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Syrian Government Forces Open Front Against Militants In Harasta Area In Eastern Ghouta (Map)

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On February 26, Syrian government forces, led by the Republican Guard, opened a new front against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), Ahrar al-Sham and their allies in the Harasta area in the Eastern Ghouta region, near Damascus, according to pro-government sources.

Governemnt troops advanced on the militants’ positions in the district of Ajami where fighting erupted. The advance is reportedly supported by warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force.

On February 25, the Syrian Army and its allies started a ground phase of their counter-terrorism operation in Eastern Ghouta and already achieved first gains in the eastern part of the pocket.

Syrian Government Forces Open Front Against Militants In Harasta Area In Eastern Ghouta (Map)

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very nice news bravo!!!

Joe Doe

SAA should have enough troops to open 3 or 4 fronts lines the same time. This will force terrorists to spread the units, which eventually will weak terrorist defense lines. There also should be enough space to open 2 or 3 safe passage for civilian leave the East Ghouta and maybe 1 or 2 safe passage for terrorist who would like the surrounds their’s arms


I think its better to open them up one by one, so the defense has to run. This gives (Terrorists to make more Mistakes) and the Opservation can count better, where they are running to/from and how many ect. One by one District gets liberatet differently like this. Advance > Halt > Wait > Repeat = Profit In my Opinion! Like Elvis sings: Only Fools Rush in!

Joe Doe

Yes, this could be good too


What they are doing don’t has nothing to do with what you are thinking. Your thinking don’t counts.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hey come on now, most of us (except the trolls) have very good info to share here


I am from US and have stucked in between SAA forces and under the Russian and Syrian aerospace forces air strikes please come help me and take me out from this hell. Now every foreigner in East Ghouta will cry like a rabid dog.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

but if theyopen all at the same time, each frontline is watered down


Yeah true too, but they want to see where the rat holes are.


You must go there tell them out to do

Frank Behrens

Nope, that´s the problem SAA faces since years…they actually lack numbers. On paper they have ten-thousands of soldiers, but few of them can be used for offensive operations (most of the SAA soldiers/militia are used as garrisions at and in their home areas..as part of a deal with the regime). So they relay on a few elite troops/units and some allies (notably Hezbollah ) for such operations. But even then russian airforce support is vital .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They still have multiple fronts and are deploying troop to Afrin also along with Manbij this makes sense since so many from these regions have had reconciled with the government and even they are now part of Syrian Army. You seem to always think they don’t have the manpower even I know different they just recently trained more another special naval regiment of the Army . The numbers of the SAA you will not find out accurately as they are guarded to throw off their opponents in The Tripartie and their proxies there were reports of over 100 tanks and video backed coming to this region.

The numbers and belief of relying on Elite units is one that is said by the West and as they have no real actual knowledge of how large the SAA actually is. They have 15 elite regiments minimum and acknowledgement of these formations is one the west has issues, as they have repelled recent attacks from other regions with no real effort expended forcing the enemy to rethink their strategy and even Israel is even more hesitant now in attacking Syria.

There are no Hezbollah around Damascus but they say there are some 5000 Chinese troops protecting Chinese civilians there. The Russians are providing some more air defense systems and helping them with training and their radar, which they hope to get it beyond the capabilities they had before. The assumption that Militias are given a special deal is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard , being around the military and knowing all militias and National Guards always serve in their own areas.

Just more hyperbole from you in that regard then the paper army thing is even more Hyper bole , gets really tiring almost sounds if Israel is wistful and realizing their opportunity is no longer there to invade Syria and the probability of losing is dawning on Israelis.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

absolutely 100%

Frank Behrens

sesh, if the Syrian Gov. had and has that many men and no shortage…how was and is it possible, that some “terrorists” and most of them foreigners, if one is to believe the usual right-wing-nuts, manage it to not only to wage war for several years against the police-forces, army and militias of the state…but also to occupy vast areas . In fact, , and for sure what the rightwingers and Assad-symphatizers don`t like to hear,..without the support from the Hezbollah (fighers) and Iran (money, weapons, instructors), and Russia (weapons, ammunition) from an early stage on , the hard pressed regime would have lost the conflict. And only after the russia decided to get involved more directly (that is: air support) the Gov. started to conquer areas from the rebels. “Russia saved the day for the Syrian government.” https://www.rt.com/news/405106-russia-op-syria-analysts/

Right from the start the SAA was the one who had hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, heavy artillery and aircrafts and as such was much stronger then the diverse rebel groups who had and have only a few dozens tanks, heavy artillery and no airforce at all. And as we can see in east-ghouta, were the fights occur in a rather open rural aea, the SAA is struggling and one wonders why they just don´t roll over the rebels.

I keep on hearing that is western propaganda…really? https://southfront.org/syrias-armed-forces-7th-year-war/

well, in fact various analyzers concure about that:https://www.newsdeeply.com/syria/articles/2017/01/11/analysis-the-fifth-corps-and-the-state-of-the-syrian-army

“Local militias were established to operate primarily within communities that were controlled by and important for the regime, such as Latakia, Tartus, Homs, Hama and the capital Damascus. Moreover, most of these militias do not necessarily fall under the regime’s direct control and much of their funding comes from shady pro-regime businessmen, with recruitment based on sectarian lines. Given the religious motivation behind such groups, the majority are known to operate under the leadership of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

In addition, local forces are expected to fight in areas near to their hometowns, limiting their deployment, allowing the regime to maintain control, albeit through proxies, of Assad’s support base in the coastal and center-western regions.”

For example the Druze are ready to defend their homes , but are not ready to be ordered to other parts of the conflict:


“In early 2015, a Druze delegation from the Sweida province seeking aid from the government due to increasing ISIL attacks were rebuffed as unpatriotic, as they refuse to join the regime’s militias.[30] Druze have refused to join Hezbollah led militias sent by the regime, as they would expect to be sent to fight Sunnis.[170]”

So, there you have your informations about deals with local militias.

Hyperbole? Sure, the tiresome claims that Israel is planning to invade Syria (on the ground) ..else, deliver some believable (!) sources concerning that

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The invasion from Israel has always been there and blame it on it’s overwhelming fear of Syria as, all we see are these same bogus black and white satellite photos from them making false claims.

Frank Behrens

what are you blathering? Had a bad night´s sleep? These are not mine numbers or analyzes and claims as you can see. Yoz haven´t answered any of those issues and dodged all of those reports (what`s the problem? Because half of them are russian sources ? Oh, dear, where would we end if we start to criticize russian sources …). As I said, these aren`t MY numbers (did I gave numbers btw ?) but you can of cause chose to life in a state of denial..in the end reality rolls in surprisingly.and suddenly.

And concerning the invasion (on the ground) from Israel, you failed to deliver ANY informations about that (yeah I know the nympholepsy about Israel in some circles …it´s irrational patological).


Who is the real (Dark) Lord of Syria?


klove and light

right on dude…..always the same bs. ps. in the last 24 hrs(while supposed ceasefire).. 25 mortars and 2 rockets hit damaskus out of east ghouta+ 23 SAA infantry killed and 2 captured+1 tank captured+1 SAAbulldozer destroyed.watch video on almadas news…bastard terrorists laughing while standing on top of butchered SAA infantry corpses……. begs the question….what game is putin playing??? and as mentioned couple of times before(although being ridiculed and cursed at) putin is playing a double cross on syria/iran/hezbollah…and the zionists r playing a double cross on the us and eu.


Guy, you are an assassin, so talk to me.

klove and light

blablabla…27.02.2018..the us just bombed the shit out of SAA in deir e zoor again for the 4th time.so smart ass..tell me were r the russian friends and allies smart ass?tell me speaking prick ?or r u people coming up again with this “chess like so smart russian plan”?so russias plan is to watch and see how their “allies” r being bombed continuously?thats the plan? smart ass people here with wishful thinking…i bet u folks wake up every morning with ” im gonna win the lottery today honey” …smart ass


You don’t exist, poor animal of ancient ages

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA takes a pause between those hours anyways , they attack at dawn and dusk as is their attack pattern is developed.

klove and light

as said often before…..always the most ruthless wins war..has been so since ancient times…thats why the saying go´s “the winner writes the history”……. second point i´d like to make……..neither the SAA, nor russia, nor iran nor lebanon/hezbollah can WIN the MEDIA WAR!!! SO WHY BOTHER!!!They r all fighting a LOST BATTLE!! heres another old saying of ALL GENERALS of ALL COUNTRIES ” pick the terrain YOU wanna engage/ fight…dont let the opponent dictate”

well if anybody of u believe that east ghouta will be liberated of those bastards any time soon….nope aint gonna happen….and if SAA + allies try with “precautions as not to kill alot of civilians”=meaning going in with loads of infantry….sorry folks… but any man or woman who had military training can tell you….that the incoming/storming forces will suffer a MASSIVE amount of casualties.thats a military fact and nobody can argue this.the zionist/us/eu-slaves wanted exactly that..thast why alot of fuss about bombing campaign..ceasefire…to force SAA+allies to use infantry….

Russia and co.. as mentioned above cant win media war….so why bother….in my humble opinion ..even if it may soung cruel…..the russians+SAA+allies should have made a plan to seriously bomb east ghouta into oblivion in no more than 7 days..with infantry storm afterwards…lots of casualties by the 300.000+ civilians?yes…but as another old saying goes ” betting an ending in horror, as a horror with no ending” now if someone replys”theve been bombing east ghouta hard already dude”…then you have never served in the military….the russians as r the SAA, r using “fighterbombers” to bomb..lol….these r planes that can only carry/use a minimum amount of bombs/misslies and these bombs and missiles are by far no serious heavy armament!!! strategic bombers folks eg. TU-160 =weapons load capacity 40,000kg. SU-25=weapons load capacity 4000kg..SU-27= weapons load 4000kg

Get serious or die….simple really…..ps. look at raqqa….the zionist/us were serious!!


No, that’s a fascist myth, the big battalions intelligently led win wars, not the most brutal.


Attrition, that’s it’s an very old ancient beast, and maybe Apollonious was right: lets kill them all, as they have no international uniform.


Neither side has an overwhelming advantage so a mixture of force, diplomacy, economic pressure and propaganda will work better than a genocidal bloodbath like the one the US started; a limited war also has the benefit of morality, which means that a settlement could have the support of the defeated as well as the winners.

Remember that it’s the Washington barbarians who are the barbarians; we are the decent people.


My dear Attrition47 brother, they are done, and I’m not sure that ! will not make there a safari with my brothers.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Syria uses a mixture of diplomacy and military nothing new there as most who have a brain do this except USUK France. They would rather bomb with impunity and kill as many people as possible higher numbers sound good.

Well when you speak about Washington being Barbarians you couldn’t be further from the truth according to the Greeks and Romans everyone not in Arabia which is the Middle East are Barbarians this is covered by Herodotus and Homer ancient history of over 1000 BC just little known fact.

klove and light

smart asses…told u so…..27.02.2018….the us airforce just bombed the shit out of SAA for the 4th time in deir e zoor…..and thr super super russians……nada did nothing…so to all of u smart asses…go fuck yourself u primitive thinking monkeys……russia is double crossing…i´ll say it again and again and again…because its TRUE.truth has nothing to do with i like it ..i dont like it….truth is universal….thruth of the matteris….russia sold syria east of eupharates…period..thats a fact smart asses


My brothers and parents are expeting you.

klove and light

lol jorge….thats what i meant…..wishful thinking..absolute 0% logic…how old r u seriously?by the way smart ass tough guy…27.02.2018..the us just bombed the shit out of SAA again for the 4th time in deir e zoor..so smart ass tough guy tell me pleaseeeee where r the russians..the allies of syria(lol)…..? by the way…..u want your parents to fight?wow what a honourable man u r smart ass tough guy?how old r your folks 70years?and brothers..how many u have dude?4?5? seems like a prostitution family!so good luck today at night..hope your family makes good money smart ass


Well the Nazis flattened Stalingrad, then Stalingrad flattened them. The Russians understand loss better than any other nation on the planet. Smart pin point bombing, by Russian AF followed up with swift surgical attacks by special forces, like the Tigers and Republican Guards will achieve far better results than your 20 pound sledge hammer approach,to crack a pine nut open. Neither does the Syrian Government want to murder thousands of it citizens to root out the head chopping fanatics. What we have here is a civilised approach to defeate an uncivilised enemy.

klove and light

learn history admiral smart ass!the nazis had not 1 startegic bombers idiot!!they never produced 1 smart ass! so stop telling fairy tales idiot.the german “bombers” maximum weapons load was 700 kg…lolololololololol….the us and british bombers: 20,000kg.idiot smart ass. and by the way smart ass…27.02.2018..the us bombed the shit out of SAA again for the 4th time in deir e zoor..and the big russian ALLIES did nada, nothing.what a great friend russia is.u people here r WISH THINKING!! thats cute and sweet, but has nothing to do with reality and the truth.russia sold syria out..period.east of eupharates is us land.period! dumb smart asses here.


Clear crystal, wonderful, go Tigers!!


Enough to look to the map: lets go from northwest and lets go from southeast, it’s nice.


what amazes me is how the surrounded for years jihadist still have ammunition to be able to hold large scale assault..


Uncle Samuel.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA found tunnels large enough to drive Tanks thru already so that should give you an idea how they were being resupplied. The Advisers there may have to use them in order to flee East Ghouta.


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NATO and Gulf States buy munitions in central and eastern Europe and it gets trucked into Syria from Turkey and Jordan. In case of besieged militants like those in East Ghouta munitions are ultimately smuggled into pocket through tunnel networks running to outer laying districts. This involves militant accomplices outside pocket, and, bribery and intimidation of any civilians near outer laying tunnel activities. Aside of munitions, foreign sponsor’s money has bought and supplied a lot of small to medium sized portable tunneling equipment to the militants in Syria.


How long you guys think it will take SAA to complete their operation and clear out terrorist scum?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Depends on how resolved the Al Qaeda terrorists are, if not so then it will be under the week or less than two if the latter.


Two weeks? That seems optimistic; it took months of bombing before a surge even started.

And what’s the game plan down the road? SAA march on Damascus or reconcentrate forces in Idlib?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Larger army and more Elite units and better experienced Army also being better equipped is a game changer and the fact these terrorist group are encircled in and the fact VKS is in there. The possibilities in redeployment afterwards is all speculative too many possible targets that are continuing to pop up , with continued breaches in the deescalation zones near Daraa could be a possibility.

The SAA has a larger army than anticipated by the west and there is some underestimating by the west and their proxies in East Ghouta and the breaks are for evacuating civilians. The farmland is undefendable so they are huge swathes there so reduces the ability to control the area by both sides all buildings will be rendered useless by the UR-77s and no way to mine as they will take them out also. This will only be like Aleppo as far as the cries about false flag attacks.

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