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Syrian Military Showcases Militants’ Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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The Syrian state-run news agency SANA released a report from the village of Sukayk liberated from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in southern Idlib.

Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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The released photos and videos show at least 3 pieces of military equipment destroyed during the clashes. It’s interesting to note that some anti-Damascus sources speculated that the recent Syrian army gains were just a part of some ‘secret deal’ between Turkey and Russia. Constantly appearing photos and videos showcasing militants’ losses debunk these fake news.

Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Military Showcases Militants' Equipment Destroyed In Sukayk (Photos, Video)

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Facts are facts (fact: the barbecue of takfiris is every day improving, at least since the last Chechnya war). So, don’t waste your time in speculations.

Simon Bernstein

meanwhile IDF has loitering drone footage of 2 SEPARATE TIMES annihilating the butcher regime’s Pantsir air defenses


Try to enter in Syria air space without attacking from Lebanon,soap bar. :)

Simon Bernstein

we don’t need to, we use the mountains and terrain and launch successful strikes every time without any repercussions or casualties. sorry, antisemite!


See,you can’t even try to enter in Syria because SAA will turn you into kebab. :)

Simon Bernstein

I know plenty of tasty Israeli Kebab restaurants in Manhattan :) You should come try them, my arab friends say they taste better

Icarus Tanović

You’re shitting in your pants, and you know that.


Nelson spam :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2322cbd49ca5e7b7e2d2dddb8a38acf3015cc26d7a71d7b661d691dc0da151e.jpg


Oh wait, did I forget the flag spam? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png

Tudor Miron

Who you call antisemite? Fact is that 80+ % of Israeli population have nothing to do with semites – they are Ashkenazi Jews. In contrary Palestinians are true semites. This is your kind who are antisemite and that’s the fact.


pussies sneaking your air planes through lebanon both Pantsir air defense were stalled out and reloading , so go die

Simon Bernstein

Israeli Airforce is using the terrain and territorial boundaries as an advantage in SEAD. Any airforce would do what the IAF is doing, it’s just tactics. Fortunately the Syrians can’t shoot down a flying building :)


a flying building, are you retard. dumb ass jew


yes,being in the oven affected it’s brain.


More flag spam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Do you ever worry about the 10,000 Iranian missiles and rockets that Hezbollah has, I would be if I was living in Israel, I know iron dome is better than the patriots but they’re still not as effective as the S-400’s let alone the S-500’s. And how many iron dome systems do you have, enough to repel 10,000 rockets and missiles launched simultaneously, probably not. And what about David’s sling, can it intercept those new Iranian ballistic missiles that will have a terminal velocity approaching mach 20, on paper they can’t, but those S-500’s the Russians use as a duel AA and anti ballistic system could. Don’t skite about Israels capabilities, Hezbollah gave you a good run for your money last time remember, and all unbiased commentary concerning the hostilities assertet Hezbollah and Israel came out even, maybe not according to casualty numbers but in the grand scheme of things you got your nose bloodied good and proper. Hezbollah and Iran launching 10,000+ missiles and rockets would be taking advantage of Israels inability to repel all of them, that’s a tactical advantage, should they be as clever as the Israelis are and also use that tactical advantage.


Jacob Wohl troll, now you look like an ugly weasel using your new account! Tiger spam. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg

Tudor Miron

They also have some nice footage of F16 wrekege (thanks to ancient S-200) but my favorite is footage from 2006 where Israeli “worriors” cry like girls and shit their pants in Lebanon.

You can call me Al

3 years max, then you kikes are going down…. so STFU and FO.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

At least there’s still a few buildings left standing this time, that’s good, that means the rebels all left before it was razed to the ground, hopefully that happens more often now. Those rebels must be suffering from really terrible morale by now, considering all their numerous and spectacular losses recently. And what about the fact no one on the front lines is getting any sleep due to the 24/7 air and artillery strikes, that has to have a really bad effect on your decision making ability, you need to be alert just in case the enemy launch a surprise attack, “yawn, what’s that Abdullah, did you say you think the SAA are attacking, yawn, are you sure”. The end is nigh for the rebels and they know it, no one’s coming to save them anymore, they’re being left to die by everyone, maybe they shouldn’t have eaten that dead SAA soldiers liver, or sliced the 10 year old boys heads off while they smiled at the the video camera, or desecrated the dead bodies of Kurdish women they’d slaughtered, but it’s too late now, now it’s time to just die hunkered up in a bunker, cold and scared and not sure whether you’re awake or just dreaming, poor old sleepy heads. Boom boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom. “what’s that, leave me alone I want to go back to sleep”. Boom boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

AM Hants

Meanwhile, over in Russia, the Russians were showcasing one of their missiles, which for some strange reason, cancelled the US military exercises, on one of the many Russian borders. I wonder why?

The Reason the US Navy Suspended Its Exercises Near Kamchatka: Launches of the “Vulkan” System… https://www.stalkerzone.org/the-reason-the-us-navy-suspended-its-exercises-near-kamchatka-launches-of-the-vulkan-system/

You can call me Al

I did not know they cancelled. WTF are they doing in Kamchatka anyway ?. Stupid, bastard Yanks.

Nice one girl.

AM Hants

Do like Stalker Zone, they have many articles that you do not find on most of the sites.


There are a great many articles, not to mention authentic, professionally conducted, investigations, we’ll not find on Stalker Zone.

SIEGES AS A WEAPON OF WAR: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/CoISyria/PolicyPaperSieges_29May2018.pdf

AM Hants

So love Stalker Zone and they never fail to impress me, with interesting and informative articles, that the Ukraine and supportive media, would never publish.


You are certainly not alone, Anne. There are a great many people who gravitate toward Web sites which tend to feed, and/or validate, their worldviews while missing out on a broader, well-rounded, education of the world at large.

For example: ODIHR and HCNM report identifies widespread human rights violations, discrimination and legal irregularities in Crimea https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22140 https://www.osce.org/odihr/182526

AM Hants

Beats popping over to websites, reading, viewing or listening to media run by 6 corporations, that all spew the same old boring propaganda. Believing the public are too thick to notice the pattern. Yep, many are, however, each second another one wakes up.


I couldn’t agree more. All the more reason to bring attention to the results of those investigations which are conducted by professional Russian, Chinese, British, French and U.S. investigators and researchers. Such probative investigations (mandated by the P5, for example) often cut through government, corporate and alt media spin.

“Grave human rights violations, such as arbitrary arrests and detentions, enforced disappearances, ill-treatment and torture, and at least one extra-judicial execution were documented,”*


Turning our collective backs surely can’t be the answer.


Do you work for these arseholes……”ohcr”….russie?


A. Grow up B. I’ll take the dedicated investigations of the OCHR and their teams of Chinese, Russian, British, French and Americans investigators and researchers over the media you and your glom onto every time C. You can’t fix stupid. Only the truly ignorant dismiss the one world body which reports on atrocities from all sides of a conflict in favor of their favorite media source(s) D. Good grief, Small One


I take it you do then.

Can you say if this organisation has condemned the USA for its wars of aggression against countries that posed no threat to them?

Can you say if your favoured organisation for information has condemned the USA for its policy of regime change?

Both of which I might add are highly illegal.


A. Grow up B. It’s not the mandate of the OHCR to opine on foreign policy. The OHCR is, however, the only world body made up of Chinese, Russian, British, French and U.S. investigators which regularly document human rights abuses from all sides of a conflict.


“Grow up”…….Before telling anyone to grow up, I would suggest you make an analysis of your own behaviour…..I asked you a simple question. Can you say if your favoured organisation for information has condemned the USA for its policy of regime change?

As you have refused to answer the question first time around…No surprises there ay russie russie…..I shall answer it for you.


.”Can you say if your favoured organisation for information has condemned the USA for its policy of regime change”?


.”erm no they have not…I suppose by that the ohcr tends to ignore the worst atrocities of the 21st century committed by us…..The americans.


Can you say why that is the case……ohcr ignores the worst atrocities of the latter part of the 20th century and the mass murder and war crimes during the 21st century?


errm…Let me give that a moments thought Sir……..errm…Because they are corrupt?……Yes, that´s right. It must be because they are corrupt.


Thank you russie russie for your honesty. It has been a pleasure talking to ya girl.

Btw…You call this grown up?


This is interesting……


Now take a look at this……


Fascinating. russie russie the multiu username troll using two troll accounts to up vote its troll idiot boyfriend. Nice going girl.

AM Hants

This might interest you, it certainly interested me.

NGOs Call on JIT to Stop Upcoming Trial on MH17 Downing in Ukraine, Citing ‘Flawed’ Investigation… https://sputniknews.com/world/201908171076574901-ngos-it-stop-trial-mh17-downing-ukraine-flawed-investigation/

Bruno Giordano

At least one conclusion, hants, from this “conference” which was already known from the DSB report, but denied by conspiracy believers, like yourself and Mr Mahathir: Malaysian representatives, including (then) Depart­ment of Civil Aviation director-general Datuk Azharudin Abdul Rahman, were present in Farnborough, back in July 2014, for the deciphering of the black-boxes. Mr Azharudin told himself. He also told, with a very good explanation, where these boxes are now. He also explained about the two official investigations. Yes, Malaysia was involved in the technical investigation from the very beginning. No propaganda, hants, facts. I am looking forward to the report of that “conference”.

AM Hants

Did not bother reading your comment. Look forward to the court case, where actual evidence will be provided.

Bruno Giordano

Yes, like an ostrich, afraid of the facts. Lol. But good to know that you don’t read my comment. So I can add a little more. What really cracked me up is that the “Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)”, aka “GlobalResearch”, one of the organisers and contributors, calls itself an “NGO”. That fantasies and lies factory by no means meets the definition of an NGO. But you did not read that. Thanks.


I didn´t read it either. Not to say I made no attempt to do so, but after the second line of your paragraph my eyes began to glaze over and I fell asleep. No doubt AM has the same problem with your banality.

There´s another new word for you….”Banality”…Sums you up perfectly……. banderite.


As you’ve recently learned, your pro Russia NGO’s are desperately trying to put a stop to the upcoming criminal trial. Also, as you are already well aware, Russia vetoed a U.N. sponsored tribunal on the matter.

AM Hants

Now why did Russia veto the UN tribunal and put forward it’s own suggestion? Was it owing to ‘verdict first, sentence later’?


Interesting in a multitude of ways. I’m reminded of a few years back when you were railing against the evils of NGO’s. In vain I attempted to explain how there are Chinese, Palestinian, even Russian NGOs. At the time you would hear none of it.

Interesting that these pro Russia NGOs are following Russia’s lead by calling for a stop to the upcoming criminal trial regarding MH-17. Considering how Russia vetoed a United Nations tribunal on the matter, it seems Russia’s NGO’s are right on schedule as the trial is slated to begin in a few months.

Fascinating that Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him. You certainly would never stand for such blatant deceit from anyone else.

SputnikNews. Not a exactly a balanced, unbiased, source, is it? The article has all the hallmarks of the Five Ds. no?

AM Hants

Still against Soros funded NGOs. How much does he make out of USAID and his lust for war, using his old Frankenstin Monster, known as the ‘Open Society’?

However, love the fact that these NGOs are not buying the BS from your crowd. Not the only ones, as so many nations are also coming aboard.

Now please riddle me this, what part of this comment, or any of my comments, unless stated that they are off topic, follows the 5 D media disinformation script?

Deny – what have I ever denied? Discourse – always state when I am going off topic. Disagree – always stick with my argument. Deny – never denied that I am like thousands of others, asking questions, relating to MH17 that have never been answered. Derail – always state when I am going off topic.

Mirror transposition/reverse blame, is seriously boring.


Of course you now understand that not all NGOs are as your Alt Media sources once led you to believe. It’s good to finally see you come around.

Fascinating that Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him, yes?

AM Hants

At the end of the day, I actually look forward to a trial in a court of law, where they will require facts and substantiated evdence. Which so far is lacking. As the NGOs and so many others have noticed.


At the end of the day you’ll do your best to continue discrediting and denying any and all evidence which point away from Ukraine and/or the West. Let us not pretend that five years ago you didn’t choose which side to support, Anne.

Russia vetoed a tribunal which would have involved the entire U.N. Security Council and, today, Russia and her complicit NGOs are doing their best to stop and/or delay the criminal trial soon to begin.

Fascinating that Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him. Certainly you would never stand for such blatant deceit from anyone else, now would you?

AM Hants

At the end of the day, I look forward to everything being presented in a court of law and for them to decide, based on facts and evidence, from all sides concerned and unclassified, just what did happen. Whatever the outcome, provided the judge is impartial and looks at everything presented, with no excuses or denying what facts are presented in a court of law.


And, yet, for five years you’ve done somersaults and wild gyrations in order to distract from and deny every piece of evidence which fails to support your favorite media sources pointing toward Ukraine and the West. In fact, you don’t stop there. You mimic verbatim a multitude of excuses and distractions coming out of the Kremlin as a means to obstruct the Security Council tribunal and, now. the upcoming criminal trial.

Today you’re already setting up the campaign to discredit any and all judges in the criminal trial who may fail to support your hoped for outcome.

Fascinating how Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him. Certainly you would never stand for such blatant deceit from anyone else, now would you?

AM Hants



Do you not find it highly suspicious how Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him? Is it not correct to say that you would never stand for such blatant deceit from anyone else?

AM Hants


Guess it is not Soros and friends, now is it? Or even Kolomoisky.


You do this type of thing each and every time you find yourself unwilling to answer straightforward questions. You change the subject.

Do you not find it highly suspicious how Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him?

AM Hants

Is snoring through your comment, seriously changing the subject?

Is stating that Josef Resch is not funded by Soros or Kolomoisky, changing the subject, when you are asking who funds him?


Come now, Anne, you know it is. Now try answering the question with a modicum of honestly and integrity.

Do you not find it highly suspicious how Josef Resch claims not to know who’s paying him?


It matters not a jot who is paying him….What matters here is whether or not he is telling the truth…Truth…A concept that is completely lost on you…ay russie russie?


Viva la Jorge Soros, eh, Uno pequeño?

LMAO….Tell that to Anne


Another insightful reply from the cowardly troll, ay chicken girl?……LMAO!!!

I may be out of order here girly, but Mr Soros, one of my countrymen I might add, should try to employ a better quality troll than you and your sorry arse, not to mention the other pathetic troll bruno/govert, better known as the banderite who is a big fan of Poroshenko, who by the way will soon be up in front of a judge in Ukraine for wholesale corruption and war crimes. Not that is of any great surprise or intrigue, but instead what such a case will reveal about today´s Ukraine…….No doubt another “suicide” in the pipeline ay russie/”aron”?


Viva el Consejo Atlántico!


Been learning a foreign language russie russie?

Well done….Beats your normal drivel. Most entertaining.


“Somersaults and gyrations”….LMAO!!!…From a troll that has several disqus accounts and several bans, and lies, lies, and lies.

You can call me Al

Cheers, I’ll take a peep.

AM Hants

Talking of Turkey, now they have the Russian S-400s, are they now cosying back upto the US? Do they actually know what side they wish to be on as they entertain the comedian from Ukraine and his Russia/Crimean banned stooges?

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s Scandalous Performance… https://www.stalkerzone.org/ukrainian-president-vladimir-zelenskys-scandalous-performance/


They can’t cosy up back to US because the US is not interested. US strategic diplomacy has side-lined Turkey, which might be why the coup attempt happened in the first place. And the coup was a massive signal to Erdogan that Turkey is now considered dispensable. It is not entirely rational, but in US AIPAC and co call the shots so rationality is not to be expected.

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