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MARCH 2025

Syrian Military Liberates Rasm Ayn Ahmar, Prepares To Storm Maskanah

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Syrian Military Liberates Rasm Ayn Ahmar, Prepares To Storm Maskanah

Click to see the full-size map. Source: https://twitter.com/v4st0/status/868856584264396800

On Sunday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces liberated the village of Ras al-Ain al-Ahmar and the sugar factory north of the strategic town of Maskana in the province of Aleppo. On Saturday, the SAA captured the Maskana railway station west of the city after violent clashes with ISIS.

ISIS militants destroyed a tank of the SAA with an ATGM in the village of Karama.

Syrian Military Liberates Rasm Ayn Ahmar, Prepares To Storm Maskanah

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Syrian Military Liberates Rasm Ayn Ahmar, Prepares To Storm Maskanah

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Syrian Military Liberates Rasm Ayn Ahmar, Prepares To Storm Maskanah

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The terrorist group also claimed the destruction of a vehicle of the SAA with a mine southeast of Deir Hafer.

Warplanes of the Russian and Syrian air forces targeted ISIS units and their vehicles inside the town of Maskana, and in the villages of Al-Taybeh and Al-Hamidiya.

It is expected that ISIS will withdraw from the entire area east of Maskana if the SAA could continue its advance west and south of Maskana.

However, if ISIS terrorists decide to defend the town, the SAA may just outflank it and  continue advancing towards the province of Raqqah via the N4 highway.

By capturing Ras al-Ain al-Ahmar, the SAA forces deployed in 1-2 km from Maskana town from the northern and western direction. According to unconfirmed reports, the SAA is preparing to launch an attack from Athria towards other areas of the eastern Aleppo countryside soon.

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Sergey kesic

About time! SA needs to hurry up before Americans get to Raqqa.


These two races are on a different stadium and are not related to one another.

Sergey kesic

Please,inform yourself before you speak. The only reason SAA is going to this route is to get as close as possible to Raqqa.


The SAA cannot get near Raqqa because the SDF is in Tabqa, check a map. No matter how quickly they take Maskanah and the rest of that area, they will have to stop.

And don’t upvote your own posts like a retard.


Yes that is right SAA and Russian air force need to capture Raqqa, before US and their allies for that reason the world will recognise Russia is more strong country because they capture Raqqa before US.

Graeme Rymill

How is this capture of Raqqa supposed to happen? By the SAA advancing south from Maskana? The Kurds/SDF control the main road south around Tabqa and therefore block the SAA their axis of advance.

The SAA tried to reach Raqqa in 2016 via Palmyra. If the advance is to be again from Palmyra then the pace needs to quicken dramatically. It is nearly 3 months since the SAA recaptured Palmyra and they are just a further 35km or so east in the Arak area. The yet to be reached key crossroads town of As Sukhnah is another 35km further east. Raqqa is 160 km north of As Sukhnah. Now the SAA has cleared its flanks around Palmyra the rate of advance may well be faster. Even so Deir ez-Zur seems the more important target for the SAA. It avoids a direct confrontation with the US. It would also be a closer target at under 140 km from As Sukhnah. Lifting the siege of Deir ez-Zur would then permit a south easterly advance down the Euphrates to link up with the Iraqis at the border.


I think your statistics are not relevant with what in the ground because if you can look closer about where SAA are in now , the distance is not 160km is less than that therefore it is easy for SAA to reach Raqqa quicker and than Kurd are much more closer than SAA. In other hence the SAA are closer in through Palymara road and they are less than 80km from city of Diera Zuir. Soon all the terrorists will see themselves are in circles. The SAA will block all road which are leading to Iraq border. The terrorists will have no choice unless they will succumb to SAA because SAA will move in for two to three direction one will be hom direction and Diera Zuir direction and Aleppo direction because SAA capabilities are more greater than Kurds forces.

Wolfgang Wolf

why is this website posting more and more ISIS propaganda recently? you got orders from some higher institutions?


What the heck are you talking about? Because they post some videos of SAA vehicle losses?

Wolfgang Wolf

every line that supports ISIS is terrorist propaganda!! are you camelfucker friend or what?


Which line supported ISIS? Give me a quote …

Solomon Krupacek




Monte George Jr

Southfront is popular because they endeavor to present an accurate picture of the action in Syria. Although most of us who come here are sympathetic to the Syrian cause, we seek reliable, unvarnished reports, not propaganda for either side — we all have TV’s if we want propaganda! There is no gain in averting our gaze from the horrible price the Syrian patriots are paying to win their war and destroy the demonic forces that threaten the our world.

Bill Wilson

South Front’s reporting is half ass at best though do have good photos and maps.


Are you still awake Wolf crap. Your opinion means nothing here.

Joe Doe

Yes, SAA should surround the town and put tide blockade from all sides if ISIS put resistance and not withdraw from the town. SAA should continue till they reach the Highway 42, than the SAA could return to liberate the town. Also is important for the SAA is to plug in the escape route from Raqqa left by SDF in South. At this stage is not important to liberate Raqqa, only close the escape route. I would continue until Deir Ezzor is liberated. Unless SDF start advancing to Raqqa, then SAA should assess haw to approach to Raqqa


Hmmm, what will the Syrians do next; perhaps more pressure from Palmyra?


They should plug the escape route daesh will use to flood into central Syria. And yes, I think pressure from Palmyra would help too, as I’m sure the retreating daesh would love to retake it, or at least try.


Yes I agree!! They should at least help close the escape route daesh will take into central Syria if raqqa is taken by SDF


I think SAA is doing the right things because attacking Maskeni will lead to many challenges on SAA , but the wide moves is to surround the town when they feel ,they are being circles they will decide to retreat to Raqqa.


These picture and video help us to realize that USA-NATO-Israel provides to terrorists with good weapons (via Jordan, Saudi, Turkey or Saudis-Qatar). Syria army, Iran, Hezbolah and Russia are doing a very good job on getting rid of terrorists. However, Russia can not do anything to stop the attacks of USA, Israel or Turkey to Syria army since it try to avoid any direct conflict with those countries, for different reasons. What will be russian position once Syria army and USA be front to front ? We will see.

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