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MARCH 2025

Syrian Government Forces Rapidly Advancing Along Border With Iraq

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On Monday, Syrian government forces captured Bir ad Dulayiyat and nearby points from ISIS terrorists and started storming the ISIS-held village of Humaymah in the area near the border with Iraq.

The Syrian army and its allied militias are aimingto liberate the T2 pumpging station from ISIS terrorists. If this is done, government forces will set a foothold for an advance on the ISIS-held border town of al-Bukamal.

This may be possible soon if the Iraqi army and the Popular Mobilization Units launch own advance against ISIS on the Iraqi side of the border in the area.

Syrian Government Forces Rapidly Advancing Along Border With Iraq

Click to see the full-size map

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This is great. this road to Der Ezzor seems to be faster then from Palmyra direction. Anyone knows the strength of Daesh in the towns along the river?


Speculated to be significant-this is where they withdrew bulk of forces from Raqqa.

Leon De Elias

Yes my friend ”Samourai”,the truth is that the IS is still manipulated by Israeli and US strategists and they withdrew all their US/Israeli/Saudi advisor staff among them from Raqqa..But looks like the Russian strategy is wiser than the zionist..I guess the Russian is first hitting the main goal,the Iraqi borderline and after they will isolate these strategic town and lift the siege of Deir Ez Zor and clean the river line downward with an additional 10K troops from the besieged town..It seems that way to me..They would also hit the river line under Raqqa and isolate the further Kurd advances southward from Raqqa west of the Eufrates..Good strategy yet the best one..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is the Iranian strategy by Homedani , the Russians are following a sound plan . The SAA is cleaning its pockets of ISIS and FSA to create a smaller defensive position in some areas and allowing troops to resupply and recuperate. This will only allow for faster pushes as the areas are further reinforced and pockets are secured . This controlling of supply lines and clearing the pockets along the routes will help in the long run against any future positioning by the US/Israel/Jordan Proxies . The US party is currently trying to get themselves invited to these de-escalation zones , since they failed to show at the talks .


It´s very strong, forces from Raqqa and Iraq (Mosul) concentrated here.


This situation will be a real test of Iraqi government trustworthiness. PMU alone can’t secure the border quickly enough without support of regular army and AF. The outcome of the battle for Al Bukamal will show who really calls the shots in Iraq. Also reaction of Barzani and the Kurds will be interesting to see.


Last I checked the Iraqi 7th Armored Div was still sitting on there ass at Haditha Dam. West Ambar province is still not secured. This is a problem.

Solomon Krupacek

see, you? i wrote earlier, the iraqy government must agree with movements of omu. until now i feard only 1 statment, in which they told, the pmu fighters are illaegal fighters in syria.

you laughedy, sent tigers, and similar stipidities. slowly all of you will leran, the reality is hard and bitter.

Geys Home

Solomon Ziogaycheck, that’s right my circumsized friend!!!! Dirty Russians lost again!!!!

Solomon Krupacek

i am not jew, ayou hermaphrodite :DD


I think they (Iraq) are trustworthy intrinsically, the problem is the extrinsic force acting upon Iraq in the form of a military semi-occupation on the part of a certain exceptional party.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The PMU and Iraqi army no longer report information through the media until their operation is done. They did the same thing in the northern region after there were complaints by the KRG which was upset when Yezidis were freed by their PMU brothers .

Bill Wilson

Why should Iraq send their troops and militias into Syria when the SAA has ISIS outnumbered and outgunned? The SDF isn’t going to advance any further towards Deir Azzor and the US slyly snookered the idiot SAA units into taking their place in the east to assault ISIS in their last strongholds. My bets are on ISIS kicking some serious ass and chasing them back into the desert where they’ll sit on their pansy ass again for months on end waiting for the Tiger Forces to do their heavy lifting as always. .


The US hasn’t snookered anyone in east Syria. The Pentagon long assumed SAA was incapable of an eastward offensive, because various US proxies in Darra and east Damascus were supposed to keep launching attacks to keep tying down SAA manpower. The US thought it could take control of east Syria on its own timetable, and has recently displayed a hubris-like attitude that is was already theirs – but then they got snookered – by the Russians. As Russians negotiated the four (real) de-escalation zones and allowed SAA to consolidate manpower and hardware to move eastward. The US has been served an unexpected reality check. They don’t have any real local support, so the US tiny south-east FSA proxies/mercenary forces cannot take the whole east, even if accompanying US special forces do all the real work, and the only other option is a full scale direct US military intervention – without either Congressional approval or UN justification, meaning unjustified aggressive war and occupation – never a good look.

Solomon Krupacek

not into syria, but to own borders and close them.


Syrian army SAA and allies just 65 KM away from Deir Ezzor City. ——————————————————————————– https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d739e631cf46f520e439ed2ee9d87afc0a6093c751e2ce4c731db7e34c26907f.png

Concrete Mike

My goodness they are getting close…this is very positive. I hope Deir ez zor can bé liberated by the end of July, that would bé one if the greatest Military Victory in modern warfare.

Keep Up the steady pace boys your doing great!! The real free World supports you all Along the way to victory. And when Victory is acheived, I Wil chug à 6 pack in your Honor, then i Will find à Saudi prince and barf on him. Ill make sure i eat lots of bacon first.


Well, hardly a great military victory to push back a force that the SAA outnumbers so vastly, along with the total air supremacy, but it would be the beginning of the end for ISIS.

Concrete Mike

You gotta bé joking air supremacy?? Why did their su-22 get shot down last week? Us and friends Do what they want?? Yet saa has air dominance??

Stupid troll go back in your Hole we didnt Miss you at all. Solomon Is way cooler than you.


That was the US on behalf of the Kurds, not ISIS.

A troll for being positive yet realistic, not propagandic or false, sure thing buddy. It’s a fact that this entire war is an embarrassment for the Syrian army, considering their total supremacy over the combined forces of all of their enemies. Hell, how many pockets have been besieged for years and STILL they can’t break them, an outnumbered, cut off force? Arabs can’t fight for shit, but still they’re winning, so that’s good. See? Positivity and realism.


I’m not sure how you define total supremacy when their enemies have the cash to recruit freely. The headchoppers having access to modern heavy weapons was also a bit of an unforeseen security risk; probably it shouldn’t have been. Everyone agrees the SAA has severe shortcomings; but that’s the army fighting now. If the liberation of Deir Ezzor is meh for you, you just see things differently from the people trapped there, whose lives depend on it.


Cash to recruit freely for the entirety of the war, but still every non-Assad force is massively outnumbered by the SAA and friends. Hardly a good excuse.

They have no helis or jets, they’re barely able to knock down the rare jet.

It’s not meh, just not one of the greatest achievements in modern warfare, due to how meagre ISIS are compared to the SAA. It’s embarrassing that the SAA have taken this long, but still, liberating the city is a big achievement nonetheless.


Dont forget that they are the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers, not just a few Saudi perverts.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have the ISUS air force and state of the art military tech from the US , Manpads , TOWs , night vision etc. yep a really poorly equipped ISIS group . The truly embarrassing thing is the US has never been able to move this quickly against ISIS . The strategy is brilliant, counter intuitive planning is always important the Syrian commanders and Generals always work alongside their troops . The US commanders hide in communication rooms and have very little understanding of the battlefield as it unfolds.


You say that ISIS is meagre compared to SAA and yet that the SAA is an embarrassment. Ergo I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say, so how could I agree or disagree already. But it reminds me of Obama talking about ISIL as being JV league, because of course he didn’t want to fight them or at least not in Syria.

You don’t care much for the SAA, we got it. You know what? I’m agnostic on the matter; I don’t have their emblems in my bedroom. Just another non-candidate for “finest fighting force in the history of the solar system”. But I do care about the Syrian people, and observe that there’s nobody else for them.

Jacek Wolski

You are forgetting the Russian ground and aerospace forces. They are also in this conflict to help the majority of the Syrian people.


Not forgetting exactly, but poetic license; no offense if you call it sloppiness. This coalition including Liwa / Hezbies / Desert Hawks (which are private I believe, what have they even been up to lately) would have been a nonstarter without the backbone of the SAA surviving, and fighting/dying more and longer than anyone else.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SyAF hadn’t dropped any bombs he reported seeing an ISIS convoy Leaving the Taqba area , these could be the same ones operating now out of Al Tanf area doing hit and run raids in the Syria/Iraq region. The pilots communications were jammed right away before he could get confirmation and makes sense of the damage of the craft , he was fired upon from an F-18E at 6 miles sent to protect this convoy is my belief . Funny thing the time about 6:45 was the time of attack on the Iraqi border station a few days ago .

Solomon Krupacek

this is his fake map

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This map is fairly up to date in accuracy .

Solomon Krupacek

ha-ha -ha. he showed the seme 4 days ago, 3 days ago. this is his fantasy, nothing else. check themaps of russian MoD, dreamer!

Bill Wilson

This entire civil war has been one bad joke that will be mostly forgotten by the World’s historians.

Concrete Mike

Wrong #1 its à proxy war #2 it bé remebered as how the us usés terroristes to support their own goals. #3 it exposed how us politicians have been usurped by thé Israël and Saudi lobby. #4 it Will bé remebered as another massive failure in us foreign policy.

In other words failure


haha u can not be more wrong


hahhahah a good plan :))))

Michael Qiao

only 2 km to T2

Concrete Mike

Yeaahhh buddy!!!

Michael Qiao





Now there is fight in T2 between SAA and ISIS.

Michael Qiao

And I hope the former wins





Michael Qiao



Two countries need unity at this time to counter the dare posted by terrorists to cripple both countries economically and military. This year shows the two countries are successful of reversing the terrorists gain. Now Syrian are rapidly to seal off their border with Iraq.


Map: The Syrian army SAA and allies just 65 KM away from Deir Ezzor City and 58 KM from Abu Kamal. To make it larger then Click on Map. ——————————————————————- https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/96babde40dd724bc4f3390e96a69fc7b639b0e57ea98ae22c229cbf360765eed.png


EXCELLENT ADVANCE BY SAA ! Daesh are like dirt in the desert wind. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png

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