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MARCH 2025

Syrian Government Forces Advance On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates, Capture Jadid Uqaydat (Map)

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Syrian Government Forces Advance On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates, Capture Jadid Uqaydat (Map)

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Syrian government forces have further advanced against ISIS on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and captured  the villages of Tabiya and Jadid Uqaydat along the road to al-Busariyah.

Earlier today reports appeared that the Syrian Army launched an operation aiming to reach the ISIS-held city. However, this will be a complicated  task. Government forces will likely face significant troubles with isolating the city.

Thus, if ISIS resists strongly to government troops, they will not be able to enter al-Busariyah before the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

Syrian Government Forces Advance On Eastern Bank Of Euphrates, Capture Jadid Uqaydat (Map)

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MD Ranix

God speed for the russian led coalition – whatever strategies they undertake in the future will be victorious and blessed inevitably


Good to see some movement SE from this bridgehead. :)

Solomon Krupacek

ah, little rat, do you appeared? so, where are your big talks abour supermacy of saa and taking omar fields before abu kamal? you should apologizefor all serious commeters for your hallucinations.


The SDF will beat the army to it for the simple reason that Kurds and Isis are on the same side. Notice how the only group being resisted strongly on the eastern side of the Euphrates is the army; the Kurds just pass through making deals with terrorists as they go.


Not so much on the same side as ISIS does appear more excited about killing Shiites, Russians and Persians than being killed by SDF.


SDF kills ISIS. Sure, why not. As soon as they grow tired of recruiting them.


Syria needs SDF to push out the turks. They have probably already made a deal and given something to the more intelligent Syrian Kurds, compared with the corrupt Barzani group.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Or vice versa, my friend. Syria to take revenge of the Kurdish interference in Deir-Ezzor easily using the Turks for that end. The classic enemy of my enemy is my friend. That is to be most obvious, with the last statement of Erdogan announcing the end of his intervention in Idib and his next target of the Kurdish enclave in Afran.


We will soon find out the answer. Assad will need a group that can stand between Syria and Erdogan, who changes loyalty like he changes shirts.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

:) You are very right and more about Erdogan, my friend. We hope that the Syrian government will get rid of this complicated crossword soon and with the final victory of their side.


Over 100,000 SDF troops and coalition air support are keeping the Turks from invading SDF sectors of Syria; while Turks have invaded Non SDF Sectors without breaking a sweat.


“..does appear more excited about killing Shiites, Russians and Persians..”

Should add, even before Shiites; Syrians, Arabs, Yazidis and anyone else that isn’t a Kurd and all for what their paymaster’s desires; the breakup of Syria and the theft of oil.

There, I fixed your statement to more accurately reflect reality. Trivia time… When did Assad become a dictator? Why when he turned down that pipeline request by the US. Funny how the Syrian people run to the Syrian army controlled areas, even from Kurd occupied territories.


Except for the 10 million or so that left syria. And plenty of refugees in SDF regions also.


You must mean during those years when the imported terrorists funded and weaponized by the ‘coalition’ and it’s GCC allies watched Isis convoys travel through the open desert under their watchful eye and the Syrian people were tortured and had their heads cutoff; those people that left to avoid that gift that the ‘coalition’ was bestowing on them. Surely that must be what you’re talking about. As for refugees in the Kurdish regions, why is it the Kurds won’t let them leave…. right!


I get that you are excitable. But you dishonor the memory of the Great Hero of Syria General Zahreddine who cursed those who fled Syria. If millions had not fled Syria, the siege of Deir Ezzor would never have lasted 3 years


If the empire had not targeted Syria for destruction as it did in Iraq, people wouldn’t have fled. The terrorists in Syria are the best armed, funded, trained, logistically supported etc. etc. than any terrorist group I’ve ever heard of in my lifetime. Weapons stocks constantly show Israeli and NATO countries weapons, including chemical munitions, warehoused in underground locations of previously Isis held areas. Now I wonder how those got there. NOT!


Turks & Qatar & Saudi Arabia have been supplying the rebels for 6 years; with arms, money & training. Not only that; but Turks have actually physically invaded both N Aleppo & Idlib. If the Syrian Civil War ended today, the clear winner is Turkey having wrecked the Syrian economy caused deaths of thousands of Syrians directly & indirectly and grabbed big chunks of Syrian Territory.


You’re right that during the early stages of the war, Turkey was working with the other GCC states and the empire to destroy Syria. At one time they also shot down a Russian jet too. That page however has been turned by the Turks after the Empire tried to overthrow Erdogan in a coup which Russia helped him survive. Turkey also missed out on Russian tourism and trade which has now been rectified. I believe it has realized the error of it’s ways and is working now with it’s neighbors to stop the US and it’s Kurdish pawns plans for the region.


Hahaha.Accusing the US of having plans, seems like a longshot. Maybe you should buy a TV and see what kind of cray cray antics Trump does every day. Trump & Tillerson just betrayed the Kurds in KRG last week, so they don’t have any plan at all.


You obviously don’t understand the difference between overt and covert. As for tv, I have no need of a propaganda medium; thank you.


Maybe in your region, but we are seeing it live here. Trump acts like he is crazy. Not a good sign.


Yes, Trump has passed his foreign policy onto the CIA hence, covert and not a good sign. As for the last presidential US election, The main difference between Clinton and Trump in 2016 was Clinton (good friends with Albright of 500,000 Iraqi children dying a good thing fame), who is a psychopath, likes war, never met a war she didn’t like and wanted a hot war with Russia in Syria. Trump on the other hand had always professed anti-NATO and non-intervention abroad. In other words the choice was between a hot war with Russia and an unknown in Trump. We like to say that Trump came to drain the swamp, but the swamp drowned him. What happens next is anyones guess.

Have you ever read ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’ by David Talbot? Interesting reading if you want to know a bit about the inception of the CIA and the foreign policy pursued by it. The President is nothing more than a figurehead. And, for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMeBgcmTyKA


Trump has spent the last week or 2 arguing with a gold star widow. He is completely nuts. Also, Trump still hasn’t been able to form a government, with hundreds of appointments still unfilled. Trump spends more time attacking Republicans than governing. Weeks after the ambush in Niger, no detailed explanation has been given.


They have so many wars going on , there is not time telling the American people, well they have to tell the widows . Trump is certainly , a jerk , womanizer , influenced by multiple bad influences , Russia , Israel , Saudi Arabia , the UK , Mad Dogs who hate Iran etc etc.. But if only 25 % of the ill will sent his way , from the election until now , had been constructive , we would all be much better off . Trump may be a jerk , but the American people shame themselves , and endanger the world with this foolishness .


Consensues is that Trump will flame out and be out of office before end of February 2018. His madman antics, while amusing during the primaries, are not even slightly effective at governing.


Consensues used to be to stand behind the Commander and Chief after an election , as a show of faith in the “will of the people” . However , you are right , the plan has been for Pence from the moment he was selected. Plans are flexible , “Sunnistan” changed to ” Kurdistan”, easy . Politicians of either stripe are just showcase . Real decisions are with the Senators who own Rand and the military votes . Americans tried to express their desire , to drop the wars and refocus on home base . Bankers with military madness , certainly are not effective at governing.


Most Republicans were willing to give Trump a chance to develop into the job. But instead of getting better he is getting worse.

*Watching Trump is like watching a quarterback pull out a knife in the huddle and start stabbing his own teammates.


Trump, Trump, Trump or Clinton, Clinton, Clinton…

Get a life and wakeup!


So are you not American , you’ve never heard of the Rand Corporation , and their plan for “Sunnistan” .


Most Americans are aware the in US we have 1st Amendment free speech. Merely saying something doesn’t make it so. Don’t put too much faith in politicians, think tanks or pundits. They are often wrong.


You are entirely right!


Just pointing out the obvious.


very well said


Yes, this was expected Kurds-ISIS relation, what is the problem ? this is well known. The real problem here is that SAA had two opportunities to stop SDF (when Deir Ezzor and Al Mayadin were taken) and did nothing about it. As the map clearly shows, SAA has lost the opportunity to take Omar oil fields for ever since USA is behind SDF advances, and Russia will do nothing to initiate a WWIII with USA-Israel-NATO.

Vuk Marko

You missed some important information about Omar oil field. SDF didn’t captured it at all. Tribal fighters which were associated with ISIS simply were oprdered by USA to change sides and become part of SDF. That’s how SDF “advanced” to Omar field so quickly.

Solomon Krupacek

this is the same


Guess for both Iraq and Syria getting rid of ISIS has the precondition of getting rid of the US first and foremost.

That whole ‘War on Terror’ is just a sham to get entry. So if there is no terror the US simply arranges for terror. Remember Iraq being reluctant to sign the Status of Forces agreement with the US? Took only a short offensive of ISIS to get Iraqis to sign up.

Ever since the creation of AfriCom terrorists are emerging all over Africa. Africa is well aware of that fact and refused to host the AfriCom now residing at Ramstein. The Germans are aware of AfriCom but choose to ignore its operations. Merkel proving her fealty to the US like she did with TTIP and now with Glyphosate.


Was it an opportunity? I think that the Syrians and allies are overstretched and should be congratulated for what they’ve achieved.


I believe Turkey will have a big say on what Kurds can accomplish on Syrian land and, the only ones that can do so against the US supported thieves and terrorist allies. No matter what happens, even if Kurds try and hold their ill gotten gains, they’re land locked and opposed by all of their adjoining neighbors. Not worth having ww3 as it’ll work out in the end anyway. Meanwhile, the Syrian army and it’s allies are putting more worth on saving their citizens lives from terrorists than oil.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I also think and believe the same, my friend. Even though the Turks themselves are unreliable, of two evils I believe they are the best option, given the impotence of the Syrian government to give their deserved to the ungrateful and treacherous Kurds.

Michalis Kane

Here is the reason why SAA did nothing



There is no logic in that report ; only from an Israeli point of wishful thinking . The Turks are not going to let the Kurds export any oil / gas at least not through Turkey . The Russians are not going to compensate the Syrian Kurds , because the Iraqi Kurds lost the oil revenue from Kirkirk . Now the Israeli’s are upset about Kirkirk , as they bought 75 % of their oil from there , at very big discounts .


Yes, I think this link goes in the right direction. Now it is possible to understand SAA behavior in Deir Ezzor and Al-Mayadin. Maybe things do not go exactly like this report, but everything looks like there was a deal between the two superpowers.


Indeed, this is because the SDF is the PKK terrorist group, usually in disguise, but in Raqqa or on the interviews they made it clear that they are PKK, so ISIS and SDF, being both terrorist groups, help each other against the Syrian army.


Yep, they’ve colluded together. The proof is out there for anyone willing to research it.


Of course, and Russia must not be surprise about this. This is something already expected.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes they have the same master don’t they?




Unconfirmed Reports in last hour are that SDF has taken Galban oil fields on the E Bank of Euphrates, located somewhat South of Omar Oil Fields.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

” ..they will not be able to enter al-Busariyah before the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.” I think it’s time for the SAA and ally to have some strategic success compared to their Kurdish counterparts. Because fom the beginning of operations in Deir Ezzor, the biter americans puppys of the so-called SDF, have achieved each of their illegal objectives one after one regardless of the valuable efforts of the Syrian army and its allies. While is very complicated to find a culprit responsible for so many failures in the SAA and allies side, all that remains, is to hope for the best for the SAA and its allies in the future, I fear.

Solomon Krupacek

also in raqqa, tabqa and north aleppo. and now begin washington to focus on idlib …

Langaniso Mhlobo

Sorry to say this I think on final stages Russia move in American partners trap.Russia was supposed to deploy thousands of Iranians after last Astana talk.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Not any trap my friend, but the mother of all traps, I fear. Because the crafty United States of America are not and will never be a friend of Russia and in any deal they make of whatever kind, in the end the only beneficiaries are and will always be themselves and not my beloved super innocent and naive Russia.

Solomon Krupacek

unfoirtunately only in narrow corridor, which allowed them usa :(

Terence Silvestre Jr.

It’s true, my friend. And the true, it’s very difficult to understand the luck of the SDF in the ground compared to that of the SAA and allies, with Russia’s military capacity is almost incredible the kurdish success in terms of strategic objectives achieved so easily

Solomon Krupacek

for me as former offier this is not problem. lokk, kurds are better organized, higher battla moral and willig to fight. syrians fleed before conscription, only tiger forces have enough battle moral. so, assad has not enough troops of good quality. remeber deir hafer. saa was waiting 2-3 weeks, until isis completely removed and abandoned the city. because of kurdish attacks at tabqa dam. practically the whole easte aleppo countryside and west raqqa countryside got saa without foght. IF kurds would not attack in east syria, until today saa would be in palmyra and aleppo. so, my friend, with 5 000 soldiers nobody can win any war. (maybe usa versus grenada :) )

Terence Silvestre Jr.

The key word written by you here is ” willig to fight ”, my friend And I fear that this weakness, or the lack of that quality, applies not only to the regular SAA troops but also to my beloved Russia as well. Because having strong will involved in any fight, regardless of anything, any kind of achievement is and always will be within reach.

Behold a Pale Horse

Becoming obvious now that SDF and SAA are working together here.


It’s nice for the PKK if they have some oilfields, But whose going to buy their oil? Turkey as they did with ISIS? I guess not. So capturing oil fields is a worthless victory.

Jasminko Grdic

There is a news that Israel has offered IS fighters to Peschmerga Kurds in Iraq to fight against Iraq and PMU… Who is smart enough know how the Oilfield become Kurdisch

Don't read butthurt replies

All these terrorist groups, including those that don’t belong in Syria (like the Kurds) are all on the same side, all with different task from the same gov/country funding them, and with a different tag on them. They keep the Syrians and the rest of those helping Syria busy while the other terrorists get an easy pass like you see with the SDF. I hope Iran, Iraq and Syria (once done with the all terrorist, Daesh, Kurds and ect) learn from this and stop those kind of tactics in the future.


Any SAA victory has been overshadow by loosing Omar oil fields. SAA-Russia had plenty of time to be able to stop SDF advances to south and southeast at Deir Ezzor and Al Mayadin. Russia capability could protect and support very well ground troops to cross the river and to advance to north and northeast. However, they chose to do something else. Many support this SAA resolution and makes a lot of justification for this. However, whatever you want to say to justify this resolution, it is senseless. It looks like there are two possible reason to explain this: either it was a stupid tactical decision of Syrian generals, or it was a previous agreement between Russia(Syria)-USA(kurds).


SAA has not lost the Omar oil fields . ISIS , took them from Syria , kept them for three years and now has “given” them to SDF . I don’t know where you are from , but in normal common law , you can not give what you don’t own . This is a property issue that can be settled later , right now , control of the border crossing at Al Bukamal is the priority .

DJ Double D

Loosing territories right under one’s nose is not a way to win wars and friends. Lose of Image and Perception is even worse.


If, as some people are saying, the cooperation between SDF and Daesh was “expected” or “well known” can someone answer this question: Who was SDF fighting in Raqqah?


Lots of unnecessary speculation about the motives of Russia here – they do what they can against an empire with unlimited fake money and a whole array of pseudo-terrorists to deploy. The achievements of the SAA, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias and Iran are truly heroic against a combined force of NATO countries, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Kurds, private mercenaries from the West, US air force, a captive EU and UN peddling “chemical weapons” lies, sanctions, stolen oil revenues, a relentless influence campaign across the world, drones, spying, satellites, and more. Nothing particularly special about Kurdish militias advancing against pro-US “ISIS” forces babysitting oil fields for the CIA, or carpet bombing Raqqa with the Yankee death machine – so many bombs dropped that Mattis is crying they’ve run out – and driving the civilian population out, so they can create a new “democratic” town for the fantasy “federal Syria” that Turkey is also dreaming about with their “rebels” in Idlib. Heroic fighters against Assad’s evil government – bullsh*t. Paid or thrill-seeking mercenaries for the empire – taking money from the killers of the Muslim world, millions of Muslims dead since the 2001 phase of the war to steal resources and prop up the decrepit arms-running, drug-smuggling empire of satan. Any Muslim taking the Yankee dollar to fight against the last independent nations in the Mideast is a traitor to the religion, the region and basic human decency. The spirits of the millions of brutally massacred civilians and patriots cry out for revenge – if these “rebels” think they can wash away the blood and build clean, blood-money cities for the US and Israel to run bases and ship out the regions oil, they are sadly deluded – and morally bankrupt as well.


Here’s one of the “heroic” allies of the “democratic rebels” – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/isis-raqqa-battle-offensive-syria-islamic-state-macer-gifford-british-volunteer-ypg-kurds-a7914536.html – a currency speculator and wannabe Tory politician getting his kicks killing Arabs while the Yank bombs drop on the latest group of “ISIS” suckers to be wiped out after they are no longer required. Just wants to see some democracy before heading home to make some more money and do seminars on how to fight “dictators” who just don’t understand that their oil belongs to the Imperial West. I read another story about how a different British man, working-class, has been sentenced to years in prison for driving ambulances in besieged Donbass – didn’t fire a single shot, yet he fought for the “wrong” team. Meanwhile this rich ponce “Gifford” (a pseudonym apparently, as if he isn’t easily identified) will get a heroes welcome – maybe a stern warning for breaking the “spirit” of the law against taking arms against the government of a UN member nation. Meanwhile, Russia has to veto any more “investigations” into chemical attacks because they only want to fabricate a case against Assad – despite the US now admitting that rebel militias have used, and still possess, chemical weapons, and were the only group with motive, means and opportunity to commit the alleged chemical attacks blamed on the Syrian government. The stupid thing is that the so-called “enlightened” Western countries are sowing the seeds of their own destruction by destroying the credibility of institutions of law, governments and borders – we already see the World Order breaking apart under the strain of lies and naked self-interest.


I think SAA are currently too weak to fight both, SDF and ISIL..So I think they will try to clear ISIL first and then its SDF.. Why dont you covering anything from iraq.. I saw on IG pashmerga europe bunch of kurds vs iraqi fighting videos..

Gerhard Pleyer

Kurden must try to progress in western direction in order to gain a seaport on the Mediterranea.

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