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Syrian Government Forces Tighten Siege On ISIS-held City Of al-Qaryatayn (Maps)

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Syrian Government Forces Tighten Siege On ISIS-held City Of al-Qaryatayn (Maps)

Government troops are near al-Qaryatayn

Syrian government forces have further tightened siege on the ISIS-held city of al-Qaryatayn in the province of Homs.

Government troops have retaken a notable chunk of area from ISIS south of the city and restored control over hills surrounding it. According to pro-government sources, the army and its allies have a full fire control over al-Qaryatayn.

Soon, pro-government forces will likely launch a direct storm of the ISIS-held urban area.

The current military situation in al-Qaryatayn area:

Syrian Government Forces Tighten Siege On ISIS-held City Of al-Qaryatayn (Maps)

Click to see the full-size map

The military situation in al-Qaryatayn area before the recent government forces advance:

Syrian Government Forces Tighten Siege On ISIS-held City Of al-Qaryatayn (Maps)

Click to see the full-size map

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Wahid Algiers

Not again. More and more. Like a constrictor snake. Slowly and strongful.

Daniel Castro

This conflict is so thinly spread that it seems something like a few dozen guys are fighting for the control of entire cities…

Terence Silvestre Jr.

It’s only a matter of time. No matter what the enemies of Syria want and dream with, the victory will continue to be closer to Syria’s side with its brave allies, day after day.

RTA (Bob or Al)

I hate to say this, but as there are so many people supporting ISIS in this relatively small town; in the overall picture, I would eradicate it and look at the bigger picture.

I know it is shocking and dreadful, but we are at the crunch time now.


This town is Christian , and its highly doubtful that they are supporting ISIS . Will any of them survive is my question .

RTA (Bob or Al)

I understand your concern, but if you look it up, ISIS took over due to the people internally, I suppose a sort of coup.

I also would have assumed the Christians are long gone.

It is a shocking and vile thing I stated, but I state it again, get rid of it.

We must agree to disagree on this.


Look it up ! What ask ISIS or the US . War is vile enough , ISIS took over due to being well armed troops against unarmed villagers , don’t kill them , stay focused on ISIS .


Yes it is Christian, this is why ISIS always wanted to take it, and now they succeded, to the joy of the terrorist supporters, thanks to the US training, weapons, intelligence and planning these ISIS terrorists receive at the Al-Tanf base which is illegally occupied by these terrorists and their US-NATO instructors and protected by US-NATO air cover.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Even though it is very sad and pitiful the picture you paint in your commentary, I fear you have all the reason, my friend.

Cyriak Papasissis

In an ancient Christian town there were no ISIS sympathizers. These initial fake reports from the opposition were meant to confuse and mock the SAA. Many dozens, hundreds of members of ISIS gangs on Toyota trucks are able to pass through thinly manned SAA lines. This has been proved many times recently. They have guidance from satellite images passed to them from embedded US-Israeli operatives. 100.000 SAA members have fallen in their struggle to save their country from all the scum of the earth , the current fighting force is forced to spread thin. No other country in recent history was faced with the same problem. The supply of lunatics and misfits was unlimited as long as it lasted.

RTA (Bob or Al)

I absolutely agree with your comment.

I would add however, that I would not underestimate the Syrian coalition’s abilities or numbers.

I am sorry, but I do not quite understand your views on what should be done in al-Qaryatayn.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They used a lot of suicide vests on people and then they started executing people right away always have a tiny minority support and those should all be jailed in the mean time.

Wahid Algiers

Crunch time, yes. Christians are dominating this town. So you can’ t let rockets rain. The sleeper cells of ISIS now will be taken out.


Just a desperate attack to upset SAA supply lines like the larger attack on As Sukhna. SAA is taking out Daesh trash in Mayadan. So their plan has failed miserably! :))

Solomon Krupacek

SAA makes everything sooooo sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ……… :((((

hts already destroyed isis cell in nothern hama. i see, the jihadists are better then syrian army by 1-2 classes :(


better equipped by the US and allies, fanatic fighters dont care if they die in battle, dnt care about civilian casulaties…..its easier that way….


The mafia is also better at dealing with fellow criminals then the police, as they are not encumbered by such pesky details as due legal process. Should we therefore handover law enforcement to them?

Solomon Krupacek

On the front the troops must hurry. Simply, the SAA must become more effective. And your example with maffia is totally wrong. Never give the might in the hands of criminals. BUT, IF were 2 polices, one more effective, i would choose them.

DJ Double D

Very good news coming soon on south and north of Euphrates. Hopefully the plan will be carried out as planned.

Wahid Algiers

You bend the bow. Very thrilling. Could you tell us a little bit more? It is regarding SAA/allies efforts to turn the table the right direction?

DJ Double D

Yes and it will be sweet.

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