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Syrian MiG-29 Warplane Spotted With New Jamming System

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On August 19, a Syrian Facebook page released a photo showing a Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) Mig-29 multirole fighter equipped with a new jamming system.

Syrian MiG-29 Warplane Spotted With New Jamming System

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The system, which was fitted on one of the Mig-29’s underwing hardpoints, was identified as the Talisman airborne defense suit (ADS).

Made in Belarus, the Talisman ADS is supposed to provide protection against air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles. Furthermore, the system, which is housed in an external pod, is fully automatic.

Syrian MiG-29 Warplane Spotted With New Jamming System

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The SyAAF operates around 20 Mig-29s, all of which were reportedly upgraded to a standard specially developed for Syria, known as the SM. Syrian Mig-20SMs are armed with the advanced R-77 air-to-air missiles and can also deploy precision-guided munitions.

Syria, which don’t announce its arms purchases in most cases, may have obtained the Belarusian ADS way before the ongoing war.

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Zionism = EVIL

The Iranian MIG-29 have similar system deployed since they were upgraded to SMT standard.

Icarus Tanović

Yup, that’s right. Syrian just got these brand new. It is expenisve, but it can be fitted on many jets, on the belly, wings, back unlike others that needs to be instaled inside airplane.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

So many years wanting this conflict to be over. So many more years to go :(

stupid is as stupid does

Not necessarily. There are turning points in every war like Stalingrad was turning point for WW2. And we are at the moment at turning point of the war in Syria I think. From now on defeats of NATO-Zionist Jihad will only grow and intensify. I doubt very much that Turkey has the guts to confront Russia to turn the tide of the war.


the turning point already happen with Aleppo

stupid is as stupid does

OK if you prefer, you might be right. For me it was turning point for collapse of Caliphate. A phase of war where Syria was fighting for survival as country. Now Syria is fighting for revival and total liberation of all territory. What is happening now is irreversible turning point toward total liberation.

Art Garcia

Tho Assad has to be disposed of first. Many of his non-supporters thru out the country will not fight under him.

stupid is as stupid does

Facts on the ground prove you wrong. Assad & SAA still has support of majority of population and support of their allays. And they kick the arse of your favorite terrorists

Art Garcia

Because there is no freedom of speech that is why . He has killed in excess of 300,000 people. I think it is the other way around. Israel is kicking the ship out of Syria destroying their Iranian cronies. Syria will not dare start a fight with Israel because they know they will have their asses kicked.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

was thinking of the SDF terrorist proxies that also need removing, it is gonna be a while


Kurds are very opportunistic and unloyal but it would be unfair to call the SDF terrorists..they just want some breathing space and recognition like the rest of us.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

SDF are the new terrorist proxy force of the USA. otherwise with ISIS defeated they would be giving back syria her oilfields… SDF only simulated fighting ISIS for the most part, and a absorbed many ISIS fighters into their ranks while claiming they were defeating them. There have been uprisings against SDF by the population of syria who wish to be governed by assad and they have been brutally put down

look at operatin timber sycamore, USA trained fighters, called them moderate rebels, those fighters turned out to be ISIS.

only difference now is the name SDF, in the alphabet soup of USA terrorism


Kurds are being used by USA but they did fight their share of battles in Iraq, I am talking about the pershmerga and the first battlefield defeat Daesh faced was at the battle of Kobani, and that was a big meet grinder for the terror forces…so Kurds just need to reconcile once Idlib is finished.

stupid is as stupid does

Why? The only serious resistance left is Idlib. Turds are joke without NATO aviation and I doubt very much that they will challenge, confront Assad and Turks in the same time. They would not survive 2 days like that. They will be forced to find agreement with Assad and avoid conflict with SAA if they have any brains

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

other side of the euphrates is entirely SDF occupied territory. all of syria’s oilfields. Syria has stated SDF will either move from that land or be put under it

stupid is as stupid does

‘other side of the euphrates is entirely SDF occupied territory” No shit Sherlock?!? So you think that I was living in cave last few years or something?! I know all that !

I’ll repeat After Idlib liberated Turds better hurry to get agreement with Assad or they’ll be kicked out of Syria completely. US will not defend Turds and NATO also… Without NATO aviation Turds will be totally destroyed quickly.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

By turds do you mean SDF? because SDF is not turkey…

stupid is as stupid does

Yaeh of course, that US fabrication called SDF = Turds

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ypg is mixed in with sdf. i think this will give the turkish enough incentive to put boots on the ground and join syria in the offensive against them. erdogan may be a pos but he is a strong leader for Turkey. and he knows like a lot of people, never trust the yanks. i think turkey is simulating trying to help those terrorists in idlib. (told usa we will take care of it then deliberately fuck it up and let syria regain control of idlib) the russian plane that intercepted the turkish plane the other day was rapid, almost as if they knew…

stupid is as stupid does

“russian plane that intercepted the turkish plane the other day was rapid, almost as if they knew”

There i s something called radar (on S-400) and reaches deep in Turkey over Incirlik base. Also Russian air base is very close to Idilb. Also they know better than to trust the Turks by now. They could of shot down those F-16 easily with S-400 but they still seek to avoid confrontation if possible so intercept was logical option.

” this will give the turkish enough incentive to put boots on the ground and join syria in the offensive against them”

Join Syria I doubt that very much. Turkey still has not single articulate agreement with Assad ever since Jihad aggression attempt on Syria. They tolerate Assad because Russia is forcing them to do it. It might happen opposite that Syria gets agreement with Turds and turn together against Turkey and kick them out of Syria.

”i think turkey is simulating trying to help those terrorists in idlib” I think they don’t simulate. They’re really trying to help those terrorists against Assad short of direct confrontation with Assad and Russia

“deliberately fuck it up and let syria regain control of idlib” I think they didn’t. They see Assad’s Sryia as their enemy but still they are forced by Russia to accept them . If they could they would prevent Assad liberating Idlib but they don’t want to confront Russia.

Turks had their chance to do the things properly and correct their mistakes towards Assad. Syria, Russia & others don’t want to fight war against Turkey and everybody else in the same time if they can avoid that. Time is out now and Turk Zionist Jihad terrorists will be destroyed by SAA despite Turkey ( + other terrorist allays ) attempt of to support them.

Art Garcia

Very few areas in the country support Assad, he has a crumbling country and economy. War has destroyed this country. All wishes in the world will not make Syria a force to be reckon anytime in the near future.

stupid is as stupid does

“All wishes in the world” can’t protect Syria but it seams that SAA can.

stupid is as stupid does

If you really believed in all that bullshit you wouldn’t even bother to write it down knowing that your invincible Turkey and beloved terrorists can’t fail. Why wasting words while having certainty?

Art Garcia

Assad is a piece of shit and a butcher to his people.

Art Garcia

Turks don’t need NATO, they have there own Industrial Military Complex that are making their own tanks and I believe are in the process of making their fighter jets.Syria is a crumbling country at present and no way it could stop a Turkish onslaught.

stupid is as stupid does

Turks needs NATO for their double faced game if not they would leave NATO already by now. Ukraine also makes things yet they have their arse kicked by Donbass independents. (Turks don’t make planes.)

Syria is a crumbling country after so many years of foreign aggression yet with Russian help they would kick Turk arse very hard. Turk F-16 have Russian non flying zone in Syria and without their protection Syria would bomb the shit out of Turk troupes. There will be no “Turkish onslaught” without their air support . And if Turkey would try to get rid of Russian non flying zone and directly attack Russian bases that would trigger destruction of Turkey.

Art Garcia

Syria is crumbling because of the Baath Party and all the Socialist in it. Bashar father was a butcher just like his son. Syria has been the aggressor 1973 war and 1968 and both times they got their butt kicked.

Kell McBanned

Turkey will turn angryly on the Kurds after being booted out of Idlib as a face saving move, Kurds are jammed between a rock and a hard place

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the worst is over considering the headchoppers were proxies for NATO and the Zionist/Saudi axis of gutter rats. The SAA and the Axis of Resistance supported by Russia has done a remarkable job liberating Syria from over 400,000 global terrorists the CIA, Zionists, Wahhabis and MIT recruited and armed. 70,000 from Europe and ex-Soviet Stans alone were sent to Syria and Iraq by the NATO arseholes with Turkey being the biggest terrorist sponsor. The SAA in 2012 was large cumbersome ground force but has amazingly transformed into a very effective and hard hitting COIN force and it will only get better. These terrorist arseholes are literally dead enders as they have no hope in hell now. My guess is that there will be another 5 years of low insensitivity terrorism as the Americunts play the usual sore losers.


I would think that NATO nations in Europe will also attempt to prolong the war as none of them want angry head choppers NATO supported to seek safety in their countries.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

SDF is the new USA terrorist proxy force, numbering possibly as many as 70k armed personnel or more, at least 30k officially. (not sure why the 30k troops number always seems to be sued but hey ho). the war has many years to go still. The worst is possibly over as majority of syrian citizens are safe, on the other side of the euphrates syria has a lot of territory to regain


SDF are at the merit of USA who changes their position with the wind.. Kurds don’t have any real motivators e.g. their cause isn’t religious or nationalistic but just an income source.. I don’t see Kurds holding ground after liberation of Idlib prefecture.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

sdf is exactly the same blueprint as ISIS, american training rebels, also SDF absorbed a lot of ISIS into its ranks while simulating fighting them. have watched pretty much every war report on southfront since russia entered this conflict.


Southfront takes a very Hardline approach on SDF but the truth is the Kurds wont partner with daesh because they were persecuted the most in Iraq and less so in Syria under the terror forces.. Kurds run many prisons with Western daesh recruits.. US must have formed ex-daesh divisions and just manage them separately as part of “sdf coalition”..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

kurds are ypg, sdf is terrorist proxy force

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, 30% of Syrian land, including Golan is still occupied by a coalition of assorted arseholes.

stupid is as stupid does

All in all great analysis even though I don’t agree with ” 5 years of low insensitivity terrorism”.

Any chance logging into my profile and starting to write comments for me as well ? ;-))))


Actually, after this new escalation, the future is again much brigther for Syria.

Erdogan will loose all of Idlib, and Russia now does not anymore need to wear “kid gloves” regarding Erdogan. US will not make a deal with Erdogan that will satisfy Turkey, they only play for time.

Meanwhile Kurds went to Damascus.. Read it on M. K.Bhadrakumar’s Blog:

“Turkey faces quagmire in Syria”


Enrique Juan Huerta

I Dont like assaids…thats fer sure. He is not the man for a brighter better syria. He is a dictator. But the man is not a fool. He has played every card and side in this game and is still there. Will give respect there. When it comes to the kurds, he knows the battle for the north could loose all for him. He is taking Kurds under wing as they will serve a loyal fighting platform for syria…and have demonstrated that. They held the north from both america and turkey at same time while clearing out Daesh. No fools either. These two fools see a future together and will protect each other now. Just my figuring! The Kurds have found a safe home for now.


The sure realized through Afrin, that Assad is their best and only realistic bet. Though i am not an “Assadist”, you need to judge him by middle eastern standards and the reality of the region. A system without repression does not exist. Not in MENA, but also nowhere else in the world. And with a society, that is divded by tribal, religious, and ideological lines, that repression every sytstem needs to live, is a nessecary evil sadly. With Jihadists, of every type, Salafist, Wahhabists, Muslim Brothers and their followers, that believe it is their lords will to kill or enslave all those who dont follow their fanatism, how can you deal with them but with repression? Middle east is a region where might makes right. And people live by wholy different norms than say someone socialized in the christian west. Voilence is accepted socially, and those leaders of the “revolution” screaming “Christians to Beirut, Alawites and Shiites to the grave” got what was coming for them. The best one can realisticly hope for in that society is what a wise old reporter of the old generation one called “an enlightend despot”. Someone able to keep the social peace and calm, repressing the voilent extremist, while providing a stable and halfway prosperous life to the people. Pragmatism may look like cynism, but our norms and values dont apply. If we try to force them onto those people, we only make matters much worse, as we saw in the “Arab spring”, which was really an Arab winter, bringing out the most evil instincts and parts of society.


Sorry but you’re misinformed. The Arab Levant is nothing like you speak. Once, and it will be soon in terms of such conflict duration, the foreigner and their minons are expelled there’ll be a powerful and just union.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

read the article. state kurds are within the US controlled areas still…. i do know russia gave the green light for turkey to attack kurds the other day. It seems to me that turkey will use the kurdish issue as an excuse to laucnh offensives against the SDF, SDF is going to be the main one, as far as i can tell, Turkey and syria will be supplying troops as well as iran and possible iraq. The SDF battle needs to be swift, to take out vast swathes of territory before usa pigdogs can mount any defensive support. Syrian conflict will be another couple of yrs at least i think

thanks for the link tho, was a good article, might keep track of that site


The Turks have an excellent army –excellent fighting men and women. it is their leadership that is all screwed up because of Erdogan’s arrogance. Arrogance has a way of decapitating its user–like Bush. Churchill, Netanyahu–the list is endless. But pride and arrogance is the sickness that destroys the madmen in the end. Syria is not far from reuniting its country including the Golan Heights and Israel will then face payback time for its crimes against humanity–especially the torture and killing of children–




Churchill’s reputation comes from WW2 and mainly the early bits. WW1 his record was atrocious. He was a war mongering blowhard whose greatest achievement was the disaster at Galipolli. He was fired as First Lord of the Admiralty (he “stepped down” but really there was no way he would be allowed to continue) and was sent to France to fight in the trenches.

His political career after WW1 was only because of his family connections …. much of it was considered a failure and he spent the 1930’s in the political wilderness. He lucked out on WW2. If it wasn’t for WW2 he would only be known for his failure at Galipolli.


Ok, how about Netanyahu?


War mongering asshole if you ask me.


And how is he an example for “Arrogance has a way of decapitating its user” ?


I have no idea


turkey army the second place in OTAN!! after usa army


In number I agree, but not in quality.


Part of their problem is dependence on NATO satcom. Which is one of the reasons that they’re diversifying.


I’m not sure who #2 is in terms of quality. Probably the French and then Turkey.


Quite possibly The French, I agree.

The British Army is destroying its fighting capabilities with Politically Correct postures. LGBT friendly, Women on the front lines, Touchy Feely discipline . et al.

This is a good thing in my opinion, as in recent decades at least, Britain has engaged in unconstitutional and fabricated wars and has been flirting with barbaric terrorists in Syria and Iraq in order to pleas the USA and the City of London financiers. A neutered military will prevent a real war using UK troops.


British Frontline will consist of one black man, one Muslim woman, one lesbian, one transgender, one Indian shop owner, one white collar chief executive, one unemployed woman on benefits and it will be of highest political correctness standards

stupid is as stupid does

I think it is no brainier to have the France as 2nd. Unlike Turkey France is nuke world power with strategic subs air carrier and real blue navy . They definitely outmatch Turkey on modernity of their equipment also. Turkey is only strong in quantity of their force.

Agree UK has fallen out of 3rd place or maybe sharing it with Turkey….


The UK and Turkey are a good match in the sodomy stakes.


stupid is as stupid does

Aaaand how am I suppose to get this message? Aren’t you from UK yourself ?!

I like this “California Dreaming” style …nice touch. ;-)

Albert Pike

The interesting part is how they became more equipment independend – and what it has to do with a German/Bilderberger leaked paper called: “Strategic forecast 2040” which makes a certain szenario of what… – well of world war:



And at the head of all this, the current dominant hegemony is the USA that financially is a massive ponzi scheme that threatens her competitors to buy US government bonds and overpriced weapons.

All this is intimidation is founded on the Petro dollar and the US dollar being the World Reserve Currency, that in turn enables the US Federal Reserve, that is a privately owned bank, to issue US government bonds that all those dealing commercially with the US are obliged to buy.

The vast sums of earned Money transferred from other nations wealth are then used fund the bloated US Military that now has circa 800 bases all over the globe as a reminder to all that the current Big Boss, the USA and that a US Color Revolution will the result of any ‘disloyalty’ to the USA’s (bankers) God Given Right to tax the World and pay tythes to Amerika.

On the positive side the world trade in US dollars has now fallen to sub 50% and is still falling. This is the cause of great tension across the globe, as the wealth that is still entering the US ponzi scheme is no longer sufficient to support the US that is now decaying from within.

The US economy is increasingly smelling like a barrel of slowly rotting smoked fish. :)


I though this just like you. But when you actually ask the Turks, they will answer you that this is not true. Besides the Kurds in their provices, they nearly all stand behind their invasion and occupation in Syria (its one of the reason Erdogan did it, because it was and is a popular demand!)

Turks are nearly all ultra-nationalists, only difference is if they are this mixed with a muslim extremists, Kemalistic worldview or a mixture of both, or other ideologic influences. The result is the same, they support Erdogans policys. Erdogan is a populist, he does what his voters expect him to, that is is major political instinct.

So the hope that if Erdogan would be gone, Turkish policy would be different, is false. Sadly.

Leon Auguste

insight appreciated



Art Garcia

You’re dreaming John. Syria will not be able to reunite with the Golan Heights. Syria is in far worse shape than in 73. They can’t even control their own country.


Syrians need new Aviation equipment, MIGs are easy targets even with these Belarusian home made amatuer toys holding Raspberry Pi’s..


A modern 29 with proper satcom integration is a lethal threat to any NATO or IAF fighter, including the stealth ones.


The Mig 29 is a very capable platform with proper modernization. And the SAF has been flying them for a long time with a lot of experienced pilots, mostly in ground support rolls when used in active combat.

But with the right satcom integration, munitions and equipment. They’re capable of peer air to air combat against both NATO and IAF fighters. They’re not going to win a war of attrition. But in conjunction with SADF capabilities and allied air patrols. They can provide a credible deterrent to NATO and IAF threats. And with the SAF experience with them. It wouldn’t take much to expand and upgrade the SAF fleet on an as needed basis

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