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MARCH 2025

Syrian Forces Shot Down 13 Israeli Air-Launched Cruise Missiles During Feb.10 Encounter – Russian Media

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Syrian Forces Shot Down 13 Israeli Air-Launched Cruise Missiles During Feb.10 Encounter - Russian Media

The Syrian military’s Pantsir-S system

The Syrian military shot down 13 Israeli air-launched cruise missiles additionally to the F-16I multirole fighter, which crashed in Israel, during the February 10 encounter in Syrian airspace, the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported on February 14 citing a source in the Syrian General Staff. MORE ABOUT THE ENCOUNTER

According to the report, the Syrian military used S-200, Buk and Pantsir-S systems against Israeli aircraft and missiles. During the first strike on Syria, Israeli aircraft reportedly launched 11 air-launched cruise missiles. 8 of them were intercepted. During the second strike, Israeli aircraft launched 7 air-launched cruise missiles. Syrian forces intercepted 5 of them.

The report added that the missiles were the key target of Syrian forces. The only aircraft, which violated Syrian airspace, was also shot down. It was the aforementioned F-16I. Russian and Syrian sources reached by Izvestia did not deny or confirm reports that the F-16I was targeted with an old-fashioned S-200 missile.

The article also provided additional details about the February 7 incident when Israeli warplanes struck the Damascus countryside. According to the article, Israeli aircraft launched 8 missiles and Syrian forces intercepted 6 of them.

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jerry hamilton

This is sounding more promising.


Israel is endangering the World !

If UN can’t stop them, a reform is urgently need…

World wide Peace lover have to boycott Israel !

Don Machiavelli

They own the UN since forever.


They respected only “One” among the unlimited UN resolutions,

the 1948 resolution for the Israel bloody creation thanks “Terrorism” and Assassinations of the Best Peoples alike James Forrestal and Prince Folk Bernadotte !

Our World is in pitiful State thanks of the US/Zionist/NATO !


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Don Machiavelli

They own us.


Until when ?

Can’t be and have been !

What go up, go down !

Trees didn’t grow to the Sky !


I have been boycotting Israeli goods for years.


Me too, American product included


I have only been enlightened for about 28 years :)


In fact since jun 1967(lol)


You deserve a medal :)


So, you have russian processor in your PC?


not yet, but for my next PC !

Don't read butthurt replies

I’m hoping for the same, and possibly be able to get it somehow into the US. I have heard of Russian Made Desktop or something similar but not for the public yet from what I read.


Maybe soon China will do a good one, I have been hundreds time in China, I love them, they are fantastic !

Simon Steil

must be a russian troll


Google for Bunuel movie “Simon Stylites” and do the same on a colonnade before vain eructation !


Igor Dano

I have chinese one. Russian is not easy to get commercially.


Yup. And which OS can run?

Don't read butthurt replies

When will it be easy to get commercially then? And what is the Chinese one called? Wasn’t aware of a Chinese one. I guess that’s good.


Aside trade boycott,

I will Never buy Fruits and Agriculture products

grown on stollen lands with stollen Water !

Any American products have to be avoided too !


I agree.

Simon Steil

must be an unedcatated troll


Sure, just like the turks killed 1.500 kurdsish fighters in Afrin

leon mc pilibin

This is hard to take for Zionist scumbags like you. But get used to it,because there is a new sheriff in town,and he means business.




The fact that BN publicly made a compromise with VVP on the ‘Syria airspace ‘problem’ if I may understate it makes me think that the claims of multiple aircraft damages and other (missile) damages is likely to be true, as I can see that only a good @SS-kicking is likely to have done this, and Syria probably did.

Igor Dano

swallow it.

Jim Martin

… and they captured a rabbit farm in which the bunnies were 200kgs each. Reminds me of one of those 1950s B movies in which the USNG was fighting back the “big bunnies” with electrified rail road tracks and .50cal Brownings


This sounds a little unlikely

Gregory Louis

It sort of does but the plane was shot down there’s plenty of evidence there the missiles idk…BUK and Pantsir systems are pretty good so I’m not to sure


I’m generally skeptical of the claims of missile defense. Rockets normally fly a lot faster than aeroplanes, and are physically smaller, so shooting them down is like hitting a bullet with a bullet.

I suspect the Americans and Israelis lie 90% of the time when they claim to shoot down a missile. Most of the time the surface to surface missile has simply missed its target so it doesn’t need to be shot down. So if I’m skeptical of one sides technology, I should be skeptical of both sides.

Igor Dano

but those rockets fly a line, or a trajectory. A pilot does not and when he spots on his display or visually any attack or danger, he starts to maneuver. The missile does not. Even, if the missile is smaller and maybe faster, Buk, s200 and pancir can handle it.

Gregory Louis

No the Israeli’s said there pilots made a mistake and flew too high….when your altitude celing is high you can’t avoid AA from the ground and can’t use speed either. Which makes sense cause during a bombing run your suppose to get low and fast


Doesn’t make much difference. They’ll always make excuses.

Wahid Algiers

With BUK and Pantsir? Both good systems to down many of the zio-rockets.


Only because we are used to reading reverse accounts. This is a turnabout that is rather timely. I have very little doubt that this is true, but it is the Israeli accounting that is telling. They are unusually quiet for a ‘successful Op’, as they usually blather about what targets they hit with how many missiles, etc. This time around, if the news had not come out, this attack did not even occur, as far as the Israelis would be concerned. They’ve never mentioned the amount of missiles or the types. This alone speaks volumes, kinda like the successful US cruise missile attack, the publicity the US put out was almost invisible…’mission accomplished’, period.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

More attacks drones sent scurrying today by Syrian Air defenses as they retreated from the border. They are anticipating a major strike by Israel and are preparing for the air attack.


Not that unlikely. An ever increasing use of missiles instead of smart bombs by the Israelis made something like this inevitable, though until Syria puts up some pics of cruise missile chunks, there will be fair questions and even doubters.

If Lebanon becomes unusable to the IDF, a greater number of missiles will have longer distances to travel. More shoot downs are likely.


I think that the technical term for this is “Reeeeesult!”

Lloyd Yona

Justice for the Kurdish people.


They are getting justice right now, with an olive branch.


That did make me smile. I had visions of the Kurds flagellating themselves :)


Turks also have sense of humor, the US Embassy Street name also is now called Olive Branch.


Yes, I saw that. Little things such as this will further piss the Yanks off :)

leon mc pilibin

The Kurds only have the zionists as friends now,,,they will regret burning their bridges with the Syrian Government,,because eventually they will be thrown under the bus by the zio warmongering thieves and butchers.

Lloyd Yona

Spring is Kurdish beat that.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newroz_as_celebrated_by_Kurds


Russia should provide Syria with the Pantsir and at least s300 batteries to deter terrorism from Israel; it’s the only way to be sure of curtailing the terrorist’s air force.

John Whitehot

Syria already has pantsyr batteries and in regards to s300 it’s already been discussed thousands of times.


Good, then Russia needs to provide more of the Pantsir batteries and get with the program for the S300s.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They can restart the S-300 contract as Russia is still under sanctions as they had the deal and should get around any UN entanglements.


Putin has promised in public, at many different events, to NEVER provide the ‘enemies’ of Israel with decent air defense systems, so what on Earth are you talking about? You gonna tell me you have ‘forgotten’ the FACT that the only nations Putin refuses to sell the s-400 system to are Syria and Iran?


First of all, I stated s300s and Pantsir systems. Now I don’t know if Russia won’t sell s400s to Syria or Iran, but I do know that Iran has received advanced s300s. As for Syria, as the US and it’s coalition of terrorist supporters begins to undo Russia and Syria’s gains in the region, I doubt Russia will allow Syria to lack adequate air defense.


advanced s300s

Only export version. That means, dumbed-down S-300.


It means, s-300s that can’t target Russian assets, everyone else is fair game. Similar to the stuff the US exports to it’s vassals.

Igor Dano

Syria has Pancir. Syria has s200. Syria got a datafeed from Russian early warning systems, which are highly networked, land based and sea based..russian navy Ships off the coast I believe can have the best picture of coming attacks and in real time feed the network. At that moment the “old” soviet systems,like s200 are also good enough to do the job, because they are aware of speed direction etc.


Iran has stated that they don’t want the 400, and are happily developing their own systems.


This is a fantastic news.

Smith Ricky


Wahid Algiers

Good job. But next year I want to read:

Syrian Air Defense Forces Shot Down 13 Israeli aircrafts during 2018. Give them the hell in the skies.


113 Israeli aircraft shot down would be better. Even more in fact :)

You can call me Al

What about “Syrian Air Defence Forces Shoot Down 13 Israeli aircraft / week” during 2018 !! and take out the major Israeli cities (whilst deporting the people to California??

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You mean sending them back home!

Joe Doe

Assad should obtain more Pantsir-S1, S-400 and VERBA MANPAD Air Defense System. As Putin afraid protect Syria, therefore Assad needs to protect himself and Syria. Defiantly SAA Tiger Forces should be arm with VERBA as they proof to be strong formation in the SAA army

Samuel Boas

And who is going to pay for that? Russia will not just give free stuff to Syria.

You can call me Al

Crowdfunding – I’ll chip in $100.


Syria has already made payments on various pieces of equipment, including fighters and AD systems.


This was Putin sending a VERY limp-wristed hint to Israel. And Israel’s response was to tell world jewry the day or so afterwards that Israel is planning vastly more violent unprovoked action against Syria and legal Iranian and Lebanese forces in Syria in the coming weeks.

Britain, France, Germany and the USA are currently shipping out far more sophisticated systems to Israel. Far from ending the threat, Putin’s pathetic response to atrocity by his best mate Israel has merely emboldened the jews.

While Russia is fully engaged in Syria, NOTHING happens unless Russia allows it. The recent US mass murder of Russian irregular forces was fully authorised by Putin, for instance. That Russia can trivially hold its own against the best the West has to offer is NOT the point.

If Russia wants the jewish jets downed, then down they come- every last one. If Russia wants the cruise missiles terminated, Russian ECM simply gets the job done. But what Putin tests in Syria are the cheapest possible ground systems – to see how low tech anti-West systems can be made while still mostly effective. Putin isn’t using the ‘BEST’ to eliminate the cruise missiles of the USA (the air field strike from last year) or Israel, but seeing how well upgraded ancient rubbish can operate.

Syria is a TRAINING and weapon testing ground for Russia. Putin ensured Syria was fully ruined before finally sending in Russian forces. Which meant the jews got to see another ‘enemy’ nation eliminated, and Russia got a state-of-the-art live fire training ground.

All that really matters is that the Iran War (as promised by PNAC) is almost here- and will herald WW3. And Putin is doing NOTHING to prevent this- in fact Putin is doing everything to encourage the belligerants.

So this story is how Putin has GROOMED the jews to become even more violent and evil. World jewry is jumping up and down and demanding the jews of Israel to strike as many ‘sub-Human’ targets in the region as possible as ‘revenge’ for the loss of the mass murdering jewish jet. And I’m supposed to think this is a ‘good’ outcome?


“If Russia wants the jewish jets downed, then down they come- every last one. If Russia wants the cruise missiles terminated, Russian ECM simply gets the job done. But what Putin tests in Syria are the cheapest possible ground systems – to see how low tech anti-West systems can be made while still mostly effective. Putin isn’t using the ‘BEST’ to eliminate the cruise missiles of the USA (the air field strike from last year) or Israel, but seeing how well upgraded ancient rubbish can operate.” I can;t but help think from your narrative, that you live in a parallel universe, or is it that you are unable to see this conflict from the various players dispositions ? At times you sound almost manic, mad perhaps ? Moreover, hardly a single blogger, other than Zionist trolls agree with your perverse POV. Syria is ruined because of a War that the ZIONISTS within the Pentagon/CIA, derived from a plan called “The Plan for the New American Century”. The USA/israel/Zionists attacked it using an army of Terrorists ISIS, that they trained and kept logistically fed with money arms and Intel. Through the intervention of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other allies, ISIS has been largely destroyed/defeated, and given time and money, a new and better Syria will arise out of the ashes. If Russia has better weapons, and I have no doubt that it has a Cellar-full, like any country that guards its own secrets, it is not going to put them on public show. Tell me, do you see the Enemy doing this ?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russia wants us to know how many missiles were down by Syrian defences but dont want us to know how many damages Israel attack causes.Maybe Syrian government must do favour for Putin and lavrov by handing over Syria to their partner’s USA and Terrorist.


This would be a mastermove in putins chessgame. Kick out russians, hezbollah, iranians, separate peace with IL. So, checkmate Vladimir! :)))


Its not a walk in the park for Israel.

Jonathan Murray

Pantsir worked hard!

Tinito Castro

Go, SAA, go. Kill all the mother fuckers….

Igor Dano

Very bad for Bibi. He did not succeed to insinuate a new war in Syria and his toys fell down from the sky. Russian early warning fed-in the Syrian flugabwehr and Syrians fully exploited the data.

AM Hants

Well done Syria. Keep up the good work.

Johannes Steiger

Better would be to bring more of the terror plains down.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Very nice but I read on AMN that rebels hit a power plant leaving millions without electricity in western Syria I am concerned it left the air defenses without power too, Israel may use this to strike again :/

Simon Steil

confirm or deny, not just being a parrot for one sided reporting

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