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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Resume Airstrikes On Militants’ Positions In Idlib And Aleppo

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Syrian, Russian Warplanes Resume Airstrikes On Militants’ Positions In Idlib And Aleppo

2712070 10/04/2015 Russian servicemen attach a Kh-25 high-precision missile to a Su-24 aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Dmitriy Vinogradov/RIA Novosti

On February 8, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) resumed their combat operations in northwest Syria, targeting militants’ positions in Idlib and Aleppo.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the airstrikes targeted the towns of Kafr Nouran, Kafr Hamrah, Khan al-Asal and the 46th Brigade Base in the western Aleppo countryside as well as the town of Taftanaz in the eastern countryside of Idlib.

A heavy rain storm affected northwest Syria two days ago, forcing the SyAAF and the VKS to halt their operations in the region.

Despite the lack of close air support, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced in southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo. The army captured dozens of towns and villages, including al-Eis.

The SAA is now advancing along the Damascus-Aleppo highway, officially known as the M5. The SyAAF and VKS will likely boost the army’s already rapid advance.

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Well by some God miracle it would be nice Russian or Syrian jets to accidentally hit and destroy a turkish observation post. That would be nice.


If Turkey launched a combined arms offensive with its entire military capacity it would be in Damascus in one week. Turkish air power would neutralize Russian/Syrian air support and Turkish infantry, cavalry, and artillery would crush Syrian ground forces. Russia could not interfere short of strategic arms which Putin would never do.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan does not have a chance with that old crap rusty trucks and outdate USA tanks as well as I’ll trained Turkey soldiers.


Even with the newer tanks like their Leopaard 2A5s. This tank is not for urban warfare, and if used there it needs a clear tactic, and lots of ground protection. Obviousely the cleansing of the turkish army after the coup eliminated the remaining brain, and what is left does not realy raise the bar on the intelligence meter.

Xoli Xoli

True Turkey oppressive regime officials watch too much Hollywood movie of chuck Norris and Terminator.


‘Turkish air power would neutralize Russian/Syrian air support’- Russian S400s would neutralise any Turkish plane attacking them


You say it aswell about the IDF, but the truth is we can crush Syria and Lebanon combined in a ground offensive in less than a week. Never test us in a full war, it won’t be good for your health.

Xoli Xoli

Turkey does not have physical war experience.


The only ones pushing for war seems to be Israel they are doing all the attacking on their neighbours. Remind us how many times Iran has attacked Israel, or Hezbollah for that matter.


Iran is attacking us everyday using their proxies, every rocket Hamas or Islamic Jihad shoots towards Israel, is because of Iran. Hezbollah also got alot of help, like the good puppets they are in Lebanon. Just remember, our incompetent leadership right now won’t last forever, and a new Israeli PM won’t accept this situation. if the IDF gets the order to go to an all out war with our enemies, then they will be on their own. P.S in 2006 we used just 10K troops and we almost crossed the Litani river even though they had many fortifications, now imagine what 150K IDF troops can do.

Wolfgang Wolf

shit their pants, what else))

Concrete Mike


Imagine if israel could be honnest for once!


And who does Qatar supports? that’s right Iran. Islamic Jihad is pure Iranian proxy, you can find alot of info about it.


Iran did not seize the land of the Palestinian people in Palestine, nor did Iran deprieve the Palestinians their basic rights. Did Iran ever bomb the government of Palestine in Gaza? Or shoot on Children? Or send killer squads abroad to kill Palestinian leaders, like the one in Dubai some years ago? You should read about what Mossad and Shin Bet are doing, and what they claim as their rights when breaking any basic rules. Did you ever wonder where Shin Bet got it’s motto from and how you would translate it in German: It would be Geheime Staastspolizei GESTAPO.

Tudor Miron

Same way you did it in 2006? You’re mistaking shooting unarmed kids with real fighting.


Tudor, if we have to go to a real war and not just operation, then their casualties will be the last thing we would care about.

Lazy Gamer

Is that the pulse of the rank and file? indiscriminate mass killings result in it returned the same way. It may also be enough to remove your victim card. I just hope that the UN responds fast and deploys at the original border. And 150k troops can result in 150k with no way back.

Tudor Miron

Your masters didn’t care about civilian casualties at all. In fact that’s what they were concentrating on – being unable to inflict serious casualties on armed men they bombed kids and elders. Let me ask you one thing – you personally, what do you think about non Jewish people? Do you consider them to be same humans as you/your compatriots? To explain my point of view – unlike many in this comments area I don’t consider Jews to be good/bad or any different than other human beings. “Good” or “bad” depends on personal level of awareness and personal doings. What I do consider disgusting is any belief system that is trying to separate human beings in some sort of superior/inferior ranks.


I see non-Jews as human as me, but I don’t see terrorists (shia or sunnis) as human at all and I don’t have any guilt if we kill them or the ones that help them kill Israelis. The Syrian crises is not something we Israelis care on a daily basis, as long as they don’t shoot their rockets over here. We do act when we have intel that Iran is sending weapons to their minions in Syria, it would be stupid of us not to attack those shipments. People here think I’m anti Assad, but I don’t mind Assad stay in power as long as he orders his SAA to kick out the Iranian proxies out of his country. It’s something that he can’t/won’t do, so we must protect our own interests. A war can and should be avoided between Israel and Syria, but if it comes to that then all the rockets in the world won’t help them. Let’s wait and see how things develop.

Wayne Nicholson

Wars cost money and this time you wouldn’t be paying out of pocket expenses but for the damage done by hail of missiles coming down on Israel. No one’s going to start a major war until we see how bad the next downturn is going to be. Interest rates are near zero right now and the USA is printing money like mad but who knows what kind of interest rates or if there’s even going to be enough liquidity to finance a war until the crisis is over …. and it’s coming.


Like in 2006? Crush Lebanon is one of the wet dreams of Israel, but will bever happen. Look at your looser army. They run away when a ATGM hit a car in front of their base. It’s the David vs Goliath lie of the Nakhba which still clouds your clear view. Look at it from an outside position, applying common sense, and you will come to the conlcusion, that Isarel is doing exactly the same, what they claimed, NAZI Germany did to them. Only, that Israel is doing, what NAZI Germany didn’t.

Hanny Benny

alice in wonderland .. fantasy is my reality lady turkish military is unable to stop pkk 30 years now

turkey the aggressor and islam.terrorist supporter no.1 in the world has to get shattered 4 peace


PKK fights via the indirect strategy. Such guerilla forces are never defeated. A conflict between Syria and Turkey is Clausewitz. Direct confrontation of main forces. Both with their homeland base behind them. Syria is in disarray. Turkey is not. Turkey has the advantage in a direct contest with Syria in the western theater of Syria.

Wolfgang Wolf

you just another sofa analyst idiot, highly possible from USA.


Jon got this idea while playing a battlefield video game. Who are you to question his understanding of military operations?? :DD

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You do realize that Russia doesn’t have anywhere near the necessary manpower or equipment in Syria to suppress a full on Turkish invasion, Jon may be stretching it by claiming they could be in Damascus in just one week, but as to Aleppo and Idlib, don’t be so sure, the Turks will be able to do some serious damage to us there, some really serious damage, and I mean even if the Russians do assist the SAA in trying to stop them.

Tim Williams

LOL .. are you drunk

Willing Conscience (The Truths

See you don’t take your own fathers advice, you imbecile.

Toni Liu

Then erdogan will be in danger too because he didnt had enough protection to keep him from another coup, if he send full military force to syria. He is a hostage in his own country

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Very good point but that won’t be the thing stopping him, he’s got his boys talking to Putin’s boys right now working out the “what we can and what we can’t do” agreement, and Erdogan says in Turkish media if they can’t work it out politely he’ll go see Putin himself. Everything depends on Putin, without him Assad’s stuffed, will he stand up to Erdogan and say NO, 15 broken Astana agreements tells me probably not.

Wayne Nicholson

Erdogan can’t burn all his bridges. He’s already agreed in principle that the Assad government is legitimate and the entire country will be turned over to Assad …. the disagreement is over the timing. Turkey is already overrun with Syrian refugees and no one else will take them.

If he pisses Russia off he loses his Russian gas transit fees, support for the fancy SAM he just bought and will face losing Russia as a market for Turkish agricultural products. He also alienates iran and China. Then he has to go on bended knee to the USA and EU and beg forgiveness. I don’t see that happening after the sanctions, the S-400, the USA backing Kurdistan and the EU refusing membership and refusing refugees.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What happens if the US decides to lift sanctions as a part of a deal to entice Erdogan back to their side, then Erdogan won’t even have to bend the knee.

“He’s already agreed in principle that the Assad government is legitimate and the entire country will be turned over to Assad”.

Though he has said that several times recently it’s only on the odd occasion when he’s being diplomatically correct for the Russians benefit, most of the time he’s still saying “Assad’s not legitimate”, “not wanted by the people”, “and must be removed”, so he hasn’t really changed at all, he’s still the biggest threat to Syrian sovereignty. And he’s just swindled the Libyans into a new maritime agreement that puts him in control of a lot of Greece’s resources, they could help make up for the loss of any the lost transit fees.

Toni Liu

What ever US decide for turkey to do anything in syria, its already too late

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Several massive cruise missile strike against essential Syrian assets would possibly prove you wrong, all the rebels need is support and they become 10 times more effective than they have been up until now. I don’t think the US would though, at least I hope they don’t.

Toni Liu

Spending so much effort just to cure last stage of cancer is pointless, thats condition of HTS now, help them just able to prolonged their time a bit but cant reverse all saa gain unless it will be another iraq, libya or vietnam for turkey and us if they send entire their force just to help them

Wayne Nicholson

Erdogan is a politician. They all spin, massage and lie to keep their base happy. What he says to his base is one thing …. what he is able to do is another.

In order to have US sanctions lifted Turkey would have to get rid of the S-400, agree to the partitioning of Syria into a PKK controlled state and beg to be let back into the F-35 program. All this after a US backed coup and assassination attempt on Erdogan. if that happens Erdogan may as well put a bullet in his head because his political career is over.

As far as Libya and Mediterranean gas fields … that’s speculative at the moment whereas the Turkstream pipeline is a sure thing. Exxon is also in the game as is Israel. They USA already uses sanctions as a weapon to make their LNG marketable to the EU. If Turkey is successful at developing Mediterranean gas fields how do you think the USA will react to competition against their LNG AND Exxon.

OTOH Russia … a country that doesn’t respect US sanctions …. is also a market for Turkish goods while the EU respects US sanctions. Turkey can’t afford to lose Russia as a market.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In order to have US sanctions lifted Turkey would have to give the S-400’s to the US to reverse engineer, get Trump to further diminish YPG involvement in the SDF, currently YPG Kurds only make up 45% of the 100,000 SDF, and the pro Turkish Kurdish KNC has already been offered as a solution to the problem, they can patrol the border with their Turkish friends and be the buffer force, Erdogan’s happy, Trumps happy, KNC are happy, and YPG are sort of happy. Hasn’t Trump already told Erdogan if he gives up the Russian missiles he can have the US jets back, and no more talk from Putin or Erdogan about their joint fighter jet project, what was it SU -52? The US only wanted to put a bullet in his head because he wouldn’t play ball, if he does play ball he won’t have to worry, and I think Putin would love to put a bullet in him too after 15 broken Astana agreements. And just the day before yesterday Jewish news was saying they weren’t happy about Erdogan stealing Greece and their resources but they “weren’t going to send battleships to confront him over it”, that’s what Jewish news is saying. Turkey can get everything it wants out of the EU and US, Putin worked miracles to help Turkey survive not only US sanctions, but trade embargos, asset freezes, loss of essential military supplies. But that’s the problem, Putin offered huge financial concessions and incentives to a lot of Russian businesses and industrial manufacturers to build new infrastructure to accommodate the new enterprises that would supply Turkey with what turkey needed, but if they suddenly lose Turkish business they won’t be able to find any new markets and probably go broke, and there was some really high tech stuff involved, but Turkey can just go back to buying from it’s old suppliers as if nothing has ever changed. The backstabbing bastard could crap all over Putin and Putin knows it, most people don’t know just how heavily Putin’s invested Russian enterprise in Erdogan’s economy to help him out, but as I said Erdogan doesn’t really need Putin if he gets his old friends back.


It is more likely that ErDOGan will have an accident soon.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkey and the rebels could easily crush the SAA in Idlib and Aleppo but only if the Russians don’t intervene with air/artillery support, and don’t forget there’s about 120,000 YPG/AFL/SDF forces that have already all said they’d all join the fight on Assad side if Turkey invades. That makes 370,000 Turks and 90,000 rebels, total 460,000 versus 200,000 SAA, 100,000 pro Assad militias, and 120,000 Kurds and a few friends, that’s a total of 420,000, so it’s pretty even in numbers, though I’ll admit the Turks have the advantage in equipment and vehicles, but when it comes to combat experience they don’t, the SAA 4th and 7th divisions as well as the ALF and SDF will be the ones with that advantage, and their 420,000 are already positioned on home soil, the Turks won’t be able to send more than one quarter of their forces to Syria. And even if Russia doesn’t intervene to help the SAA and the Turks do take back all of Idlib and Aleppo, the Russians won’t let them go anywhere near their seaport or air bases, then you’ll see the Russians not only using tactical nuclear weapons, they might even use strategic nukes as well.

Tim Williams

pop another Quaalude

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What an intelligent remark, do you have any others?

Tim Williams

my father taught me never to get into a discussion with an imbecile … we have nothing further to discuss

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Then you should’ve listened to your father if you think I’m just an imbecile, why did you post your remark against his advice, it’s because you’re an imbecile that doesn’t listen to his father.

Toni Liu

Ha so who now protect erdogan if another coup coming, his army can do anything serious right now unless erdogan want get fucked up in next coup because many of his army left him to fight in syria


The advantage in vehicles is the disadvantage in gasoline supplies. You attack mainly their transport capacity of fuel, which renders their vehicles useless after a short while. If you prevent resupplies for 3 days, all fighting stops. This can be seen in Yemen, as it is the tactics of the Houtis.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks don’t need to be too mobile for a start, and fixed artillery doesn’t need any gas, it just sits there and provides support to the terrorists. Have the terrorists had any problems with fuel supplies since the fighting restarted back in Jan last year, or any problems with logistics, if they haven’t had any up until now it stands to reason that’s not going to change too much. Artillery and long range missile support will be a bigger problem than the greedy tanks, especially when we get to within 25 to 30 km of the Turkish border, then they’ll also have air support too. Without Russia’s help we’ll lose, so you better pray that Putin doesn’t back down to Erdogan this time.

Toni Liu

Are you a joke, whatever they done is already too late now, and if they put entire military then pkk, gullen, and other coup force will come and take erdogan head, so erdogan not stupid like you to send all his military just to protect his rotten near death minion


Toni and Cechas:

While it may be true that Erdogan’s dreams of a revived Ottoman Empire are grandiose, Turkey is far from marginal. It has taken ground in northern and western Syria and is not about to leave; and it is sending forces to Libya to oppose Russia’s will. It confronts Egypt and supports the Islamic Brotherhood. Turkey has real power and is not marginalized at all. Why would Putin negotiate with a marginalized state? He wouldn’t. Look to fundamental interests. Iran and Turkey ultimately will have to confront one another and all the geography between the two (Syria and Iraq) is the battlefield. Their proxy militias are engaged, but ultimately, and sooner rather than later, Turkey will flex its muscle against Assad and show its relative dominance.


Turkey is not going to risk going to war with Russia by directly attacking their ground forces or air power. It would be suicide

Xoli Xoli

Capture terrorists must be force to attack Erdogan observations post.

Pave Way IV

Give them PKK uniforms and AKs, drop them off at the Turkish border and let them help the PKK attack Erdogan, himself. Put female PKK commanders in charge of them – maybe they can beat some sense of humanity into their thick, Jihadi skulls.

jhon malakiat

good idea.

i hope SAA use this trick..:)


idlib will be liberated whatever the disunited states of morons and the thieving and murdering jews attempt to do and erdogan won’t really have much to say either for the simple reason that he’s aiming to stop the jews from getting the kushner wet dream come true. in the end it will be the existence of israel that will be at stake and as most neighbouring countries in the middle east would prefer to see the jews annihilated to crisp that is what will happen – rest assured,

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Off topic.. So the Jews (Zionist flavor) won WW2? Very strange since the USA was supporting the Nazis up until late 1930s, doing business with one another, at least private sector. And now they rule the USA, more or less? Are Americans the most naive, gullible, stupid people to have graced the planet or what gives??


yep gullible and under-educated to a degree. I’d bet more than 50 pct of the simple souls in the fly over states couldn’t locate israel on a map if their lives depended on it.




Not really. You have been targeted since a long time ago. They tried to set up an American Central Bank since mid 1800. One of your Presidents (Jackson I think) managed to scupper it. But they pulled it off in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. It has been a growing dominance in US life ever since. Today all the msm, most large corporations are owned by zionist interests, and most of congress have to sign the israel-first oath. It has been done most carefully and in secret. Watch the video about Federal Reserve by a guy called Griffin. It’s called “The Creature from the Jekyll Island”

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Indeed. There are some real psychopathic/sociopathic entities who are Anglo (non Jewish) and Latin, European who are just as powerful and involved in the prospering, operations of their new (US, Anglo-Zionist) empire.

Familiar with Corbett Report?

This is a three part series on the alternative angles, analyzes re WWI. I learned a lot. Honestly I don’t know much if at all beyond the usual killing of the Archduke and his consort. But the history of what ($$$) went into the makings of this great event (there was a lot of tension across Europe at the time, after a tumultuous century or two what with Napoleon. There were skirmishes and wars all across the continent off and on, just like across the ocean in America (was all about securing USA back under the control of “The Crown”, their empire. About destroying any possibility of any real economic or otherwise alliances, pacts, treaties the like between Germany and Russia.)

We know about how the elites of the British empire were intent on preventing at all costs any nascent, potential rival (in Germany) get any traction (oil fields in Iraq?) or be any true competition (a lot of the quality of German made things were noted to be of better quality, for instance). That they’d resort to anything to get their way (if it meant much of Europe, Great Britain being bombed round the clock, firebombing Dresden, Hamburg, cities of Japan also. Such evil unleashed on humanity.)

Not to take away from Jewish involvement in the USSR, among the Bolshevik elite (or their roles in the US and UK governments, financial institutions today and then).

Corbett speaks about secret societies. The king(s) of England. Some powerful bros. (Didn’t Hitler emulate the British system and also USA, such as their universities studies with genetics, eugenics. Admired their power structures perhaps?)

It is revolting what they did to them as they did to all of Europe, Russia, USSR Republics, Asia, the world. My grandma was born in Germany. Sweet lady, could be stern, make no mistake! But with her grandchildren, she was often playful and easy going. She would enjoy a glass of wine when she came visit later when I was older.

History is just so strange. There is always various angles, points of reference and personal, subjective experience (or perception, filters of each person’s mind, biases, just depth or breadth of knowledge at the time or thereafter to the truth.) Something to that effect. There is no one absolute history. https://youtu.be/FzVd7XCTu28


soon joke321 will turn up on this thread intent to destroy and spoil the narrative of commentators and the article itself – n.b. joke321 is not worth the aggravation so just let him rant and provide his totally useless comments for no other reason than to spoil the value of the work southfront is providing – do not reply so it’s just ignore and down-vote. nothing else.


joke123 is a whole team from tel aviv.

Liberal guy

Ya he will

jhon malakiat

Hopefully Muhaysini pig can be captured alive by SAA/Hizbullah. SAA should give Muhaysini to civillian.

I wanna see him crying a lot before die when he tortured by civillian.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Have they, syrialiveuamaps shows just a few Russian airstrikes and only one Syrian sortie, maybe Turkish mobile AA systems are the reason air activity has dropped by 90%, it can’t be the weather, that’s ok and not the problem according to my Idlib weathermap. No one seems to think the Turkish threats are a big deal, and God I hope you’re all right about it, but if you’re wrong we’re in really big trouble, and I think we’re in really big trouble right now.

Tim Williams

AZ ZARBAH was just lit up the the RUSSIANS with a dozen THERMOBARICS … the end of the sniper fire and suicide bombers … keep pushing north to ALLEPO

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Keep pushing north before you protect your backs, great idea while the enemies mobilizing and deploying behind your front lines. You’re a genius, but the SAA and Russians haven’t been pushing north for 3 days now, they’re not listening to your expert military advice.

cechas vodobenikov

various comments below reflect such profound stupidity it amuses that some engage w these idiots…Turkey is becoming less relevant, less reliable…along w their alqaeda amerikan friends, they r gradually losing territory and influence




In the political presidential arena usually most of the citizens dislike the leader of that country. Trump has stimulated so much hatred towards himself by his insane actions that voters are going carry that hatred to the ballot box come Nov. 2020. I believe that Bernis Sanders will win the U.S. presidential election. Bernie will bring “all” our troops home; no more “unending invader wars” in the Middle East.

Bashar al-Assad on the other hand, has always tried to protect the decency of its citizens by fighting groups that have conducted terrorist gangster activities over the years. Analysing these thugs human behavior shows me that improving Syria was not their goal. These terrorist gangsters’ true motivations are about money and how to steal it. If the people of Syria really want to improve the comfort, welfare and prosperity of Syria they should get themselves elected to Syria’s parliament and introduce laws to make a difference. Syria is do for their 2020 Syrian parliamentary elections.

Liberal guy

Burn more of the wahhabis asss

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