His Highness Sayyid Asa’ad Bin Tarik Al Said has received the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates. Source: Times of Oman
Submitted by Khaled Iskef.
Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad arrived in the Sultanate of Oman, on his first official visit to an Arab country since he assumed office, succeeding the previous Minister Walid Al-Muallem.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry announced that Al-Miqdad and his delegation began a working visit in Oman on March 20 that would last for several days. Al-Miqdad was received upon his arrival by the head of the Department of Economic Gatherings and Dialogue in charge of running the work of the Protocol Department at the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs Khaled Bin Saeed Al-Jaradi, and Minister Mahmoud Bin Khamis Al-Hinai, who’s in charge of running the business of the Arab Mashreq at the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Al-Miqdad is expected to meet with his Omani counterpart Badr Bin Hamad Al-Busaid, and a number of Omani officials. The file of the political settlement in Syria is one of the main reasons of the visit that is aimed at reducing of tension between Syria and the Gulf countries.
As Saudi Arabia and Qatar logistically and financially participate in Syrian war with their continuous support during the last decade of the anti-government armed groups.
It is noteworthy that Al-Miqdad’s visit comes after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent tour to several Gulf countries, and the subsequent talk about a Russian initiative to put forward the role of Arab countries in order to end the Syrian crisis and support the political solution. It may be sees the Sultanate of Oman as a mediator to restore these relations and revitalize them economically and politically.
Damascus believes that this cooperation may lead to strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries.
“The Sultanate’s balanced, calm and responsible policy earned it the respect and appreciation of the world. We appreciate the Omani efforts seeking to end the suffering of the Syrian people and Oman’s support to the restoration of stability in Syria.” said Faisal Al-Miqdad, claiming that the balanced and peaceful policy of Oman has earned it the respect and appreciation of the world.
Muscat is known to play the mediating role in the most complex files, especially as it was the link between Washington and Tehran within the Iranian nuclear agreement, and other files, when Muscat was the head of negotiation process. Thus, it is possible that the Sultanate will play such a role in the Syrian file negotiations or mediation between the Arab countries and Damascus.

Dr. Faisal Al Miqdad, Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and his delegation will spend several days in Oman. Source: Gulf news
It’s noteworthy that the Syrian-Omani relations continued during the years despite the Gulf boycott of Syria. The Sultanate of Oman reopened its embassy in Damascus and appointed its ambassador to strengthen the cooperation with Syria. Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Muscat has not been hostile to the sovereignty and government of the Syrian state, despite its good relations with the Gulf states. Perhaps there is something that could not be delayed in Muscat until the foreign minister and his deputy arrive at night.
The long visit resembles Omani mediation between Syria and another party. We do not know who it is, but it is certain that there is political cooking on an Omani fire .
Observers believe that if the Omani mediation succeeds, this role may also reflect in Yemen in the conflict between the Ansar Allah movement and the forces loyal to the ousted President Abdullah Mansour Hadi.
Fact of the matter is that the Wahhabi terror campaign against Syria and the wider region has failed miserably and Oman has close ties to Iran, Algeria and most members of the Axis of Resistance and the Saudi cowards are on the ropes and seeking a way out of the mess in Yemen and Syria and floundering all over. Their idiotic FM is also in Oman hiding in a closet too. As the well written article by the ex-CIA director and several senior US intelligence officials clearly stated that Iran is a nuclear power and has to be accommodated. The Saudi and Emirati cowards simply lost and are seeking to save their ugly faces.
IMF Jéws are in bed with the Turks, Saudis, and NATO, they were worried about a Trump audit of the Federal Reserve… and about Trump and Putin teaming up to destroy them once and for all…Trump was a vote for peace, and peace does not make money for the weapon industry.
The pseudo secular media and their zíonist masters profit from destabilization. Retaining control of US foreign policy is what drives the neo-cons and Hillary’s flying monkeys… along with the millions Goldman Sachs and the Saudis have paid them.
That is an accurate statement, but the problem for the Jews now is that China is the biggest economy and the dollar is increasingly being shunned. Russia and China have openly declared that they are ditching the dollar. US is deadbroke and lashing out at half the world as most dying empires do. The Jews have failed miserably in Syria and their boasts to “remove Iran from Syria”. The reality on the ground is not lost on the Arabs in the street.That is the reason the Saudis and Emirati a$$holes are begging in Oman.
First thing the CIA and deep state did after rigging two US elections was to move more troops into Syria. They lied to President Trump for four years about troop levels overseas. Now, they’re talking about staying in Afghanistan for another 20 years?
The banksters need a war desperately right now. They’ve tried so hard in Syria and it just hasn’t worked. Then, they had crazy Trump actually saying we should get out of the Middle East and focus on our own problems, and people were listening… What’s a self-respecting globalist financier to do?
Without the US military killing people and breaking things, there is no future growth path for them. So they sent their puppets like Kasich and Romney out to talk up the fight against “evil” and threaten Russia, hoping to fool those dumb white ‘Murkins one more time into sending their sons off to die for God and Country and Goldman Sachs.
The deep state is made by Yourself. You only learn from Yourself and Your evil nightmares.
I see the future well in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.
They are all the same devil.
10 killed at Boulder supermarket shooting, suspect white male arrested
Authorities say victims included a police officer and say they suspect white racist extremism to be the killer’s motive. This is the second mass right wing white extremist shooting in past two days.
All your points are valid, however the Eurasian bloc of enlightened resistance to delusional Zionist “full spectrum domination” and even more absurd Yinon plan is formidable. The US has a demented old corrupt Biden who can not even climb stairs, which is pretty much a microcosm of the US floundering and doddering status in the world. It is not a very awe inspiring picture when a mumbling demented senile 79 year old corrupt fool falls of the stairways on a daily basis. US is being turned into an absolute fascist police state and internal combustion is very high probability.
Frankly speaking, the main reason Syria is being targeted by the US and Zionists with proxy Turkey backed Salafist terrorists is because Syria, which is linked to Hezbollah and Iran, has been consistent in opposing the hegemonic power of the US, Israel and their NATO vassals that it has had to pay such a high price. It is a price that the triumvirate of resistance is prepared to pay because it cherishes the independence and integrity of the citizens who resist US imperialism and Zionism.
Now the terror being forced upon Syria is also coupled with Turkish opportunism in the hopes of a Zionist style occupation of a large chunk of Syria’s most productive agricultural belt.
These organized and well-funded Turkish terrorist groups were defeated by the cohesive strength of the Assad government and its security forces buttressed by the determined support provided by Hezbollah, Iran and Russia.
On top of all this, Syria’s economy has been robbed of millions of dollars by the systematic US theft of its oil in the northeast of the country, which is under opposition control. The truth about this theft, or about how sanctions, war and terrorism have contributed to the immense suffering of the Syrian people and the current humanitarian crisis, has not been highlighted in the media, but it is a reality that the Syrians are painfully aware of. Unless the Zionist and Turkish nexus of proxy terrorism and occupation of Syrian lands is reversed, this will be an endless spoilers war.
The main problem is Yopu dont see the world and who is jews and who is not.
The correct is we are Western Economies where Jews of course are integrated because they mainky are like us. Here China is affiliated because they now produce and make the cake to share bigger.
I dont see Jews has failed in Syria. They have been cutting gras there since 1949.
We keep people liek You in menthal houses and some few in zoos.
Fúck off kíke bítch.
We name them funy farms. Comic Ali is there in a coffin too.
As usual You only write as You wish. Here it is YOUR BIIIG RELATION TO IRAN.
…as random example
Overview: In 2019 Oman was the number 69 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 57 in total exports, the number 67 in total imports, the number 58 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 83 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI)
Exports: The top exports of Oman are Crude Petroleum ($17.9B), Petroleum Gas ($5.42B), Refined Petroleum ($2.61B), Semi-Finished Iron ($899M), and Nitrogenous Fertilizers ($860M), exporting mostly to China ($17.3B), India ($2.99B), Japan ($2.43B), South Korea ($2.39B), and United Arab Emirates ($2.08B). Imports: The top imports of Oman are Cars ($3.28B), Refined Petroleum ($1.25B), Broadcasting Equipment ($1.15B), Gold ($800M), and Iron Ore ($741M), importing mostly from United Arab Emirates ($10.9B), China ($3.02B), Japan ($2.1B), India ($2.07B), and United States ($1.49B).
Location: Oman borders Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen by land and Iran and Pakistan by sea.
Map from same sourc. Iran is not even a dwarf in relations. You are lied for or produce from below your belt, if You have any.
Oman owes its existence to Iran. The Iranians militarily intervened in 1970’s to save Oman from Dhofari rebels. Sultan Qaboos never forgot the importance of the Iranian role in Oman: After all, they helped him win the war. Between 1972 and 1975 at cost of Iranian blood and money. Much like they have saved Syria from the Salafist terrorists.
Turkey is the new Pakistan as terror central.
Not appropriate viewing buddy, you could make your point better without it.
If they convert to hindus, they soon might seek asylum and get a maybee:)
Hindus don’t want asylum in Denmark where muslims have overrun denmark
Muslims are like the African carp. They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind. Even though they are minorities here, we are suffering under the burden they bring us.”― Ashin Wirathu
Yes my friend muslims are a plague on this planet.
जिहाद दुनिया का सबसे घृणित कार्य और सबसे निंदनीय विचार है। लेकिन इस्लाम में इसे परम पुण्य का काम बताया गया है। जिहाद इस्लाम का अनिवार्य अंग है। मुहम्मद जिहाद से दुनिया को इस्लाम के झंडे के नीचे लाना चाहता था। मुहलामानों ने जिहाद के नाम पर देश के देश बर्बाद कर दिए। हमेशा जिहादियों के निशाने पर औरतें ही रही हैं। क्योंकि औरतें अल्लाह नी नजर में भोग की वस्तु हैं। और बलात्कार जिहाद का प्रमुख हथियार है। मुसलमानों ने औरतों से बलात्कार करके ही अपनी संख्या बढाई थी। मुहम्मद भी बलात्कारी था। मुसलमान यही परम्परा आज भी निभा रहे है। यह रसूल की सुन्नत है ,कुरान के अनुसार मुसलमानों को वही काम करना चाहिए जो मुहम्मद ने किये थे।
Musalman ki maa ka bhosda;)
Yes my friend..Hindus are waking up and Islam is going to lose a lot of followers in this decade.Muslims in India are leaving Islam for Hinduism as they have got to know the corruption in Islam.
4 oms with Ganesha.Can you share some European gods?Before Christianity arrived
Nice.Hopefully Europeans will wake up and reclaim their lands from muslims abd leave Christianity.
“If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jéw is victorious over the peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind and this planet will—as it once did for millions of years—move through the ether devoid of men.”—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Muslim world never ending circus.
I love pagan European religions.
“तुम यह नहीं पाओगे कि कभी अल्लाह की रीति को बदल दिया हो ,या टाल दिया गया हो। सूरा -फातिर 33 :62
यही कारण है कि मुसलमान अपनी दुष्टता नही छोड़ना चाहते। जिसे लोग पाप और अपराध मानते हैं ,मुसलमान उसे रसूल की सुन्नत औ अपना धर्म मानते है। और उनको हर तरह के कुकर्म करने पर शर्म की जगह गर्व होता है। बलात्कार भी एक ऐसा काम है।
There will be no peace in Syria as long as Erdogan pushes his Wahhabi agenda and new Ottoman empire dreams. Turkey is now terror central and must pay a price.
Way too many players in Syria for Oman to handle.
The real spoilers and backers of endless terrorism are US, UK, Turks and Zionists. They will not stop the terror against Syrians, which as a key member of the Axis of Resistance is a thorn on their side and impedes the Zionist agenda of regional domination.
They have delegated Oman because among the Arab countries it is the best indicated as a mediator, but behind Oman, even if it may seem strange there are also several kingdoms of the gulf, which begin to feel the backlash both at home and abroad, of all their failed policy towards Syria and even Yemen.
They keep one feet in two shoes, they are servants of the Zionists but they must also take into account the anger of their peoples as well as inter-Arab relations, they really have no idea what to do, then they send Oman ahead to test the possibility of a mending with Syria and Iraq.
Recently in the Arab League many have requested the reinstatement of Syria, this has added fear and uncertainty in those countries responsible for the barbaric and insane aggression to Syria in function of the miserable and perverse illusion of the great Isisrahell.