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MARCH 2025

Syrian Government Officially Reopened Damascus-Aleppo Highway

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Syrian Government Officially Reopened Damascus-Aleppo Highway

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Syria’s state-run news agency SANA reports (source):

The Ministry of Transport on Saturday announced that Damascus-Aleppo international highway was officially opened to traffic.

In a statement to reporters from Aleppo, Minister of Transport Ali Hammoud said that Damascus-Aleppo international highway is officially opened to traffic and it is at the full disposal of citizens.

He indicated that work began to rehabilitate the railway from Homs to Hama and then to Aleppo, which will be completed within the next few months.

Aleppo-Damascus international highway is considered an economic vital artery that links Aleppo province with other Syrian provinces as it is a fast road for the goods flow, transit trade, transporting passengers among big cities. The highway shortens time, reduces traffic congestion and accidents which repeatedly happen on the current road of Khanaser/Ethreya/Aleppo.

Earlier, the transport companies run their journeys from Damascus, Homs and Hama gradually to Aleppo city via the international highway after the Syrian Arab Army’s announcement that the highway is safe after the liberation of the areas surrounding it.


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Zionism = EVIL

As I have said before, if the Americunt arseholes, Turkey goat fuckers and Zionist parasites leave Syria alone it will be a prosperous country in a very short time. The Syrians are hard working brave patriotic people and will rebuild their ancient homeland with the help of their allies who stood with them. That is why it is important to kick the Turkey shitheads out of Syria and kill every terrorist once and for all.


Dont be fool. Syria was not and will not a prosperous country. In comparison to Uganda was higher level, but still third world country.

Ricky Miller

No. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Syria was the preferred U.S. State Department posting in the 1990’s through 2011, as far as Middle East, African or even South American assignments. Syria was stable, people were fed and friendly, crazy islamic nutjobs were in jail or otherwise kept under control, the economy was healthy and the country was filled with picturesque stone and cinder towns and villages. Damascus and Aleppo were both UNESCO quality historic cities. Okay, Syria wasn’t overrun with American style corrupt corporate economic “democracy” and all the materialistic waste and chaos, and withering of the human spirit that goes with that. If that’s what you mean.


My sentiments as well. Well said with appropriate humour to go with it.

Ricky Miller

Thank You.


what you wrote, it is right. but was really poor country. first time i visited syria in early 90ties. like india. some modern things and lot of ancient.

i wish them to become a rich country

Ricky Miller

I wish them to become what they want, in balance with tradition and modernity. Rich in the Western context means big corporations running around nearly lawless. People eating themselves to death, not appreciating anything and constantly selling things to others as a primary social transaction. Oh, and the landfills. Almost every city in the West has one now, bigger than ancient pyramids, with trucks like specks at the top, when viewed from below. With no end in sight, and a growing emptiness in people’s souls. Perhaps some societies would like to find a different balance. One that is uniquely theirs.


You are talking strange things – to put it politely… You seem to forget (or ignore?) the fact that Syria was one of very few Muslim countries where something like tolerance against nonbelievers or people of other Muslim denominations could live side by side in one country. Until the fanatic Sunnis came along with Wahhabis and Jihadi headchopping and other brutal behaving…Thus: Assad and his way of organizing social life should stay


Boy, i love syria. ;)

Arch Bungle

Syria was well on it’s way to prosperity until it got kicked back down the hill repeatedly by the fake hebrews and ((their)) colonial masters France, Britain and the USA. As for how prosperous they will be, you don’t have the visionary insight to know. They would be truly wealthy country if the West and their joo golems just stopped fucking with them at every turn.

Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

Or vice versa, either way is good


Positive news. The rail link will be icing on the cake. Syria is recovering and the refugees in the west need to be returned. Assad and his wife, Asma, have shown great leadership. Ww need such courageous and inspirational leaders in the west. Lucky Syria, Lucky Russia..


I cannot think of ANY current Western leaders who would have had the courage to literally stand side by side with their people, in the situation that President Assad and his wife have been in for 8 long years of the brutal US backed Wahabi head chopper insurgency against the millions of loyal Syrians.

Prime Minister ( in 2016) David Cameron ‘fled’ as soon as the Brexit referendum that he organised was won by those who wanted to leave the corrupt EU.

Peter Jennings

The good news just keeps coming for the Syrian people who have stuck by their President through thick and thin.

The Syrian admin and SAA must be very confident that these highways will now stay open and free from future terrorists use and attacks. Onwards to Idlib.


Whereas in Britain we still have hundreds of thousands of potholes on major and minor roads. I was driving along the M5 near bristol the other day and there was a cluster of potholes for a few miles.

Perhaps the Syrian road repair companies should tender for work here :)


British roads are probably in the loving hands of the same crony-capitalists (like Veolia) that they are in NZ. One large roading consortium here was called The Well Connected Alliance, I kid you not. I think the Syrian people are used to doing something with nothing, and there’s not heaps of red tape to strangle them. The cronies love red tape.

Xoli Xoli

Mr.Jennings your first paragraph reflects what patriotic people does exactly as a reliable woman who sticks to her husband or wife and not running away.Because he or she is broke.The people of Syria reserve the right now to live in peace and harmony.Not Erdogan or Trump terrorists those can go meet their 72 virgins in hell.

Xoli Xoli

The country’s which brought ISIS in Syria and supported have serious problems in their respective countries. Trump is having rational tension where white Police kills black citizens.The army it’s self have race issue were all decision making positions are only reserved for white.Trump personally call black people African Americans. But refuses to call whites European British Americans. Macroni in France is oppressing protestors and unleashes Police on peaceful protesters without arms.Merkel has refugee problems which she accepted from Erdogan to make it a reason for Syrian invasion.Erdogan has army problems for arresting them for no apparent reasons but fake reasons.Turkey economy is in chaose.It hangs on Russia support through trade.S-400 has been bought through Russian loan.

Ricky Miller

More than that Saudi Arabia and Qatar fell on one another’s throats. The whole U.A.E. and Saudi coalition is getting worn down inside Yemen. The U.S., who was taking down five countries governments in seven years, has hit a Syrian/Russian/Iranian wall in Syria and is drowning in debt and social disunity; also both hysteria and growing volumes of waste-litter, chemicals, landfills as large as hills are spreading all over the country. NATO land countries like France, and Germany and Italy, who for years enabled American bad behavior toward other states have now had that bad behavior directed at them, too. Despite MSM efforts to prop up both the powers that be and the lies the corrupt truth about Western sytle democracy and capitalism and governance is oozing out into the open. It’s a smelly, god awful sight, but absolutely necessary.




I have the feeling Syria will be beautifully rebuilt after the TurkISIS roaches have been terminated or chased away.


A good move. With symbolic importance. Hopefully there won’t be any terroristic cells to sabotage the traffic flow or kill passengers. Congrats to the engineers and all workers to fix the situation up to now and ahead to the next future. And best wishes for any more success for the whole Syrianl people.

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