FILE IMAGE: AFP 2017 / Rami Al-Sayed
Syrian General Ali Al Ali has accused the United States of providing weapons to ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), the Russian state-run media reports.
“We know that the United States delivered 1,421 trucks with military equipment and weapons between June 5 and September 15 this year to terrorists in Syria. The weapons were allegedly intended to fight terrorists, but eventually they fell into the hands of militants of the Islamic State [ISIS] and Jabhat al-Nusra [Hayat Tahrir al-Sham],” the general said.
According to Al Ali, the terrorist receive weapons supplied under the Pentagon’s program of assistance to the so-called moderate opposition. A major part of these weapons are bought from Chemring and Orbital ATK.
Meanwhile, Walid Khali, a Syrian Army service member, told Sputniknews Hatat Tahrir al-Sham members that attacked the Russian Military Police in Idlib province used weapons made in the United States, Belgium and France.
“Today, weapons are presented here that were seized from militants a few weeks ago. They were delivered to terrorists illegally from abroad. There are over 100 items of small arms and hand-held grenade launchers made in the United States, Belgium and France,” the service member said.
1421 trucks of weapons to their terrorists … from turkey ?… this is indeed blatant act of terrorism condoned by zio lapdogs worldwide
They came from Iraq through ISIS territory, should see some of these pro US proxies/terrorist sites they are even blatant about it. The US vehicles come in from the east and not the south so Turkey is not being too cooperative with the US right now.
Later today USA or SDF will accuse Syria and Russia of arming ISIS, it’s their practice now to just mirror accusations at the other side and of course without any proof.
Agreed. Useless and it will only set the stage for a conflict somewhere down the line.
Conflict I hope that will practically demonstrate to Americans at home what the US Government has been and is doing to millions of innocents across the globe in THEIR name.
Should see how your Assadophobics react to seeing anything Syria or Assad , these rotten vandals and thieves are on the fast track to their end.
SAA has been providing IS and HTS with the bulk of their arms, oh, and Turkey too of course.
The raid on Abu Dali provided HTS with tanks, BMP’s, technicals and lots of ammo. The same goes for IS. It must be very worrisome to Russia that SAA keeps on losing this much materiel, to be used against them later.
Yet another perverse and disingenuous comment from you Dutch.
Does not make it less true.
Iraqi army used to be the main supplier in 2014 but later on they had nothing more to lose. They had given it all to IS.
mmmm, in the real world it was the US/Israel that sowed the seeds of ISIS and then demanded that Iraq buy billions of dollars worth of US weapons in the usual US Protection Racket Scam. Soviet era Russian made weapons were then taken in part payment by the US and distributed to terror gangs in Syria.
Does your handler make this crap up for you or do you just wing it? Don’t you ever get embarrassed when you read your own blather later? You sound just like the Dutch gov with their BS report on MH17. Nothing but complete bullshit, peddled to their willing and gullible sheeple.
This equipment is 100% NATO ,even the small arms that are made in Bulgaria and Ukraine are a dead give away. They all make them differently than Russia just as there are variants of the Colts out there, one can tell which are manufactured where based on the barrel, stock, grips and accessories.
They come in from the US even they state they supply both sides , you make me laugh. The SDF posted a fake weapons cache but they had left the wrapping on much of it.
The fact nobody is surprised and shocked says it all
The SDF even made a claim of capturing weapons of ISIS most still had the packaging on, since they have been receiving several weapon shipments from Iraq going to the Syrian Arab city Quamishli.