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Syrian Guided Missile Injures Turkish Service Member In Northern Aleppo

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A Turkish service member was injured on January 11 when the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) targeted an observation post he was manning in northwestern Aleppo.

According to Enab Baladi, the army targeted the Turkish observation post, which is located near the town of Anadan, with a Russian-made Kornet anti-tank guided missile (ATGM).

Syrian Guided Missile Injures Turkish Service Member In Northern Aleppo

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The pro-opposition outlet’s reporter claimed that the Turkish artillery responded to the strike by shelling the source of fire. This is yet to be confirmed.

Anadan’s observation post is one of twelve such positions established by Turkey between 2018-2019 around the so-called Greater Idlib region. The posts were established in the framework of the Astana Process.

The incident was reported by many sources. Nevertheless, Turkey’s Ministry of National Defense has not commented on the matter, so far.

During  the last year, the SAA struck several Turkish posts around Greater Idlib, killing or injuring very few Turkish service members. All previous attacks were attributed to mistakes in artillery fire. However, Anadan’s attack, that was carried out with a guided missile, may be deliberate.

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Xoli Xoli

Who care if Turkey terrorists dies.

Zionism = EVIL

More than a dozen Saudi servicemen training at US military installations will be expelled from the United States after a review that followed the deadly shooting last month at a Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, multiple sources told CNN. The Saudis are not accused of aiding the 21-year-old Saudi Air Force second lieutenant who killed three American sailors in the December shooting, two sources said, but some are said to have connections to extremist movements, according to a person familiar with the situation. A number are also accused of possessing child pornography, according to a defense official and the person familiar with the situation. The FBI and Justice Department declined to comment.

Xoli Xoli

USA will be destroyed by own terrorist.

Xoli Xoli

Both used to get USA interest base and oil.Those Saudi Arabia rubbish are going to expelled. Of cause USANATO never trust them.


And what the F** is Turkish Service Member doing in Aleppo on the side where only HTS the Al-Qaeda is?

good american

He probably forgot to change uniforms.

Assad must stay



He should drap USM uniform, that will immune him from all attacks including US moderate terrorists- ISIS.


I think for many people it’s not clear how close the rats still are to Aleppo. As long as they control western aleppo, the city will never have peace.


Exactly, after all the people who died liberating Aleppo, it should have a 50 mile safety zone. Too easy for jihadists to re-entrench.


I think the SAA should clear the area up until the grey line west of Aleppo city. This should be a good buffer zone.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The area is under Russian/Turkish MOU, the Russians and Turks coordinate patrols on each side of their contact lines and there’s no fighting allowed, only the ALF get away with it because they don’t adhere to the MOU at all. On top of that we have Iranian forces protecting several Shia towns and also providing a buffer force between the SAA and the Turks/terrorists/rebels, so any attacks here are going to be very messy.


I think the patrolling from the Russians and Turks was a part of the demilitarized zone agreement reached in September 2018, but this agreement failed. I’ve never seen any reports about some Russian Turkish patrols on the contact line plus the SAA already is in the demilitarized zone by controlling Jarajaz, so this zone doesn’t exist anymore. When the SAA already attacked the Jihadis in SE Idlib, why shouldn’t they be allowed to attack Western Aleppo?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The ALF have made the Russian/Turkish MOU unworkable, they never stopped attacking Turkish interests at all, in fact they’ve probably doubled or tripled their efforts since the MOU was signed. https://syria.liveuamap.com/ Look at the map, in and around Aleppo we have the SAA in red, and the Kurds in yellow, all the yellow areas are Russian controlled and part of the Russian/Turkish MOU, as you can see some of the areas the Russians operate in will be directly adjacent to any fighting that takes place west of Aleppo, the Russians are supposed to be a buffer force keeping the Turks and Kurds separate, but the Russians won’t be able to stay safe if the SAA starts an offensive here, they’ll be in the firing line instead. And in the west and south west of Aleppo we have all the Iranian backed militias, on the map Arab league OB posts are marked as orange dots, the SAA red dots, and the Turks Blue dots, but there are also [approx]half a dozen Iranian OB posts/checkpoints in Aleppo governorate as well, on top of that the Iranian militias protect several Shia majority towns and villages in the red areas the SAA control, and possibly even have forces stationed in the Turk controlled areas as well doing the same thing. The Russians don’t want to start a fight with the Turkish backed forces there, and the Iranian’s don’t want to start a fight with them either, so I think that’s going to make it very difficult for the SAA to start a fight there, and if they do there’s a good chance they’ll accidentally kill Russian and Iranian backed forces if they don’t get out of harms way. So unless we see the Russians and Iranians moving their forces out of western Aleppo, I don’t think the SAA will be starting an offensive there any time soon, if they do start moving out you can break out the popcorn, I will be.


You have some good points, but I don’t agree to the point where Iranian forces are stationed in the turk controlled areas. No way they’re stationed there.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wouldn’t be so sure about the Iranians not operation in Turk controlled territory, perhaps you should do some checking and find out just exactly how close the Turkish/Iranian partnership has become, and just how fractured the Russian/Iranian relationship has also become.

Assad must stay

unfortunate the OP didnt get blown up too lol

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Guided missile, may be deliberate, LOL.

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