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MARCH 2025

Syrian President Rejected Russian Proposal To Attend Ankara Summit – Report

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Syrian President Rejected Russian Proposal To Attend Ankara Summit – Report

Hassan Rouhani, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Sochi. Photograph: Tass/Barcroft Images

On April 6, an unnamed senior Syrian official told the Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper that Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad had rejected a Russian proposal to attend Ankara summit, which was held on April 4.

According to the senior official, Russia assured al-Assad that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will welcome him if he would agree to attend the summit. However, the Syrian president apologized to Russia for not participating in the summit due to “many reasons,” including the Turkish occupation of some areas in northern Syria.

Many Syrian officials have refused to confirm or deny these claims, according to al-Akhbar. One of the officials told the Lebanese newspaper that the Damascus government will not reconcile with any country that continues its “aggression” against the Syrian sovereignty.

Many observers noted that Erdogan had used a more tolerate language when talking about the Damascus government during the Ankara summit. At the same time, the Turkish president stressed that Turkey will continue its military operations against Kurdish armed groups inside Syria.

During the last few months many Turkish politicians, including allies of Erdogan, called on the Turkish government to reestablish relations with the Damascus government in order to coordinate against the US-led coalition and Kurdish forces.

These developments suggests that there is a chance that we may see the Syrian president side by side with his Turkish counterpart during the upcoming Russian-Turkish-Iranian summit, that is set to be held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

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Good. Start picking off Erdogan liability in this run.


President Dr. Basher Al Assad should have to accept the Russia offer and attend the Ankara Summit. I have waited for this day for very long time. President Putin is very genius. He thinks 10 years before. Never broke the heart of Mr. Putin. He is doing for the benefits of Syria. Neither Turkey nor Syria army can lonely defeat Zionist led coalition. In Unity Syria is a supper power. Lonely Syria will fall soon.

To be honest in future Erdogan will lead the 52 Muslim states in which one state will be Syria itself. Erdogan has completely changed. He is not like before. Erdogan wants Syria prosper and develop.


You seriously thought that Putin expected for Assad to say yes?


putin pisses on assad. but will come the day D, when assad will shit on putin and ruskies will leave syria.


You do need to be medicated. I meant cremated.

Boris Kazlov

That day is long in the future judging form the 50 years bilateral treaties recently signed, Russians and Syrians are brothers, since a long time, and they are loyal to each orher, unlike U$AIPAC only beholden to $$$.


I think Putin has made a big mistake with Assad, due to its economical interests with Turkey.


Russia is walking a thin line. It is in Russia’s best self-intetest to keep Assad and Syria as independentvas possible without full-out military intervention in Syria.

Team 1: Israel Team 2: uSA, France, UK, KSA, NATO Team 3: Turkey Team 4: Iraq Team 5: Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah

To say it is complicated is put it mildly.

Russia is being as prudent as it can but for how long?


Our resident zionist troll now DRUNKENLY attacking Syria- sez it all!


May be it is still a bit early for that. You are right though, they should unite against the zionists.

Promitheas Apollonious

post again, when you come in touch with reality.


Sorry, but I do not agree with your statements. Turkey is an invader country, whatever reason it has given. Turkey has been a terrorists supporter. Turkey was the main oil trafficker with terrorists. Turkey is the main trafficker of industry parts of Syria. Turkey was the country which shut down a Russian plane. Knowing all of this by Russia, Russia has allowed (or invited) Turkey to invade Syria. Russia has then the responsibility to move Turkey out of Syria land.


I don’t think that you are from Middle East because logically you are talking nonsense. Enemies of Syria can talk like you.


Like I’ve said here on endless previous posts, Assad demanded the NATO invasion of Syria be prevented, but Putin laughed in Assad’s face and reminded him which nations get Russia’s s-400 systems, and whch do NOT (Putin has banned the sale of the s-400 system to Iran and Syria).

So why did Iran agree to appear with the zionist appeaser in Turkey? When Turkey is currently working to reduce Iranian influence in Iraq. This is how a lesser power like Iran has to play the GREAT GAME.

Iran is friendless- so temp fake friends are the best it can do, while desperately trying to buy time. Iran’s current major play is “Yemen War Hot, Iran War Not”- but this is not going to save them, for the Deep State, while desiring to trigger the Iran War with Saudi Arabia’s assistance, can easily go another route to war.

Today Trump sanctioned every major Russian company and senior company CEO he could- allowing legal actions for ‘criminality’ to be taken against these entities outside of the Russian Federation. This is a blow unlike anything even witnessed during the height of the Cold War.

Putin’s betrayal of the Syrian people undermines any ability for Russia to take on the Deep State. Turkey was dangled under the nose of the idiot Putin, by means of the FALSE FLAG fake coup- and Putin fell for it. The moment the fake coup happened, smart people got why Turkey so unexpectedly shot down the Russian jet in the first place. A brilliant narrative composed by Britain’s MI6. A psychological long play that was perfectly designed to exploit the naive thought patterns of Russian leaders.

Now NATO, via Turkey, leads Putin by the nose. Putting Putin in exactly the required positions for each new blow from ther West.

And today we learned the the daughter of the Russian spy ‘poisoned’ in the UK was recruited by MI6 a number of years back- and is about to confirm (ie., LIE) that Russia did indeed ‘poison’ herself and her father. Well done Putin- another massive fail.


In your world. Putin would want the worst happened to his country. Erdogan would want the worst happened to his country.

Boris Kazlov

You belong in a madhouse, who opened the door and let you loose?

s Slippy

If I were you id urgently do a CT head and look for haemorrhage or infarction. Turkeys economy is anchored to the Russian market since they are their biggest suppliers….. Thus Russia has a say in everything Turkey does


You must be retarded. If Putin and Russia were working for the West they wouldn’t be so hated and under heavy sanctions, lol.


Very poor lying technique, you need coaching, ask around your temple for some tips on how to be an effective Hasbara.


of course.

assad will not legitimize the betray of animal, cia agent putin.


Ahh, so you read the New Jew Times, so do I. It’s sad how low Americas most respected paper is today. But the Putin is a CIA agent I found very funny.

Boris Kazlov

velocidiot repeats the lowest, that is what he likes.


Note: Israel is a morderist terrorist organization, day and night busy build more sites for producing more and more Biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, short range and long range ICBM missiles, cruise missiles and other different types of thousands of weapons for slaughtering nations in the Middle East states. They have also their own remote sensing satellite to pose threat to the security of Palestine and the surrounding Arab states. That satellite should be downed with all respect.

Washington, UK and EU states have done all things possibe and have dragged Syria, Iraq and Palestine into war with Israeli gang migrated from EU member states. The Israeli relations directly or indirectly are also fragile with Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Hezbollah and so on. Israeli gang have told to Wahabi kingdom to unite other Arab states together against Iran and Hezbollah to invade them if they invade Israel.

Now Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Hezbollah and some other friendly states first of all should do all things possible to take some international action to desmintal Israeli gang’s headquarter and drive out their all members from Palestine back to EU members states from where they have migrated to Middle East and if that is not successful then the military option should be used against Israeli gang to desmintal their headquarter completely and to deport their all gang’s members. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


(…there is a chance that we may see the Syrian president side by side with his Turkish counterpart during the upcoming Russian-Turkish-Iranian summit, that is set to be held in the Iranian capital, Tehran…)

That will a big pain in the ‘moksha’ for the empire of evil led by the U$.


Yeah let’s pretend we never actually cooperated for a while…BIG PAIN it will be..the empire of evil got a tiny bit of a problem…. perhaps even a little more than a tiny bit…they will be slowly squeezed out of the Middle East…

Promitheas Apollonious

In that case Syria will be legalizing the occupation of Afrin by Turkey, as well that Turkey plays custodian role over Syria as warrant country. I hope the Syrians have deeper thinking than you do.


This will only become a problem if Erdogan receives an offer he can’t refuse (from the AngloZioNazis)…on the other hand knows Erdogan what the Dirty Plans of the West are & he has been waiting too long to become a member of the West (since 1987).. so you need to make New Friends… Which I can Perfectly Understand…..

Promitheas Apollonious

Dont disagree and I think Erdogan does well for his country but that does not alter realities and also intentions and private planning between and individually of each player, for his own personal gain.

So one must see short term and long the peripheral picture and how one event effect the other.


How hard can it be to say No to a 10 Billion Dollar offer…you never know…they never asked me…and it will always be the problem of a country as a Gateway between East & West there is always this dilemma

Promitheas Apollonious

If you are a country`s leader, that have risked your life and family`s for her freedom and still do? Very easily.

If you are an individual hard to say no, but I know a case of one, who actually come to the dilemma and said f*ck off, to what is been offered.


The Ones that Refuse the Offer are the best….though you might end up getting wacked…would be good if that would end

Promitheas Apollonious

:-) always a possibility when you live dangerously.


Yup…sometimes gotta pick up that glove


The occupation of Afrin by Turkey is the lesser of two evils and Russia, Iran and Syria know it. There is a bigger fish to fry and that is to bring Turkey right inside the Russian and Iranian camp and further and further away from the evil, US-led Nato. Look at the big picture buddy!


Turkey is already way in…Incirlik & the nervous behaviour of Israhell say enough…NATO & the AngloZioNazis are Neutralised with soft hand. No one is waiting for explosive situations for well known reasons..in my eyes even Trump is a big mistery…every one is shouting…and in the mean time strange things happen…:)

Promitheas Apollonious

Oh now for you turkey is benevolent and needs saving from the evil empire. Seriously? And kid is because I know the big picture, I speak as I speak, rather than like you do, that took a pixel and make it, the big picture.


Don’t misunderstand me. Turkey is not benevolent. Far from it. But rather Russia and Iran are trying hard to court Turkey away from Nato and because of America’s stupid policies they are winning little by little so far. Russia gave the green light to the Turks to invade Arfin and even withdrew its forces from that area. If the Turks, leave Nato and join up with Russia and Iran, it will be a game changer for the whole region, including for Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

That I agree with your thinking, but that was not the spirit I was talking about it. And I dont misunderstand you I think you are a very down to earth poster, only where I answer, the base of the thinking was emotional, in the sense this hurts the globalists and is true, if they at the end lose turkey and is not all a game of the globalist that at the end russia will pay dearly for that.

Turkey and Greece are a step away from war between them for example and the Balkans are on fire and turkey has a lot to do with this. So in my mind plays a bit different, when I see a NATO member to be in complete opposite to is allies side, in middle east to NATO forces , but in the Balkans is working hand in hand, with NATO, as a perfect partner.

To me this tells a story.


I got your point and I agree it is not easy to pull the Turks away from Nato but under Erdogan it is possible because there is no love lost between Erdogan and the West and their rift is wide and growing and Russia is wisely and smartly using this for its own advantage and if the Turks leave Nato and Russia and Turks get closer the situation in the Balkans and between Greece and the Turks probably will change for the better and Russia will work towards that goal. Let us see how it develops and I do agree that the whole thing is a very complicated mix of political relationships.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes i see your point that happens also to be mine. But I dont trust Russia can do much about it for simple reasons. Greek politicians are just employees either for Soros or promoting NWO orders agenda, which seems to be one and the same. So they do what the UK/USrael tells them to do.

Turks on the other hand are ruled, by a man that beginning to see him self as a messiah and the one who unite all muslims of his liking and conquer the world as super power. Hard to control or reason with such person, when he has absolute power of his country, in his hands.

And the one to stop him fulfilling them is Russia at the end while with UK/US that is been their most favored child especially UKs, that is when turkey as is her history will stub any one in the back to get to target and that is the time Russia if not ready will have a very dangerous situation in her hands that is not solved with politics but with all out wars.

To my opinion this will not end well.


(…Greek politicians are just employees either for Soros or promoting NWO orders agenda, which seems to be one and the same. So they do what the UK/USrael tells them to do…)

A sad truth. The Greeks are getting worse these days. They are becoming a complete EU/U$ vassals!

Promitheas Apollonious

The politicians always have been that.


I am sure there is a wave of Western postmodernist mentality and decadence invading Greece. As an ancient land of culture, philosophy and faith, Greece should have joined the godless and the decadent EU and Nato and should have stood on its ground. Sadly in about two decades time, Greece won’t be different from Sweden!


Everybody dreams if they think that Turkey will leave NATO, and all basis nuclear NATO weapons in its territory will be remove. Turkey is just playing the game designed by USA-Israel-NATO to control Russia-Iran in Syria. However, I hope to be wrong.


It seems to me that Turkey is just playing the game designed by USA_Israel-NATO to deceive Russia-Iran.


That is not impossible but is very, very unlikely. Remember that Erdogan was doing the U$’ bidding when he allowed tens of thousands of international jihadists backed by the U$ to go through his country and go into Syria and then what happened? While he was doing that, the U$ and its CIA stabbed Erdogan in the back by organizing a Gulenist/Islamist coup against him and he was almost assassinated moments before Russian intelligence services warned him and that has really broken Erdogan’s trust of the U$ and Nato and unless something big happens that changes all that, which is unlikely at this point, Erdogan will never trust the U$ or Nato again.


Based on your statement that USA-NATO planned this coup, your are right. However, I am not at all convinced that this is what really happened. If you have some references about this, I would appreciate it.


It is true. Look it up. U$ and Nato backed the Gulenist/islamist coup in Turkey. U$ and the West really, really hate Erdogan and call a ‘dictator’ and would overthrow him in a heartbeat at the first opportunity they could get and Erdogan knows this.


No, you’re confused. Your acting as if you are a political junky is ludicrous, soulless, and disgraceful. Ergogan is no angel, and to refer to him as “lesser of two”m evils”, I intuit that you are not qualified to make that call. This is no video game. If you think that it is, you are quite delusional. Lives matter, Sir – and that trump’s your seemingly infatuation with the folly of acting like ‘it is what it is’. Ergogan is smart, yet devious man, and really if the lesser of two evils theory works, surprise, it’s really Russia. They at least respect Syria’s government to a decent degree and are being used to fight the enemy vs Ergogan who is audaciously working with terrorists. Him and the terrorists need to leave.


You didn’t provide any alternative to what I said above.


Notice how the zionist troll tries to paper over the difficult FACT- ie., that Assad demanded NATO Turk forces be kept out of Syria, which Putin over-ruled. And That Erdogan has called for the elimination of Assad over and over and over again.

Trolls hope you either IGNORE facts or never learn them in the first place.

This is called CONTOLLING THE NARRATIVE- in other words creating and selling a fairytale. The JEWISH method- the kremlin method. The Deep State method.

Turkey is about as absolute an enemy of Iran as you can get- crack open a history book (as if you people here would ever read- ha) to learn why. But the animosity is similar to that which historically exists between Britain and France, or France and Germany. And we all know how between wars, the leaders of France and Britain, or France and Germany are always depicted as hugging one another- to fool the peasants.

Turkey = NATO, currently playing an MI6 crafted long game with perfect success against Putin. Iran is doing the same as when Soviet Russia arranged an alliance with its blood enemy Nazi Germany to buy time before WW2 really got started. And Russia is there because Putin is literally that thick.

Assad is neither that thick or that servile. Which is why he will never be at a meeting where Turkey, Iran and Russia are in a mutual hug.


Politics is a dirty game but if you know how to play it well, like Putin does, then you can make your moves and calculations ahead of time and take your chances. Sometimes you win big but also you can lose. But is worth trying.

Richard M

Good analysis, but the gratuitous insult to your readers is not helpful.


I appreciate you for reminding people about the treacherous Turkey. There’s a right and wrong way to do things, And, there is nary a reason why Ergogan shouldn’t be seen as a Trojan horse for nato – if anyone ever pays attention, Turkey’s style is to play all sides, and to keep getting away with it. To me, it’s as clear as night and day. If I’m missing something please tell me.

Ergogan’s lip service regarding the Palestiniam cause is just that. His begging to be a part of the EU, and his inviting the US to partner in their illegal occupation in Syria are red herrings of deceit, and he does it in broad daylight. Trying to keep the enemy close is one thing, but how far will Putin go to sell a S400?


Suka blyat

Feudalism Victory

The tectonic plates set loose by the defeat of isis are moving rapidly now.

Related to a saudi syrian reconciliation? Arab vs turk vs persian?(with qatar allied with turkey)

Id expect egypt to weigh in soon.

Winner: ? Take your bets Israel Turkey Arab coalition Iranian coalition


Wahhabis have to bite the Dust for sure….as Soon as the threat of War is over for Iran…I believe they will be the most Intelligent to claim a leading role…

Roger Snellman

Assad was not in the mood for all the bending over and boot licking that weekend. Maybe this weekend. He deserves it for being a traitor to his people.


If you want to make any headway on this forum Roger , you will have to post better crap than you are now.

Is Velercraptor your mentor ?

Boris Kazlov

@Stinkman, Is this how you are antiwar? All you want is President Al-Assad to surrender his country to U$AIPAC, you prick it is easy to see where you are coming from, antiwar my ass, ZIonist enabler yes.

Roger Snellman

How many more battles until the mostly Sunni Syrian Army is killed off and Hezbollah/Iran turns Syria Shia? Wonder how many Sunnis are taking bullets in the back?


You are obviously new here Mr. Snellman.. the relationship between Sunni & Shia seem to be pretty O.K. These ISIS-Wahhabi-Al-Zenki-Qaeda-Nusra-FSA-HTS-Jaysh-al-Saudi-SLF-Takfiri Headchoppers are the real Troublemakers….Israhell & the AngloZioNazis Created & Financed them for their Yinon Plan and Beyond…they needed a New Enemy after the Cold War… Terrorists were the Answer: Foreign & Domestic…Divide & Conquer..Loot Countries..bomb the fuck out of’m so that your contractors can rebuild it.. and tou can buy everything really cheap because it is damaged anyway…Imperialistic shit and all that…pretty complicated and yet very simple..


IS it possible for Russia to understand that Turkey is an invasor country in Syria, and Syria just hate Turkey ? Russia allowed Turkey to invade Syria, it is its responsibility to get Turkey out of Syria, and Turkey must return the conquered land to its owner (Syria)

Boris Kazlov

Dude, Russia is playing Turkey against U$AIPAC and its military bases in Syria, let Turks do the dirty work of eliminating Kurds and LGBTQ murikans.


While Syria protest, they and Russia need Turkey to weaken US position with the Kurds. This way once US is gone, if ever, Turkey can be controlled by the Bear and a good bloodly nose!


Putin has made a big mistake with Assad. Turkey is an invader country on Syria !!!, and Turkey has done this with permission of Russia. Russia now must tell Turkey to return the conquered land in Syria to their real owners (Syria people). This meeting is an stupidity !! and unacceptable by Syria.

Jim Prendergast

Surely Assad and his people wish that all these foreigners would just leave them alone, Especially U.S., Britain, France, Saudi and Israel.


Bashar Assad is nobodies vassal. He only serves the Syrian people.


Congratulation to Assad for his decision, my full support to him.


While Syria has no love for Backstabbing Terrorist supporting and stealing Turkey. They do serve a purpose now. They can kill the Backstabbing US backed Kurds, with immunity from US attack that Syria does not enjoy. And it the long run Turkey can be contained by Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syrial, through trade and common needs!

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