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Syrian Forces Retook Saraqib After Mighty Turkish Army Fled From Town (Video)

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Syrian Forces Retook Saraqib After Mighty Turkish Army Fled From Town (Video)

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UPDATE: It’s officially confirmed, the Turks lost Saraqib to the Syrian Army.


Early on March 2, units of the 25th Special Mission Forces Division (formerly the Tiger Forces) returned control of the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib after the Turkish Army and its al-Qaeda allies had fled from the area, according to pro-government sources.

Saraqib was the biggest and the most important gain of the Turkish-led advance in Greater Idlib. If Turkish forces are not able to keep control over it, the declaration of the Turkish leadership about a devastating blow to the ‘Assad regime’ and a swift advance towards southwestern Aleppo and northern Hama are just empty words.

Meanwhile, Turkish state media accidentially released a video showing the real face of Turkish-backed “democratic fighters” – the great guys with ISIS insignias.


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Great news SF. Hope to hear more of it. Many rats taken out? :)



Syria must protect its airspace !!!

Syria cannot allow any aircraft or other flying objects into its airspace. These illegals must be shot-down.


Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies must reach Syria’s border and secure it with heavy military presence. The farmland is just as important to secure as is the infrastructure.

EXTRA EXTREME EMPHASIS – Once you liberate an area, you must have STRICT LAW ENFORCEMENT MILITARY PRESENCE TO SECURE IT INDEFINITELY in villages, towns, cities and roads, and other lands like farms etc. It takes aggressive manpower for this large-scale job. If you liberate an area and then walk away without securing indefinitely, you risk repeating with a followup later (removing terrorist gangster factions again).

…If I could give some advice – all Turkey’s border-crossing roads leading into Syria must be destroyed; so that Turkey cannot move more battle equipment into Syria. I realize that there’s daily tractor trailer loads of humanitarian aid entering Syria from Turkey via Turkey’s border-crossing (I watched eight hours of video of it), but I am suspicious that some of these tractor trailers are carrying weapons into Syria via some of these trucks. …AND if the humanitarian aid is for Syria, why can’t this aid be delivered by cargo planes flown directly into Syria for distribution, instead of “via” Turkey, (which you know damn well, Turkey is generating $billions$ off of this sham); …AND who is actually receiving this humanitarian aid; is it the terrorist gangsters and their families, or does this aid really support the decent citizens of Syria.

Miracles will continue to carry Syria’s heroes on the ground, in the air and on the sea through the “tough wins” and the “easy wins”; I send more prayers to you to push forward with full valor and vigor.

On another issue – Refugees from “numerous countries” trying to enter Greece to go to European countries from Turkey could be infected with CORONAVIRUS.

(I watch five hours of the Turkey – Greece border crossing; Erdogan is a self-indulgent liar)

GREECE – Saturday, “in small groups” (about 3000 total today) of refugees tried to get across into Greece clandestinely; vast majority were from Afghanistan; 66 were arrested; they didn’t come from anywhere near Idlib Syria region. Most of the people trying to illegally enter Greece were MEN !!! …Greece is deporting all illegals back to their country of origin the same day of apprehension.

The video is about “Who is actually leaving Syria” (the terrorist gangsters and their families; of course everyone knows this)



Absolutely right! The guys who are flooding the borders to Ol Europe are mainly gangster, beheaders, crinimals, terrorists. They have no “refugee status” and must all be rejected by the European countries. No money, no support, just a journey back to Turkey. Even if Erdogan is declaring war about that. But this would be his next move in downgoing…

Daniel Martin

A big congratulations to the SAA, Russians, Iranians and Hezbollah , for liberating Saraqib from terrorist Turkish invaders! ???????

Zionism = EVIL

Guys I try to keep it factual even though it upsets some sensitive folks here, this is indeed a great victory and made possible by intense and accurate Russian Federation airstrikes at great peril and bravery as the Turkey arseholes fired a lot of missiles and all were jammed. The Russians have pounded the Turkeys and may have killed and wounded hundreds of the scum. Russia is getting serious and good for Russia, SAA, Iran and all the axis of resistance allies. FUCK TURKEYS!

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats will need a lot of XXL Tampax…

Concrete Mike

Hopefully the hasbarats will be busy fighting amongst themselves today, what with another israeli election, you can choose between a sac of shit thay brown and a sac of shit thats yellow green.

Not.much of a choice hahah.

Lone Ranger

Was that really the third election in 6months in Israel? Poor Gantz, hasbarats must be after him like gollum after the ring ;)

Concrete Mike

Im not so sure, some habarats are gantz fan boys.

Regardless, the only democracy in.middle east is looking more and more likenthe 4th reich, wich ive been saying over and over.

Lone Ranger

Ironic the Jews treat the Palestinians the same way nazis treated them in the 30s. Not kosher… Bibi wouldnt be a bad President if he wouldnt support jihadis and wouldnt try to genocide palestinians… I dont know much about gantz only that he is an ex IDF General.


During the 1930’s in Germany though the government was only taking from the Jews what they had appropriated during the engineered fiscal chaos of the Weimer Republic.

In Israel the cry of ‘God Gave us Israel thousands of years ago’ is just another excuse for mainly Zionist Jews to steal another persons land, in my opinion.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Especially so since at least up until the time of Moses, they worshipped many gods. They were praying to the golden calve while Moses spoke with Yawheh ffs.

It’s great when you have a god for every issue.

Ishyrion Av

God also killed all the Levits – their priests – in the year 70 and took their home and left them homeless. And the covenant between God and Jews is broken since that time and it will not be restored until they embrace Him again – and that means convert them to Christianity.


They are all on the same page

Bobby Twoshoes

Was the choice of “sac” vs “sack” intentional? If so that’s clever wordplay; a sack of shit is close enough but the membrane (sac) that holds shit before excretion is arguably an even better simile.

Concrete Mike

Hehe morning.

Technically its a typo, in french sac =sack, so your joke still applies.

But not intentionnal, sorry, hard for a fellow to spell correctly at 4am in a snow plow :))

Zionism = EVIL

I will tell you guys another FACT, Russia has delivered new AD systems and tanks to Syria via sea and via Iran in the last 24 hours and that has also tilted the military balance in Syria’s favor. The new weapons deliveries are aimed at permanently shifting the balance of the battle after the air defense systems entered the area to confront the Turkish Air Force’s warplanes. Russia has backed up its warning to the goat fucker Erdogan with concrete action. The Turkeys drones have disappeared from the skies today and much worse is to come.

Lone Ranger

Most excellent ;) Good news.

Lone Ranger

I wonder if they are laser CIWS ?

Liberal guy

Great news pal

Peter Jennings

We can probably add Iraq, and soon Libya, to the list of resistant allies. As the US/nato/isreali/suadi aggressive warmonger continues, that list will only grow larger.

Liberal guy

Well well I know saraqib was a trap set by saa hahahahaha.It was a tactical withdrawal these biggest cowards fools ever wahhabis didn’t understand and they never understand logic because the are the most evil cowards fools


We made it my bois, i knew all this crap would be reversed. Notice how silent and peaceful the comment section is? Ahhh.

Saquib raza

Hezbollah did all the fighting. They are on front line now. Tiger on the defence of liberated area. In South Iranian forces will take the lead in front line.. want to add any?


Liberated a huge town and posted one picture of some people somewhere where you cant geolocate it? Yea,right. Hahahahaha Like shooting down 15 drones,kalibr missiles flying,Russian bombing a Turkish convo etc…One must be braindead to belive that…lol


fuck off siktiriji


St00pid Adi, here bcoz you are too lazy yourself: https://justpaste.it/img/5bae40d7c1ddc35809717e17e8813548.jpg



Can you get a new one,that one is kinda old…Hahahaha


There us numerous out there, also a TV crew. Maybe you you could asd your wahhabi friends to take some pic from the city? :P


Its taken…yea,sure buddy…Lol








Concrete Mike

Shut up and go vote for your next fascist dictator, err i mean crime minister!


#rageMode ON for Adi ??


Lol,dont give 2 fucks to be honest…but this Erdogan Jihadi journalist still claims battles ongoing and not captured,Hahahahahahahaha



Indeed ThiS Is sO FuCKinG HiLaRiOuS HoHoHoHo man it takes so little to get you super-excited,you should get out more or get a gf ? besides who cares it takes them half a day more to retake the town anyway lol calm down, it’ll happen down the line no need to fall off your chair yelling like that ffs you gonna break somethin’ brah?


Lmao,you deadbrains are so freaking funny!!! Insta rage when someone shows your stupidity .Hahahahaha


ahah you’re funny! i’m not raging, just stunned at yours so I felt like giving out free advice on stress management :p Me I had my day seeing the town recaptured it’s like all over mainstream media now anyway so I don’t gain by helping you out believe me ;-)


Yea,as i said …deadbrain…lol


You gotta be kidding me bro ?Your teenage jabs are so cute I’ll go as far as giving them a thumbs up,look ?




ahahahahahah wtf was that one for !!! ???? you’re going nuts or what ???





More of the same weak jabs along with some jihadi love propaganda as a bonus ?? you’re the winner of the loosers club mate ,keep it up ? PS :its “braindead”not deadbrain,you got it upside-down… like your own brain ??


You freaking hillarious,you win the khatchewingdeadbrains championship …Hahahahahahahaha


Well deadbrain just like khatech whatever still not being real words I’d say you win the iliteracy prize 2020 as far as the rest of Humanity is concerned,a common trait with your jihadi cavemen brethren right mate ????




I feel so sorry for you every time you post jihadi PR, you don”t even realize I swear we can almost see those hard Allah-blessed dicks gently caressing your fragile juvenile cheeks while you type ??


I must admit it must be so sad beeing so fucking retarded as you are eating every shit your khomeinifarts serve you…lmao


Says the certified useful idiot pasting one islamist tweet after the other on that very thread and rejoicing at their every supposed success on the field. Yeah it really hurts being called a retard by a jihadi cheerleader ??


I prefer all as long they burned,but burned khomeini farts are the best. :)


Oh will you look at that !!!!!! so you’re actually super open-minded, they take you from several holes at a time, you prefer “ALL” ? ??? MAN I gotta respect your honesty. Kudos to you and another thumbs up for being a man about your man-love.



Rhodium 10

it was after Turkish attack vs Hezbollah…then IRGC&Hezbollah launched a attack from North Saraqib and terrorist fled!….because one thing is to fight vs SAA….but another thing is to fight vs Hezbollah special forces!… so you have notice why Godparents( USA,Israel,Saudi Arabia) dont want IRGC&Hezbollah deployed in Syria


Yeah, Iran and Hez are angry, no holding back for Putin anymore. With that fact, things -may- acutally turn positive again. We will see.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha well said

Alex Mjoge

Very good news this morning.


Best new that I’ve heard in few days. Congratulations to SSA. Gods speed.

Gary Sellars

Take that, you stinking kebab MFers… :-D

Al Balog

Nice work SAA ??. Now take back that green pocket in the south that those rats invaded.



I am wondering how the presence of Turkler drones is effecting Tiger forces fire-brigade like redeployment. I imagine that in the very least, it will slow down their movement somewhat.


Now , the SAA and the Russians have to stop the Bullshit and go to Idlib city asap. No stopping, this is war not a political arena. You either take Idlib or will keep on losing and regaining it back and forth til the end of time.

Lone Ranger

A single FOAB would do the job just fine. Give civs 6 hours to leave than glassparklot it.


Russian FOAB is almost a mini-nuke. It’s not a good idea. Also a PR nighmare. The only ones who can get away with it is the Americans.

Lone Ranger

Well you can dish up the same story as the U.S. and saudis do when they drop a tactical nuke or neutron bomb…it was just a bunker buster that hit an ammo depot… nothing to see here move along, move along…

Black Waters

It’s a matter of time, Turkey has no moral ground. They are invading a sovereign country.


WOW Er?an will be ripping out his moustache, this will send a message to the white house and Tele Aviv, Russia is the master where ever Russia may be

MeMad Max

Like playing wack-a-mole:

The SAA took back saraquib….

…. but lost almost all ground in the south of idlib…

Comeon guys, kill them harder….


whack-a-rat LOL https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2eebfe4b803b8a08951262124430acc12c778a6f4f4b29541ad5ee43f391ed03.jpg


These are some of the best men that Syria can field,

despite the threat of Turkler drone-guided heavy artillery, they can still get the job done. An important test has been passed. But more new challenges will be on the way, almost assuredly. Turkler terroristler is always watching, waiting.


Jihadmin of live khokhol map currently working his way through a bottle mustering up the will to expand some red area…


I notice the Erdogan trolls are quiet

Zionism = EVIL

Just look at the smoke, the Russians have really pounded the Turkey goat fuckers and inflicted some heavy duty damage.

Lone Ranger


Al Balog

Me too, we must have trolled them out ??. I’ve been noticing a lot of Greek users on here too lately (I get along with them great, awesome people). Add that with the pro-Syria people, Hezbollah supporters and Russian patriots, they all together expose the Turkish trolls very hard. I think they got them tired.

Concrete Mike

Its our little part we do to help the syrian nation :)


Too early to celebrate yet. The Syrian Alawi Army cannot be allowed to regain full control of Syria. The earlier you acknowledge this fact, the better for your blood pressure. There will be a counter attack. Just wait and see. Turkey is escalating incrementally. The goal at this moment is to lure Assad into attacking Turkish soil. That is the only thing NATO is waiting for. Assad has refused to do it so far, limiting his fight within Syria’s borders. But when Turkey starts pounding the Alawis hard with missiles and jets, and bigger bombs, Assad will have to retaliate directly against Turkey. Then All hell will break loose.

The bigger bombs haven’t started falling yet.

Ishyrion Av

You don’t understand, friend. Turkey is not protected by NATO’s article 5 even if Syria is invading Turkey, under current circumstances. Why? Because Turkey is the aggressor here. Second, in order to get a military answer from the NATO alliance, ALL members have to agree on that, mainly, have to agree that Turkey is under aggression and not the aggressor. Please convince Greece to sign (and a few other NATO states!). So you see, Turkey is alone. And for US, it will gladly allow this turbulent “ally” to disappear into darkness. Which will happen soon.


You might be right. But if this happens and the U.S and NATO abandons Turkey, it will mean bigger trouble for the U.S and Israel. Turkey will become more defiant and start independently arming its military without relying on the west. It will also deepen ties with Russia.

Note that I have great respect for Russia and how Putin is handling the situation. With Putin in power, it will be easy to mend ties with Turkey, though it might take some time.

but I am not convinced that NATO will abandon Turkey anytime soon. the stakes are just too high for the U.S and Israel, particularly not when this situation presents an opportunity to invade and overthrow Assad. I don’t give a shit if Assad is overthrown mainly due to the suffering his incompetent rule has brought upon Syria.

Ishyrion Av

Read my words: Turkey is doomed, because is surrounded only by enemies. And for good reasons, historical reasons and modern reasons. Have you noticed the March 5 meeting just moved next week? While Russian warplanes attacked the Turkish forces in Saraqib and now Russian MP are taking over Saraqib? Does this say anything to you? Putin is loyal to his allies and turks are not among them.


Well, I disagree. Putin and Russia will certainly want a Turkey-Russia-Iran-Syria alliance. Aside from the corrupt Saudi Arabian dictators, Turkey has far more influence on the Sunni Muslim world than any other Muslim country. Secondly, Turkey wields tremendous influence in the entire Middle East.

Russia has billions of dollars at stake in Turkey. Russia would love to see a Turkish exit from NATO. Russia and China’s position will be immensely strengthened in the Middle East should Turkey get into their fold. Idlib and even Assad is not worth that much. Russia defending Assad is now a matter of protecting Russia’s credibility on the international stage.

Iran is isolated, weakened, and despised by the majority of Muslims around the world. Because we are very alert at their attempts to corrupt our religion with some poisonous beliefs – something not even America or Israel has tried. For this reason, Iran will never ever be welcomed by any Sunni Muslim community.

Turkey is a powerful country, and I strongly suspect that they are moving towards nukes and will likely test one before Iran. The indicator is Turkey’s recent cooperation with Pakistan, Its disagreements with America and Europe, Erdogan’s public expression of a desire to possess nukes, and some billions of dollars worth of nuclear reactor deals with Russia.

Even Erdogan will not let the Syrian war sever the relationship Turkey has built with Russia.

Ishyrion Av

First of all, your religion got “corrupted” when Arabs conquered Persia. What, you thought a 5000 years civilization was going down so easily against a horde of Arabs? Not to mention your religion IS corrupt anyway- a mix of Judaism and Christianity from which you didn’t understood anything, with no other backbone than killing the apostates! Second, Iran is esteemed by all the Shia muslims around the world. Is not weaken and hardly isolated – just look at the neighbors (Irak, Syria, Afganistan, Pakistan) and the global powers (Russia, China). Third, your opinion on Turkey comes from your nationality and is not based on facts. Time (in short!) will prove who is right!


Assad should have stayed away from Iran and Hezbollah – the major culprits of Syria’s sufferings


You celebrated the “taking of Saraqib” by Al Qaeda just a week ago, so why be in denial now. Did yo know that you are in cahoots with a declared international terrorist organisation.


I am only for the suffering majority Sunni Syrians. A suffering brought upon them by Iran and Assad for their continued transfer of weapons to Hezbollah via Syria.


You should be in for the wellbeing of everyone not just sunni

Ishyrion Av

Iran is a friend of Syria. For many reasons. It was a friend when Syria was among first 10 best places to live (before 2012) for Christians and all kind of Muslims and even for Jews. It is a friend also now, when Turkey+Israel+US+Saudistan are trying to destroy it. I have full respect for Iran. Is not Iran that invaded a foreign country, not in 600 years. But Turkey? Oh, Turkey is acting like a horde in the past and in the present. And in the future if it will not be stopped for good.


Are you saying the Sunnis in the Syrian Army are a logical representatives of the Whole Sunni population of Syria? Do you know the total number of Syrian soldiers and the total number of Sunnis? The only thing that will proof a majority of Syrians still love Assad is a nation-wide free-and-fair election after the full return of refugees. Assad wants to continue ruling without specifying any future plans for transition to democracy. Most of you on this forum have praised Assad for being a secular ruler. Fine. If he is truly secular and not a vicious dictator, we want to see some concrete measures towards transition to a real democracy cos that is what a secular society should look like. Let the majority of Syrians decide who rules their country.

You said Iran has not invaded any country in 600 years? Okay, I get what your definition of invasion is. You consider invasion to be when a country attacks and occupies another country militarily for a time. But this is a narrow definition. There are many ways to invade a country with the intent to destroy its leadership.

Iran infiltrated Afghanistan in the 90s to undermine the Taliban government. Before this incident, Taliban or Afghanistan never attacked Iran in any way. In fact, the two countries had diplomatic ties. Iran took Taliban’s tolerance as an opportunity to build a Shiite militia that will contest Taliban’s control of Afghanistan. Why was this? Most people posting on this forum (especially non-Muslims) underestimate the Strong religious crusade spearheading Iran’s policies. This is so for two reasons: 1) they do not know the history of the Shiites, and Shiite-Sunni conflict that have continued for over a thousand years. They also do not know the founder of the current Shiite regime in Iran. They think it is Ruhollah Khomeini, not know it was Ismail who laid foundation for the current Iranian regime. 2) Iran is a master of strategy and covert warfare. Historically, that has always been a Shiite strong point. Without careful observation and research, you are unlikely to see Iran’s fingerprints on the death and destruction befalling many Sunni countries in the middle east. Saudi Arabia does contribute to this misery, but Saudi’s own is clear for all to see. Iran on the other hand is a master of concealment. 3) Members of SouthFront understand only current events. It is important to be able to connect the dots between history, present, and future. Most of their comments shows the know little about what ignites these wars. America and Israel are a major driving factor, but what is happening goes deeper than that.


SAA is also majority Sunni Syrians so what’s your problem? The wahhabi crazies that came from abroad are not Sunni Syrians, neither have they spared Sunni Syrians but have abused them as much as anyone (well, less than they have abused the Christians actually), so what’s your problem?


God Bless Greece! I just came back from there it was beautiful!


Cheers my brother, i noticed you in the comments when shkt was hitting the fan. It was a good fight, our little victory in the scheme of things.


Lone Ranger

They are probably sleeping, was a long night in tel aviv…


They only show their ugly faces when they have something to brag about. Bunch of losers with no lives.


When the jihadists run they run too, so israel must launch a strike against civilian targets in Syria so they have something to brag about. They are despicable scum mostly lying and making things up.


I heard the SAA put the Doritos chip factory under siege. The trolls must have died of starvation


Congratulations to the forces of Syria and Russia for defeating the head choppers! This is a big blow to Erdogan’s ego and his terrorist-supporting army.

Now let’s see how the fake online supporters of the Syrian army, who were trash talking Russia and Syria all week, have to say about this.

Lone Ranger

Erdofuck is so angry he is torture fuckin his beloved white micro pomeranian at this moment. Poor thing :_(


Yeah what was up with these anti putin so called pro saa fakers


It seems the catastrophic casualties that turkey inflicted on the Syrian army are due to two reasons:

1. Russia made the mistake of allowing Turkish heavy weapons and armored units into Syrian idlib without attacking these convoys. 2. Russia, up till now, gave turkey free reign to fly drones and jets over Syrian idlib.

Lone Ranger

3. Most the damages were Mossad CGI…


Turkish land troops have not engaged yet… Just Artillery and UAV support until now. If Turkish Tanks and Infantry take action, we will see What happens…


Land troops includes artillery, last I checked.


“Catastrophic casualties” didn’t actually happen. It was a decent blow, but mostly Turkish propaganda. In reality, a few fancy drone strikes here and there won’t stop even a 2nd-rate military.

Peter Orimoyegun

SAA urgently need another special forces with same capabilities like the Tiger force. If not for the deployment of tiger force from south idlib it wont have happened

Saquib raza

Hezbollah did all the fighting for saraqib. Tiger is for the defence of the liberated area. In South idlib Iranian will lead the front line.

Christer Larsson

42 tank division

president guard division

so the have 3 elite division

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining, Turkroaches are draining ;)


Dont worry, Turkish infantry and Tanks havent engaged yet! SAA is still fighting opposition troops with Turkish Artillery and UAV support.

If this will not be enough, Turkish troops will probably take action. In Seraqip the fighting line is the M5 in the city.

Lone Ranger

Sure Shlomo… Here is a Tampax… Its gratis ;)


Kafranbel captured, opposion forces move to Maraat El numan…

Lone Ranger

You sound like adolf in the reichs bunker 10min before he comitted suicide ;)

Wahid Algiers

Why always against Adolf? He had NOTHING against Arabs. Why you are serving jewish bullshit propaganda?

Lone Ranger

He killed 45million white people, thats why…

Wahid Algiers

Guilty on this were the Anglo-Saxons, the US since centuries and al least Stalin.

Lone Ranger

Them too. But hitler killed the most white people.

Wahid Algiers

Ok, your opinion. I am a far-right supporter in Germany and know it better.

Lone Ranger

We agree to disagree. :) Non the less, its more important to stop the Turkroaches in Syria.


You should read the book “The Secret Origins of WW1” by Docherty and co. You’ll see that the British imperial (read world elites) project to destroy Germany started in the early 1900s and it concluded in 1945, but continues even today with Germany an American vassal state with no independence. An American general even stated that the purpose of NATO is to “keep Germany down and Russia out!” Hitler’s rise was also financed by jewish bankers, so it gets pretty complex. But without the original project there would have not been a hitler! It is also indisputable that the allies started both WWs.

Lone Ranger

I agree on that. True.


We tend to forget that the two world wars were designed by the Anglo-Saxon-American-Zionist ruling class (yes, with Jewish elite complicity) to prevent and destroy industrious Germany and its planned alliance with Russia.

National socialism was not an indigenous German idea/movement. It was imposed upon Germany by the British ruling class. Both Hitler and Gobbells regarded Houston Chamberlain, member of the British Gentry, as their spiritual father.

Hitler and Goebbels got the chance to pay him another visit, in May 1926, just before he passed away. This second visit was, according to Goebbels, a heartbreaking episode which Berlin’s new Gauleiter described in his diary, in May 1926:

“Shattering scene: Chamberlain on a couch. Broken, mumbling, tears in his eyes. He holds my hand and won’t let me go. His big eyes burn like fire. Greetings to you, spiritual father. Trailblazer, pioneer! I am deeply upset. Off we go. He mumbles, wants to speak, he can’t—and then weeps like a child! Long, long handshake! Farewell! You stand by us when we are near despair. Outside the rain patters! I want to cry out, I want to weep.”


Interesting diary quote. To me this seems like a record of a meeting where Chamberlain , through his elite connections, already had come to know of the plan to destroy Germany and was speechless from remorse, shame and sorrow. We can’t forget that until a sudden and seemingly inexplicable turnabout in the media attitudes towards Germany prior to WW1, everybody in the English world loved Germany!!!

Wahid Algiers

Move to your earth hole and make a shit you fucken Turk.


Ayman prefers used tampax, he says they taste better, :)

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Turkroaches and hasbararts are crying and raging ;)


Seraqib still under Oppostion controll. Syrian propaganda under full swing…

Al Balog

90% of sources I read showed and argued the exact opposite.


Pro SAA sources maybe… But not even neutral sources verify it. Fights still ongoing in the outskirts.

Concrete Mike

Go back to harassing refugess you degenerate fuck.

Terrorist supporter! Your crocodile tears mean nothing to me, as i know your just an israeli tool.

A fucken loser with no job :)


I am a student…flexible. And i support the innocent civils which, should have a safe place in Syria from Barrel Bombs and torture from Assads gangster…


go fuck your mother

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The USMC got there before him.

All 250 thousand of them, in one go.


student of what? satanism?

innocent civils with ugly beard, knife for throat cutting, and assault weapons. yeah, sure.


I think that this Turkish government has got some serious domestic disagreements over it’s foreign policy of doing the Jew’s dirty work for them, grovelling to Jews and wearing Jew shoe polish on their tongues to the embarrassment of the Turkish people and nation.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad isis operators. May the baby headchoppers rest in pieces…


Seraqib is retaken by SAA. All other narratives are bullshit.


Fights still ongoing…. Why should otherwise Russian jets make attacks in the city? But Kafranbel is confirmed taken by Oppostion. They move right now to Maraat Al Numan


Russian jets are flushing the remaining rabid Rats


Confirmed from several sources…Seraqib still in Opposition hand! SAA propaganda in full swing…. Fights still ongoing…

Wahid Algiers

Turkis idiot. You believe all a Jew is telling you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Weekend warriors had to go home, as they were missing their goats.

Lavrenty Beria

If Syria has a secret biological weapons program it’s time to use it. Hard to pilot an F 16 when youre seeing double and your bowel just fell out.

Assad must stay

hahahahah truly remarkable many congratulatory remarks to SAA and russia and iran and hezb, and FUCK YOU TORKI LORKI PORKIS!!!! HAHAHAHAAHHA!! YOU GUYS SUCK ASS SERIOUSLY!!!!

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