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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Resume Airstrikes On Greater Idlib

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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Resume Airstrikes On Greater Idlib

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In the afternoon of December 27, Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) resumed their combat operations in the so-called Greater Idlib region.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), Syrian and Russian airstrikes targeted several towns in the southeastern Idlib countryside. The airstrikes also targeted the M5 highway, leading to the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man.

Three days ago, a heavy rain storm forced the SyAAF and the VKS to halt their operations in Greater Idlib. Despite this the SAA held onto its newly-established positions there and even captured few new towns.

The resumption of Syrian and Russian aerial operation will not likely lead to new gains on the ground as Greater Idlib is still experiencing very bad weather conditions.

The bad weather conditions are expected to last for another week at least. During this period al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies may try to launch counter-attacks to regain the lost territories.

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While in the nation of the “brave and free” some guy is defecating in the middle of the store. I suppose that is perfectly normal for “exceptional nation” that spreads “freedom” and “democracy” to those who can’t defend themselves from that “freedom” and “democracy”. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3ZJI6U0AA5aeb.jpg

Gary Sellars

It’s OK cuz its a protected-minority like a “trans-man” and their right to shit on our floors transcends our rights for a shit-free walking surface…..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Lmao where was this?


Well poop radar has the strongest signals in California in general. In those surroundings more or less.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Lol no its just too funny

Concrete Mike

Well mental illness is not a joke sir.

This poor fellow is obviously seriously ill.

Shame on you for posting that!

Gary Sellars

Go ged’em boys… YEEEEEE-HAAAAA!!!!


Dec. 27, 2019 – U.S. civilian contractor was killed & several U.S. troops wounded in a rocket attack targeting an Iraqi base in Kirkuk, Iraq.


U.S. is of no value to the citizens of Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan; and the Department of Defense is using these countries for laundering taxpayers monies. U.S. Congress just approved 2020 spending $738 billion for United States Department of Defense. Department of Defense are thieves. Department of Defense must be investigated and audited, accounting for every penny spent. Taxpayers want the thieves in jail. This $738 billion should go to fixing and building new infrastructure, and for a National Healthcare System. “America First” means spending taxpayer monies on the comfort, welfare and prosperity of Americans. U.S. has wasted $6 trillion of taxpayer monies on unending invader wars since 2001 (a lot of this taxpayer money was stolen by the U.S. Department of Defense).

Dec. 27, 2019 – Japan’s plan, sending naval troops to Mideast; Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained plan to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani when he visited Tokyo; Japan has friendly ties with Iran; seeks to play a greater role in restoring stability in the region. (!!! uh-oh’ !!! Looks like Japan is going to protect its oil and gas contracts, and get involved in helping liberate Syria and/or help rebuild Syria.)

Dec 26, 2019 – Chinese destroyer Xining arrived in the Gulf (Chabahar Port) in southeastern Iran for joint military exercises with Russia and Iran.

Understand human behavior – these countries named above, including Russia, are not going to allow the U.S. to interrupt their business deals, contracts they have with Middle East countries.

TRUMP’S ALIENATED U.S. POLICIES IS NOT WORKING ON BUILDING FRIENDSHIPS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES; AND COULD CAUSE WWIII Trump has to stop tripping on “ego acid” (building up his ego, to destroy his ego later on). …Trump thinks that he has a good relationship with Saudi Arabia, this is delusional. When the crap hits the fan, the Saudis will not side with the U.S. The United States has more enemies then we do friends. Trump’s intel people are constantly lying to him to keep the unending invader wars going so the Department of Defense can continue to use these countries for laundering taxpayers monies. Follow the money and you will be enlightened. U.S. federal discretionary spending the U.S. Congress allocates each year, MORE THAN HALF GOES TO DEFENSE !!!


THIS IS GREAT NEWS Dec. 27, 2019 – Turkish backed terrorist gangster jihadists from Syria will be deployed by Turkey to Libya to fight for the “Government of National Accord” !!! These terrorist gangster jihadists love killing for that Turkish money; these thugs can do it in Libya instead of Syria. Maybe, all these terrorist gangster jihadists will move to Libya and will take their families with them.

Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies keep liberating Syria; I am sending more prayers for victories.


With you there, but I’m hoping that Haftar, Greece and Egypt send them to the 72 virgins on their way to Tunis or from Tunis to Tripoli. The Chinese drones of the LNA carry 8 times the weight of Erdogan’s drones.


Has nothing to do with “Trump’s “ego acid”” or Trump. It is part of US permanent followed policy. Followed by every US president as an obligation. His hands are tied in many things so. He tries to makes some moves with as little freedom of movement as he has. The only full freedom that exists is to step down. Presidents can make only cosmetic changes but major guide lines are not to be changed and must be respected by every president at all times and situations. Bipartisan politics is distraction, US are not democracy any more for quite some time.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

I agree with everything u said, I just hope Libya doesn’t get overrun by those shithadists like syria was, and hope that LNA will still win

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The resumption of Syrian and Russian aerial operation will not likely lead to new gains on the ground as Greater Idlib is still experiencing very bad weather conditions.”

But it isn’t stopping the terrorists, they’re launching a counter attack right now, so why is it the rain helps the terrorists but hinders the SAA and Russia. I smell a ceasefire brewing.

Liberal guy

Even if the coward s counter attack still they will not win but our friend Ariel will always say so called moderate rebels will win hahahahaha

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