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Syrian Military to Use All Means to Repel US Agression

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Syrian Military to Use All Means to Repel US Agression

The Syrian army will use all its military means to repel US aggression, the Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported Tuesday, citing a source in the Syrian Defense Ministry.

Earlier this month, media leaks appeared that the White House was considering military strikes against targets belonging to the Syrian military in order to “push Assad” to a peaceful solution of the conflict as Washington understands it. So, the US will be able to defend US-backed terrorist groups in the city of Aleppo.

“The Syrian army will not hesitate to defend its land, country and the government. It will use all its military capabilities to repel US airstrikes or any other US attempts to commit aggression against Syria,” RIA Novosti quoted the source as saying. “But we also believe that the US will think twice before conducting any strike against Syria, given current Russian presence in Syria and Russian-Syrian military cooperation.”

The source emphasized that the government forces are not going to stop military operaions in Aleppo.

“We believe that this situation in Aleppo will not drag on… The army has its own strategy aimed at taking the soonest control of Aleppo without delaying the process.”

We recall, last week the Russian military deployed an additional battery of the S-300 air defense system to Syria.

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Gue Bjuen

hhmm…. it seems like that white house made it’s decision.

1. building a US military base in kurdish controlled area. 2. russia not only sending anti-air for their bases and ships in syria, but also to the syrian government. 3. and the statement given by the syrian dm in this article.

the fact is that the US can’t stop aleppo’s fall. with the fall of aleppo the US proxi power will be taken down one by one unless they recieve regular military alliance. you can’t change the tide with more supplis of better weapons.

white house made a decision. russia and syria are trying to stop the US from actually carrying out white house’s decision. is the US bluffing? we don’t know but the only thing we know is that, the syrian conflict developed to a settle stage whether US hegemony will continue or not. we know the US has nowhere to back off. but they will not do the first move.

as we know the US needs time to send in their full gear to syria before making that move. and as we witness in so many cases, noone in modern history striked the US first. so like sadam, russia and syria probably can’t do much but to watch US troops gathering inside syria. they are already there so it won’t be so problematic to send more troops.

“fuk the international law, we never gave a shit !”

the US airforce is already present in the middle east. there are 8000 troops in iraq doing not much right now. but it could be a bluff. but the US don’t have any cards left rather to bluff with it’s military.

hhmm… this is reeeaaaally not good….

Gabriel Hollows

Shoot US jets out of the sky.

Daniel Martin

Since they are there totally illegally, and besides that they are also bombing Syrian government troops who are fighting U.S backed terrorism and destroying Syrian civilian infrastructure, I totally agree with you, blast them out of the sky,without any prior warning.

Gue Bjuen

hhmm…. it seems like that white house made it’s decision.

1. building a US military base in kurdish controlled area. 2. russia not only sending anti-air for their bases and ships in syria, but also to the syrian government. 3. and the statement given by the syrian dm in this article.

the fact is that the US can’t stop aleppo’s fall. with the fall of aleppo the US proxi power will be taken down one by one unless they recieve regular military alliance. you can’t change the tide with more supplis of better weapons.

white house made a decision. looks like russia and syria are now trying to stop the US from actually carrying out white house’s decision by reacting hard and tough as possible.

is the US bluffing? we don’t know but the thing we know is that, the syrian conflict developed to a settle stage whether US hegemony will continue or not. we know the US has nowhere to back off.

the US needs time to send in their full gear to syria before making that move. and as we witness in so many cases, noone in modern history striked the US first. so like sadam, russia and syria probably can’t do much but to watch US troops gathering inside syria. they are already there so it won’t be so problematic to send more troops.

“fuk the international law, we never gave a shit !”

the US airforce is already present in the middle east. there are 8000 troops in iraq doing not much right now. but it could be a bluff. but the US don’t have any cards left rather to bluff with it’s military.

hhmm… this is reeeaaaally not good….


Shoot everything down, and make it in real time, so we all see it. And the western freak show, with British Bozo the Clown drooling something witch probably nobody believed at all, exept to show an force of something, witch this time morphed onto sniveling bollox. And we all know it. What an wacko.

Yea, Syria, is look at the maps, big, and have what I define as wast areas where their is an hell of an lot of space, aka the bush/outback, and then this green lines where their city’s are, and they are whats important, to rule over empty land may be fun, but not directly productive.

Aleppo, is everything, once that is secured, the hunt will be pushed out into the outbacks, and there they can hide, but their battle is dead and gone, from then on its just about time, starve them out. The Kurd’s, is just confirming their own shortsighted greed and lust for control over resources as oil/gas and weirdly anuf, Kurdistan is smack in the middle of one of the furtail areas of Syria and where basically all the resources as oil/gas are located, and of course Golan heights, and down to the territorial waters of Palestrina witch is massive. Why do you think Israel do what it does this days, wipe out an people and claim the oil as theirs.

There is only one solution left, to hunt down any Yankee boy in uniform to the last one is hanging from the nearest possible lamp post, only then will it be peace, we are been high jacked by insane creatures and they have slaughtered millions, we dont need ICC, we need gallows and guillotines.

Its either them or humanity. Time to take an stand.

Before the league of American physcos, in the district of criminals in the imperial banana republic Yankestan, wipe us all out. Wake up or die asleep.


Real Anti-Racist Action

The USSA-zionist-Imperial-forces will be their so long as zionist own Israel. Once Israel is liberated from being run by zionist-criminals, then all of this mess goes away naturally and organically. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5f034eed24d717f6b742a16be7dc8601ab74d8374bac3c4fb703f14b5844c1f.jpg

Joseph Scott

Luckily, the number of Israelis who recognise the truth of that is growing. Still a minority, but an ever larger one every year. However, the Zionists of Israel are only one of several Masonic centres of power. Our local variety are in alliance, pursuing common goals, but they are not quite the good pawns you think. The structure is a bit more complicated than that. They also compete with one another, and in times past have even drawn blood from one another. Even now the Masons of Europe are having a quiet little dispute, seen in certain banking and political matters, with those of America, while those in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv play both sides and watch for advantage, just as they always have. They won’t all dry up and go away when the ones in Israel are gone, but they will be much impeded and set back, should the Israelis wake up to the manipulators in their midst.

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