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Syrian Millitary Enters More Areas In Western Daraa, Another Key Town Joins Reconciliation

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Syrian Millitary Enters More Areas In Western Daraa, Another Key Town Joins Reconciliation

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On July 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) entered the village of Khirbat al-Saraya and the hells of al-Mutuaq south of the town of Inkhil in the western Daraa countryside, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Two days earlier, the SAA entered Inkhil along with the towns of Kafr Shams and Muzayrib under a reconciliation agreement. Currently, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in these towns are handing over their weapons to the SAA.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the town of Jasim, which is located 5km southwest of Inkhil, has joined the reconciliation process. According to the stat-run news agency, local FSA fighters handed over several battle tanks to the SAA as a gesture of goodwill.

The key towns of Namar, Nawa and al-Harrah are expected to reach a reconciliation agreement with the Damascus government in the upcoming days. Some of these towns are now witnessing protests against the FSA and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Once the reconciliation process in Daraa is over, the SAA may launch a military operation against the fighters of HTS in the governorate of al-Quneitra, if they refuse to withdraw towards northern Syria.

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yes!! the city jasmin very interessing!!

Saaed Wayan

A task for playing in your ass. Damn your honor.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Listen Ira Freak can you settle your self indulgent ideology down you sound like the US in being a bully.

Saaed Wayan

In Syria, this can not happen. You know the Syrian civilization. Who lied to you in that propaganda? He himself worked on forming extremists from his intelligence services And distributed weapons to every extremist even from outside the country to extinguish the demand to change it as a dictatorship.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They need to speed things up because HTS is taking advantage of their slow advances to secure these weapons.


Good night Terra (earth in portuguese), slow is to the defeated, Don’t worry, Suheil al-Hassan and all the rest waited 7 years.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA had to fight to get to Tal al Harrahon two fronts as the FSA had their heavy weapons and medium weapons seized in the Town by Nusra/HTS. The word Terra is old Latin and it means land not so much, earth is a word for land or ground hence Terra firma= firm land. Cossacks used the term Terra Hetmanate to describe their land and Nation what everyone calls Ukraine today the Capital was Kiev and it was an autonomous region under the Tsars.


The town Qasim not Jasim. Well done SAA and allies. Next is Nawa town.


Heroes from Syria, Russia, Palestine and their allies should never ever advance without (Pantsir-S, S-300 and S-400) air defence missile systems.

Their lives are more precious than these weapons. They must have effective weapons to counter the plunderers war aeroplanes at least. Undoubtedly US, ISIS and Israel are one terrorist group. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


I doubt that even the guys affiliated to ISIS, in the black south zone (map), have the will to fight. It’s suicide, better for them to reconcile or to make a green busses trip to Idlib.

Feudalism Victory

Its a good bet most have snuck out already.

Promitheas Apollonious

well done Syrians next stop Golan.

Feudalism Victory

Not part of the bargain between syria russia and israel.


Good day, Feudalism, there’s no bargain about the occupied Golans, they must return to Syria. The UN declaration of “null and void” about the annexation it’s of the Security Counseil.

Feudalism Victory

All that is true but irrelevant. The un has no power unless the nation states give it.

No I meant the clearing of daraa is the agreement. Israel has acceded to assads writ in syria and the rebels/terrorists are surrendering because they know israel wont move to help them.

Assad is content to leave golan to israel to keep himself in comfortable power and to keep the populace distracted by the israeli enemy.


No one is going to leave the Golans to Israel, and the nation states have already gave the power to UN: it’s “null and void” the annexation law. But I insist on the other question, what you think about the chances of the turks?

Feudalism Victory

Well russia will insist its return and erdogan called it “olive branch” I assume in regard to assad. Prior to the daraa agreements I wouldve said zero but now…I give it 50/50. If idlib goes down like daraa its a done deal if they fight hard turkey will only let go once theyre fully defeated. So will the idlibers be defeated? Not if turkey fights with them. No one is shooting at a nato member.

Turkey will try.


Unities as the Tiger forces (they aren’t the only in the syrian army) are a total war machine (with air cover, heavy artillery, missiles, excellent officers, excellent soldiers), and they are in their land, not in the land of an nato member. Everybody can shoot a nato member outside nato territory.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Their is no deals or bargains from what I hear just more smoke blowing by Israeli’s who cry if they lose like children. Hey why don’t you go talk about why Israeli snipers target women ,children and journalists and medical personnel sounds just like ISIS/Al Qaeda factions in Syria to me.


For now, only the golan occuoied by the headchoppers. The next big operation will be in Idlib, the fourth de-escalation zone. After the Israelis it’s the turn of the Turks.

Cedric Hunter

The SAA should take Idlib then move onto Raqqa, not Golan. Golan is a more involved fight. But it must happen before this war is over. I have created a new predictive model that will give Damascus the Golan. If there is any one who wants to see it, then let me know.


The new SAA (the actual SAA, instead of the ancient clepocratic SAA) has created a implacable model of war destruction. Having such a power no clepocrat as any chance. Decisive question: migrant jews leaving in the middle east, are you crusade warriors or what is going to happen to you?

Saaed Wayan

It’s funny how long Russia will stay in Syria. This system will be destroyed sooner or later .This is the thieves’ government. It is not a state system.

Feudalism Victory

Would an islamic state system be better?

Tudor Miron

Why do you even talk to that scum? Jihadists working for Israel interests – can it be lower than that?

Feudalism Victory

Yes satanic baby eaters.

But I figure its a good chance to batter their morale a bit.


Better to block him, concerning the morale. no one likes to speak to the walls of the silent.

Christos MK

So the choice is between Assad and his clique and the jihadist rebels? No other way?

Tudor Miron

Assad is elected president of Syria. Enough said.

Christos MK

Elected president? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1963_Syrian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat

Tudor Miron

What’s wrong with you? Why do you post jewpedia links that talk about 1963? Do you even know that there was presidential elections in Syria in 2014? Why exactly you are opposed to Assad? I’d like to hear your reasons.

Christos MK

I know that. These “presidential elections” are like North Korea and Venezuela. A total joke. Also, don’t say jewpedia, more like khazarpedia! Anyway, I believe that Assad is a British deep state puppet. His Ba’athist ideology (pan-Arabist socialism) is an ideology created by the British Fabian Society in order to replace the original Aramaic, Egyptian, Berber, Kurdish and other original ethnic identities with a pseudo-Arab one in order to bring the pseudo-Arabs in conflict with the West for the sake of Zionists. Look at the letters of Albert Pike. You may think that Assad is an anti-Zionist but this is just controlled opposition.

Tudor Miron

You have a point. But that’s not up to you or me to decide. Only Syrians can decide.

Christos MK

Syrians are dabbling of false ideologies like Arabism and Salafism and now we have the American funded ideology of PKK. Syria is the land of Aram Nahrain.

Tudor Miron

Do you say that Syrians are too stupid to decide and someone “smart” should decide fore them?

Christos MK

No one is stupid. But they don’t have any strength after that destructive civil war. Also, the threats coming from Israel and its puppets in US.

Tudor Miron

US and Israel will have little say in the future of Syria.

Christos MK

And who is going to stop them? Only the Iranians are strong in their anti-Americanism.

Tudor Miron

Just watch what happens.

Christos MK

What happens? Only Iran fights America while European nations like Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia and Ukraine are allies of the US.

Tudor Miron

Iran fighting? :) How did it do in Syria before Russia came into the game ?Exactly – nobody was giving Assad more than a month. Those other “states” that you mentioned have no say at all in global affairs. They are note allies but vassals.

Christos MK

I believe that some of them (let’s say Israel) didn’t want Assad to fall because Syria would have a regime similar to the Taliban and that would be a threat. They just wanted a weakened Assad. How can you say that these nations don’t have a say in global affairs?

Tudor Miron

Christos, I see no point debating any more. You clearly have no clue about what going on in the world. Taliban a threat? Are you kidding me? Daesh, Taliban, Nusra, Al Queda are nothing other than irregular armed forces of UK/US/Israel. If they managed to fool you into thinking that they are actually fighting those head choppers than I can’t help. Have you heard of any Daesh attacks against Israel? Threat :) That was a nice joke. Which nations you are talking about? Those vassals of UK/US/Israel that you mentioned? Are you kidding me? All that they can do is say what their masters demands. End of conversation Christos.

Christos MK

UK/US/Israel are evil but they are not the only evil in this world. In this day UK/US/Israel are not allied with Salafi organizations but UK in the past helped in the rise of both pan-Arabism (Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq) and the rise of Salafism (Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Afghanistan). Israel did a good thing in the past. It supported Lebanese Maronites in their fight against leftists and jihadists and also supported Serbs against Bosnian jihadists. We should see the whole picture. Also, there is a strong Russo-Khazarian mafia in Russia and Putin cannot stop them. They have killed 8 million Ukrainians in the past (Holodomor) and now they want to kill even more Ukrainians. Besides liberal Anglo-Zionism we also have bolshevik Russo-Zionism that needs to be stopped. Russo-Zionists want Assad in power while Anglo-Zionists want PKK in power.

Tudor Miron

What a mess in your head :)

Christos MK

I agree, politics are a mess.

Christos MK

Syria should become a unitarian democracy and put an end to Ba’athist rule and sectarian extremists.


There’s no more Ba’athist rule, only sectarian extremists. Where have you been, in Mars?

Christos MK

I don’t think so. There have been many prisons where people were tortured and killed because they were against Assad.

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Christos MK You lost big time in Syria now stop crying like a whore.

Christos MK

Who lost in Syria? The Syrian people!

Promitheas Apollonious

that is for syrians to decide and not you to have ideas how others rule their lives, dont you think?

Christos MK

During the coups of Shishakli and Assad, they didn’t have the choice to decide. Now the Syrians are confronted with the choice between a dictatorship and a Salafi state, just like the Egyptians. I believe a constitutional multi-ethnic monarchic state with a parliament will be a good choice, just like Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia (doesn’t have a king) and UAE.

Promitheas Apollonious

and who are you exactly, who think you know what is better than Syrians what is best for Syrians? And last I check Assad has the support of the majority of his people.

Beside the fact that you calling Assad a dictator and that alone shows the extent of your ignorance, so instead of claiming you are able of thinking, that obviously you not, it is best before offering solutions, to get a bit educated to reality and stop been a parrot of western propaganda kid.

Beside the fact that we seen what all of you, with your votes, did to Greece and destroy it and now you selling it out piece by piece.

Christos MK

There have been many displaced Syrians and many reside in Idlib and SDF-held areas. Also, the “majority” of North Koreans seem to like Kim Jong-Un, right? I am not a parrot, do you actually know that Assad and the ideology of pan-Arabism is a creation of the British Deep State and along with Zionism and Salafism are responsible for the destruction of Syrian and its original inhabitants? Are you one of the guys that think that for Greece Golden Dawn is the answer? If yes, then you are a useful idiot of the war mongers and the Deep State.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok kid. I understand where you coming from and no I am not a political animal as most of you are or a follower of any politician. Let me give you an advice. Learn not to judge others based on who you are and what you think and follow as we not the same.

And yes I am very well versed in the global reality and have lived in the international business scene more than likely, longer you are alive, so dont attempt to preach it to me, or educate me. I answered to you because many as yourself think, that are in position to decide for other people lives and also whole nations. That is arrogant and very short sighted.

And a second advice. learn not to assume but before you come to conclusions take the time to read the post of the ones you answering to, so you have an idea where they stand. And the answer to Greece is people as I am, who have fight for her all their lives and from the looks of it after all of you turn it into shit is us we be called to clean the mess you and yours have created with your ignorance and seating in your asses playing keyboard warriors and voting traitors as your leaders.

I read what you posting and seen what you suggesting. You are on a wrong path. Both of thinking and of suggesting solutions for others.

Christos MK

If you are in the international business scene then do you know that instability (instability can be caused by ultra-nationalism that you seem to support) and dictatorships hinder economic growth? I don’t decide for the fate of whole nations but I do know that extremist movements are pawns in the game of war mongers, even though they profess that they are against them. About traitors, do you believe that Golden Dawn are not traitors? About the so called wrong thinking, when I was on my “National Bolshevik” phase I thought that Assad, Chavez, Castro and Qaddafi were heroes against American imperialism but this is not the case (except that innocent Syrians, Libyans, Cubans and Venezuelans that were killed and tortured were agents of Americans). If you have a black-and-white mindset then you are in the game of the war mongers. Evil has many aspects, not one. And extremist ideologies are here to make life difficult for us.

Promitheas Apollonious

it seems you are one track mind and a political animal as all kalamarades seem to be, blind and stupid. All politicians belong to the western system no matter what color they come under including the ones you seem to have an obsession with.

Plain english I dont care about politicians and I dont really care if GD or any other political group any where in the world, you seem to care so what political group are you cheering for kid?

Another thing stop looking your self in the mirror and describing yourself. You have no idea what you talking about and your short comings are not common among thinking people. And what I am or what I stand for it shows in my posts if you not intelligent enough to figure it out stop wasting pixel space and more importantly stop thinking you know me and you can categorize me, with your limited brain cells. I stand for Ellada nothing else and you do sound like a political stooge who think he knows something others dont so, either take a walk or tell me what banner you are under. Though to me you sound like tsipras stooge or there about. As for your comments what you been thinking and your conclusions show me the extent of your ignorance and bias.

Now forgive me if I dont answer you again I only speak with intelligent people of any side, that have a point and not trying to label others base on their short comings and jerking off at the mouth as you do right now.

Christos MK

If you stop badmouthing then I will answer.

Promitheas Apollonious

if you stop assuming and been a political mindless follower, who trying to involve me in his paranoia’s and believes, I may listen.

Christos MK

What political mindless follower?

Promitheas Apollonious

well your conclusions as well suggestions as to the solutions you have show the extent of your ignorance as well your attempt to involve me in a political discussion as to what you think is right.

Your inability to put the dots together of the politicians serving the NWO in west and thinking is one single politician not in their pocket no matter what dogma they preaching to the zombies also dont call for respect.

And your obsession with GD in Greece show you to be one of the leftist there who think he knows all answers. That also dont cause me to respect much of what you saying.

As well your comments as far ME is concerned as well Libyan comments, also show you have no idea of what you talking about. So why should I give you attention?

Christos MK

GD are the Greek Khawarij. They are also puppets.

Promitheas Apollonious

and who says different, beside yourself who try to associate me with it, so you have a base of a senseless argument and still insisting? Whats wrong with you kid?

On this side we discuss the situation in Syria and generally ME not the brainless way greeks have, following one of their political groups like sheep with out common sense. I am sure there are many greek sites to go and blow steam, if that is your desire, but not here. Now forgive me if I dont answer you again. Not interested to discuss how moronic you all are.

Christos MK

How idiotic of you badmouthing at your fellow Greek patriots. That’s what an extremist (Muslims call them Khawarij) does.

Promitheas Apollonious

patriots………… they not and prove is what is happening to the country since 1975. And this patriots keep voting for all the trash and traitors of the country who selling it under your feet and you claiming to be a patriot along with the rest of the followers of this traitors.

I dont know you or what you stand for so I give you a pass, thought I doubt you are any different than the rest and you dont belong to the minority that are still Ellines. Now go fuck yourself and dont bother me again.

Christos MK

What a fucking idiot you are! What are your actions? GD’s actions brought Syriza to power.

Promitheas Apollonious

moron you keep trying to involve me in a political discussion that I make clearly I dont give a flying f*ck. The fucking idiot is the one who did not jerk you off. Now go f*ck yourself and stop bothering me, with your jerking off about politicians and the single cell you seem to operate with, between your ears. I dont usually block morons as I enjoy sometimes their low IQ conclusions and laugh, but for you, I am making an exception.

Now off you go moron.


Christos, you have to make a reconciliation agreement, otherwise you’ll be death. By the way, I think that your real name was Judas, no?

The Farney Fontenoy

Very late in the war, but finally the opposition are getting it into their heads there is no point in dying for nothing, they should have realised after the liberation of Eastern Ghouta that Damascus would not fall. Still, better late than never, also the near-complete collapse of their defences leaves ground forces (especially the Tigers) itching for a real fight in Idlib!


The guys in Idlib were already defeated somewhere. All they want is to steal, as the colonial west do till now.


Iran, Would Benefit Greatly by letting the Russians mop up. The Israeli’s will Soon Make Life in Iran a Living Hell, Not because they hate You or whatever, they Want to Put Iran in the exact same place as they placed Palistinians. Do Not Fall for Israeli Optics, they are Playing Moral High Ground against Iran, Just Like Palestine.

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