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Syrian Forces Launched 112 Surface-To-Air Missiles To Repel US-led Strike – Russian Military

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Syrian Forces Launched 112 Surface-To-Air Missiles To Repel US-led Strike - Russian Military

The Syrian military’s Pantsir-S system

The Pentagon and the Russian Defense Ministry continue to make contradicting claims over the US-led missile strike on Syria, which took place on April 14. Following the strike, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Syrian Air Defense Forces had intercepted 71 missiles launched by the US-led bloc at a number of targets including airfields. Later, the Pentagon denounced the Russian statement by saying that all 105 missiles had hit the three designated targets.

On April 16, the Russian Defense Minsitry made a new statement denouncing the Pentagon’s claims.

“The true targets of the strike delivered by the US, the UK and France on April 14 were both facilities in Barzeh and Jaramani and Syrian military facilities, including airfields,” Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on April 16.

Konashenkov added that amere thirty missiles would be more than enough for destroying the three facilities, which had been targets of the US-led strike according to the Pentagon.

“One can see perfectly well from the satellite photos circulated by the Western media these are ordinary buildings on the surface,” Konashenkov said. “I’d like to recall that the Tomahawk missile warhead is equivalent of 500 kg of the TNT depending on its type.”

“That’s why, whatever the method of computation, a mere ten missiles would be enough to destroy each of the three facilities even with account of a three-fold margin.”

The military spokesman said that the Syrian Air Defense Forces had used 112 surface-to-air missiles, including 25 Pansir missiles, to counter the US-led strike:

  • Buk systems: 29 missiles were fired – 24 targets were hit;
  • Osa systems: 11 missiles were fired – 5 targets were hit;
  • S-125 systems: 13 missiles were fired – 5 targets were hit;
  • Strela-10 systems: 5 missiles were fired – 3 targets were hit;
  • Kvadrat systems: 21 missiles were fired – 11 targets were hit;
  • S-200 systems: 8 missiles were fired – no targets were hit;
  • Pantsir-S1 systems: 25 missiles were fired – 23 targets were hit;

Konashenkov explained a poor performance of the S-200 system by the fact that it had been used in an attempt to hit aircraft.

The general went further by saying that facilities protected by air defense systems had suffered practically no damages.

“All of the four missiles fired at the Dumayr aerodrome were shot down; 18 missiles were fired at the Blei airfield, all were shot down; 12 missiles were fired at the Shairat aerodrome, all were shot down; two missiles were fired at the T-4 aerodrome, all were shot down; five of the nine missiles fired at the Mezze airfield were shot down; 13 out of the 16 missiles fired at the Homs aerodrome were shot down,” Konashenkov said.

However, he added that 25 missiles had reached facilities at Barze and Djaramani, which were later described by the Pentagon as main targets of the attack.

Earlier, the Russian military provided the following info about the targets and results of the US-led strike on Syria:

  • Four missiles were launched at the area of the Damascus International Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 12 missiles were launched at the Al-Dumayr Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 18 missiles were launched  at the Baly Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 12 missiles were launched at the Shayarat Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 9 missiles were launched  at the Mezzeh Military Airport. Five of them were intercepted.
  • 16 missiles were launched at the Homs Military Airport. 13 of them were intercepted.
  • 30 missiles were launched at targets in the areas of Barzah and Jaramani. Seven missiles were intercepted.

SF recalls that according to the Pentagon’s version of the events, the US, the UK and France launched 105 missiles that hit the following targets:

  • 76 missiles – “Barzah Research and Development Center”
  • 22 missiles – “Him Shinshar Chemical Weapons Storage Site”
  • 7 missiles – “Him Shinshar CW Bunker”

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For those that have been in War, seek truth in international affairs, or just study War Tech. This is a most interesting and informative read. Keep in mind KSA is claiming American Patriot ADS is bringing down Yemen ballistic missiles almost every week.

Tudor Miron

Like this one? https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FSonnenTanzer%2Fstatus%2F978098672473788416%3AgCWJm-ngDoGGfjHR0LQJnJxX5nY&cuid=3606370


just this one only partially


yeah.. one out of..? Just do the math…!

Prince Teutonic

Looks like they tested various AD systems on live targets (thanks to US army). Very good results for Buk and Pantsir-S1 systems!



Pavel Pavlovich

Makes blissful sense, they are the most advanced ones.


And ofcourse thanks to the UK & France. Those Countries are all run by a Pathetic bunch of satanic Psychopaths…and just starting to realise they are Nothing….those Countries are to proving the World that they are Natural Born Losers….

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Here is some noteworthy news “Commandos of the desert” brigade and their Commander Muhammad Sha’aban, all members(Al-Dab3) has defected to Syrian Army from FSA Jaish Usud al Sharqyah in Dumayr. April 16 2018.


Great..reconciliation is allright, though not me favourite.. but a bare necessity.. thanks…. in the meantime I keep on cursing the Bastards until they leave Syria….Curses make Lighting strike them…Soldiers will Fall like Rain from the Skies…..that Macroni & Trump May Hang and sum other fuckers..that All your Rockets will boomerang on your ships….


You are ignoring the BULLSH-T that s-200 missiles were fired at planes. We know this is 100% a LIE. On the night, Russia 100% avoided any direct confrontation with MANNED NATO assets (for reasons we all appreciate today).

Look, the Russians under Putin’s direct orders, allowed US bombers to enter the air-space over the American base at Al-Tanf, and fire a ton of air launched cruise missiles. If anyone here thinks the Syrians were allowed to launch s-200 missiles at these Yank planes, they are a moron.

Russia and the USA has a DECONFLICTION line used to arrange the mutual use of Syrian airspace by the two powers. Russia has confirmed that the USA used the deconfliction phone service to pre-announce the entry of American bombers into the airspace of Syria. Had an s-200 hit one of these bombers, immediate escalation would have ensued.

If Syria were allowed to fire s-200 missiles, Russian special forces would have sabotaged those warheads first.

Here’s a question for all of you. Why has Russia (Syria) not provded the ‘proof’ of all those missiles downed? If their downing happened as kremlin propaganda suggests (Syrian noobs defending Syria), then the proof would have hit our sources immediately. BUT if as I argue, the missiles were really downed by Russian elite forces, any ‘remains’ would be treated as a military SECRET, for fear of letting the yanks know precisely what happened on the night, and how.

It MOCKS the Yanks to suggest Syrian noobs knocked out so many of their World War class missiles- a psy-op in itself. And while too many dumb-dumbs here have never even heard of the term ‘psy-ops’, it is the front-line way in which great powers war against each other.

Look how the dumb-dumbs here cry when it is pointed out that Southfront is part of the kremlin propaganda machine, for instance. As if OUR side shouldn’t handle propaganda as effectively and professionally as possible. The other side sure as hell does. MONEY and organisation makes for quality. Only ZIONIST TROLLS tell you our side should be a laughable, poverty ridden, amateur hour show.

The word ‘Kremlin’ ain’t an insult. The word ‘propaganda’ ain’t an insult. Yet you allow zionist trolls tell you otherwise.

The only pity about Southfront is that it feels the need to pretend to be something it is not, and begs for money to keep up that pretence. Yet every day, at the same hour, the SALARIED staff stop updating the site (so Southfront MISSED the coverage of the missile strike by hours).

The sad truth is that today, Kremlin propaganda is slipping, and propaganda from the West is improving. Our side needs to up its game, and this cannot happen while too many of you claim that if our side is propely financed, it cannot be a force for good.

888mladen .

And US avoided to attack any RU mil instillation giving RU opportunity to use their radars for detection of incoming missiles and passing data to S air defenses spearing them using their own acquisition radars and risking them being destroyed.

fuck you

they avoided russian mili instillation because russians weren’t their target they aimed at syrian facilities not russian


What do you mean by ” Putin allowed US bombers to enter the air-space”. They entered Syrian, not Russian air-space. You are displaying the usual USA behavior – you are behaving in guests as if it were your house, and you are not even invited!



Manuel Flores Escobar

S-200 was used to keep away SEAD ECM aircraft as SA5 gammon has 300km range, many SA3 fly over Damascus to do the same vs to prevent posible stealth aircraft flying around…in my opinion USA launched attacks vs Syrian air base in Damascus with 59 Tomahawk like in Shayrat( 59) and failed….19 JASSM-ER ( 450 kg warhead) hit Barzeh complex..= ( 59+19 =76 cruise missile as Pentagon told that hitted Barzeh…surely some JASSM-ER could have been shot down..but few or none…the rest to 105 hit 2 more facilitys/ storage in Homs…some of them could be intercepted as we seen in a video in west Homs!…thats my opinion today after talking with a military expert!


True – I do believe that Russia did the shooting, The Syrians simply would have been overwhelmed.


If Buk M2 and Pantsir did so well, how well would S300 and S400 have done? How about S350 that is more sophisticated than Buk M2 and has a more rapid rate of fire and can engage more targets simultaneously? Russia has to give Syria another 30-40 Pantsir units and hundreds of Buk M3 and S300 missiles to operate within the existing air defense integrated system.


Yes, you don’t want to get caught with your Pantsirs down.

Pave Way IV

I’m still skeptical of claims by either side. There should be plenty of SCALP and JASSM-ER wreckage around Damascus or the airfields. The US claims none were shot down and all hit their target, so there shouldn’t be any wreckage of these missiles anywhere. If Syria/Russia can show a half-ton of wreckage specifically from these newer cruise missiles, then there wouldn’t be any question. Tomahawk wreckage doesn’t tell us anything – those were used before. This is the first time SCALP and JASSM-ER cruise missiles have ever been used in combat – twenty or so of each by US claims. I don’t really care what the targets were – show me the wreckage of a few of these if they were used/shot down.


Sounds fair

888mladen .

So what’s you theory then?


The US is obviously lying more – Why in excess of 100 missiles to destroy only 3 sites of little strategic value ?


If a country has no S300, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and short, medium and ICBM missiles then that country is a favorite country for US, UK and France to enjoy their stay there. Examples are Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen etc.


Russia & muricunts are having a war games in Syria with rules of their own..! Russia is good and friendly with evey countries especially the one it called their partners.. whom mostly are the heads (& tails) and masters of terrorism..! What my take in this missiles attacks on Syria are fake and hypocrisy at its best.. be it to save face or to further advances everybody’s agendas & interests internationally and domestically of their said country. It’s deception upon deception..! Whatever is being done in Syria and the ME time will tell that & the whole world will be destroyed to stone age era.. Then we’ll see and witness who are willing to give their lives in war as the ancient war..! With all the attitudes of the so called world power with all their so called/claimed advanced toys none of them can or willing to confront a bunch of 1% scums and eliminates them.. when it just takes a well paid hired killer to do the job..! By right.., a few hundred missiles will do the job when it landed & razed Haifa, Hellaviv and Demona..! Many had been killed as collateral damaged all these while.. so, just a few more collateral damages in the huge squatters colony in the land of Palestine is nothing to me compared to the peaceful and prosper world for the next generations to come..!


Syrian and allies shouldn’t inform US/UK that we don’t have chemical weapons. This is weakness. Tell them yes we have chemecal, biological and nuclear weapons and ICBM too. Then US, UK and France will never attack Syria. Be smart. Saddam and Qazzafi both have done this mistake that assure US/UK that we don’t have weapons. When they assured that Saddam and Qazzafi both have no weapons so then they decided that this is good time to attack.

Владимир Рогалевич

in syria aready has about 40+ pantsir-s1 complex))-most of them defend goverment infrasturcture, aerodromes,military infrastructure and other OUR AND SYRIAN things)))).

The s-200 is certainly not designed to deal with cruise missiles, it’s obvious.

The complex pantsir-s1 is autonomous and self-sufficient by itself-it can work in TOTAL automatic mode.

Radar systems of s-300-s400, of course, can backlight targets and unite whole complexes in a network of anti-air. But I think our generals did not shine ALL s400 complexes Characteristics and its nuances of work in this attack- it would be very stupid, and it’s not far-sighted to give such information. All steps are calculated by our milita.


At worst, Russia did the targetting and the shooting, at worst, they did the targetting and let the Syrian S200/S125 do the shooting.

Daniel Miller

even the extreamely old systems still did well.

Behold a Pale Horse

Give credibility to the claim by the Yugoslav army that they shot down more NATO aircraft than the West admitted to.


be damaged or shot down is giant difference!


israhell will say it’s due to birds..!


lol.. and they even have spare parts of it too.., that’s a good one.. hehehe


with Russian systems


Most interesting that S.A.A.F. painted the attacking Air Craft and shot at them. I wonder if pilots knew and needed clean underwear?



Rex drabble

Got to be happy with that.Russia is on a roll!

Jozsef Osztronkovics

People of US and the World –please note /—–US UK France EU is the real-puppet to evil moloch worshiping Zionist israeli jews –war on Syria and Libya Iraq and other was demanded and requested by satanic regime of jewish israel —all the rest is bullshit, just to follow up the zionist request


spins this everyday.. and I’ll up votes you daily.. as we are restricted to one only at a time..

Concrete Mike

Pantsir party. I wonder how many shells they used if any.

Pavel Pavlovich

The twin cannons are for a few kms’ range, like as not they were shooting the missiles down from a dozen kms or two.

Concrete Mike

Is it not a good question to ask? Did missiles penetrate to last line or not?

If you want to evaluate a system you need to know if everything on it works.

Pavel Pavlovich

It is a question worth the asking, so long as you deem the effort worthwhile.

This is my view: having the itsy bitsy missiles on the big screen and all confidency into the CIWS/AD there is no need to use bigger and more expensive and noisy long range systems.

The SA-22 battery comes with 60 missiles at the ready, to say nothing of the thousands of 30mm cannon shells.

Tudor Miron

23 out of 25 (missiles fired hit the target)


He mean pantsir AA guns. It has AA guns for last line defense.


This is my exact question. I saw a video reportedly of a pantsir firing into the sky during the attack.

Pavel Pavlovich

Not at all, it is a CIWS, point defense system. It is primarily used for smaller targets. Further, to defend the heavier S300/400. Unless you meant to say that the twin cannons are the last to be used, when all other recources are exhausted…

Hansi Hintern

Well, in some cases the Panzir system may only have 2-3 seconds to respond, when it can’t detect an incoming CM in time, maybe due to suboptimal topology. Then, when it is to late to launch missiles, the machine guns are the only option. Still i wouldn’t use the term “exhausted”, it’s just no more time that is left.


what in the heck are you talking about ? no modern AD system work alone , they all connected to the wider AD/A2 network capable of feeding realtime update on incoming threat , over the local pantsyr capability.

that’s why even older S200 system can be deadly because they are augmented by threat information coming from central network.

Pavel Pavlovich

A last instance guard against sudden death, if you will.

For which reason the SA22 is to be preferred to the TOR.

Tudor Miron

Sorry, I misunderstood.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Thank you South Front.


This damage quite badly of the advanced weapon system superiority myth of the US coalition.


Dubai Airshow 2017 (Day 3) JF-17 PAF Flying display. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItgsVQTOvFk المقاتلة الباكستانية JF-17 Thunder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWSvEzNjNto الصواريخ الباكستانية النووية |Pakistani nuclear missiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVHo0eb5iSU

Pakistan produces fighter jets JF-17 Thunder, Missiles and nuclear weapons.

Before 1970 Pakistan condition was worst than Syria and Iraq when Pakistan was allied with US. Then Pakistani PM approached to North Korea, China and Russia for joint military production facilities in Pakistan, then in 1998 Pakistan was the first Islamic country that tested 6 nuclear weapons, then missiles and then their own fighter jets JF-17 block-1 and block-2. Now JF-17 block3 and ICBM missiles Taimor with 11,000 Km and Tapo 15,000 Km ranges are under develop.

Tudor Miron

Why don’t we have here latest (by system) results from Konshenkov? It is in the news. Pantsir did the best and s200 worst (it was designed against planes more than missiles).


sillyruskie, we understand after first reading, nit like you, wodkabarain! so, dont repeat like kakadoo.


If they were targeting B1s or B2s they would have run into much more ECM than a cruise missile

Tudor Miron

Here we go: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa2ac98d51f2d1cfe63dcd17505c108b732a76bbc0f0822192231d231b5ba4a6.jpg


eta lozh


All of the four missiles fired at the Dumayr aerodrome were shot down

in the first version there were fired eight missiles, eight downed. konashenko, konashenko, you typical commie liar! in 3 days will be 0 missiles fired :DDD


where are the pieces of shot down missiles????

Bill Wilson

They’re trying to find those in the ruins to show later.


the intercepted are not in ruins. but if your answer was iron, then thumbup! :)

Bill Wilson

None were intercepted. The only shit shot at the missiles were antiquated systems incapable of taking down low flying and zig-zagging cruise missiles and even then those were fired off late in the game. Must of caught their crews napping!


Non zig-zagging cruise missiles are the only cruise missiles the US has. Remember the poor old Tomahawk is over 30 years old, missiles that can maneuver are a new thing, and only Russia and China have them.

Bill Wilson



Are you in the scrap metal business? But seriously most were probably shot down at sea.


lick my ass


I’m not gay, and this isn’t the place to pick up partners.


LoL! – a Polish Ghetto bitch

neil barron

SANA news will show you pictures. Then you will get the real picture. It’s your choice who to believe. I for one learned 2 years ago there is nothing but s-h-t coming out of MSM.


“S-200 systems: 8 missiles were fired – no targets were hit;” so what this means that S-200 are totally shit, or what, how can Pantsir Shoot down so many and S-200 design for such a purpose shoot down none from 8 missiles, does this is accurate intel, or so what is happening.

Petr Soukup

They said they were trying to shoot down an airplain which is apparently more difficult.

Vladimir Impalerov

Article has poor translated piece about S-200 allegedly trying to hit an aircraft. In the original statement from Russian MOD site it says:

“Noone should be confused by poor S-200 results. This complex designed to fight missile carriers, i.e. airplanes.”

So it was fired at missiles but since it was designed to hit airplanes it did poor hitting missiles. Airplanes/aircrafts are actually easier targets.


Aircraft can maneuver and deploy counter measures. Haven’t you ever watched a Top Gun type movie?

neil barron

The Russian statement was for shooting down airplanes they tried them to see if they could hit a missile. Remember Syria has full control if the Russians where firing them they become a legitimate target.This was pre arranged because the US didn’t want to get into War with Russia it would of escalate and not knowing if it could be stopped. Look at it this way Russia has live fired in combat over 200 weapons systems nothing better than to use them in war. By the Russians own assessment the last I read was at least 11 did absolutely nothing good failure. Your eye should focus on Fars news – A7 news out of Isreal -Sana out of Syria – Elijah J Mangier experience mid east Analyst reporter – war correspondent try world press or twitter and it won’t be long and then you won’t be asking many questions. A fellow traveler on Fars Iranian news. Pointed me to Elijah best in the mid east.


if the Russians where firing them they become a legitimate target.This was pre arranged because the US didn’t want to get into War with Russia it would of escalate and not knowing if it could be stopped.

Especially the word ARRANGED..! So., as I mentioned above.. Russia & muricunts are having war games with rules of their own..! lol..!


Assad, Putin, Ruhanni and all other Muslim leaders must know Israelis are their main enemy. Coordinating, cooperating and allowing them in your countries is like butchering your own nations and destroying your own countries yourselves.

Saudis+US+UK+France+ISIS+Al-Qaeds+Boko Haram+SDF+YPG = Israel

Make nuclear and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles for Israeli morons because without Israel this world will be a true paradise.


True Paradise is.. Just send thousands of missiles straight to Haifa, Hellhaviv & Dimona as Dimona will do the rest of the job in a blink of the eyes.. and i guaranteed the world will be at peace.. Dont forget some of the places in the UK + the wahabi palace too.. that’s where the worst scums of the earth lived.. It also takes few bunches of assassins to do the well paid job done too..! Bring chaos to that illegal colony and their economy by blowing off and flattened Haifa & Hellhaviv.. and hoping by then, the axis of the resistance will join too..! Do the world have to wait till the last minute or moment..? Once the illegal colony collapse it’ll be hard and impossible to rebuild the decades planned of greater israhell (again).. And yes do blow off that useless and incompetent building of the UN together with all the useless scums as well..! Patriotic Americans can and will help to blow off the whole Senate where aipac are having conference if they want to take control of their country back..! Chased and eliminates every each of those double citizenship traitors that try to escaped. That’ll be the real purge isn’t it..! And it’ll be the most awesome day of America and the world.




US, UK and France have destroyed the strategic balance and stability in the Eastern Europe and in the Middle East a lot for their own malicious goals. Putin should have to provide to Syria at least enough S300 and Pantsir-S1 for air defence and smart bombs and guided missiles to preserve the strategic balance and stability in the region. Putin should produce their weapons in Syria to reduce the logestic cost. In Syria the labour cost is low and raw materials are easily available. Strong Syria is good for the better Russian security and for the stability in the region.

jerry hamilton

The problem is that Russia are not a limitless pit of money like America are. At the end of the day Russia helps it’s people far more than America does and they still have to balance the books. Russia are doing what they can and I am grateful to them.

Mo Richard

read again please!!

Feudalism Victory

More than a high enough ratio to make these missle type strikes cost in effective. If true of course. Of course 76 missles for one building seems high. Probably best to divide by two the russian report and meet halfway between the two.


76 missiles for 1 sites yet we still get to see a collapsed building.


This degree of failure is serious that the US coalition most probably would suffers phyrrhic victory if it’s carrying out a real invasion into Syria. I hope this failure deter them from similar aggressive unilateral attacks. Even if it’s not going to appears in the politicians desk at the very least their military know what risk and at what estimate their success chance.


I wonder if this changes Russia’s attitude towards NATO. If NATO is even more feckless than expected, do the Russians push harder? As an example, the prepositioned supplies in the Baltics would make nice trophies and museum pieces.


Looking from the Russian statements of missiles interception target it seems they specifically avoid hitting the Russian forces itself. If they actually determined to take down and eliminate Russian own strategic military target they might as well declared full scale open war with Russia because that action will convinces them that they means business. Real business.

jerry hamilton

They would have been scared shitless of hitting a Russian.


Interesting that he didn’t credit the Pantsir guns for any takedowns.

Pavel Pavlovich

It must have been a walk in the park shooting them down from 20 kms on.


My understanding of the Pantsir is that the missiles’ max range is 20km so if they were shooting that far, it wasn’t from a Pantsir.

Милан Топлица

Брате Путине уништи зло !

Roger Snellman

Judge Russia, Iran and Syria by their actions not words. Russia and Iran ran away before the strike with their tail between their legs. Even Russia’s mighty navy cast off and set full steam ahead, any port in a missile storm but this Syrian port. Russia was crying for it’s Mommy saying the attack hurt Putin’s feelings. Russia and Iran failed to respond militarily to the attack. Russia did not even try to shoot down any missiles because they knew they could not. Russia then said next time US does that it will be very sorry, guess Russia’s big brother is going to teach US a lesson. Putin says when my big brother calls get his name and number. After the attack Russia announced they will upgrade Syria’s air defense, clearly the current defense is worthless. A couple days later Israel dropped fire on a hundred Shia Persians in Aleppo killing over 20 of them. Syria’s air defense was worthless yet again.


I can feel your pain, man! 100 missiles for 3 empty buildings! This is the most successful US strike ever!

Roger Snellman

Successful, yes I agree. Most successful ever is probably way too much of a stretch. Unfortunately many judge success by the amount of death and destruction left behind. Trump is different, he wants peace and designed this strike to avoid civilian casualties and hopefully avoid casualties altogether. Guess by that measure you can get away with calling it the most successful strike ever. He made his point and avoided killing anyone.

More importantly he warned Syria, my guess is that the next strike will have Assad written on 5-10 bunker busters. Carpet bombs and those MOABs that turn everyone within a couple square blocks inside out would be used if killing was his measure of success.


Who was ran away? You see what is going on after air strike? Has something changed? Counter-terrorism action was continued with the same vein. And, there is no impenetrable air defense.

jerry hamilton

Yes, you’re right. No one is as good at mass murder than zionists. You should feel so proud now. A real hero Your snipers shot how many? Over 3000. I bet that was orgasmic for you.

Tudor Miron

Jerry, let me post off topic here. I was thinking a lot about what you said about words being little part of many anglo/us songs and that you would love woman soprano in those songs. I came to conclusion that exactly because of that high role given to words those songs should be singed by man – those are soldiers songs. I don’t insist someone adopting my view but that’s how I see it. https://youtu.be/C1Jpyy8AJwA

jerry hamilton

It is a very acceptable viewpoint. The world would be a horrible place if everyone saw things the same. Diversity is what makes the planet work and work well. As I said, I loved the version of Polyushko Polye you posted. I don’t think there is anything as rousing as that song sung by the red army. Preferably out of uniform. lol

I was thinking a lot about what you didn’t say about the Bolsheviks. You have no obligation to answer but I would love to know how they are regarded by Russians. While wiki portray them as Russians, many of us know that is not true. Many of them were jews sent from New York with a lot of Wall Street money. Kind regards.

Tudor Miron

This is an extremely valuable question. Thank you. I don’t know how to point exactly to needed post but if you look here https://southfront.org/russia-says-douma-chemical-attack-was-planned-provocation-by-british-intelligence/ my answer to That Guy and Joe Dirt. And my reply to Promitheas Apollonious regarding education, Stalin and current world affairs https://southfront.org/us-led-strikes-on-syria-pr-victory-or-decisive-failure/ will be to start answering your question.

jerry hamilton

Please let me know if you got my reply. Not to this post. While I can see what I posted, it does not show where it should (to me)

Tudor Miron

I think that I have got it and I’m writing my answer. Thank you for your question.

jerry hamilton

Do you ever sleep is my next question.

Tudor Miron

I love working at night (no one is bothering me with questions other than you guys :) Right now I’m designing a chassis – one heck of a car it will be. But you are right. Time to give up to sleep. Good night my friend.

jerry hamilton


Roger Snellman

You appear to be responding to the wrong post. Topic is US Missile attack and actions by Russia, Iran, Syria. I doubt the US used snipers as part of the missile attack. Did not hear about any deaths … 3,000???

jerry hamilton

No I was referring to jewish atrocities in Palestine.

Roger Snellman

So you lose the debate on Syria and now you want to change the subject to another battle in another country. Is there an article about the snipers and 3000 deaths that I can come up to speed on?

jerry hamilton

There are thousands. If you are not capable of finding them you are not worth bothering with. Go away.

Roger Snellman

“Go away” Yet you are in the thread that I started. So you come over to my thread call me a Zionist call me a mass murderer. Then order me to go away.

Now I know how those poor Syrian Sunni towns and villages feel when foreigners tell them to bend over and take it. When they refuse they are labeled Islamic Terrorists as a pretext for exterminating them.


“Even Russia’s mighty navy cast off and set full steam ahead”

I will explain this to you, going to sea is the natural thing for a warship to do. When Russia fired the cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea into the Israeli manned ISIS control centre, the whole US 5th fleet put to sea, because no captain, American or Russian wants his ship to be a sitting duck.

Your hatred of the goyim does not change the facts, the Zionist forces lost, and the fighters for freedom and liberty won. Liberty Equality Fraternity.

Roger Snellman

“your hatred of goyim” What is goyim? What exactly do I hate. My post just states the facts of what happened in Syria and the actions of Russia and company. Please pick at least one of my facts to disagree with so we can have a discussion. Claiming that I hate something or that I am jewish (not that there is anything wrong with that) does not make sense. Now there are reports of planes destroying another Syrian military target, maybe Israel’s planes? Russia has spent billions and billions on Syria’s air defense and a couple times a week anyone who wants to flies into Syria and destroys something. Most of the time they do not even fire at the attacking planes/missiles/angry birds because it is an exercise in futility. My guess is that if they find a couple hundred dead Shia Persians then Israel should be the prime suspect. Do you understand the World is laughing at Russia, Iran and Assad. Israel a teeny weenie postage stamp sized country is kicking their a**.


“Russia has spent billions and billions on Syria’s air defense” You got a source for that claim?

Roger Snellman

“My team got thrashed” getting hit with 100 missiles does count as a thrashing but what makes you think I am on any ones team? I am certainly not on any of the teams killing one another. If I was on a team it would be the team that wants peace, all foreigners to leave Syria and the people of Syria to have the right to determine their own fate. Guess I would be a team of one.


Seem like someone panicked and assign more Hasbara trolls into Southfront comment section.. as usual everytime F/UK/US and israeli lost the battlefield , they push hard in the social media / blogs by spreading lies and utilizing more hasbara trolls to skew the narrative ..

Roger Snellman

I understand it is difficult for you to communicate in English but when you use terms like “Hasbara trolls” just a little explanation will help me respond. You appear to be insulting me by calling me a Hasbara troll what ever that is. It is clear that you believe being hit with 100 missiles is a huge victory for Syria. We both agree that it has been too long since Syria had a victory but I am not sure the US missile attack is Syria’s only recent victory.

How about celebrating Turkey taking more land and establishing look out positions or the arrival of the Arab League, the birth of a new nation Kurdistan, … the list goes on and on.


it is an already common knowledge that hasbara trolls and internet brigades are out in force since the failed missile attack and the syrian AD success in stopping them..

anyone who denied the existence of hasbara trolls are just a dishonest and ignorant person at best , or a fellow hasbara troll playing tag team supporting each other in the blogsphere..

nice try mr hasbara , posting on tel aviv working hours i see..

Roger Snellman

Do you even know what a “hasbara troll” is? If so please inform me.


folks , everyone , this is the example of hasbara troll reply , by pretending of not knowing what is a hasbara astroturfer meant.. this is classic Modus Operandi of hasbara everywhere..

hasbara do not seek truth or objective discussion , what they seek is a distraction of discussion / comment section so the article above are not discussed but everyone distracted by the hasbara comments..


Nope, wrong again – Russian ships left Tartus naval base to take up dispersed offensive positions – which is basic offensive strategy procedure – the exact opposite of being clustered together and an anchored target in a harbor. Furthermore, in all likelihood Russia used their very advanced electronic jamming systems in background on incoming NATO missiles. Electronic jamming interferes with the missile’s on-target internal guidance system and slows them down due to erratic maneuvering – this makes them slower moving and easier targets. You know very little and just post troll-crap.

Roger Snellman

“dispersed offensive positions” My point exactly! They knew it was coming, when it was coming and where it was coming from. Russia’s brightest and best were all ready and in position. Yet still they were completely impotent and could not do anything. They could not even get one of their little tiny missiles up.

“Offensive positions” yet no offense, not even any defense. If US missiles were jammed they would have missed their target and landed somewhere else. So where are the pictures of all those US missiles that missed their target and blew up some ones truck?

Please send one of your boys out into the desert with a shovel and have him dig a couple holes. Then take pictures of them to prove those US missiles missed their target. You would be a hero, the most popular guy on this board… even Assad would give you his autograph after his standup routine.


You do not have any actual understanding of hardware systems and their use – you talk is merely rhetorical posturing, nothing of value there.

Roger Snellman

That is the best you can do? You are not even able to challenge even 1 of my facts? Try harder, I have faith in you.


Nah, you are a fact free, diversion and rhetoric, act.

Roger Snellman

You failed yet again. Let me try. Do you agree that the US, France and UK launched over 100 missiles at Syria?


The Russians could eventually contest the airspace over the US forces in northern and eastern Syria by extending Syria and Russia’s air defenses, and trap them like rats. The US troops inside Syria belong in the Syrian government’s prisons and should surrender.


But it won’t do that..! They always arranged the airspace among them as not to conflict. lol..! BS

Ariel Cohen

Again, Russia has showcased the qualitative military technological advantage it now has over the West’s quantitative advantage, sort of a reversal of the previous Warsaw vs Nato balance . .


Maybe, but we only have western propaganda to assure us that the west was ever more advanced. People forget it was the Soviets that led the space race, and it was Germans that put the US into space. We live with the comfort of our fallacies.


The truth is probably in between the claims of the Americans and the Russians, as truth is always the first casualty in war. But what makes the American claims so utterly ridiculous is that they fired 70 missiles at a single building, and yet it looks like it was hit by only one. That is what makes the Russian claims so much more credible. For it doesn’t matter how many cruise missiles the Syrians intercepted or not, or how much missiles were lost due to Russian jamming, the majority of those 70 missiles did not hit their target or that place would look like a world war 1 battlefield.

And it makes sense for there to have been more then three targets, as the numbers quoted seemed like gross overkill. They could have taken them out with less then 30. Unless the Americans really did expect to lose at least 2/3rds of all missiles so they had to go for ridiculous overkill. Which is also pretty damning in itself.


Regardless of what western propaganda(news) and keyboard warriors say, Russian technology has twice proven that it is superior to American missiles. The generals in Russia and America now know the facts. This is a real game changer, it means that any nation that can buy Russian AA weapons is now immune to American attack. If Gadhafi and Saddam had these weapons their countries would not lie in ruins. It will take a decade, but the US tactic of demolishing a nation whilst safely sitting out of range of the defender is over.


They will have to put their P#ssy boots on the ground – not gonna happen. Same as Israeli cowards. Without brave F16 cowards bombing babies from the sky, IDF is a toothless whore

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