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Syrian Government Forces Prepare For Large-Scale Operation In Idlib Province?

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Syrian Government Forces Prepare For Large-Scale Operation In Idlib Province?

Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov

On September 27, Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement leader Tewfik Shahab al-Deen survived a Russian airstrike that targeted his house, according to Syrian opposition sources.

Two Russian fighters destroyed Shahab al-Deen’s house in the western Aleppo countryside. However, the terrorist survived without any injury.

Abu al-Faruq Zenki a religious scholar of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement accused Russia and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) of working to eliminate “the revolution groups” in the opposition-held areas.

The Russian Air Force launched a bombing campaign against HTS and its allies and other armed Islamist groups in Idlib governorate on September 19.

The bombing campaign took place after HTS and some Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups broke the de-escalation agreement in Idlib governorate and attacked positions of the SAA in the northern Hama countryside.

Syrian pro-government sources believe that the bombing campaign is only the first phase of the respond to the HTS attack. According to the sources, the SAA and its allies are preparing to launch a wide-scale military operation to capture the Aleppo-Hama highway and all the southwestern Aleppo countryside.

The Tiger Forces was lately redeployed to the northers Hama countryside and in Khanasir town in the southern Aleppo countryside. The deployment of the Tiger Forces could be a sign that military operation against HTS is indeed close.

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Terence Silvestre Jr.

Cut the root disease before the problem becomes more complicated and enlarges more in the long term. Please SAA and allies, go and act without pity and compassion, human characteristics that do not have these terrorist animals to the services of the Americans and their allies.


SAA and allies have never showed pity on anyone.

It is unlikely they will start now.

HTS must be destroyed as an organisation, I agree. I do not care for islamists at all but there is a difference between those supporting a theory abstractly and those either living “the dream” or actively supporting those that do. The latter should be taken out too. The former are plain Syrian subjects and have a right to any opinion, just as long as they do not act on it


BS, they had plenty of warnings and chances to lay down their arms and start reconciliation process, many have used that opportunity.

Serious Dude

If the Syrian government had been a unifying force then the Islamists would have been defeated in one year. But Assad walked the other way…


The Syrian government is a unifying force , that’s why Christians , Sunni , Shia , and Druze are all members of the Syrian army . The Islamists have been backed by the US , Saudi Arabia , Qatar , by billions of dollars , who paid hundreds of thousands of jihadists . Last time I engaged you , I asked if you knew what it is that makes Wahhabi Islam so evil . Have you an answer yet .

Serious Dude

I have answered you but my answer wasn’t satisfying. Can you tell me? Also, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are enemies and I haven’t said that the rebels are good.


@Serious Dude Wahhabism , has as its core belief the brutal concept of “Taqfiri ” meaning all other Muslims must be converted to Salafism , or be killed as apostates . All other beliefs are likewise apostates , and you guessed it , to be killed . Al Qaeda , ISIS , Taliban , Muslim Brotherhood etc. , are just different brands of that ideology that is disguised as a religion . So I do not imagine you have read the book “WikiLeak Files” as you said you would .

Serious Dude

I haven’t read that book. And because Wahhabism is so bad that doesn’t mean that every third world dictator that goes against them is a saint.


No one has asked the pope to declare Assad a saint . His father who ruled Syria for thirty years , was a bit harsh , but the current Assad was elected and in the last election received 80 % of the vote . Syria is not a third world nation , it carries no debt , yet before America , attacked it , had a GDP equal to any European nation .

Serious Dude

Okay, let’s see how Assad will deal with post-ISIS Syria.


Well, you can’t unify all when most of them are being paid and supported by other goverments, they don’t pay them to unify imho.

Serious Dude

Iran also pays pro-government fighters, what about that?


What about what? That’s not really an argument, next you will say that Assad pays his soldiers, lol Assad is the legitimate chosen ruler, rebels are not, they are paid, trained and motivated by foreign powers to overthrow the ligitmate government and keep the country in chaos., that’s a foreign illegitimate intervention, the intervents are war criminals.

Serious Dude

Both pro-government fighters and anti-government fighters are hellbent on sectarianism. This is not about Syria but about an Iranian-Saudi Proxy conflict.


Well, still Saudi and the rest of the gang the so called US -led coalition plus Israel chose to destabilize Syria not the other way around. They want either a devastating conflict or some puppet government that not necessarily will be better than the current one, the opposition fighters are either mercenaries like Nusra or they are from rural parts of the country where they are even more closer to islam and are largly underdeveloped, Israil doesn’t want a well developed Syria next to itself but either destroyed or underdeveloped puppet regime, that’s what it’s all about.

Serious Dude

Israel has a neutral position on Syria. On the other hand, Assad and Wahhabis were allies when they were against Israel.


Israel doesn’t have a neutral position on Syria, it simply can’t cause they are supporting rebels/mercenaries, they are not even shy admitting it, give medical treatment and sometimes air support whenever they fight against Assad’s army, plus Goland heights are considered an occupied territory, so they will do anything to prevent Syria taking it back and they also want to prevent Iran getting a foothold in Syria that’s also a reason for them to keep Syria down. I think it was the russian Jew guy from Vice News who was doing a reportage about Israeli soldiers curing some jihadists. even the western media mentioned it http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3315347/Watch-heart-pounding-moment-Israeli-commandos-save-Islamic-militants-Syrian-warzone-risking-lives-sworn-enemies.html


Maybe in the past Assad and Wahhabies have found against Israel now it’s the other way around.

Serious Dude

“There is no doubt about the danger involved. Many of the casualties rescued by Israel belong to Salafist groups who harbour a deep-seated hatred of the Jewish State.” I thought that Zionists are behind Salafis… Oh well, this is just humanitarian job, something that Assad lacks.


Yeah, of course just a humanitarian, lol. Very neutral indeed




Serious Dude

You are missing the point.


Oh yeah ? what’s the point ? I think you’re doing your best not to see the point.

Serious Dude

I mean you are searching for the tree and you are missing the forest. Out of 6,5 years of war is this the thing that matters most? And if you like Assad so much then go live under his authority. You have your opinions and I have mine.


Lol, look at you go trying to switch from one topic to another, things i showed you are not my opinion, they are hard facts, you clamed that Israil is neutral towards Syria and that’s clearly not the case here, this is not about me linking or not liking Assad, it’s all abouth thruth, i case you have missed it.

Serious Dude

The truth is difficult to find because you are not in front of all things. However, I tend to support the least evil. Israel is by far the least evil thing in the Middle East right now. Israel just doesn’t want Hezbollah. If you want the truth, do you know that Hezbollah are drug and gun dealers?


Oh wow, who doesn’t deal drugs, americans make the heroin trade flourish in afghanistan, Israel is a major hub fro the drugtrade, obviously it brings in a lot of money otherwise they would have ended it a long time ago and not to forget mossad’s drug trade, lol, Israel and their creators are possible THE BIGGEST Villains in modern human history, arabs are like little street dealers compared to them.

Serious Dude

And is this an excuse? I am against the heroin trade in Afghanistan. Also, find me some proof about Israel.


Lol, excuse ? You’re bringing it up as a valid point to criticize others while your government does the same and on a much larger scale.


http://rense.com/general24/israelidrugsmugglers.htm http://www.libertylobby.org/articles/2000/20000528ciamos.html https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.553277


Men, i’m pretty sure that if you want to find some more, you do it yourself, not that difficult.

Serious Dude

My government? I don’t live in the US.


Israel does it too, not sure where you live, don’t care either but that wasn’t the point.

Serious Dude

Even if it is true, is this an excuse for Shiite extremists to take over Palestine?


Palestine wont fall into the hands of Shiite simply because too many powerful people around the globe don’t want that, including Russia. Pretty sure that there will be more chaos if Syria falls, the Iranian presence in Syria has become even stronger because of the intervention, you probably should have made some arrangment with them instead of constant threats and what is with all the settlement expansions and kicking out the Palestinians out of their homes, don’t you think that that will inspire muslims to hate you even more?

Serious Dude

The same thing was said about Sunni militants and see what has happened. Speaking about homes, Syrian government has destroyed 10x times more homes than Israel.


Israel uses others to do the dirty work for them, those two things aren’t even comparable, there is war in Syria, in Israel palestinians are being kicked out of their homes for no reason, just to make leaving space for israelis.

Serious Dude

The war in Syria is an Iranian-Saudi proxy conflict. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Saudi_Arabia_proxy_conflict Kicking people out of homes is evil but does Israel have the right to exist?


Everyone has right to exist, that’s why i think it is wrong to make choice between parties, i mean if you continuously going to kill each other off you thousands years old war will never end, the conflict might be Saudi-Iranian by it’s core but there also other parties involved, which decimate countries for own profit.

Serious Dude

Now you are right.


Are you forced to live under his authority then or is it a case megalomania, telling people how live and kill them and millions others in the process if you don’t like them?


Israel has anything but a neutral position . Israel is a different form of extremism , known as Zionism , the nation of Israel was created by the taking of Arab territory . and then expanding that UN creation. The Golan Heights is a part of that expansion , it is Syrian land , and it has a pool of oil estimated to be as large as that of Saudi Arabia”s . That is what this war is really about .

Serious Dude

Zionism and Zionism and Zionism and Zionism… Arabs have so much land but if Jews have a small state, it becomes a HUGE problem. Syria lost the war and lost the Golan Heights. Simple. On the other hand, you are not going against forced Arabization practices in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and Sudan.


I am against stealing and killing in general . I am against forced conversion to any doctrine . What do mean “forced Arabization” I find it strange that you defend the Zionists ,and their expropriation of Jordanian lands. Especially ,the Zionist Kissinger, who , as you claimed , was to blame for the occupation of Cypress .

According to international law , the Golan Heights still belongs to Syria . If we condone Israel’s expansion , where does that leave the rest of mankind .

Serious Dude

Forced Arabization by Qaddafi on Berbers and by Saddam on Kurds. Zionists never stole land from Arabs, before the WW1 this land belonged to the Ottomans and they lost the war. So in fact they “stole” it from the Turks. On the other hand, the ideology of pan-Arabism wants Palestine for themselves. I support Israel, not certain people. I could care less about Golan Heights, I want sectarianism out of Europe.


As you could have read, I fully endorse taking on HTS and other islamists.

I differentiate between those in HTS and those supporting the theory of islamism without committing any acts. One should be free to have an opinion, even one that most others do not like.


It’s not an opinion when you state it like that, sounds more like deliberate disinformation, hanging more tags on russians, oh, they are like that and like this., when it’s completely different in reality.

Murray Smith

Splitting the wrong hairs mate. You need better sources, try the one’s that need translating.


Dutchnational, the majority of us here are well aware that your are a Zio Shill so there is little point with your inane and rather lame attempts to create any reality out of the Western propaganda fantasies here.


I know ass-adophyles do not like to hear facts and other opinions than their own. Your problem, not mine.


We are always happy to read other reasoned opinions here Dutchnational but we deplore Trolls such as you with propaganda fantasies that mimic the Anne Frank Playbook.


Exterminate – exterminate – exterminate.

Do you get ‘Doctor Who’ abroad? Three famous words from the TV series and the best advice this Brit can offer Syria and its allies faced with this vile sub species of so called humans – islamic terrorists…. They are a scourge to the planet and to any decent society. Exterminate……………………. Free Syria. Good luck.


As a kid the Daleks use to scare me, use to watch reruns with Tom Baker as the Doctor


12th doctor Matt Smith was the best :)

You can call me Al

Now they have a women as the Dr. – I refuse to discuss the Dr anymore.

jason sixx

Idlib, latakia,hama, west/south aleppo all in hts hands. Huge operation and many resources needed. Better clean up isis hama pocket and take mayadin and cross euphrates into omar fields, and secure a little bit the sukhnah southern flank before doing this

Valery Grigoryev

Agree with you absolutely.


Free Idlibstan!


Is an attack on Idlib a means to prevent the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers threatening operations across the Euphrates, is it a substitute or is it a bluff?


It is a strategy that today appears to be drawing the US Coalition sponsors of terror into the Sunlight, even in the Western media.

Joe Doe

I would say that SAA made wrong decision. SAA should first finish Deir Ezzor province and secura oil and Gas fields and cut SDF advance in that province before moving troop to battle another front. SAA High COmmand has learn very little about military strategy and tactics and most likely will never learn.

jhon malakiat

exactly. the green zone is easy task in term of millitary strategy. considering there is no race with big force usa.

the most vital is the black zone, grab land as much as possible from isis and usa back kurd millitant.


So sayeth an American who knows no difference between Strategy and Tactics :)


At this time they firstly have to clear their supply routes.

Valery Grigoryev

Good in general, but not in time. The strategic move has to be provided on the East (Omar oilfields and Iraqi border), as the tensions with Kurds are developing… While Idlib pocket may be liberated later.


The SAA could lose more then half of it’s army in Idlib if not 2/3. SDF have won on the eastern side.

Idlib will make sure to take down the regime with themselves


Conquering the highway may take months. Just think of all the vain attempts to conquer territory West of Aleppo and the endless fight for Jobar. Starting now without having Deir Ezzor or even East-Hama finished will just dilute resources and may lead to a serious slowdown or even standstill at several fronts.

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