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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Pound Militant Positions In Greater Idlib As Erdogan Lands In Moscow

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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Pound Militant Positions In Greater Idlib As Erdogan Lands In Moscow

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On March 5, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) carried out a series of airstrikes on terrorist positions in Greater Idlib .

According to opposition sources, the airstrikes targeted many areas in the southern and southeastern Idlib countryside as well as in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

The intense airstrikes coincided with the arrival of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Moscow, where is set to discuss the recent escalation in Greater Idlib face-to-face with President Vladimir Putin.

Before the meeting, Putin offered the Turkish President his condolences over the death of Turkish troops in Syria. The Russian President also noted that Syrian troops had likewise sustained losses.

“We must definitely discuss everything, the entire situation we have today, so that similar things […] never happen again and so that […] it does not destroy the Russian-Turkish relations, which we — and I know that you too — treat carefully and prize highly,” Putin said, according to the TASS news agency.

From his side, Erdogan said that the Russian-Turkish relations are still strong, emphasizing that the two countries should further develop their cooperation.

Turkey is actively supporting militants in Greater Idlib. Turkey’s support is not limited to arms supplies. Turkish artillery and combat drones are providing the militants with direct fire support.

Putin and Erdogan will hold a private meeting later to discuss the situation in Greater Idlib in details. The meeting could end with the declaration of a new ceasefire in the Syrian region, or even a full settlement agreement.

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not impressed by the putin-erdogan meeting …putin was so passive telling the world he doesn’t want war with turkey and he values turkish relations and that the saa took heavy losses also saying that russia is sorry for the dead turk rats …after all the backstabing by erdogan smh…disappointed but not surprised

Lone Ranger

Putin is Always like that, but on the ground he delivers. I look at his trackrecord. He is legit.Also a major war with Turkroaches wouldnt benefit anybody.




That is called being polite and praising your “partner”. It’s how things should be done and i could write a hole book on why but i won’t

Mack Dane

Putin has begun the talks by begging Sultan Erdogan for forgiveness for the foolish escapades of his Russian military. Putin has promised it will not happen again. Let’s see if Erdogan accepts Putin’s grovelling apology.


You dont know what was said behind closed doors. Russia saved Syria and many russian heroes died because of saving Syria. Dont be ungrateful, Russia is not going to give Syria to Erdodog.


He is being unfair and impulsive and impatient (like majority here)

All EXTREMELY BAD qualities in world politics you can imagine…. he has them probably


Those are just words Russian airplanes are still bombing and they will never stop till it is over -They keep lid of secrecy and make boring public announcement ! This is not circus but “world politics” another kind of circus

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad isis operators… May they rest in pieces…


With one piece missing !

(Dickless) :))


They are more brainless than anything


I love the most that video ….when they celebrate downing of Turk drone thinking it was Russian :-))



Porc Halal

Crazy turkish imam…


Porc Halal

More of this crazy turkish imam-nazi dumbfuck…



One solution is to take back the Golan heights using Turkish and IS fighters and for the Kurds to be chemically poisoned using the white helmet chemical team


Watch it you Syrian dog, do one move against us in the Golan Heights and we are coming to destroy Demascus. Don’t push your luck, Gantz is not Bibi.


deal with gaza first and hezbollah then worry about damascus


We will deal with all of you at the same time, carpet bombings till nothing is left. Then IDF ground forces will finish the job. Hamas are scared shit of Gantz, you should see how happy they were when Bibi declared he won – only he didn’t.

Wahid Algiers

Big zio mouths as anytime – can’ t see such big mouths against the Good Germans – zionists were the traitors of normal european jews – zionists in Israel are nothing without the US – again: start with Hezbollah you turd.


Come and test us then.


Netanyehu brags about evacuating hundreds of encircled Al-Qaeda “white helmets” from Syria!




I don’t care what Bibi has done, I don’t take this traitor seriously. A new dawn is coming to Israel, no more rockets on Israeli civilians, we will wipe them all out and anyone else that supports them.


But why is Israel supporting ISIS & Al-Qaeda?


Fuck ISIS and HTS, you think I give a shit about them? they are like Hamas. They all need to die.


But you think that about all of us goyim.


How do you know what I think? are you a mind reader? have I ever said here I want non-jews dead? don’t make up bullshit. I only want us to destroy our Islamic enemies, untill they are all dead.


If you are Jew you believe ALL non Jews are animals in human skins. If you don’t believe that then you aren’t a Jew. A Jew killing a goyim can only be guilty of cruelty to animals…


Why do you support them and arm them?

Wahid Algiers

Start with Hezbollah you fucking victim.


Their time will come too.


That is not so far fatched !! I am only puzzled who is going to remove their precious JEWhadists and where? TRAVEL ORGANIZATIONS: USA, Turks, Israel

They will send Jewhadi tourist in different places…Yemen, Afghanistan, Libiya atc….plenty of places so they still can’t decide…


You wanna look forward to suk rumsfields dk,only gonna end up getting shitfaced n all! Gantz is a nazi,putin would decimate the mason clown and his inferiors too easy! Bibi on the other hand did martial arts with putin,which makes him far more tougher,fool!


Dude, there is what 7 million Israelis against 400 million “hostile” neighbors? How long do you think you will keep this up? Of course in your small mind you think Israel will always have an upper hand against its neighbors. Let me educate you: it will take long – could even be another 20 or 50 or 100 years, it doesn’t matter – but Israel will have to be destroyed. Do you see yourself surviving against a people outnumbering you by a factor of over 50?


When all Muslim unite and attack Israel they will jump into the sea and swim back where they came from


Or they will all be vaporized.

Wahid Algiers

Shut up you filthy zionist.


Go die Islamic pig.


The bast solution is to fill up moderate terrorists Jewhadists with chlorine gas and helium (put tube up their arse and fill them up ) to make big terrorist balloons out of them and send them back flying to Israel to their Masters to explode over terrorist Israel.

Friend of Russia

You are very imaginative

Joe Doe

SAA need push forward, while militans age bomb. Waiting does not help.


Exactly! No let up the bombing and Idlib offensive until the terrorists and their allies are neutralized!


“militans age bomb”?! whut?


The bombing is to clear the path for passage to lower casualties while depriving them of good defensive spots. The problem is as long as the SAA does close the Turkish-Syrian crossing hardware and soldiers keep coming. It take longer to clear the path.

Joe Doe

This is what I was writing for weeks. SAA need cut the Turkey supply road at Batabu


Let us wait a little to see the result of these talks. Even though Putin has pleased Erdogan man times before, I am not sure he will continue to pleasing him since Russia has realized that Turkey has been followed USA-Israel-NATO plans to destroy Syria.

Mack Dane

Putin has begun the talks by begging Sultan Erdogan for forgiveness for the foolish escapades of his Russian military. Putin has promised it will not happen again. Let’s see if Erdogan accepts Putin’s grovelling apology.

Lone Ranger

:_) Lay down the crack kiddo…



Rafik Chauhan

we are human that’s why we cry for our dead . unlike you stone hearted whabhi Zionist animal scum doesn’t even have mercy for child while beaheading.


Good answer Rafik




No goat harmed While when you do it……you grab them by the horns…….do some horrible Kama Sutra with them……after a while….goats are not only covered with blood but squeaking like pigs !!!

Why such rough sex with the goats? ?!? WHY?!?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turds hear the word “kids” and they immediately go berserk.



Xoli Xoli

After Putin Erdogan closed door meeting Erdogan will definitely fly or phone Trump to brief him about the secrets to enable the destruction strategy.


turkish soldier saying in leaked audio that in the first strike 55 were dead and the 2nd strike 30 so the number of dead turks in the syrian attack was 85….hyper911 and other turk rats here can translate and confirm



I will wait till “TURK Twitter ” confirms that news! :-))))))))))))))))) If situation continues Turk defense minister will be forced to declare 2 000 000 SAA soldiers killed !

Porc Halal

=-))))…wonder if he realize how ridiculous he is…


Need translation

Legis Legis Juscius

Putin is raping Erdogan, look at erdogans face, he looks so desperate :DDD


Erdogan is sodomite and he prefers it rough …so I am not sure about “rape” He wanted more… so they have introduced him to the stallion :-)


almayadeen reporter in moscow : meeting will annouce joint turkish/russian patrols in the new military map zone …


that was fast ….as news

Tim Williams

speculation at this point …

Tim Williams

SARMIN still being hammerred …


Porc Halal

Hey Putin, we need more good news like this…

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan wants to be babysit by Putin and Trump just like Satanyahu. Erdogan give the impression to the world that being a NATO member you can just do as you like and invade countries to destroy like you want.Without being arrest or prosecuted or criticize by UN and other states.

Xoli Xoli

No condolences to stupid Turkey terrorists merge soldiers. It is good their died for invading Syria. Arrest Erdogan if he lands in Turkey.

Tim Williams

shoot his plane down with one of his own drones

Xoli Xoli

I want him and his oil.thieft son to be pull around in Turkey streets.

Xoli Xoli

Hi Tim I am really impressed by the way how you guys obtained useful links with on time news.


In that game, The one more interested in negociating is Erdogan, clearly because he is in bad shape. Putin does not need any negociation. Erdogan is trying to gain time, expecting to enhance Turkish defense strucures meanwhile….

Tim Williams

meeting is now over


Tim Williams

reports on a massive airstrike on dozens of RAT vehicles … unable to verify at this point


Tim Williams


Tim Williams

RuAF was intensely bombing this area a short while ago



looks like no agreement have been made


“The Russian President also noted that Syrian troops had likewise sustained losses.” Actually he said Syria had suffered Heavy losses. And then started making excuses for the attack that killed the invading Turks. Politics.


Putin was shifting in his seat telling Erdogan about his dead Turkish troops. He was obviously uncomfortable telling Erdogan that he was so stupid to let his men get embedded among “terrorist” ranks. It is as if to say “but why would you do that?” I have a feeling prolly 100 Turkish soldiers died in those air strikes and it was the Russian Air Force

Rhodium 10

Turkey is a US NATO member..and play in the same team with Israel and Saudi Arabia…other thing is the economic ties between Russia and Turkey…but Turkish army is the NATO force vs SAA and Russia know it!…the purpose is to build pseudocalifates…Idlib,Kosovo, Chechenia( failed), Daguestan ( failed), Bosnia, Macedonia( failed), Albania, Libya,Egypt ( failed)….all of them have been backed by Turkey.

Tim Williams




Mr Churchill said: “We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing; but let us not forget for a moment the toil and efforts that lie ahead”

Any ceasefire yet?????

Tim Williams

no … nothing announced


what the heck is going on in the Kremlin?Is Vald suffocating Erdogan ?? lol

Tim Williams

chainsaws are out and dismembering his carcass now


After the dismemberment, Vlad should feed it to his dogs.

Tim Williams

That had to hurt …


Tim Williams

Moscow meeting was 3 hours … ERDO cried for 2 1/2 hours of it


Constellation 2023

Yeah well Puta Putin is actively supporting the murderuous regime of Assad and its terrorist militia who have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and forced the migration of more than 10 million in their own country of Syria.

Tim Williams

piss off putz


You mean the US/Saudi/Israeli plan for regime change & backing all flavour of Jihadis to wage war on Syria has forced the migration of millions.

Zoran Aleksic

Finally, someone with a sense of humour. In all this gloom and doom.


You support Al-Queda. Congratulations – you’re a subhuman piece of shit. Does it feel as good as it sounds?

Tim Williams

somehow the so called migrants have managed to get themselves guns and are firing on Greek troops at the border ….


Tim Williams

hammerings continue …


Tim Williams

the idiots continue their insanity …


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