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MARCH 2025

Syrian Liberation Front Launches New Attack Against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham In Western Aleppo

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Syrian Liberation Front Launches New Attack Against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham In Western Aleppo

SLF fighters before the attack on HTS

On April 22, the Syrian Liberation Front (SLF) launched a new attack against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the western Aleppo countryside. The group captured the towns of Bsartun and Aajil along with al-Nu’man and al-Dabaah hills, according to the SLF-linked news agency Midad Press.

The media outlet added that SLF members had captured several fighters of HTS during their advance.

Syrian Liberation Front Launches New Attack Against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham In Western Aleppo

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Syrian Liberation Front Launches New Attack Against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham In Western Aleppo

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The HTS-linked news agency Iba’a confirmed that the SLF had been able to capture Bsartun and Aajil. In an attempt to justify HTS defeat there, a field commander of HTS told Iba’a that the SLF had shelled the towns with heavy weapons.

The HTS commander added that HTS fighters had repelled another attack by the SLF on their positions in the town of Tuqad, near the town of Bsartun. HTS fighters also destroyed a battle tank of the SLF around Bsartun, according to the Iba’a.

Syrian opposition sources revealed on April 18 that more of 700 fighters of HTS and the SLF had been killed since the beginning of the so-called “war of abolition” on February 20. Local observers expect the conflict will develop further as each side appears to be determined to eliminate each other.

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Nice JOB SLF please keep killing the Al-Qaeda assholes, myam myam the popcorn are so nice

David Pryce

Go SLF outside of Russian influence so as a Paramilitary and liberation Front The Rats in idlib be shitting themselves Go get em SLFh

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

What is the SLF?


Read the title of the article and you will figure it out. Maybe.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Maybe I should have asked whose instead of what. The answer is Erdogan’s. Thanks for nothing, clever dick.


Hopefully these two groups are evenly matched in strength. So the conflict just goes on and on. :) Are Turkish troops just hiding in their small bases to stay safe?


I wonder why Turkey and the TFSA haven’t been able to help out their SLF Brothers and Crush Nusra. Are they too busy governing the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch Areas?


All the bands of anti Assad fighters are in fact criminal gangs who do what criminals do and that is steal from whomsoever they can. They plunder civilians first and then fight with rival gangs to plunder civilians under their control.

That is the problem with using proxies to fight wars, the proxies first thought is what is in it for them.

Bill Wilson

They’ve been attacking each other in order to plunder the loser’s possessions since the Byzantines lost control of the Levant. Sometimes it was localized between tribes and sometimes it became widespread between sects. That’s when the Sultan sent in an army to restore order and lop off the heads of the instigators.


Britain had similar regimes of Lords and Barons ( local war lords) who owed their positions to the King or Queen. There was much internecine fighting until the 18th century and since then the state has plundered the subjects via the banks who have de facto become the new Lords and Barons.

Jim Prendergast

Could the SLF be welcomed back into Syrian society by the Reconciliation Process?


It depends on the nationality of their fighters, If the SLF has syrian fighters I think they can work something out with the Syrian Government. But if they’re illegal immigrants they must leave Syria and go back home. However to their credit, they’re more Syrian than the Nusra Front will ever be. But since they’re allied with Turkey and Might be a Proxy of Turkey, I don’t know if they’ll either surrender or reconcile, Cause it might actually be up to Erdogan if he wants to continue the fight.


Your post is very informative. I am sure N Syria is becoming quite crowded with foreign fighters being relocated there via green bus. So this is now Turkey’s mess to straighten out. :)

Bill Wilson

Probably not since the SLF is the recent union of two hardline Islamist groups.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taFM1rRDNGk https://israelpalestine.liveuamap.com/pics/2018/01/01/21591791_0.jpg https://i.dawn.com/large/2018/01/5a4a899d63e31.jpg

Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where Israel have kept them hostage. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets and hold them hostage. Many of them Israel kill in fake combats. The US and UK brutal regimes have invaded Palestine and have held all Palestinians hostage for last 100years. They support brutality and terrorism in the Middle East. If Vietnam can be freed from American regime army then Palestine can also be freed from US and UK. Israel should go back to their native countries.


The thing is why the Zionists are so scared even from small kids, as we can see and small girls as her. That’s the real Question…

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Kids are blameless victims.

David Parker

The adults who send them into harm’s way are demons.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Living where they live they are permanently in harm’s way. My comment was in answer to World_Eye’s question.

Joe Dirt

I never hear anyone on here shit talking Iran, China, Russia, Pakistan who sends as much money, weapons, and soldiers all over the world to kill kill kill kill.

SF is a one sided propaganda machine to blame Europe, US, and Israel.


Your argument is BS

Joe Dirt

Did the truth hurt you?

Bill Wilson

It is yet also provides quite a bit of details, maps, photos and videos for those following the wars and into scale modeling. There used to be some rational discussions in the comments section until those posters got tired of being insulted by these brain-dead trolls. I find their comments amusing since they sound like a cracked record, repeating the same lines over and over again after each article.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gKz-5SyPs Yemen Explained: Saudi Coalition, Houthis and Famine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npk7tfKyXok Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzgKd1cl8Ow How the Saudi Blockade is Starving Yemen

Oh my God these are children dying due to starvation. They have no food due to blockade …..

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 8 Million People Hungary. 3. About 11,000 people killed. 4. About 50,000 people injured. 5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.

Russia, China and Pakistan could help to open blockade on Houthis, send them humanitarian aid in emergency. All world leaders should stand against Saudi and Israeli bastards that regularly bombing them like pesticides on insects. Stand against Saudi and Israeli oppression and aggression. Saudis tell to Yemen nation that accept Hadi as president otherwise you all will die and nobody will know. Shame

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRQ2GzxGMBQ How the Arabian prince spend their money. This will be a shame history.


The majority of Muslim leaders have ignored Palestine and also the historic Mosque of Aqsa. Is this help to Palestine or to Zionist Israeli terrorists.

I haven’t heard that any Muslim leader have visited Palestine or they have asked about Palestinians that how their time passing under occupation and oppression. Either these Muslim leaders are scaring from Israel or they regularly receiving blood money from Israel via Washington and UK. Indeed the judgement day is so near on them that they all will answer to God. No leader will leave unpunished.,


In Afghanistan who are super power America or Afghani Taliban? For last several years CNN, BBC all MSM proclaimed that Afghani Taliban are terrorists but now America requesting to Pakistan that please tell to Taliban to set with us to negotiate but they denounce the American request. So now my question is who are super power America or Afghani Taliban.


If had Taliban had a fraction of the US/NATO weapons and logistics ,the US would have been crushed in weeks :) The US is still losing , but more slowly.

David Parker

The terrorists did not shoot down that Su-25 a few months ago with a crossbow.



David Parker

Allah is a fiction. God created the universe, and is three persons in one essence. The deep state are satanists, they like to kill people.


In the original Hebrew bible there is no word God but there are 6 names and one is Eloah. It sounds like Allah.

Roger Snellman

Do Muslims and Jews worship the God of Abraham?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes and Christians too, one God with 3 different religions and all of them consisting of a plethora of different sects.

David Parker

Not at all true. There is no commonality whatever among God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and the invented fiction Allah, and the practice of Judaism today. The Jews rejected The Messiah when He entered history and they reject The Messiah today and is so doing they reject God himself in spite of all the prophecy of The Messiah’s birth and the nature of his ministry. The Pharisees (government officials) were looking for a military leader to restore their gravy train by ousting the Romans. Islam is a complete fabrication that is more in the character of an anti-Christ than anything else. It was invented by Mohammed to awe his band of cutthroats and as a pretend deity that coincidentally justified the satisfaction of Mohammed’s carnal lusts on little girls. Through the mouth of Mohammed, “allah” commands the murderers to do what they want to do anyway – rape and pillage.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t think you’ve ever read the Koran, and you must have skipped through the old testament when you read the bible. Your Jesus was a die hard Jew not a Christian and he followed the original 100 or so commandments that were given to Moses by God. His biggest battle was the battle he fought against one of the earliest inceptions of what we now call the LGBTQ movement, not Rome. History refers to them as the Pharisees but you only have to look at how they changed the original laws of Moses into the perversions they are now to recognize the same LGBTQ agenda. Jesus was not a homophobe but was completely against the practice itself. He saw the Pharisees as a bunch of crooked Gay religious lawyers that had taken control of his religion, and were slowly changing and amending the laws of his beloved God to suit their own perverted agendas. That’s why he was crucified by the Romans at the behest of the Pharisees, and also why the Jewish religion is the way it is now, they won and he lost. He believed in the old written laws of the Talmud and the Pharisees amended and used the new oral laws. Here’s just 2 add lib examples of the written laws Jesus followed versus the oral laws the Pharisees did, [1] :written law: you can’t rape anyone at all, :oral law: you can’t rape anyone unless they’re over the age of 5 and you intend to marry them afterwards. [2] :written law: It’s wrong to kill anyone, :oral law: It’s only wrong to kill other Jews, but you can do things that bring about other Jews deaths, just so long as you don’t do it yourself. You should read the first translations from Aramaic into Greek of the old written laws that Jesus followed and compare them to the religious laws Christians and Muslims follow nowadays. If you really want to be a follower of Jesus you should at least follow the same laws he did, but most modern Jews and most Christians as well as most Muslims don’t do that, they follow the new Pharisees laws instead. The Christian religion was born because of it’s founders rejection of the oral laws the Pharisees and their forebears had introduced, and a desire for the Jews to return to using only the traditional written laws of Moses. Mohammed was by his days standards an advocate for women’s rights, not equality though, and I’ve never read anywhere that he ever condoned rape. You’ll have to point me to the passage in the Koran where he advocates that, I’m not too familiar with it. There’s only one real religion that allows everyone to communicate with God, it’s called your conscience.

David Parker

Dead wrong. You have no understanding of God or Christianity. Jesus, fully God and fully man, was prophesied in the very beginning to Adam and Eve as the redeemer, the propitiation, the only one who could take away their irreversible disobedience. The “Jews” are those people who had faith that the promised Messiah, before Jesus was born of a woman, would redeem them from the penalty of the eternal wrath of God the Father. At the moment Jesus was born, Judaism, the belief that a Messiah would be born, ceased to have any significance. The resurrection of Jesus was proof that the Redeemer had indeed redeemed his elect. Jesus was 100% Christian. He is Jesus the Christ, the Savior who is the propitiation for the sins of his elect. Your statement that Jesus was a jew is irrelevant. So what? He is also the Son of Rahab, the Canaanite harlot, of Ruth, the Moabite, of David the King, and finally of Mary. I don’t give a rat’s ass what the “Koran” says outside of the fact that it was fabricated whole cloth by Mohammed to keep his cutthroat band cutting throats and to justify gratification of carnal lusts at the expense of the weak. The effect of “Islam” is that it claims some fake deity permits what God prohibits, such as creating and worshipping idols, not taking one day in seven to contemplate God, blaspheming God, disrespecting parents and the elderly, murder, adultery, lying, robbery, and envy. God has allowed Islam as punishment of the church for not evangelizing as commanded by the Great Commission. Had everyone heard the gospel, no one would have been gullible enough to fall for Mohammed’s bullshit. The same is true today and that is why people like you believe the irrationality they spout off on the internet. The ten commandments are what God said. Everything other is a fabrication of mortal, corrupt men, anti-Christs promoting Satan’s murderous agenda of destroying mankind were it possible. You know nothing. Conscience is the awareness of accountability to God.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I agree with one thing you said, “Conscience is the awareness of accountability to God”, I’d also add, it’s Gods way of telling us we’re doing something wrong or hurtful to God. As to the 10 commandments, I think you left out a zero, it’s more like 110 commandments. You haven’t read any of the Koran and yet you blame it for the way some fanatical Muslims behave, that’s like saying the 11th and 12th century crusaders really did it all in the name of Jesus because the bible told them to. Our side butchered tens of thousands of innocent Muslim women and children back then, and cried out praise the Lord when they did it, they weren’t much different to modern day Isis fighters nowadays. As to the Hebrew Talmud, if you ever bothered to read the original laws that were translated from Aramaic to Greek to English, you’d probably be astounded at how different they are from the ones found in the Christian bibles. Just one example if you’re a meat eater, Most Jews, Christians and Muslims believe God created the animals for humans to consume, that’s what their translations of the laws tell them, but that’s not what the original one tells us. It does say we can kill and eat one of Gods other beautiful creations, but only if we’re at the point of starvation and about to die, anything else is an unforgivable sin. You can’t even tether an animal in the original translation of Moses laws, you have to be a shepherd and follow the flock to protect them if you want to harvest their milk and fleece. I like the original laws. No Jews Christians or Muslims really follow Gods original laws though. Evangelizing is really just Jihad, but without the bloodshed, I just politely say no when you guys knock at my door. If you’re a little too persistent I add this, I have my own religion and it’s my conscience, thankyou. Pharisees or their equivalents rule the entire world now, so if Jesus is supposed to make another appearance I hope he makes it soon, Sodom and Gomorrah are nothing compared to what the world is fast becoming thanks to the LGBTQ organization. I’ll even become a Christian again if I see Jesus leading the anti LGBTQ organization rallies. Just the organization itself, not gay people in general, I only despise that twisted organization and it’s perverted agenda, just like Jesus did back in his day.

David Parker

I don’t have to lift the lid to the sewer to know what is inside. The Bible is the one and only revelation of God to his creation. There is so much anti-Christ material written no one can read it. Why should anyone read a whole pile of trash. I don’t have to read all the tenets of the Council of Trent to understand that the Roman Catholic doctrine is heretical. As soon as they came up with the statement that Christ’s sacrifice was insufficient of itself to be the complete propitiation for the sins of the elect, that is sufficient evidence of heresy. The crux of Christian doctrine is that Christ did die to redeem the elect and that there is not one meritorious work anyone can do to contribute to salvation from the wrath of God. So the instant another deity is fabricated, that is all I need to know about Islam – it is a complete fabrication. Like Mormonism, the concept of paradise is of carnal gratification. It bears no resemblance to the Christian doctrine of life everlasting in the presence of God, were we are as different now from what we will be as the acorn is to the oak. So, you can shove the Koran where the sun doesn’t shine and the five books of Mormon and their rewritten “bible”. I won’t waste another second studying what anti-Christs say.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

When I was a young catholic Christian I was taught that you had to be baptized to get to heaven. I started wondering about all the people on earth that had lived and died but had never even heard the name Jesus, let alone what he was teaching. Even though some of them would’ve accepted his teachings and converted to the new religion, they hadn’t through sheer bad luck, so wouldn’t get to heaven because of it. That seemed really unfair to me, I just couldn’t believe a good and fair God would use this sort of a system to decide who does or doesn’t get into heaven. There had to be a mistake in my religion because the alternative for me was, God wasn’t perfect, and that’s not what I want to believe. There are good Christians and bad Christians, there are good Muslims and bad Muslims, there are good Jews and bad Jews, the one thing all the good Christians, Muslims and Jews have in common is, they all listen to their own conscience’s and OBEY them, The thing in common with all the bad Christians, Muslims and Jews is, they don’t listen to their own conscience’s, they DISOBEY them. I’m happy you have your faith, if you live your life using Jesus and his teachings as an example you can’t go wrong. I believe he was a good and just man who always OBEYED his conscience, and I’ve learnt a lot from his teachings. I know you believe he was the son of God and the bible is the true Gospel of Jesus and that’s just fine by me too. The one thing I would remind you of though when you’re making comments about Muslims and Jews, or any of other followers of different faiths for that matter is this, Jesus didn’t teach us to hate or even ignore people of other faiths, I seem to remember the story of the good Samaritan as an example. I know the Samaritans were just another sect of the Hebrew faith but you get my meaning I’m sure. Also what about “do unto others as you would have them do to you”, I might not have quoted that quite right but again I’m sure you know which passage I’m referring to. I think Jesus Christ was a very conscientious man and I’m happy if you follow in his example. No more arguments from me about the Christian faith and it’s doctrines, you obviously know a lot more about it than I do, I only ever liked the actual words and deeds of Jesus and didn’t get into all the political stuff. So to end, goodbye and good luck, and in all sincerity, practice your particular denomination of Christianity whichever one it is, but always let that conscience that God gave you [and all the rest of us] be your guide when you’re deciding what’s right or wrong, that’s what God gave it to us for.

David Parker

There is nothing whatever written about tethering animals. But, ever since the flood of Noah’s day, God permitted men to eat animals. In the meantime, domestic animals are to be cared for, no pagan animal torture permitted, no strangling to death. Evangelizing is really just telling people death has been conquered and there is salvation for the sins they have committed against God. Why judge Christianity by Christians? We are the first to admit having been “conceived in iniquity” whose “good deeds” are as “filthy rags”. Look to Jesus to judge Christianity. Having said that, there are exemplary Christians. Dr. R.C. Sproul comes to mind, and Sproul’s mentor, Dr. Gerstner. Also John Calvin, Pierre Viret, are well known Christians. Oliver Cromwell did what he could with what he had. Under Cromwell’s influence England was finally civilized away from Roman superstition. Jesus is not going to return soon. Christians have been given a job in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus has given Christians all the power necessary to fulfill the Great Commission, and Jesus is not going to return until we do our job and the whole world submits to God’s law, i.e., the Kingdom of God is instituted here on earth. Hal Lindsay is a complete fraud and so is the whole eschatology of John Nelson Darby, C.I. Scofield-a complete fraud- and his followers, including the staff and most of the graduates of the Dallas Theological Seminary and all the rest of the premillenial dispensationalists, or, more accurately, the sensationalists. Jesus has already condemned the sexual perverts. He is not going to lead any rallies. Gay people are not sexual perverts, they are happy. Homosexuals – sexual perverts – are not gay. They are as miserable as all the other demon possessed people in the world. No Moslem follows God’s law except by accident or expedience. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity, the invention of an anti-Christ.


The prophet Abraham is the father of all religion followers.

Roger Snellman

So Muslims took the Jewish God for their own purposes and then began exterminating the Jews. That has to be a first, the belief that by exterminating a whole people you can possess their God.

Do Muslims really believe their God, the Jews God, will allow them to exterminate the Jews. Seems like a paradox.


If Jews would believe in God then on the first place they would never be in trouble. They would never be in trouble by ferou. Everywhere they have challenged God. They have never follow the true teaching of God and that is why they are now killing nation by nation to protect themselves. Whole Palestinian nation they have kept hostage and have destroyed their homes. Now this is the time of Israeli catastrophe.

Roger Snellman

I cannot speak for the Jews but suspect at least some significant percent believe in the God of Abraham. Is it fair to exterminate all Jews because some do not believe in God? You talk about the true teachings of God, where can they be found?


Killing any innocent human or any organism is totally prohibited by nature.

David Parker

There is no such thing as “nature”. God said “Do not murder.” and imposed penalties for murder. No one escapes the judgement of God.

David Parker

In a literal translation of the Bible: Geneva 1599, KJV, NASB, ESV, etc. Dynamic equivalence is Satan’s camels nose in the tent door. The NIV was the first and last of the dynamic equivalents that might be called a Bible. All the succeeding dynamic equivalent translations are commentaries – people writing their own Bible.

David Parker

Hostage? The people who live in the Gaza Strip, the old land of the Philistine pagans, are free to go wherever they will. The so-called Israeli government is not demanding a ransom payment for their “release”. The fact of the matter is that the people who live in Palestine and refuse to be anything but refugees are there because it is a convenient way for Moslems to maintain rocket attacks on Israel.


The whole land of Palestine belong to Palestinians not to Israeli migrants. They should return back to their Anglo Zionist states from where they have intruded into Palestine. Anglo Zionists should not impose Israel on Palestinians because that is not Palestinian problem. By force they have knocked down their all homes and occupied their lands and have forced them out from their own lands. Only MFs can allow them to do so.

David Parker

As I said, there is not one “dispossessed Palestinian” living in Palestine. Whoever might have owned land in Palestine in 1948, is long dead and no one in Gaza has a legitimate claim to one square inch of ground anywhere that they haven’t bought or been gifted. No Jew took any land from anyone living in Palestine today, particularly no Jew living today took anything from anyone in 1948. The entire so-called “State of Israel” that exists today is a tiny sliver of desert, anything good on the ground in Israel has been rendered fruitful through decades of hard work and enterprise. Nobody said that Palestine cannot bloom as it used to. It just takes people getting off their asses and getting to work and overthrowing the tyrants who call themselves the government of Palestine and the people who profit from them living as perpetual refugees. The Jews were kicked into every corner of the world where they are found. Pogroms against the Jews were routine in Europe and Asia. But, wherever they could live, they worked and prospered. I don’t see that in the Gaza strip or anywhere in the Moslem world. As for the land of Palestine, everyone was living together just fine until the Moslems decided to kill all the Jews who were living there too in 1945. The Jews for some reason didn’t like the idea and fought back. To this day Moslems -Palestinians- persist in murdering Jews. The Jews still don’t like the idea and the result is that the Jews defend their borders against Moslem attempts at genocide. It is a bad situation, as usual exacerbated by the powers that be who do not even live there and manipulate whole nations like chess pieces. Israel is a strategic location between the European/Asian landmass and the African land mass, which is exactly why God put the Israelites in the promised land in the first place – to reach the entire world with the knowledge of God as the various traders passed through. But the Jews abandoned their faith, became nothing more than people who preserved their lineage and literacy, and suffer accordingly. God will not reward them for denying The Messiah. Until they evangelize the Palestinians with the good news of the Gospel, they are doomed to face hostility on every side. Jews cling to the futility of a future Messiah. The Jews missed the boat and refuse to admit it. God called them a stiff-necked rebellious people for good reason. The murderous Moslems are equally stubborn in their jihad – genocide of Jews and Christians. Regardless, they share the same eternity for salvation is through Christ and Christ alone.

David Parker

So, wherever you live, if you own land, the descendants of whoever lived there a hundred years ago can just walk in and you will hand it over to them. You maybe. Not me. If you follow that reasoning, God gave the whole land to Abraham and the children of Jacob – Israel – Abraham’s grandson. God took them out of Egypt after 400 years later and ordered them into the promised land and helped the Israelites rout the inhabitants of Canaan. The Jews just came back to take what was theirs long before any “Palestinians” moved in. God made it very clear that Issac – not Ishmael – was the seed of Abraham to whom the land was promised. The Promised Land is the only nation on earth whose borders were defined by God.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

“free to go wherever they will”? Please don’t joke. They can’t even fish too far offshore or play football on the beach without becoming targets and then corpses!

David Parker

The Moslems like to interchange “Allah” and “God”. They are not synonymous. God created the universe, including Mohammed. Mohammed created “Allah” to awe his band of murderers and justify satisfying his (and their) carnal lusts and murders. Islam is still an effective tool for organizing the ignorant and satanic into bands of murderers and rapists.

Roger Snellman

Do you believe most every Muslim is like that?

David Parker

Like what? Islam orders all its adherents to kill all Jews, Christians, and anyone else who will not convert to Islam, praying toward Mecca five times a day, etc. Heavy on show and appearances. Every “devout” Moslem is a murderer waiting for an opportunity if that is what you were asking. The goal of Islam is world conquest by violence. As it was said of the Conquistadors, the farther they strayed from Christianity, the more sadistic and brutal they became: Of the Asztcs and Incas, the more closely they adhered to their paganism, the more sadistic and brutal they became, i.e., sacrificing virgin girls by cutting out their hearts. Moslems like to pick on girls and women too. Exactly the opposite of Christian doctrine.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

David Parker, this insistence that “God” is yours is laughable, not to mention blasphemous! The chutzpah gall cheek nerve of this claim are massive.

David Parker

I am God’s and not through any merit of mine. You are too, but with a different eternity. You too are accountable to God for how you spend your life. Take it up with Him, he’s the one who said so.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Careful bro! He is REPORTED to have thusly spoken. YOU didn’t hear him. Someone else said He said it. No CW at Douma btw.

David Parker

I read it, straight from the mouths of his prophets verified by attesting miracles. I believe there are such things as hydrogen bombs too even though I have never personally seen a fireball. There is enough evidence to back up what the Bible says happened for me to believe the rest of it. The Bible is a reliable history of the world. I never believed for a moment that either Assad or his generals had the slightest inclination to use poison gas where civilians are held hostage and trapped by the terrorists. It is such a stupid move politically that I cannot believe anything except a false flag operation to create a pretext for overt military attacks on the SAA. Possibly Assad is being set up for some “international court” as was Slobodan Milosevic and Mladic. What I believe is that powerful demon possessed people are fighting to control pipeline routes and oil and gas fields. The armies, the weapons, the cannon fodder, are just an outward show. The goal of Satan is and always has been to destroy mankind. He really doesn’t like the fact that man was made in the image and likeness of God.

David Parker

Mohammed invented “Allah” for the very purpose of justifying murder (among other sins) which God expressly prohibits in the sixth commandment.

David Parker

Not true. For example, Abraham is unknown to the eastern mystics and African animists and American Indians.

David Parker

Not true. Noah is the latest patriarch of “all religion followers” if animism and paganism and mysticism can be “religion”. Abraham was promised The Messiah would be of his line and so it was. Abraham is father to the Israelites (Issac -> Jacob=Israel) and the Arabs (Issac -> Ishmael). Arabs are of Ishmael, son of Hagar the Egyptian and half-brother to Issac. God made it abundantly clear that Issac and Issac alone would be considered the promised son of Abraham. All of which makes not the slightest bit of difference today. The Jews were rejected by God after their final act of rebellion: They crucified God The Messiah at the hands of the Romans. The nation of Israel was destroyed in AD 70. “Israel” today is a mere counterfeit. They do not exist to spread the word of God to the world, their initial mission. There is no longer any purpose to animal sacrifices, to the ark of the covenant, to a temple and all the memorial feasts and holy days. Christians are the New Israel and the door is open to God’s elect from everywhere in the world, regardless of ancestry. Civilization itself is applied Christianity. A “Judaeo-Christian” heritage is a joke. The Jews were the first to persecute Christians. They just aren’t as obvious today while the Moslems are. Christians are called to defend themselves but the mission of Christians is the same as it has always been – to make disciples of the nations and teach them the good news of salvation from sin and death.

David Parker


Roger Snellman

No to what specifically. I apologize if I am offending anyone here. Would like to be able to ask honest questions and get better informed. On the surface anyway a lot of this war in Syria has some religious influence. If all warring parties worship the same God are they not killing their God’s children.

I suspect believing in an all knowing and all powerful God but then killing his children has to have some strange mental gymnastics wrapped around it.

David Parker

My internet connection locks sometimes when I try to type a comment. The “no” was all I could type before the connection locked.

David Parker

No. Their concept of God is completely alien to God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. Moslems and Jews are anti-Christs (and there are many others, read _Kingdom of the Cults_ by Dr. Walter Martin for background.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Imo Allah and God are different names for the same thing. Sure we can have “gods” too but only one Almighty God. The name is not important. “God” symbolises our unity (lol mostly unrealised so far) as THE Human race. Nothing else makes sense. How would a bunch of Gods ever create the Cosmos whilst fighting amongst themselves? This is a good analogy to Humanity’s current difficulties, politically and environmentally. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves to help achieve the immortality of the Human race by finding a second planet we can live on. It’s my belief that our current state inhibits our ability to go Stellar.


Yes only that some people were too greedy, too glutton, and too prideful to share.

David Parker

In your humble opinion you err. I take facts over opinion every day. In the first place, God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons in one essence as best we can understand Him – created the universe and every living thing and left physical evidence of six-day creation. The evidence that all has been created is inescapable to the physical scientist, although grant money and tenure demand the petitioners pretend otherwise. Reference creation.com, icr.org Allah is an invented fiction, never named before Mohammed invented this means to keep his cutthroats busy braving battle and cutting throats. It is one more failing of the church that such a fraud as Mohammed could sway anyone to believe his fiction. In 800 years the Christians failed to carry out the Great Commission. 1,000 years later Joseph Smith, Jr., took a page from Mohammed’s book to launch his support system of Mormonism.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Father son and holy ghost (batman!) are also a fiction bro. Human attempts to eff the ineffable. There is only one God and he has many names.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

I too heard Mohammed was a bandit and a protection racketeer. It doesn’t matter. ;)

Richard M

SLF (Salafist Lamb Fuckers) are the pawns of Ottoman Sultan Erdogan, while HTS (Qaida) are the pawns of Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Best wishes to the success of both Orc gangs in butchering each other! :D


Send all surviving Orcs to northern Turkish held area. This is working out well for SAA. :)



That Guy

Some of the SLF commanders might be Syrian Inteligence officers in disguise….. Who knows?

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Dude! Are you really that guy? :D

That Guy

Anyone can be That Guy :D

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia’s bombing both these groups from the air and helping to keep both sides capabilities, if not numbers roughly even. The longer Russia can stop one group or the other prevailing means the more cash both the Turks and the Saudis will have to bleed out to prop up their despicable love children. It also means the casualty figure of 700 will go up too, who knows, with a little discrete help from either Syrian or Russian intelligence operatives, it could go as high as 7000 or more. They’ll also be able to concentrate on the other pockets of scum now and give them the undivided attention they need, all good news. And before anyone says it, I know Erdogan and Putin are supposed to be “practically” allies now, but why did Putin bomb a village the other day that had a Turkish delegation visiting at the time, and also bomb the SLF every time it poses a threat to the SAA. Not what you’d do to your “practically an ally’s” delegation team or proxy army if you thought they were really an ally. The Russians don’t just bomb HTS and avoid SLF forces, they bomb them both.


post eat with pop corn lol

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