The US-led coalition is destroying anything except for ISIS in Syria, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said during the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, TASS reported.
“As an example, I would like to cite the US-led coalition, which, in reality, is systematically destroying anything but ISIL [ISIS]. Thousands of Syrian citizens, not only men but also women and children in the Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor provinces, have become victims of US airstrikes. The American coalition is systematically destroying the economic infrastructure, so we will strongly demand that it this coalition is disbanded,” Muallem said adding that the US uses the war on ISIS as a pretext for destroying Syria and prolonging the hostilities in the country.
The minister also referend the so-called Kurdish issue. He said that the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces “are actually competing with the Syrian army for control over the oil-bearing areas. They are well aware of the fact that Syria will not let anyone violate its state sovereignty under any circumstances. At the moment they are apparently intoxicated with US aid and support. However, it is must be understood that this aid will not last forever.“
This constant whining is becoming monotonous. Either do something constructive or STFU.
what can a crippled country do against US?
From a cripple to a quadraplegic (US), they can do a lot.
USA only chooses weak adversaries, typical cowards.
Unlike Russia threatening helpless Baltic states ??? Or poisoning people? Or throwing them from windows? Or drive by shootings inside Kremlin?
It is NATO (transnational criminal cabal) hollering wolf as they are vassals and need to be kept in line while the Empire pillages and plunders, including the Treasure, Commons and Inalienable Rights of its NATO & EU vassals as well.
The story of the little boy crying wolf is being played out as some of the vassals are balking instead of biting at the bit.
Peter and the Wolf. A good story.
Did you just conflate 100 years of history?
No, these are all recent events.
So you are opposed to a Syrian state representative speaking the truth? Incidentally, the remarks were being made by the Syrian foreign minister to further the Russian’s situational awareness – that is his literal job.
Not opposed to the Minister voicing his opinion, again and again but not continuously. Either do something like order the US out of Syria but stop the contiuous whining. And you agree to repetitive statements that produce no results?
Fake news!!
Which one? USA wanting to install a puppet government in Damascus, or plan B, to Balkanize and chop Syria into tiny manageable pieces all fighting each other, the opposite of peaceful Syria under Assad “regime”.
Fernando Silva is a Fake troll account !!!
mebbe a sephardic fake troll. That might make sense.
Syrian FM should quit drinking during the day time. 73 Nation Coalition has been fighting v ISIS for years now; and has reduced ISIS in both Syria & Iraq. For the most part, SAA has been very capable of taking empty villages after ISIS defeated SAA, Russians, Iraqis, Iranians & Hezbollah in countless battles. Just last week, ISIS counterattacked Sukhana Road killing hundreds of Iranians & Hezbollah. (See clips of bus loads of dead killed by ISIS).
and what have the achieved my friend?either they are poorly trained, dont have good weapons, are blind as bats etc….or they just fly over and bomb the desert……Isis overrun Iraq in a matter of hours, in SYria the same…were were they then?they just couldnt tell the difference between moderate opossition and isis…..it makes sense since changing uniforms is very common among these groups.
Since battle of Kobani, Coalition Partner forces have destroyed ISIS in battle after battle. Isis is only a fragment of what it once was.
Also, General Z was right to complain about the draft dodgers & deserters who abandoned Syria. If only a fraction of the Assadi on the internet had fought, Gen Z wouldn’t have been trapped at Dez for 3 years.
wait wait lets not mix up things.we are talking about coolition forces….airforces…that were a bit reluctant to help the Kurds in the first place and did so because of the media coverage. the fighters on the ground that US sponsored only battled with Assad and took over almost all of Syria.ISIS was in the desert at the beggining and iraq as well. Then advanced to Raqqah since its on the other side of Syria (the one that is of US interest is damascus-Assad.) so in my hamble opinion airstrikes were useless just an excuse for the US public . The goal was to overthrow Assad. simple as that.
You are 50% right. CIA plan was to defeat Assad. DID plan was to defeat ISIS. Cia & Dod forces actually fought against each other in Syria.
please explain…..DID?Department Of Defence? only cia i can understand…and which forces are these you are talking about?
DOD. Department of Defense.
Useless asking a moron Yankistani to explain the absurdities he regurgitates.
Democrats against Republicans, right? You watch too much college football.
You really should buy a tv. You might find something that you like, or not.
@kennethllindsy:disqus The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing . CIA verses the Pentagon , equals = ” they did it ” , no accountability . Engaging Wahhabi jihadists , the CIA’s Al Qaeda , or the Pentagon’s ISIS , to overthrow Assad and fracture Syria , is to say the least , short sighted and illegal . In truth , a crime against humanity .
Don’t know what you are trying to say, but pretty sure you made number of “comma” violations. Please reset your translator, you must be using bing.
Your English is bad not mine . Commas are not relevant , comprehension is the key . “Cia and Dod forces actually fought each other in Syria” is your statement that I replied to . But you have no wish to comprehend , only confuse . Reset your mind , try a reread . The truth of what America has and is doing to the nation of Syria should make every American fearful .
The CIA’s plan is to defeat ISIS? You must be on meth. Ad-hominem attacks aside, you can’t be proud of the USAF’s achievements since they can’t seem to hit anything no matter how hard they try. They have bombed all around ISIS, and protected ISIS militarily, and supported them actively against the SAA. Like their “accidental” bombing of Deir Ezzor, followed 10mins later by a “coincidental” ISIS attack. The pattern is this – since the Russians have been bombing ISIS, ISIS has been losing. When the USAF bombs ISIS, ISIS keeps winning. Got it?
ISIS & SAA bad been fighting in Thardis Mts for 2 or 3 weeks when the bombing happened.
If you had look at the pictures of the SAA fighters there then you would have noticed they had full beards like the jihadis and they were not in uniforms.
So it is understandable that Coalition thought SAA had been overrun.
Beards? Surely you jest. And did those geniuses see any attack on the SAA position? Did they see any change in the ISIS positions? Did they coordinate with the SAA before attacking? What was the rush that required the attack in the first place? The Coalition was so sensitive to the tactical situation that it wanted to reverse one ISIS attack? If the US can judge beard length, what ISIS positions did it attack before or after.
No. Let’s go with Alternative Hypothesis B – the US was supporting ISIS. It was all planned. The US officer at the US-Russia hotline “just happened” to leave his post during the attack. It’s what soldiers do. Abandon their post, especially if it’s important.
Isis had been assaulting the positions for 2 weeks. The SAA soldiers were not in SAA uniforms but were in civilian dress. The SAA had long beards like jihadis. So it looked like it had been overrun.
The key factor was the mis identification by analysts of a vehicle they thought went from ISIS to SAA at Thardis.
***But Coalition should definitely have called RF prior to making airstrikes in an area where SAA was fighting.
Do you know what vehicle it was that they based their analysis on? There must have been something very unusual about that vehicle but what was it? Equipment and vehicles change hands all the time so I don’t see the unique characteristics that would enable IDing a vehicle that was in ISIS territory and then was in a SAA position. Does the SAA have such vehicles? If it does, the U.S. must have been able to read the VIN of this one from up high. Color me skeptical on the whole “vehicle” marker idea.
IDK, just going by multiple reports at the time of the incident. Clearly it was a major screw up by coalition forces; starting with the decision to bomb ISIS near Dez in the 1st place. US has bombed its own troops several times in past 25 years. Friendly fire incidents are more common than anyone likes to admit. Also, the deconfliction system being used by US & RF at the time was an old school 1950s hotine guaranteed to fail in preventing accidents in the modern lethal battlespace.
Reminds me of Nelson’s “I cannot see your signal”
Great comment. Sad to say I’d not known that anecdote about Nelson.
The Vietnam-era U.S. Army would have it, “Say again last transmission. You’re breaking up.” :-)
The same odd blindness of the U.S. in Syria also applies to the movement of ISIS convoys and oil tankers. With our fantastic JSTARS planes we simply “couldn’t see” any of that. Somewhere I saved an email that came around supposedly by a frustrated A-10 pilot who chafed at ridiculous rules of engagement and not ever getting approval to strike certain targets. It was very “internety,” i.e., with no attribution, but it had and has the ring of truth.
ok but i dont think they did a great job fighting ISIS….my opinion…they bombed them occasionally. i think they lucked intelligence info, just because they werent commited to destroy isis. as we see in Syria ISIS is very well equipped ,organised etc…..isnt easy to defeat.
There are plenty of maps showing how starting at battle of Kobani, which was ISIS 1st defeat, the YPG/SDF has rolled back ISIS in Syria. There are cemeteries full of thousands of dead Kurdish martryrs from this fight. The SAA & Russians didn’t fight ISIS for years other than a few isolated battles like Palmyra & Deir Ezzor.
the SYrian army was encircled by the fsa, hts etc……so first you fight them and then whoever gets in your way….
Obviously General Zahreddine doesn’t share your opinion that he and his men should have been abandoned at Deir Ezzor while draft dodgers in Damascus, EU & US fought the war on the internets.
the garison of DEZ, for me, will be writen down in history as one of the most heroic acts in this war. Given the state the Syrian army was before the turning point of the Russian engagement there i dont think there was anything they could do for the far east corner of Syria when the Battle was taking place in the damascus neighbourhoods
Ok, maybe the 1st year. But 3 years? Once RF & SAA took Palmyra the 1st time they should have battled through to Dez at that time instead of years later. Initially RF though that the Iranians etc could win the fight without RF ground troops, but that was a laughable assumption. Now RF has upped their ground game with PMCs & RF soldiers.
but the palmyra campaign was a disaster…..they lost it in a matter of days. the diggest mistake made in this war.imagine stretching the lines further ….
Now to partition Syria.
There were 2 different US policy positions in Syria: 1. Overthrow Assad by CIA, KSA, Qatar & Turkey 2. Defeat ISIS & AL Queda by US DOD & 73 Nation Coalition vs Terrorism.
***Yes, the battle vs ISIS was delayed by Weak Obama dithering for 7 months arming the Kurds directly. And then Flynn delayed it another 4 months.
ok but the result shows that the battle didnt seem like a coolition of forces of great nations but the battle of an ant against an elephant.
The US mysteriously could never see those long ISIS convoys. It has its JSTARS planes that can see cockroaches move but the planes were blind where these convoys were concerned. The same with the oil tankers. They operated freely with minimal US attacks but the Russians came in and had no problem finding the trucks.
The US waged a pretend war against the jihadis and appears to have actually supplied them. Now the Russians produce evidence of US special forces unmolested in ISIS areas.
73 great nations couldnt do anything……and then Russia send 10 airplanes and turn the war around
Exactly. That disparity of result is evidence of the real U.S. agenda.
ISIS was charging along nicely to the delight of the US until Russia stepped in. You are mistaken.
99.99% of Russian bombs after it came in were dropped on FSA rebels in Latakia & Aleppo the 1st year after Russia entered war. RF did drop some occasional bomb on Dez & Palmyra, but not much.
What rebels are you talking about Al Qaeda/ISIS head choppers, even the pentagon admitted that they had no moderates on the ground they either joined Al Qaeda or ISIS. Stop trying to feed your mainstream propaganda doesn’t fly so well here. Russia has been involved minimally and has been steadily increasing it’s participation. The US has been withdrawing support slowly and had been dropping most of it’s bombs on Syrian infrastructure,civilians, Forces and Allies.
Coalition bombed out of uniformed forces at Thardis once. PMU forces within Tanf exclusion zone 2x. Airbase where Chem weapons stored once. Russia bombed FSA & Hospitals & Markets = over 30,000 times.
You seem to be lacking any sense of proportion.
Have heard more about the US bombing hospitals even when MFS was inside, most accusations you claim have been proven false, the US doesn’t even deny they carried out these bombings at markets and hospitals they were hitting terrorists even when MFS was inside the Syrian govt even told the US to stop it.
The Al Kindl Hospital had been destroyed 5 times by false claims then number 6 being the charm being the US which bombed and destroyed it ,the most progressive cancer hospital in the Middle East destroyed by US bombing.
Seems the one lacking any sense of proportion and proof is you, they even showed a hospital in western Aleppo as the only standing hospital in east Aleppo. You need better propaganda than you have seems that you find yourself outgunned and over matched in arguments.
30,000 times to take out the FSA ,if that’s what was needed , so be it , but whoa, even Russia doesn’t brag that much , Hospitals , markets , please US propaganda does not fly here . Out of uniform SAA and Russian troops on the top of Thardra mountain , my what good eyes the USAF pilots have , but then what a sweet slap on the Russians face with their C/H . Who is lacking any sense .
It wasn’t ISAF at Thardis MTS, it was coalition members possibly danish, Canadian or Australian.
There had been fighting over the mountains for days and over watch had followed a vehicle that they thought was Isis.
Then there was a communication breakdown, which compounded the errors.
The real error was for the USA to wage a war against the nation of Syria . Thadra mountain was just the Pentagon backing the CIA , as their Al Nusra boys were taking a beating in Aleppo . This war preceded Obama , ” US – Israeli Energy Cooperation Act ” of 2007 Also “Genie Energy Ltd ” (NJ) and “AFEC Oil and Gas” . Continuing this war is certain to compound the errors .
It wasn’t any “breakdown.” The US officer who was supposed to man the hotline with the Russians took a break and left no one to man the phone or radio. The Russians tried to get the attack stopped but no one answered their call. This has never been explained.
Agreed, given the incidence of Friendly Fire on modern battkefilds that we have seen in GW1, GW2 etc; it was idiotic for US & RF to use a hot line system instead of a 24/7 fully manned joint operation room. Using a hot line is a throwback to something out of the 1950s.
Yes , those CIA boys were upset , but they needed to be wiped out . Al Qaeda , FSA , or ISIS , all jihadists , all Wahhabi or mercenary . You trying to suggest that Russia did not stop the oil theft from Iraq and Syria .
True but it was logical to start with FSA seeing they were closer to the main population areas. I’m not 100% sure of the absolute truth, but it does seem the west is responsible for the rise of ISIS. As for Assad killing his own people with chemical weapons is just ridiculous. He has the ‘international community’ threatening to invade if he uses them, and then he does it. Seems very unlikely considering he is clearly a rational and Intelligent man, and how would it benefit his cause? It’s obvious the yanks are the bad guys in this latest theatre of war. What is refreshing to see is that a nation has stood up to the latest act of western aggression and is winning.
You should quit the crack. There is no coalition there it is just Yankistan and NATO vassals attacking smaller countries, typical cowards. They just bombed Syrian infrastructure to facilitate the advance of their proxy terrorist armies, sometimes even directly bombed Syrian Army. How come ISIS expanded its territory under the Yankistani bombing campaign, and started shrinking after Russian involvement, facts speak.
Maybe, try to understand why even broken clock is right twice a day.
Funny you mention clock, you cuckoo.
With the protection from the US air (collusion) coalition ISIS operated stolen oil facilities and acted in unison of transportation through Kurdish areas (collusion) and financed death and destruction for years on Iraq, Syria and Europe to name a few that come to mind. As a note most of that oil was sold to Israel at stolen property discounts. EU supported this piracy and transnational crime, check it out as most here know it.
This criminal cabal’s scheme was not only noticed but destroyed in a few short months by RU aviation, plenty of videos and pics available. But you are not interested in fact but instead fantasy and appear to be part of an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”, I suggest you ponder for a moment the audience you are addressing before passing gas and trying to blame it on the dog! Spot you better move before (this guy) Kenneth shits all over you.
Oh I forgot to ask, are you related to Lindsey Graham John McLame’s but buddy?