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MARCH 2025

Syrian Millitary Drops Thousands Of Leaflets Over Idlib (Photos)

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On August 9, helicopters of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) dropped thousands of leaflets over the eastern Idlib countryside, in which the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) called on the civilians there to cooperate with it and to join the reconciliation process, according to the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi.

“Your cooperation with the Syrian Arab Army saves you from the control of militants and protects your lives and the lives of your families,” one of the leaflets reads.

Syrian Millitary Drops Thousands Of Leaflets Over Idlib (Photos)

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Syrian Millitary Drops Thousands Of Leaflets Over Idlib (Photos)

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Such leaflets are usually dropped by SyAAF as a warning ahead of military operations. However, the leaflets which were dropped over the governorate of Idlib may be a part of the ongoing information campaign against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

During the last two weeks, HTS and other armed groups in northern Syria launched several security operations against the supporters of the reconciliation process. As a result of these operations, dozens of civilians were arrested and they are now facing the threat of execution.

The SAA leaflets will likely cause mass panic among the militants in Idlib as they already fear a large-scale offensive, similar to what we recently saw in southern Syria.

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SAA has “hands free” now, Operation in Suweida is finishing, SAA can tranfer their units to Idlib governorate border. Would be better, not to fight and perform reconciliation proces. Phanatic jihadi groups must leave Idlib, they probably move to Turkey or fight to Yemen, Saudi side by side…

Bill Wilson

I’m inclined to believe that the SAA will continue moving east to take on the remaining ISIS pocket SW of Dier Azzor. Eliminating them will free up considerably more troops for the Idlib campaign.


Same message is appearing on all Russian propagandist websites even the most dumb one.

leon mc pilibin

No more bus rides,this is the end of the line.


There is still places to move there…Mid East is big enough, war is in Yemen or Afghanistan…CIA and Saudies will pay them the transfer …

Feudalism Victory

Turkey approved groups can retreat under turkish military protection. Saudi aligned groups might have a harder time.

Rüdiger Preiss

Bus rides to Turkey … that’s where from most of them have come from anyway


well said. green buses must go to turkey this time the real destination. turkey is responsible of thousands of innocent lives


that wolf and snake alliance between turkey and russia is going to be tested over idlib soon.

Feudalism Victory

Yes turkey will be reluctant to loosen its grip around aleppo.


US backed forces have created cracks in Russia, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Sudan etc. Be careful eliminate US backed forces and save your countries. This is proof that UN is useless.


We all remember terrible opression under russian rule in Europe, banning freedom of speech and silencing opposition including killing millions of people. Look what happens when you tell the truth here… https://i.imgur.com/LShw2XI.png https://i.imgur.com/AAnxfEZ.png

Concrete Mike

That was the soviet union, has nothing to do with modern russia, but your just here to stir the pot, so you did that on purpose. Whatever keep being a jew slave…your prophet is ashamed of you.


The Russians played key role in the Soviet Union. Leaders of the puppet states often visited Moscow asking for next instructions. Not a jew slave, world is not black and white. Actually the Russians are more jew influenced than anybody else right after America.


so thinkable. russians r really slaves of zionists rather jews after usa

John Whitehot



Russian whore


Wow dude peacelover? More like rage-a-holic. I am starting a group if you want to be a charter member.




I’ll take that as an, don’t ask such personal questions I’m trying to act tough!


Russian whore

John Whitehot

i got no bosses and no pay, you scumbag.


Another interestring thing here is: There is no plurality of opinions, most of the time everybody agrees with everybody, people repeat the same nonsense often labelling the rest as Hasbara/Mossad/CIA/NATO/Saudi agents. Lacking any critical thinking about real and upcomming events.

al quaida

While I may not agree with your opinions I do believe in your right to express them. It’s not cool for South Front to just ban comments they disagree with. I remember not so long ago when Fascist Book effectively banned South Front in the days leading up to the US bombing of Syria…


You would would have to know why he was banned, he could have been promoting kiddy porn? Perhaps Tigrica2 would give us some other Disqus sites where Tigrica posts, where we could examine the evidence?

However generally I agree that all should have the right to express their views. Going down the US/UK road of banning all criticism is the road to hell.

al quaida

I made the assumption that SF banned the post that Tigrica2 shared above which accuses SF of being funded by the Kremlin.


It must be very hard to struggle for money and then be accused of being rich. Also telling the truth and being called a liar. For me the heavily controlled press in the US has not prevented a great body of evidence of the hypocrisy of F.uk.us and friends. It makes sense logically. The sacrifices that whistle blowers make, for Kremlin money? No the Empire is desperate and anyone who sings their song is either paid, washed in the skull or both.


I get that exact same screen at National Interest today, and I was banned 3 years ago.

al quaida

I see, so Tigrica2 was likely banned for a previous post, but shared the above one to stir the pot. I was confused as to how Tigrica2 was able to comment here if their account was banned as opposed to just having a post deleted. So there must be a “time-out” period that SF gives for what they consider to be inappropriate posting.


Notice his original account was Tigrica, he is now 2, for the same reason I am Sinbad2. I really annoyed them over at the National Interest, because I constantly corrected the misinformation they were spreading, so they banned me. People think that you need to swear, or incite violence to get banned, but in the American media, simply disagreeing with the author will get you banned. I don’t think people realize how much freedom of expression is allowed at SouthFront, compared to the mainstream English speaking media. I got banned at the UK DailyMail, for suggesting that Russia poisoning the Skripal’s made no sense.

al quaida

“Notice his original account was Tigrica, he is now 2” I had missed that! Yes, the msm make such a big deal about “fake news”, but they don’t like it when someone points out that their news is likely fake. The anti-Russian propaganda in the west has reached hysterical levels, it has reignited the cold war, which is disturbing.


Banned by Southfront, what an amateur. I was banned by CNN, before they banned everybody. I was banned by the National Interest, the New York Times, The Independent, The Guardian, and The Daily Mail. Try and post anything that goes against the Ministries of Truth in the U countries, the US, UK and you get banned.


Really now if you insisted that west anglozionist still have some sort of credibility after well… Everything it has done in the middle east and everywhere else in the world you’re either successful example of their indoctrination or paid trolls that simply don’t work well with logic.


Well if you are so persecuted why is this still here for all to see?


So, it seems SAA will attack also by east. They can attack everywhere Nusra is.

Bill Wilson

I’m pretty certain that Eastern and Southern Idlib hold more moderate rebel groups since that’s where HTS/al Nusra and Damascus has been relocating them. HTS/aN kicked them and their families out of towns / villages thru out Idlib when their stronger militias took them over and the groups refused to join them. They were only allowed to keep their small arms so they wouldn’t pose a threat to the extremist groups that held control in their new locations. Damascus did the same when busing them to the same areas. That seemed to backfire on HTS when they were engaged with the SAA during their offensive north of Hama. HTS was sending out requests for reinforcements and supplies from outlying HTS militias who turned them down, saying that would weaken their hold on their areas. That forced HTS to give ground to the SAA until they could establish a strong defensive posture with their remaining forces reinforced by a few units sent down from the north. Once they were in place, the SAA began their offensive in SE Idlib where they didn’t have much trouble regaining control of that region. Now they’re facing villages and towns there were HTS and “moderates” share control so dropping leaflets in those areas should make HTS more leery of their allied moderate militias.


It’s possible that SAA’s plan will be recover all the northwest, North Latakia, North Hama (in the start), all Idlib, West Aleppo, Afrin and the rest of the north till Mambij. The Turks can’t do great thing because the Syrian government is integrating those who reconcile in the administration and police of the liberated areas.


So you had a few months to think about who put you on the bus with your family and sent you away from certain death. We know you signed the oath and all that. It would certainly be easier if some of your buds came back as ghosts and could verify the endless supply of virgins in head chopper heaven. This is the beauty of worldwide recession, lots of desperately poor cannon fodder.

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