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MARCH 2025

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

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Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

On March 18, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad visited frontlines in the East Ghouta region, the Syrian Presidency Office reported. During his visit, al-Assad met with several officers and soldiers of the Syrian Republican Guard.

“Every bullet you fired to kill a terrorist, you were changing the balance of the world with it … Each tank driver was moving one meter forward, he was changing the political map of the world,” al-Assad told a gathering of Syrian officers and soldiers according to the Syrian Presidency Office.

Later, the Syrian president met with civilians who had been recently evacuated by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies from the militant-held areas in the East Ghouta region.

Syrian pro-government activists viewed al-Assad’s visit as a “declaration of victory” in the ongoing battle in the East Ghouta region. Previously, Al-Assad visited several areas right before its liberation, including the key district of Baba Omro in the city of Homs and the Daraya district west of Damascus.

Earlier, several Syrian pro-government and opposition sources reported that the Damascus government and militants in East Ghouta had been about to reach an evacuation deal. The Ministry of Defense of Russia also revealed that more than 68,000 civilians had been evacuated from the militant-held areas.

These developments suggest that the battle in the East Ghouta region is about to end. However, radical elements among the militants can for sure sabotage any peaceful efforts, as they had done many times before.

Photos of al-Assad’s visit to East Ghouta:

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

Syrian President Visits Frontlines In East Ghouta, Meets SAA Soldiers, Displaced Civilians (Videos, Photos)

By the Syrian Presidency Office, click to see the full-size image

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Michał Hunicz

Go Bashar The Lion!

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

Bashar The Dog of Russia

Michał Hunicz

Die in hell you k*rd.


Fehim needs a dose of Zyclon ‘B’.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

cry bitch

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Turks will always be the little bitch dogs of the Anglo Zio Empire as they are too weak like the other lap dogs to do other than yip yap and nip at heels.

That Guy

His name is Turkish he is a Turk.


US the bitch of Israel!!

roberto silveira

Fehim, the amerika’s dirty poodle.

Acko Manah

I want to know what Fehim would do if he/she was Assad? Choice: ISIS or Russia. It’s pretty obvious what any person would pick. If USA wanted Assad out they should have given Syrians something better than head chopping ISIS. USA made the choice for Syrians real simple.


You The Dog of USA.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Woof, woof! Dogs bite back and can make you mad. Looks like the US/EU/NATO/GCC gang have got rabies because their “Assad must go” collective fart exploded in their sick faces. WOOF!WOOF!!!

Richard M



You can throw insults, but you lost, your head choppers failed you. Victory to the innocent, and death to the scum in Washington who planned this appalling crime.

Acko Manah

Assad saw his nation nearly go to ISIS. Assad had a choice: Ask Russia for help : or watch Syrian turn into hell on Earth. He made the right decision. Would you let your home go to ISIS? Really think and tell me? Would you let your family be ruled by a bunch of savage cannibals? I pick a dictator over cannibals any day. Assad may not be close to perfect but if you have dinner with him you won’t be the main meal.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is Salafi crazed radical what can you expect of these simple minded fools.

Don't read butthurt replies

Only the stupid and pathetic walking abortion US government likes to call other president who they do not have any control of/over like to call dictator.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why does a Lhasa Apso open it’s mouth only to yap and yip like some bitch dog in heat!

jerry hamilton

It seems perfectly clear that his people do not have a problem with him.


President Assad is a true leader of his people and his unassuming manner only serves to reinforce his aura if civil authority.

A courageous man indeed.


Tudor Miron

Bravo, president Assad. I remember Putin in 1990 on 31/12/99 visiting soldiers in Gudermes/Chechnia. https://dletopic.ru/blog/43367315408/Vladimir-Putin-vo-vremya-vizita-v-CHechnyu.-31-dekabrya-1999-god Leaders that don’t afraid to get in touch with those that are risking their lives while fallowing their commanders orders – those leaders are trusted by their people. Assad impressed me in 2014-15 when he didn’t flee his country and kept fighting when nobody gave him more than a month. Keeps doing the right thing in contrast to loud mouth western “leaders”.


Yes and his wife is as courageous as he is.

Acko Manah

What is this thing you got about his wife? Ok she is gorgeous but find your own woman! Hands off Asma Mr. Pervy. She is already married.


Your drivel does not take away from the fact that she has stood by her husbands side with her children during these dreadful years of US sponsored terrorism.

She is British by the way and could have easily fled but she did not.

To me, that fact alone displays her tremendous courage.

Acko Manah

Obviously she is a loyal and brave person. You don’t have a good sense of humor.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They forget she is an ardent secularist like her husband and his family and is Sunni so you see she knows the war isn’t sectarian but agrarian imperialism.


You are absolutely right about Leaders not fleeing their country and stay with their people…. them express True Leadership not many around like that these days…the first thing “our” Dutch Queen & the Government did when the Germans conquered Holland… was taking the boat to England……that’s like a Captain leaving ship when it’s sinking….. the passengers still on it, left to drown….

Acko Manah

Assad has a steel pair of them! I mean he exposed himself to possible mortar and other attacks. Makes his soldiers more willing to fight when he is next to them.


I can imagine his Soldiers want to fight for him…. they know this is the Only Man at the moment that can keep Syria together & bring unity….he’s a Brave Leader…Soldiers will fight Strong….the West will get in Deep Trouble if they chose to stay…. they better leave…

Acko Manah

It does say something. The Shah of Iran ran twice. One time he was saved by the CIA. Next he wasn’t. He had no courage. He ran and let his generals take the punishment. Assad stayed like a real man. It doesn’t matter if you are for or against him. At least he shows courage. Assad is not a “dictator” his people love him and that is why he gets to walk around in Ghouta and be perfectly safe protected by his people. They like him and he doesn’t need to use force.





I didn’t know if you already read about it so that’s why I posted it…

Richard M

The unscripted delight of Syrians and SAA to greet their leader says a lot. Totally rubbishes the lies of the Axis of Evil!

Bjorn Metaal

Look it’s a bunch of Putin chearleaders. Ik ga broko!!


You know the best, USA cheerleader.

Robert Duran

F**k You..Terrorist scum

Bjorn Metaal

Yea nice thinking you are probably a stupid piece of chit who can’t handle a joke. I have never seen such a bunch salty bunch of idiots who are fucking programmed tho scream bullshit and then leave a huge pile of chit all over the world. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65b63c3c24b21537a2448841f63bd2f22b855fae736e746fc91e10375576da37.png

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You can Trump about, if you like. What a joke!


Fuck you respectively


He walk’s freely between his people ,Bush never did, oBama neither, Drump even less !


True and the American Presidents are always in their Tank cars or behind some 5inch glass, to be afraid of your own people, what presidents are those, that means your people don’t want you and you are hiding from them, look Assad look at Putin, examples to be made.When was a last time an US president seat on table and discuss stuff, like putin does on many summits, free to ask everything, and you will get an answer. Imagine this in the Neoconic American Gov., Hah lol.


far not. he wlaaks freely between several dozens, who were thoroughly chosen.

bush, obama, trump freely walk between people. trump lived long in his hotel.

you idiots really make a championship, who can lie more!



jerry hamilton

Too early to cheer. America is far from finished. They do not easily wear a clown hat.


Dunce cap fits them well at the moment.

jerry hamilton

It does. I can’t see them backing off though.


True, however, they have been forced to leave places they were not wanted in. In Vietnam they had to cling on to helicopters to make their escape as their Technological Empire came crashing down around them. These people Curtis LeMay said “we will bomb them back into the stone age”. Well after almost 8million tons of high explosive, the Vietnamese people were not quite ready to settle for a stone age society and fucked those Yankees right out of their country like a fox getting rid of its fleas.

jerry hamilton

True. They have however killed millions more people since then and no longer feel the need to cover up the bad things they do. The media does that for them. To back out now would be to lose face in the eyes of the world and put Russia firmly on top. Do you think America can accept moving to 2nd place?


I am jelous of the syrian people since they have got a really a decent guy as president. When dust settles in Syria, I will have a few weeks holiday there, when Tigers and The Republican Guards send all sorts of the jihadists and all the US colloborators to where they belong to. It seems to me a nice country of nice people worth seeing properly. It seems to me that Basar Assad is kind of like Jeremy Corbyn of the labour party in UK.


Me too man I will go for Damascus and for Aleppo but not now when all shit settle down.

Velva Goins

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Moscow slams ‘illegal’ US presence in Syria.

Cheryl Brandon

Skripal attempted murder plot was a plot to force Russia out of Syria;It has not worked.


The UK disinformation to influence the Russian election badly foiled.

jerry hamilton

The UK disinformation to influence the Russian election was a joke.


Now Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan could open their military bases in Jordan, Syria and Palestine and could arm and train Jordanian, Syrian and Palestinian army. They have not helped Jordanians, Syrians and Palestinians at the beginning to save their countries from US and Israeli migrants and this was a big mistake. Still they can open their military bases in Jordan, Syria and in Palestine if they want to protect their brother country from further human and land loses. Please don’t let US, UK and France brutal regimes to slaughter Syrians, Palestinians and occupy more Syrian and Palestinian land. —————————————————————————————————————————

You can call me Al

It was a lovely place and some of the old relics were gob smacking. The people I met in DoZ were good as gold, although obvious language problems by me, worked out well.

Cheryl Brandon

Jeremy is under the feet of the WOLF PACK IN UK. Let’s hope he survives.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Me too id like to visit there and Russia and Iran :)))


A decent man… Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t have his oppostion killed and disappear (that was even before the war).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like something Mohammed Bin Salman does in Saudi Arabia,name a person that Assad had disappeared or are you talking about Muslim Brotherhood if not then do explain or go hide under the rock you came from.


jean luc melenchon don,t like jeremy corbin of the labour party!!


Spy poisoning: Corbyn says UK must still do business with Putin =>



Now I know why west doesn’t like like Assad. They envy Assad.


Its not the West but the Western oligarchs and their puppets who don’t like Assad. While the majority of the people don’t know what to think because the propaganda is more prevalent than the news, That is why their are threats against alternative media and a false news campaign. Since the two Kennedy’s American Presidents are only figureheads who serve the Deep State.


Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

The American people have to pay for their crimes, just like the German and Japanese people had to pay for the crimes of their oligarchs.


History Repeats itself…. it seems like there is a system behind it all….keeps on shifting from country to country, who will be next…? Follow the Oligarchs?


Really they don’t care who leads a country, as long as the leader obeys Washington, and pays large amounts of money to people like Clinton. They call it pay to play, and Assad would not betray his country for the greater good of America and Harvey Weinstein, so they want to replace him with Sheik Boris Johnson.


They have good actors in syria……


They learned from your sympathizers …

Tudor Miron

Your envy is obvious.


you can comment my comment above.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

While the other corrupt and servile Arab ” leaders” cower in their palaces. What a contrast! Assad is the true leader of the ENTIRE Arab world, who has defeated the US/EU/NATO/GCC gang.


Indeed they have, for their acting is done in this Theatre of War, on battlefields from one end of the country to the other. In the urban chaos created by Yankee Zionist Scum. Street by street, town by town, city by city. Their acting is of the highest calibre, saving thousands of lives, from throat cutting, head chopping maniacs, who behead children in front of their parents because they failed to attend prayer. I hail this troop of actors for they are the beginning, the beginning of saving us all from a doomed future being scripted by zionist playwrights. I Hail their Leader as they do. All power to the people of Syria and their President, Bashar Al Assad

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Their mission is on behalf of all civilized values, for all humanity.


You are fucking nuts. Evil fighting evil, thats what is happening in syria

jerry hamilton

Were you always stupid or did it creep up gradually? Often it does on true American patriots.



jerry hamilton

On that. I agree.

Christian Gains

A good leader of his People…WORSE THAN SAD, what’s been foisted upon Syria by GLOBALIST FOOLS here,{U.S.}, & in Britain! This simply lays a foundation that “We the People…”,[regardless of how much we resisted the GOVERNMENT “CONTROLLERS”], will pay the same price for; the same that the Syrian PEOPLE have paid, and, most likely, a MUCH MORE SEVERE penalty! {Daniel 11: 32 – 35}…


Note President al-Assad has no body armor on, in a war zone as he visits his very armed troops on the battlegrounds. This Trust and Love.


I wonder can american president do the same ??? The answer is: NO … Asad must stay !!


Before the US invasion, Assad used to drive himself, and his lovely wife to dinner at public restaurants.

Acko Manah

It is pretty sad how Syria was messed up by the “Noble Peace Prize” winner Obama and “The most qualified” Hillary. What an embarrassment to humanity.

They ruined millennia old history. They made millions of refugees. All for what? Thanks Mr. Obama and Sec. Hillary. You really won that prize didn’t you. How low can humans stoop to. Vile; depraved monsters


Civilization has collapsed in Syria but somehow Assad can still have his tux dry cleaned. You don’t need to maintain a professional image anymore, dude. Either way, the war for this region is drawing to a close which is good news for everyone.


civilization has not “collapsed” in Syria. In most of the government held areas, life is largely continuing like normal. If you want to see “collapsed”, visit any rebel held area.


Have you forgotten about how a few years ago the war turned into a murder party with mass disertions/defections, a huge refugee problem, and the rise of ISIS. I’m not blaming any particular person or group, but you could liken this to the fall of Rome.


There’s no question that parts of Syria have been destabilized. All I am saying is that your assertion that its somehow “inappropriate” for Assad to wear a suit because “civilization has collapsed” is a bit outlandish. It’s just a moronic opinion. In government controlled areas, there are thriving businesses and a sense of normalcy including clothing stores and tailor shops. Plenty of people are wearing neat civilian clothing, including suits. There’s nothing out of the ordinary about that. He’s a statesman and frankly I think hardly anyone in Eastern Ghouta gives a shit what he wears. It looks good on him, and only morons would even “notice” something trivial like this.

It’s just a fucking suit, not a golden crown with jewels and silk pajamas. Get over yourself, bitch.


Clearly a pro-Assad sycophant. You can’t stand anything remotely resembling criticism even when the context of my statements do not contain any. If you’re this demeaning to everyone in your life then your marriages won’t last long. Don’t reply to this.


You’re just clearly bleating about retarded irrelevant bullshit. “omg he is wearing a suit, but its the end of civilization”. Total irrelevant horseshit. Plenty of people wear suits and nice clothing, even in the most destitute countries on earth. These things aren’t even that expensive.

“Don’t reply to this”? I’ll do whatever the fuck I want and you’re not going to do a thing about it, dog muncher.


And I just flagged you for harrassment.


Ditto. Now go jack off in a corner and cry yourself to sleep, kid.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Assad must go! Where? To Aleppo! Assad must go! Where? To Palmyra! Assad must go! Where? To Hama! Assad must go! Where? To Eastern Ghouta! Assad must go everywhere as he is the light of all Syria! I hope he is ready, along with Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, for another tantrum attack by the US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israeli gang.


Ready and Able.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I really hope so. The prime poodles of the US, my UK, has declared Russia a terrorist and pariah state. They will justify the killing of Russian soldiers in Syria.


Take a good look at your Politicians…. they should be in a Mental Instution… but because of budget cuts, were released…..It’s time to put these Psychopaths back where they came from…..

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/232b170b2083f41809476867d1ed8872c658fc43fb97d79df465ccbabc838816.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d99577ea93536700695f06114fdcc030c318ef32cecfc553482e4c3e43033e06.jpg

jerry hamilton

God you wouldn’t want to meet either of them on a dark night. Merijn, I can’t help but think you enjoy scaring the shit out of me.


Great You see it too…. I thought I was getting a bit paranoia and started seeing things that were not there….do people think this is normal human behaviour?….how did they ever get in Parliament? Makes you wonder about overall sanity in the West….all these Creations seem to come straight from the Dungeons of Rothschild…..

Acko Manah

Merijn: now I will have nightmares for days or rather for nights. Why did you do this to me? Why did you post these pictures?

These pictures make men gouge their own eyes out.


Just to show how I look at our Western Leaders… good pictures….


God bless and protect him and the people of Syria …!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

East Ghouta was a supposed stepping stone for the American invasion , they may make Qalomoun next attempt not sure as Al Qadam region needs clearing of ISIS and Terrorist groups there.

What the US intended was to break out under a guise of a no fly zone and they needed it to launch during Operation Juniper Cobra from Israel in the south region to enter into Syria. They will try again soon but not at the moment it looks too obvious after the failed attempt in East Ghouta now.


vive the doctor bashar el assad glory for eternity!!!


Most important of all , he keeps Syria as one …. and is Syrians’ only hope to be one.

Imagine Syrians ruled by the Americans , different jihadists in different parts of Syria … wow…

Wonder if Guardian, CNN will report this .. they would have heart attacks.


Well man that was about to happen in 2015 almost if Assad didn’t ask help from Russia that would be Syria today, same as Libya but worse 5x more.


Officially Assad asked Iran and Russia for help. Truth is they are all into it and all have high stakes in the defeat of US/western coalition plots.

Assad’s tiny force could have hardly been able to withstand the onslaught but it became clear soon that the plot was to split up Syria like Libya . Just look at the number of different groups .

So Assad became the ONLY iconic figure to keep Syria as one and hence got the support of all Syrians who want to keep their country as one.

He is on the way … and must be the biggest achievement any man can ever do …. ever vs immense odds.


They’ll report is as Assad present directly to witness his soldiers gas his own people but vile Putin has hacked his people that his people seems glad to be gassed.


Pretty ballsy visiting those former terror errr, I mean civilians…


Don’t be idiot there is kids there and women, maybe there are some of them mix in those crowds but 1 rule of war is never kill civilians especially women and children.

jerry hamilton

During WW2 that is exactly what America and Britain did to Germany’s cities. The targets were civilians. They were never held to account.


The presidential visit to such a front is definitely moral boosting for the soliders, it reinforces their purpose there and gives an assurance that, they are being thought about at the diplomatic level.


Think- you’d need balls of steel to choose to do this. Assad knows the west operated by infiltrating every level and aspect of Syria after his disasterous decision to join president Bush’s “war on terror” in 2001. In no way could Assad be certain that one of the people he would meet would not be an assassin.

But Assad knows how many ordinary syrians have lost their lives at the hand’s of Blair and Clinton’s demonic actions, so clearly feels he must be prepared to share the risk to prove solidarity with the people.

But then again, Putin would also have exerted extreme pressure on Assad to make this visit, since Putin needs ‘success’ in East Ghouta to act as a smokescreen, so people don’t ask why Putin personally allowed Turkey (NATO) to invade Syria (against Assad’s very explicit objections).

Putin won’t even sell Assad the s-300 air defense systems (whereas Putin has sold the s-400 to Turkey, and offered it to Saudi Arabia and Israel). Putin carefully ensures Syria remains without any independent method to protect itself. Just as Israel demanded.

PS make a very carefully note of the names of all the people here cheering the turkish slaughter of the kurds. They are zionist agents exposing themselves.

leon mc pilibin

Assad and Putin,genuine Presidents of the People.



Oh shit, these russians are incorrigible!

146% (pict)

and falsing in voting room. of course the fűhrer wins with 72%



of course, trolls like florian geyer and tudor miron will explain the unexplainable


Nice move from Assad!

Did he try also meet Harasta?

You can call me Al

> 100%


that is the point :)

leon mc pilibin

In israhell the people want their crime minister put in jail where he belongs.

jerry hamilton

In Britain we want that for a few of ours.

Cheryl Brandon

So, let me get this clear on a snowy pm in London. 1. We have a CIA asset leading Jordan . 2. We have a Crime Minister heading Israhell 3. We have a Wahabhist Chief Buyer of the world’s arms leading Saudi Arabia and, my government here in the UK wants to tell me that, I need or must FEAR Russia and Dr Bashar Al Assad?????, You can pardon me for wanting to vomit???hahaha The world must put their FEAR in the right place; AXIS OF EVILDOERS eg USA/UK/Israhell/Saudi Arabia. Well done SAA soldiers?

jerry hamilton

Repeat after me. You must fear Russia. You must fear Russia. You must Love Teresa May. You must Love Teresa May. You must Hate Jeremy Corbyn. You must hate Jeremy Corbyn. You are required to be a good little Briton. Resistance is futile.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Very nice :))) certainly a morale booster for sure :)))

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