpet bombing, specially civilian areas has always been US’s main strategy since heavy bombers came to service. I cannot recall any instances of carpet bombing by Russia, that’s why I asked him to name one village.


The terror campaign waged in Grozny against the Russian federation was also fermented and aided by the CIA.


Russia vs Chechnya has been ongoing since 1785. It is longest continously war on earth. CIA isn’t needed to for Russians to kill Muslims.


You forget that the current Muslim leadership in Chechnya is VERY loyal to the Russian Federation. The Military Police contingent in Syria are Muslim.

During the time of the Soviet Union the Muslims in the USSR were an integral and willing part of the Soviet Block, it was largely Muslims who blocked the German Armies before Moscow.

It seems to be an American trait to lump all Muslims in one grouping of ‘Bad and Mad’, whereas in the real world Muslims are no different to any other religion and there are many varied opinions and loyalties that integrate with and mirror opinions of those in other religious groups.

Weldon Cheek

Well said,one day people will start to understand the difference,its just as you say,people read newspaper and see tv reports which dont differentiate more than sunni and shia and that causes (intended?)confusion and ignorance, glad you pointed out the fact of the chchen mps etc and muslim forces who fought and died so bravely against the nazis in ww2.

Tudor Miron

It’s all said in this video (dated 2010): https://youtu.be/M6HqVDEXKxg


He forgets nothing. He’s just another brain dead fool parroting the Zio line of manure. If there is an anti-Russian stance out there, he’ll latch onto it and play it. Facts and logic mean nothing to this sort…it’s best to ignore ignorant or deceitful fools like this. Read some of his other posts for more BS.

Tudor Miron

Kenny, try saying it to Chechens in Grosny which is now a beautiful city. “Longest continously war on earth” (c)… what??? Kenny, your trolling is even lower level that dutchy, solomosha and co. Look at devestation that those barbarian Russians brought to Grozny https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/374c8bb248da999a036ddf8466e767eeef9f247bffd558f4e2e488581a4aecc3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9addd8ce448338344e9737209ea0035d9575d67fca4d327ad6003e1fc2dbf819.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/688fe4059bb567c3c7b62690924d7b828ed226394b8cf1bfd3bc4019bf0d99fa.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

he is right, you lie

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What the Hell did they do vandalize that place!!

Tudor Miron

Those pesky Russkies!

Melotte 22

They should add some Iskander missiles as well.


Iskander doesnt add much to systems already in Syria, plus they are needed on NATO front.


NATO is attacking in Syria, they not attacking in Europe. Why wouldn’t NATO/ziogangster countermeasures be needed in Syria?

Tudor Miron

Because Kenny troll thinks there’s NATO front somewhere :) Where are those fights of this NATO front?


There aren’t any, outside of Donbass proxy activity. And the Ukraine military isn’t part of NATO. It’s the EU blocking normal relations with eastern Europe, not Russia. To try to advance EU/NATO expansion into non EU/NATO areas as part of their Jew world order Europe conquest to advance their plans to asset strip and enslave Russia and China. To bring war, poverty, dismemberment, and destitution to Iran, Russia and China. Like they’ve done in the middle East and elsewhere.


EU has normal relations with eastern Europe. Except for Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, all countries are member of the EU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are just sick with your idea of normal relations!


The EU has used trade and travel restrictions against non members for a long time to strangle them into submission to advance Jew world order hegemony for your ziogangster friends and their partners in crime. Ukraine is one example.

Similar restrictions were used to regime change and coerce EU membership on the rest of eastern Europe. Using coups and other ICC violations similar to what is being done in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere for your international crime syndicate. The evil cult that you support should be outlawed and eradicated to create a better Jew free future for humanity and our planet.

Tudor Miron

Kenny troll at it again :) “Carpet bombing sunni villages”(c) – what a nice article for western MSM :) but this kind of BS has no “ears” here on SF. Kenny, you either give us hard evidence (video would do, as there are tons of videos from both sides) or stop expecting us to be so gullible :)


No, the Russian’s just understand that SAA need to take Mayadin – and cross over the Euphrates and secure Omar oil fields area before US SOF and their proxy SDF try and grab same territory. The SDF has whole US Marine artillery units embedded in it – so some Russian thermobaric rocket artillery vehicles are essentially just a force equalizer.


The name implies that it throws flame, while in reality it’s a multiple rocket launcher (220 mm) and counts as artillery, but equipped with incendiary warheads.

Some may think of it as the flame thrower attached to hovercraft in James Bond movie, only attached to T-72 and featuring Buratino instead of Bond, James Bond!


It could count as artillery. But i think these vehicle is designed for direct fire roles. Time will tell how effective it is.

Weldon Cheek

Its been VERY effective all accross syria,this isnt the first time its been used there,its been “in country” for a few months already giving hts and tas flavoured jihadis a headache.

Jens Holm

Nice reading here. Is this representative for You region? The weaker an enemy is, You harder You hit and the more You celebrate.

Thats how You too often raise Your little brothers being responsabile for the raising children in fear givin ´g that to next generation, naigbors and like that. Is it ?

Tudor Miron

Who you call “a weak enemy”? Irregular armed forces of Israel/US/UK (Daesh/Nusra etc.)?

Jens Holm

ISIS are weaker then ever and SAA are stronger but only a few mm less stupid then in 1967.

When You take new stuff in, You will just get a higher mountain of junk for no use. The only good thing could be You have so much junk, that You hardly see the new, when it becomes rusty too.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Your Stupidity is utterly fascinating trying to comprehend, the Danske have always been the cast outs of the Teuton nations. Their self inflated importance in the region is dumbfounding at the way they behave with their deceit and arrogance, just blow that tiny pisshole up!!

Tudor Miron

Keyboard general Jens strikes again :) I prefer that SAA will keep being “stupid” as you say while sucessfuly liberating their country from UK/US/Israel irregular armed forces. Thanks God they don’t listen to your kind otherwise there will be no more Surya by now.


It’s too bad that your diatribe makes no sense, as is usual. No matter. We’ll await your BS once there is the smell of toasted takfiri in the morning, hopefully with a side of burnt Dutch SF. Ned will reap their rewards for sucking the US/Israeli gun barrel…all the while the Dutch will swallow every piece of BS the Zios tell their gov to feed them.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These thieves haave been robbing both Syria and Iraq of billions of dollars and you have the audacity to call them weak after they have been financed with weapons from NATO countries! While they are busy murdering the citizens of these nations while being foreigners like the other Terrorists that are there illegally , you are one idiotic descendant of the Teutons !!!

With those kind of “Nag Boars” what would you do screwed in the head Schadenfroid Danske !!!!


Not a flamethrower..missile projects many tyoe of munitions..theremobaric..etc


SAA Has advanced rapidly towards Mayadin. This might mean that commentor John was right, IS drawn away by their counterattacks. It might also mean that SAA evaded IS by going through the desert.

Anyway, reports about SAA taking the city are incorrect and it appears there are successful counterattacks by IS on SAA flanks, ever a weak point of SAA.

With SAA not on the river banks, likely a shortage of pontoon bridge elements and two days to build a bridge, it seems likely SDF will teke the Omar fields.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They went across the road and have flanked the entire riverbank, there is no shortage of bridge building material Russians are well supplied.

Told you ISIS was stupid in attacking with the bulk of their forces, why are they getting bad intel now, seems they are evaporating since their attacks. Major retreats and accusations are flying since they see some disloyal members, why the top commanders fled to SDF territory with their families. They are running to the US for protection as they know ISIS zealots will start killing them and their families.

The Omar fields are out of SDF reach and so is DE city , will soon expect the US to try everything as they are running out of options.

samo war

?????????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPugRR1Rf_c


Is it now clear why ISIS preferred to run away form Mayadin ? or do you still have some doubts ?

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