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MARCH 2025

Syrian Forces Liberate Six Settlements From ISIS East Of Golan Heights (Map)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated the settlements of Ghadir al Bustan, Malaqa, Um al Loqes, Bassah Sharqi, Bakar Sharqi and Bakar from ISIS in the area east of the Golan Heights in southern Syria.

The advance is ongoing amid growing tensions between Syria and Israel, which has just shot down a Syrian warplane supporting the SAA operation against ISIS.

Syrian Forces Liberate Six Settlements From ISIS East Of Golan Heights (Map)

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leon mc pilibin

Isis will be going to Israhell very soon.

Promitheas Apollonious

not likely. The next stop is europe.


No way, once upon the time hispania or iberia (in greek) was the far west, where the scalps where a little more under (by the neck). There’s no europe, only the far west expecting those romantic gays disguised of hard sons of a bitch.

Promitheas Apollonious

you speak with emotion and not judging based on the overall image. We been seriously monitoring for the last 40 years what is going on around thew world and been active participants in many of the events they went down.

They have been bringing into europe their trained armies in ME by the 100s of thousands under the pretense, of refuges. Trained armies from the UCK in Syria and Iraq and then send them back to protect the opium flow from afghanistan after by passing turkey. Take a look what is happening around europe and the reality on the ground.

The only army who will fight against russia is islamists they imported all over the world and pushed to change the demographics of europe. Now their commanders are coming back and take over. This game just began is not the end of it in Syria. That is their power over Putin. They are preparing the bigger blood path ever recorded in known history and using the population of europe between them and Russia and Russia is trying to avoid playing their game turning europe into worst than it happen to syria.

In any case the time events to open many eyes are not very far in the future now so lets wait and see whose correct.


With emotion or without emotion, my friend Apollonious, what I’m saying it’s they have no way, since the 16th century, since Hammurabi, or since Eve. And it’s truth that, in hard times, we don’t make prisioners.

Promitheas Apollonious

You know what? The hardest to awaken to reality is the ones who pretend that are asleep or they real low IQs leaving in denial of fact. No insult mean here. Just a statement of fact.


Okay, Promitheas, don’t worry, we agree, I think, on one basic fact: Gladio, ISIS, Israel, Cia, etc, etc, are all parts of the same thing.

Promitheas Apollonious

I was not trying to change your mind, was talking to you.

yes more or less.


Neither I want to change yours, neither I’m irritated with Hisham or leon mc, by the contrary. The serious in the joke is: it’s time to people to get out, while they can, from that thing called Israel. It’s less risky to go to Mars.

Promitheas Apollonious

and go where? They already polluted Palestine. Is good to be also fertilize the place they already polluted.

Peter Jennings

Those ‘helmets’ who hit Britain’s shores will no doubt be recycled into some other shadow gov’t scam abroad whilst their family are looked after by the state. Once in Britain, they will no longer need to act like true muslims and will be free to drink, smoke, take drugs and whore as much as before but without the murder. Let’s hope they don’t get to keep their guns or get bored.


What very soon! Israel was always fighting at the same side of ISIS,


Along with their Israeli advisers I hope :)

Jim Prendergast

This is an application where advanced drones are cost-effective.

leon mc pilibin

I pity the poor Syrian people in occupied Golan,,what horrors they must be suffering under isis control?


the offenvive SAA against the pocket isis daesh the golan eight is started !! very nice!! :)


Another ziofascist provocation; bastards.


People in Israel, migrate to Russia and become humans!


They could migrate to Russia the second part is not possible.


Good joke, russ,


Most Russian’s do not want their Khazars to return :)


Okay, only those with DNA hebreo.


Better to send them to USA, where they have total control of economy, culture, military, and education.

Hisham Saber

If Israel continues to act belligerently, this wis what will happen.

Syria and Iran will simply change the Rules of Engagement (ROE). Its simple, when Israeli jets strike Syria, the Syrians, Iranian IRGC in Syria, and Hezbollah should respond with missiles, ballistic missiles, and not only in the Golan, but Israel proper.

Also, the Syrians need to start complaining about terrorist/militant attacks originating from the Golan at Syria. This is the perfect tool/casus belli to muster all the forces aligned in Syria and make a move to fully liberate the Golan, and if things go graet, into Israel proper.

The Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC advisors and im sure fighters, Iraqi PMU’s (numbering in the hundreds of thousand, and they answer directly to Mr. Khamenei, 25,000+ thousand Afghan volunteers, Chechens special forces/commandos, some working for the Russian Mod, others directly for Mr. Khadyrov (and these guys want revenge real bad on the U.S. for the airstrike on a mixed SAA and Chechen military personnel that killed many comrades). Plus a vast reserve pool, volunteer pool to tap into in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The forces I mentioned above, have 7 years experience of brutal, war of attrition style warfare against total martyrdom seeking fanatics, in desert, rural and urban environments. By now, they combined, have been distilled down to perhaps the best fighting forces in the world. Outside if its airforce , what does Israel have? The IDF are made up of LGQBT’s, exchange students from the U.S., and degenerates who only excel at killing unarmed civilians.

When 75,000 IDF troops and 2 armored battalions tried to attack/cross into Lebanon in 2006, they were met by ferocious fighters of Hezbollah. And only 4500 participated in effectively routing the Israel IDF offensive. And Hezbollah had the bulk of its forces, especially its elite and commando units stationed north of the Litani Line. Imagine if they were all at the border when all the action took place. The fighting would have easily spilled over onto the Israeli side. And mort importantly, Israel had total air superiority over the battle field, but were not able to be effective in the least. You see, Hezbollah has adapted to the Israeli air force tactics, and when fighting breaks out, Hezbollah employ a simple tactic developed by the Soviets at Staingrad, for the most part. Its called ‘ hugging you enemy ‘ , or ‘ grabbing your enemy by the belt ‘ . Hezbollah fighter teams, ATGM teams, and rocket teams got up close as possible to Israeli troops and armor, rendering air strikes ineffective. It was a mess for Israel. They even closed down the factory that produces the once much touted Merkava MBT (The Chariot of God). 44 out of 400 Merkava MBT’s were completely destroyed, and Hezbollah would target the first one in column, and the last one, effectively rendering the whole column immobilized, and they simply fired their ATGM’s from only a few dozen meters away, which made the strikes most lethal.

The much touted IDF Golani Brigade got surrounded, then the location they ended up came under heavy rocket and mortar fire, and the situation looked grim for Israel’s famous brigade. It didn’t look good, and this was all happeneing in a small village on the border. So the IDF had to divert, pull major resources to finally be able to mount a rescue mission, and sustained many losses. Also Israel’s Navy flagship was hit by a C-108 Chinese variant anti-ship missile. It nearly sank.

Meanwhile, all Israel could do was , per usual, bomb civilian neighborhoods in South Beirut , which only hardened Hezbollah. Missiles and rockets were launched from Lebanon into targets in Israel until the very last day of the 33 day war.

Israel has no strategic depth at all, its Achilles heel big time. And the Israel population are not ready for a serious war, neither morally or psychologically. Israels economy could not sustain itself in a conflict lasting more than a few months, which of course the U.S. would support it with billions, and troops. But the U.S. is not ready, nor capable to engage in a wide war in the Middle East. The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff have already told Trump that the U.S. is re-grouping, in man-power and equipment , and will not be ready for any serious conflict until at least 2022.

The axis of resistance should, and must strike at the Golan, and don’t give air power and targets. They must me highly mobile, small units, and strike the IDF hard and fast. In fact , if possible surround entire units / battalions if possible.

I believe the axis of resistance, who largely answer to Mr. Khamenei, Bashar and Nasrallah, are being slowly but surely prepared for an all out blitz west of the contact line of 1974. And the British, French, U.S. bases, which are rather small, we be overrun , overwhelmed and even in Iraq the coalition, U.S., Britain , France, Italy are sitting ducks. Mr. Solemenei of the Iranian IRGC Corps. Al-Quds Force is the main architect for the coming engagement. He personally led the Iraqi PMU’s to clear Iraq of ISIS and he is moving the Iraqi PMU’s close to the Syrian/Jordanian border close to the Golan. And right up close to Jordanian/U.S. base Al-Tanf. There are hundreds of thousands of Iraqi PMU’s, and their auxiliaries. Once hostilities fully break out, the reserve pool, and volunteer pool will swell enormously.

The Syrian tribes are already reading themselves for a vicious insurgency that they will unleash on the Kurds/SDF , and their allies the U.S., Britain, France.


Hisham, go plant potatoes.

Promitheas Apollonious

r u hungry?


Hisham can’t compete with Suheil, so better to plant anything.

Hisham Saber

I will, in liberated Palestine. Soon.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Well said my friend, well said.


In that case the only thing Hezbollah and Iran should target id Israeli chemical plants and petroleum depots. Fire every missile they have at those sites. Create chemical winter in Tel Aviv.


I remember the Hexbollah team that took out a Merkava MBT with just an RPG. The Merkava blew up so hard it took out buildings across the road… The force of the explosion stunned the missile team.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

fight the mercavas with what??T-55s or T-62s?? the sufas with what??mig-21s?? the only way is to liberate and after that stregthen the economy of the country , never forget what happened and in 10-15 years Assad will see…

Promitheas Apollonious

the upstairs department obviously, is not your strongest point.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

??? patrioti min les anoisies….

Promitheas Apollonious

tote meine me thn pragmatikotita kai min lew kai esy malakies.

and if shit comes to shovel the syrians have enough to demolish israel with their allies. And they will not need to use t55s against merkavas, they can repeat what they Hez did to them back in 2006. Beside IDF is 80% queers and lesbians so they are not much of a challenge unless they kill kids and unarmed civilians.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

toxeis xameno tha elega…. you can not compare the 2 situations… and before all Assad must see Idlib and the north/ east/kurds…

Promitheas Apollonious

Do I.. Or you just bias? Yes agree that assad must clean its country and leave golan for last and try to do it with the help he has in a peaceful way, if is possible. But golan is part of syria and I dont really like child killers.

On the other hand I am not the one making policy for assad or the israelis just an observer of what is going on so………. lets see what happens and when the time come if it does we see what happens then if we are still alive.


Run for ISISRAHELL… Dirty Headchopping MERCS…the 30 Kilometer Daesh…


Russia sends more military supplies to Syria for upcoming Idlib offensive


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

keep it moving SAA!! :)))

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