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Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

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Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

On May 2, the Syrian Military Intelligence detected and seized a weapon shipment, which was on its way from southern Syria to the besieged militants in the northern Homs countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The shipment included dozens of US-made M72 LAW anti-tank rockets, dozens of mortar and RPG rounds, a Soviet-made Konkurs Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) and a large amount of ammunition for 12,7, 14,5 and 23mm machineguns.

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

Konkurs ATGM, By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

A second shipment containing Israel-made medicine and medical supplies was seized by the Syrian Military Intelligence in the Damascus desert. The SANA said that the second shipment had also been on its way to the besieged militants in the Eastern Homs countryside.

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

Syrian Military Intelligence Sizes Weapons And Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading To Northern Homs (Photos)

By Damascus Now, click to see the full-size image

More than 2,000 militants have been besieged by the SAA in the northern Homs countryside and parts of the southern Hama countryside since late 2012. Currently, the Damascus government is in the final stage of negotiations with the militants to lift the siege in exchange for the withdrawal of the terrorist elements.

Observers believe that these weapons and medical supplies are an attempt to encourage the besieged militants in northern Homs to reject any peaceful agreement. Some sources believe that the Israeli intelligence may be behind this failed attempt.

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Rüdiger Preiss

Great work. Someone will be quite upset and a new airstrike is likely to follow …


US, UK, France and Israeli migrants all are a team of perverts. LOL.


Another evil Jew plan uncovered.


Jews are nature’s revenge on humanity.


Quite the opposite really, they frequently do the bidding of their father the devil.





If it’s any constellation, Jews are the highest disease carriers per capita than anyone else on the planet. It’s quite possible that nature has cursed Jews for their countless atrocities committed against nature and mankind alike, not even women and children are safe from Jewish tyranny and their thoroughly perverse habits and psyches.

Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium:


Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia:



CNN: Rabbi says one in five little Jewish Boys are raped by their Rabbi!


Rabbi wants leniency for Jewish pedophiles


Bus Load of Jews arrested for International Organ Trafficking


Rabbis Say its OK to Kill Goyim


Orthodox Jewish Counselor Gets 103 Years Prison Sentence for Sex Abuse





There are Jews elsewhere in the world who have nothing to with the Ziofascist entity’s activities. This is a Ziofascist plan.


U r right but on the other hand there hardly is a Jew to be found who raises the voice against those ziofascists


I think there are Jews who do, but the problem is 2-fold: * they are not united * they do not have the deep pockets and the political influence of their Ziofascist detractors.

And that is why, sadly, the Ziofascists have been winning. Personally I believe the Ziofascists have pushed their project, ‘Israel’, down a slippery slope of no return which will eventually lead to the destruction of that project. But the slide is slow so it will take a number of years still and much suffering.


Excellent work by Syrian intelligence. The chosenite attempt to fuel the war was stopped this time. But do not drop your guard. If there is one thing the chosenites are good at is long term planning . Even multi generational planning .

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist are not faring well telling lies about Iran either.

The world’s nuclear watchdog has effectively rejected Israel’s poorly concocted claims Iran lied about its nuclear activities, by referencing a report showing there were, “no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009”.

Key points:

IAEA had “no credible indications” of Iran working on nuclear device after 2009

Europe’s top Security and Foreign Policy diplomat also rejects Israel’s claims

Israel said “100,000 secret files” prove Iran lied about nuclear weapons program

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said documents released by Israel about Tehran’s nuclear weapons program do not reveal anything new.

Itcited one of its own reports, from 2015, that identified some Iranian activities in 2003, “relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device”.

“These activities did not advance beyond feasibility and scientific studies, and the acquisition of certain relevant technical competences and capabilities,” the IAEA said in a statement.

“The same report stated that the Agency had no credible indications of activities in Iran relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device after 2009.

“Based on the director-general’s report, the board of governors declared that its consideration of this issue was closed.”


Who would believe of the lie it told that they extracted literary tons of data in CD’s by infiltrating and breaking into highest security sites in Iran and they airlifted it out of the country back to their home on the very same night.

Zionism = EVIL

Most of the “data” were blank CD’s and empty file folders bought at Staples. Nutter Yahoo is desperate as the terror war in Syria is failing as SAA and its allies control most of the country now. Idlib will fall soon and then on to eastern Euphrates soon. The Zionist scum are running scared and want the US morons to be dragged into another lost war.


Shoo, shoo zionist shill.


Yeah but facts don’t matter, Netanyahu only has to convince Trump. It’s pretty easy to convince a moron.


Even the fake Khazar “Jews” get very upset when they suffer financial losses :) these weapons should be given to Hezbollah.


Israeli intelligence is everywhere in Syria making everything for terror to be in progress.


Netanyahu will go to the UN, accuse Syria of stealing Israeli medicine, and demand money as compensation.

chris chuba

Launch more airstrikes in retaliation, call for UN to condemn Iranian aggression.


… and Syrian aggression against people needing medicine so kindly provided, ‘free of charge’, by the Ziofascist project.


…. and get it ;-)

Ray Douglas

Now, that explains the missile attacks recently. A distraction to facilitate the smuggling of arms to the terrorists in Homs/Hama. If you wait long enough things fall into place.


When SAA intercepts just a single militant arms shipment, the sheer scale of the foreign sponsorship is always startling. Just imagine how many of these munitions supply convoys have actually gotten through to militants since 2012. It takes vast amounts of weapons and munitions to actively and consistently fight a national standing army for six years straight. This has been the foreign policy project of NATO and the Gulf States and they have billions of dollars on it since 2012.


This does not surprise me, not all the Rebels are radical jihadists and Israel does benefit from a divided Syria (Mossad pulled a similar move in Yemen in the ’60). What I find hard to believe is how much the SAA claims to have captured and the fact that South Front says “some sources” without naming them, is the SAA being honest?


What a nice present to give Hezbollah, and I’m sure that these will be put to very good use if israhell dare attack Lebanon again.

Alii Scott

Well done!

Getinet Kifle

These heavy weaponry must have fallen from the sky!

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