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MARCH 2025

Syrian Government Forces Achieve Large Progress In Their Operation Against ISIS In Deir Ezzor Desert (Map)

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Syrian Government Forces Achieve Large Progress In Their Operation Against ISIS In Deir Ezzor Desert (Map)

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The Syrian Army, Liwas al-Quds and the National Defense Forces have advanced 50km deep inside the Deir Ezzor desert southwest of the city of al-Mayadin in the framework of their operation against ISIS cells operating in the area, according to pro-government sources.

Government forces have liberated the areas of Faydat Bin Muwaynah and Bi’r Jubb as well as many other points en route to the government-held village of Humaymah in the desert area.

The ongoing anti-ISIS operation is an important part of the government forces’ effort to secure the entire western bank of the Euphrates Valley because ISIS cells operating in the desert still pose a threat to the government-held area.

Liwa al-Quds’ advance:

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Well done SAA, Lisa Al-Quds and all other allies. This is great news to liberate the Homs/Deir Ezzor pocket from ISIS. May God protect you from evils Trump, May, Macron and from their terrorists Israel, ISIS, SDF Ameen.

Smith Ricky

Liwa* not lisa lol


S key close to W key


I type correctly but app change it due to spelling auto correction.


It is due to spelling auto correction.

neil barron

Put in an auto correction to erase you stooge.

You can call me Al

It worked as well, nice one.

Carlos Fantastic

Well said, it’s amazing how many people in UK, US and western Europe still think we’re the good guys!!

You can call me Al

But, at the same time, it’s amazing how many people in UK, US and western Europe now realise that our own governments are the bad guys !!


There are still far too many people, in power, who don’t do either.


Another good news for you. Russia, China, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan want to make Syria and Iraq so much strong that easily liberate all lands from interventionests Sauds, Trump, May, Macron and their terrorists / stooges like Israel, ISIS, SDF, Peshmarga, Al-Qaeda etc. Now Israeli migrants will cry more.


After Yarmouk and Rastan pockets the next is 1. The Deir Ezzor/Homs pocket. 2. Hama and Idlib province. 3. Daraa and Golan Hights. 4. Al Tanf. 5. Aleppo, Raqqa, Hassaka provinces. 6. Whole Palestine.

When Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya liberated from foreign interventionists then there will be no fight. The holy lands of Arab should also be liberated from Saudi terrorists.

Smith Ricky


أبو ياسر

Please share with your friends: https://i.imgur.com/L2G0GW5.png

Karo Dndlian

f u c k you and al Baghdadi . israeli dog


Don’t say anything just Click on triangle icon and block it.


I hope the heavy boots are made of concrete. Go for a swim.


please can you send me paper edition, I will gladly use it as my toilet paper. I shit on you and your cia fag bagdadi.. goat fucking scums..


Yes! One could always use extra toiletpaper. My anus feels extra special when being ministered to by Baghdadi’s written word. Makes it feel the dude is a shit eater.

S Melanson

I have written the final chapter for your book ‘the revived (defunct) caliphate’.

To those commenting in defence of ISIS, I suggest inward reflection on why ISIS has so quickly capitulated to little more than a fragmented gorilla force, a pale shadow of its former self.

The answers are plain to see if honesty is allowed its moment. As you have taken the time to post, it is the least I can do to start you on your way to self discovery.

Yes, you built an army of the ‘faithful’ and staked out a new caliphate with dreams to be greater then the Ottoman’s ever achieved. You also believed in the effectiveness of the rule of force as evidenced by your brutal methods. The invocation of raw physical force was stunningly successful in carving out a new caliphate… and it was what ensured your demise. Your methods could do no more than lay foundations purely in the physical/material world, devoid of spirituality and true faith. Your newly minted caliphate was a contradiction of itself. But the problem goes deeper.

Think carefully upon the fallacy of the ISIS policy: convert to Islam or die.

Should not conversion to Islam come due to exposure to the intrinsic power of Islam, the wisdom of what is written in the Koran and the inspired devotion of the faithful? Is your faith so weak you fear that the spiritual power of Islam is insufficient and only by pointing the barrel of a gun do you achieve sufficient confidence in the power of your faith to convert non-believers?

Do you think under such conditions you achieved what Hezbollah truly has? Do you think those that converted under threat of death became true believers? You deluded yourselves that your Army of God would be the foundations for a lasting caliphate. Instead, what you built was a house of cards built on an army of the weak in faith, reflecting your own naked weakness.

And so it is understandable that such weak foundations would crumble so quickly and memories of your grand project will fade away, leaving only the lesson that you represented the antithesis of what is true faith.

Tom Tom

oh please, both sunni and shi’ia are being used by the western satanic globalist elite. Their goal is to destroy both Christianity and Islam. Haha, dumb fkr. Everyone will get a nice surprise when Jesus, who came here 2,000 years ago as a lamb, roars in like a lion here shortly.


Move up Daraa to top of list because I heard about massing of US nazinato troops and tons of armaments on Jordanian side of border, Some think they are massing for attack on SAA positions in Daraa and what to take the city and have another fake chem attack as well, France and all the other usual collaberators are in on it as well. Hope its not True… Al Tanf and Daraa taken together cut off their supplies, then cant generate any AC for airconditioners, Jam all signals


Operation in Hama/Idlib and Daraa/Golan Heights will start together. Now there is enough manpower and military hardware.

أبو ياسر

The Lord’s resistance army has maimed, raped and killed up to 100,000 people in the name of Christianity in the past 15 years, which is far more destructive than ISIS and they’ve done so to establish Biblical Law as a self descriobed Christian organization. https://youtu.be/gywZZkIBrSg?t=1m18s

In America white supermacists who are self-described Christian are the single largest terror threat to American security, that’s according to the FBI and 392 police agencies in a study published last year. https://youtu.be/Djkb0VjGY1g

In Central Africa Republic Christain Militias have destroyed every single mosque and the UN reports that Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing, with reports that Christians are cannibalizing Muslims, literally. https://asmaaelbeltagi.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/burn-and-watch-rabaa-al-adawiyah-mosque-afternoon-14-august-2013.jpg

George Bush, a devout Christian, said God told him to invade Iraq, where by some estimates 1 million civilians were killed due to this unjust war. http://www.mepreport.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/bush_with_cross.jpg


In Israel and Saudi Arabia the state religions are evil cults run by criminally insane fanatics that officially preach and practice crimes against humanity. In the US impeachment articles were brought against Bush for his crimes and no legitimate church sanctions his or any of the “Christian” terrorist crimes that you list.


Mohammed Bin Salman, Goldman Sachs Jew Lloyd Blankfein


Samuel Boas

Everyone report this terrorist user

S Melanson

Samuel, this is directed at the poster above and their ilk.

To those commenting in defence of ISIS, I suggest inward reflection on why ISIS has so quickly capitulated to little more than a fragmented gorilla force, a pale shadow of its former self.

The answers are plain to see if honesty is allowed its moment. As you have taken the time to post, it is the least I can do to start you on your way to self discovery.

Yes, you built an army of the ‘faithful’ and staked out a new caliphate with dreams to be greater then the Ottoman’s ever achieved. You also believed in the effectiveness of the rule of force as evidenced by your brutal methods. The invocation of raw physical force was stunningly successful in carving out a new caliphate… and it was what ensured your demise. Your methods could do no more than lay foundations purely in the physical/material world, devoid of spirituality and true faith. Your newly minted caliphate was a contradiction of itself. But the problem goes deeper.

Think carefully upon the fallacy of the ISIS policy: convert to Islam or die.

Should not conversion to Islam come due to exposure to the intrinsic power of Islam, the wisdom of what is written in the Koran and the inspired devotion of the faithful? Is your faith so weak you fear that the spiritual power of Islam is insufficient and only by pointing the barrel of a gun do you achieve sufficient confidence in the power of your faith to convert non-believers?

Do you think under such conditions you achieved what Hezbollah truly has? Do you think those that converted under threat of death became true believers? You deluded yourselves that your Army of God would be the foundations for a lasting caliphate. Instead, what you built was a house of cards built on an army of the weak in faith, reflecting your own naked weakness.

And so it is understandable that such weak foundations would crumble so quickly and memories of your grand project will fade away, leaving only the lesson that you represented the antithesis of what is true faith.


you my jihad subhuman goat-fucking scum made me laugh so hard… You should try to write some SF or RPG book, you have real vivid imagination.

leon mc pilibin

Slowly but surely Syria will be fully liberated from the zionist head choppers and thieves.




SF Moderator, could you please, check some of the links provided in the comments section. Some are using your platform to promote some isis propaganda.


Probably from a cubicle in Langley or Tel Aviv.

Charaf Eddine

the pocket has been cleared totally there is no more ISIS IN AL BADIA

ibrahim lallmamode

We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Isreal, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender

S Melanson

To those commenting in defence of ISIS, I suggest inward reflection on why ISIS has so quickly capitulated to little more than a fragmented gorilla force, a pale shadow of its former self.

The answers are plain to see if honesty is allowed its moment. As you have taken the time to post, it is the least I can do to start you on your way to self discovery.

Yes, you built an army of the ‘faithful’ and staked out a new caliphate with dreams to be greater then the Ottoman’s ever achieved. You also believed in the effectiveness of the rule of force as evidenced by your brutal methods. The invocation of raw physical force was stunningly successful in carving out a new caliphate… and it was what ensured your demise. Your methods could do no more than lay foundations purely in the physical/material world, devoid of spirituality and true faith. Your newly minted caliphate was a contradiction of itself. But the problem goes deeper.

Think carefully upon the fallacy of the ISIS policy: convert to Islam or die.

Should not conversion to Islam come due to exposure to the intrinsic power of Islam, the wisdom of what is written in the Koran and the inspired devotion of the faithful? Is your faith so weak you fear that the spiritual power of Islam is insufficient and only by pointing the barrel of a gun do you achieve sufficient confidence in the power of your faith to convert non-believers?

Do you think under such conditions you achieved what Hezbollah truly has? Do you think those that converted under threat of death became true believers? You deluded yourselves that your Army of God would be the foundations for a lasting caliphate. Instead, what you built was a house of cards built on an army of the weak in faith, reflecting your own naked weakness.

And so it is understandable that such weak foundations would crumble so quickly and memories of your grand project will fade away, leaving only the lesson that you represented the antithesis of what is true faith.


All these interrelated strikes against ISIS are going on very smoothly considering that many factions are involved. People don’t like to think of it but it should be obvious that some sort of informal agreement was reached. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-navy-jets-begin-sorties-against-syria-mediterranean-151318921.html?soc_src=strm&soc_trk=fb

Chris P

It really does appear that the SAA has become a better trained army. They still lack the ability to really coordinate a well planned attack. Having watch the tank attack against Isis, it is clear that they lack the ability to use helicopters correctly to cover there flank and to overwhelm their enemies with huge numbers. They also should have attacked the Southern pocket in Damascus far sooner. The SAA should spread out, and learn to regroup far quicker to avoid damage from air attacks. Stay away from the South for the time being and let the Turks resume their Attacks.

This pocket should have been cleared a lot sooner by picking away at the loose Isis defence. Now they start. Impressive gains for the SAA, but this is not where the fight is. So it really is just a training ground for the new SAA army. The FSA up north and the Israeli problems is next. The SDF or Kurds got too greedy and stole a lot of Sunni land, this was not smart and created more hate. No end soon.


Lot’s of Huge caliber heavy machine guns and ATGM to make real use of choppers. What they need is more Flamethrower and gliders to carry troops behind the enemy line.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Great start to the operation and I hope they don’t stop until every last one is eradicated. Hopefully the SAA will open another front in the south to create a pincer movement to help push this group north and westwards instead of southwards. Last year before the Russians put a stop to it, these guys used to retreat to safer areas in the south when they had to, and they shouldn’t be allowed to do the same thing this time. Are there vultures in Syria? if there is, they’re going to be very well fed soon I think.



The US ‘slant’ on Deir ez Zor operations

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