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Syrian Opposition Sources Reveal Targets Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Eastern Homs

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Syrian Opposition Sources Reveal Targets Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Eastern Homs

Israeli Air Force F-35 flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel Dec 26, 2018. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

The recent Israeli airstrikes on the eastern Homs countryside targeted three positions of Iranian-backed forces, the al-Badia24 news outlet revealed on April 21.

According to the pro-opposition news outlet, which has a network of sources in eastern Homs, the airstrikes targeted the following positions:

  • A command center of Lebanon’s Hezbollah near the town of al-Sukhnah;
  • A training camp of the Afghan Fatemiyoun Brigade in the al-Tulilah reserve near the city of Palmyra;
  • A base of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) within the Palmyra Air Base.

The Israeli airstrikes took place late on April 20. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) intercepted several hostile missiles.

Opposition sources reported that three pro-government fighters were killed and many others were injured in the Israeli airstrikes on eastern Homs. These claims are yet to be verified.

Israel ramped up its attacks on Homs, in central Syria, in the recent few months. Many military positions and air bases, where Iranian forces are known to be stationed, were struck. These attacks appear to be a part of a campaign to crop Iran’s presence in Homs.


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Hard to believe two pathological terrorist entities.


The more Iran and Hezbollah entrench themselves in Syria, the more we will strike their positions. Now, the SAA can and should stop assisting them because if they shoot another F16 again, it’s very likely that both armies will face each other in a direct combat.


More juvenile hasbara on the clock.


Nah, he’s to drunk to say anything usefull.


Why do you call it Hasbara? I’m telling you what’s going to happen, it’s not some wishful thinking. If the SAA keeps helping Iran and Hezbollah and target our jets, then it’s very possible we target their bases directly and kill SAA soldiers.


The day the US packs up and swears to gradually leave the region then Iran will have no choice but to do the same, and consider cutting its cross-border support for its proxies, like every single country in the world does when caring about its national interests. Instead is has invaded Iraq, destroyed and occupied it, same with Afghanistan, and now has re-deployed thousands of grunts in several major military installations with all of their assets pointed at Iran, dozens of bases now ring Iran whereas there were none 20 years ago. Same in the GCC, namely Bahrein and Qatar, let alone the House of Saud. You can’t have it both ways man, this is no Palestine… You surround them with firepower, they establish proxies everywhere around as a balancing act and target your installations and troops with their best missiles, there’s nothing so incredibly unfair or unjust about that, it’s geopolitical maneuvering, and you will never be able to dictate the rules of the game to your opponent and do as you please yourself at the same time, it simply does not work that way (outside of the occupied territories where you can indeed do whatever the heck you like with Palis).


gryzor, I am not responsible for what the U.S does in the ME. I look at my country’s interests, and that is to push Iran and Hezbollah away from our border for both Israel and Syria. I don’t want to see the IDF and SAA go back to 1973, for what? because of Iran? it would be stupid. Nonetheless, it’s a real option now when Bibi is the PM and Gantz is the new DM, they both won’t let Iran pose a threat from Syria.


there will be no such war let alone “for Iran” as you say. The Golan is occupied and its a fati accompli for Syria, they haven’t tried anything ONCE in FOUR decades to get it back in any other way than through negotiations that Netahyahu broke at the time, it’s only political posturing man…and I’m sorry but you absolutely cannot absolve yourself from the US like that since your governments most and foremost have pushed for the Iraqi invasion and for Syrian intervention big time on camera and quite officially, the whole Baath overthrow and occupation project has its roots with … Israel and the US are pretty much indissociable from one another and you know it full well, every bit of their policy are directly against the same actor and towards the same goals. If it wasn’t for the US, your country wouldn’t even be in its current position of superiority over its neighbors, so of course it matters to Iran. Netanyahu himself, among others. But yeah, if a war has to happen like you say, then it will happen, and you’ll regret it for decades, you’ll see. I would not wish for that to happen so bad if I were you, just my two cents.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, Jewhadis will fight for themselves, lol.

2000 years of cowardice.


The Iranians wouldn’t even be in Syria but for your war of terror against the Country,i wish you bitches would invade Lebanon again,but you won’t because you would meet men on the battlefield.


I hope we invade both Lebanon and Syria, we will keep your mouth shut for the next 40 years, bitch. Don’t ask for something you will regret.

Lev Jacoby

But last time you invaded Lebanon you were thrown out, even though you had an air force while Hezbollah didn’t.


Depends how you look at it, because it was a small operation in our standards. Yet, they lost alot more than us even with all their bunkers we were close to cross the Litani river. We should have invaded with a 100K force, it would have been different.

Lev Jacoby

You live in the US or Israel?


Central Israel.

Lev Jacoby

What is your family’s ethnic background, as far back as you are aware of? I.e., from what part of the world?


Iraq, my grandparents came here in the 60’s after the Baath regime hurt the Jews.


Another Colonialist Zionist.


Go die.


Hasbara Monkey Iron_Zion lives in a zio fantasy like 99% of Kikes. In 2000, Hezbollah made the IDF RUN from South Lebanon – by the best pro-kike accounts, it wasn’t even an orderly retreat. In 2006, they got served a MASSIVE Halal Salami up the rear end when they baited Hebollah by offering up a kike terrorist idf soldier as a pretext to launch an invasion to capture the Litani and wipe out hezbollah and oh, retrieve that sacrificial soldier. Well, guess what happened when they couldn’t even get 5km into South Leb? – claimed they weren’t prepared, despite mobilising at least 60 000 troops (small operation yeah right) . ZioCunts are cowards. Thats why NO more attacks on Hezbollah since 2006 – ‘cos they CANT. Since Nasrallah always keeps his word and he did say in the next war, there will be Israeli refugees AND an invasion of the galilee, guess what, kikes are keeping their army safely inside israel, and killing palestinians for the Kosher Organ trade run by c@cksucking rabbis and attacking Syria safely from Lebanese airspace using Kike IAF with US radar jamming equipment and EW . They are soooo desperate not to have Syria return to stability because Assad’s next engagement will be the golan and that will lead the Hashd and PMU groups from all over the world into Jerusalem. hence Nuttyyahoos impassioned pleading for every US administration for the past 20 years to bomb iran, cos they cant do it themselves.

By Kike in Chief’s own account, They bombed Syria thousands of times in 2017 alone – but Assad just recaptured more of his own territory. So if thousands of strikes do nothing, and 2000 hezbs defeated 60 000 kikes in 2006, kikes are gonna be a rare sight in occupied palestine soon.


the Israeli military is far from being unanimous on that assessment, the Winograd report being one proof of that. Besides, most estimates of Hezb purely military casualties at less than 400-500. That’s one for 5, absolutey tenable in a war of attrition for the defending side. Most of the Lebanese deaths in 2006 were civilians, since the IDF did carpet bombing of several southern neighborhoods and Beirut itself as well.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

But you didn’t, cowardice has long been the bain of the Jewhadis.

Peter Jennings

Thrown out is being kind. The isreali regime got their asses handed to them before they ran for the border.

Once it is common knowledge in america that the isreali regime bombed their US barracks in Beirut, it’s bye bye isreali apartheid regime.


You should take your own advice based on past experiences. Should you try that one as you describe, simultaneous invasion assaults on these two countries, you’ll be the ones with the mouth shut 10x worse than post-2006 mate. Those plans are borderline crazy and I hope no people in their rights minds sitting at the top of the IDF commending circles will ever put those in action, for all involved. As I said before : bombing a couple remote camps here and there with minimal to no damage or casualties where Putin permits is one thing, an invasion campaign is wholly another. Now add your most powerful foe in the mix, Hezbollah, and as part of the same effort ? my gosh, such a lamentable prospect…

Actually, I think the only people you can attack on whatever number of “fronts” and prevail everywhere at the same time would be the weak Palestinians. Yeah really, you could probably crush every single Pali armed group in one and the same campaign, since they are isolated, impoverished, depleted , under-armed, underfunded and ill-equipped whle you enjoy several decades of unconditional, massive military, economic, industrial and political support from what is still to this day the world’s first military superpower, so…


You do know the IDF can call into duty up to 700K soldiers during a war right? that is more then enough to fight in 3 fronts simultaneously. I’m not saying it’s the best thing to do, but I’ve said here before that if the SAA won’t stop Iran and Hezbollah’s actions near the Golan, it can escalate.


….and they will end up getting embroiled in to a totally unwinnable partisan war and get torn up gradually in urban guerrilla warfare. + you’re counting the reservists which will certainly not fare well in ANY protracted conflict. The US sent close to a million soldiers to defeat the NVA in the 70s at the peak of the Vietnam War, and they ended up going out with the tail between their legs and 65,000 casualties and many more wounded both emotionally and physically.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

700 hundred thousand religious nutcases who display the true Israeli personality.

We don’t fight, that’s why we kiss ass of the Christian soldiers.

Peter Jennings

The SAA have had nearly 9 years of brutal combat experience and training from the Russian military. They are also piling up the Russian tech and equipment, so the SAA won’t be the same army the isreali regime met previously.

Let’s hope, for your sake, that the US empire doesn’t disappear up its own arsehole before it gets a chance to bail the isreali regime again. Say tata to the Golan heights.


Look on the map the distance between us and Damescus, we won’t be the ones who need to be bailed. If it comes to that, their Capital will be ruined faster than Beirut. I hope for Assad he knows what he’s doing.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jewhadis are sheet fighters ffs.

Your three skins have been waiting 2000 years for a Christian army to win a state for you Jewhadi surrender monkeys.


So go for it you twat.


It’s not up to me, twat.


As long as Israel keeps conducting attacks from outside of the Syrian border no fighter jets will be shot down. If Israel jets crosses the Syrian border then the Israeli jets are fair targets an will likely be targeted and shot down. Israel isn’t foolish enough to fly over Syria when they can conduct attacks from outside of the Syrian border.


Problem is they should be shot down flying over Lebanon.


That’s up to Lebanon.


Iran wouldn’t be there if the Tel Aviv regime wasn’t siding with Al Qaeda in Syria.

Peter Jennings

The isreali regime is merely throwing stones over the fence at their neighbours. These PR attacks won’t come to much.

‘it’s very likely that both armies will face each other in a direct combat.’ Wake up, your dreaming.


You say that as I’d war were unavoidable. It is not unavoidable, so Demascus has no interest in not supporting Iran backed forces. Israel has no leverage, and now, it has no way to keep Iranian satillites from guiding missile warheads right towards Israeli nuclear reactors.


If the mullahs ever try to hit our strategic facilities, it will be the last thing they will do. I hope for them they are not that stupid.


According to Natanyahoo, they already have nukes (2012 UN speech).


The Zionist regime is in desperate phase as Iranian influence and capabilities grow by the day. The horse has bolted from the barn.


Syrian opposition= isis,I never trust their sources,there is a big rat in between syria and israel the sooner both find the solution,the sooner the big deep state rat gets eliminated for good!


al-Badia24 news appears to be Saudi based who are tied up with the israelis and US; definitely not to be trusted.

Rhodium 10

Oposition sources are not reliable!…they use to inflate Israeli airstrikes…beside sometimes told about Israeli attacks and there had been no attacks!…they play in the same team of terrorist and their sponsors( Israel&Turkey&USA&Gulf States)…accord Jerusalem Post the attack was vs T4 airbase!..accord SAA sources all cruise missile were shot down!…in Al Sukhnah and Tulilah only are SAA&NDF outpost and checkpoint to control the highway Palmyra-Deir Ezzor..and not warehouse or bases!…in that areas are constants ISIS ambush with mortar attacks!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, yesterday you used an article from the Jerusalem Post to assert these attacks were actually against the T4 airbase, you said I was wrong to use syrialiveuamaps to ascertain what happened, and now today you’re saying al-Badia24 news can’t be trusted either, but syrialivemaps was totally accurate and the Jerusalem Post was wrong according to al-Badia. So we have 3 different versions of the same story and you believe the Jerusalem Post version but not the syrialiveuamaps and al-Badia versions, but they’re all from opposition sources, what makes one opposition source better than the others. I think you’re making a mistake trusting the Jerusalem Post article and not listening to the info that both syrialiveuamaps and al-Badia24 news are providing, they’re both telling the real story, not the Jerusalem Post. And I tried to tell you the real story too yesterday, so again I suggest you at least use syrialivemaps to see what they say as well as the Jerusalem Post, syrialivemaps is 100 times more accurate and a much more trustworthy a site than the Jeruslem Post is.

Rhodium 10

Syria live map is like Syrian observatory SOHR…both use to spread lies!..Syrian ministry of defense didnt talk about casualties and always they told about martyrs when israeli airstrikes kill SAA soldiers!…but the last israeli attacks Shayrat and T-4 have failed!…but it doesnt matter Israel will post a photoshop of the google earth satellite with supposedly fake impacts!…for other side Israel dont have credibility as one video posted in you tube showed a picture of a impact and smoke near the Sky Station near Golan as a result of a Irani Fajr- 5 missile when IDF sources had told that no missile hitted Israeli assets!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Jerusalem Post also lies, so why do you seem to trust what they say?

Rhodium 10

Because they told that T-4 base was attacked!…yes it was attacked 4 Delilah cruise missile launched from Jordan airspace and all of them were shot down by Pantsir and Buk system!…as usual when israeli fail ( we have seen it in Shayrat-Homs and T-4)) IAF then attacks another part ( usually just an abandoned warehouse or even just land without any assets) to justify that israeli missile have “hit” the target!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

4 Israeli missiles launched from Jordanian airspace and targeting the T4 airbase, I’m afraid you’re falling for a very tall story, you need to find more reliable sources of information.

Rhodium 10

And what is your source?..the fake SOHR?….Gulf states media?…Pro Jews Syria live map?…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I never believe anything the SOHR says, and for 9 years I’ve been saying he’s nothing but a liar [on SF and AM news] and also criticising SF for repeating the fat little dwarfs lies. All sites are my information sites, I read them all, the side I back [Syria], the Russians sites, the Turks sites, the Iranian sites, the US sites, the Kurdish sites, the Arab League sites, and just about everybody else’s too, and that’s what everyone should be doing, you too. And yes even the Jewish sites too, but always be sceptical of everything everyone says, even the side you trust, in fact be even more sceptical of the side you trust, their lies are always the easiest to believe.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I have the answer to my question now, yesterday I wanted to know what was targeted near al-Sukhnah and now I know thanks to al-Badia24 news. So the target out in the middle of nowhere was actually a Hezbollah command centre, that’s all I wanted to know, and now that I know I’m totally shocked, so is anyone else, they should be, this is where Isis nearly overran the Town of al Sukhnah. Now I only have one last question left, why has syrialivemaps quoted NDF [Iran backed] sources and claimed the attack against the Hezbollah command was not an Israeli missile strike but instead a US coalition airstrike, they were hit with a bomb not a missile, that’s the only fact that needs clarification. So there’s still a bit more to the story than we know yet, I’m pretty sure I know what happened but I’ll wait for more info before making any more assertions.


As soon as SAA is operating against ISIS, the ISIS air force shows up. Scum.


That airforce should be shot down,its that simple,otherwise they will continue with their criminality.


Trouble is the planes are over foreign territory when the munitions are launched, and Syria doesn’t need another front in this war

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