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MARCH 2025

Syrian S-300 Crews Still Not Passed Needed Training To Operate Systems Themselves: Russian Media

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Syrian S-300 Crews Still Not Passed Needed Training To Operate Systems Themselves: Russian Media

A launcher vehicle of the S-300 surface-to-air missile system. IMAGE: Wikimedia Commons

Syrian S-300 crews are still not ready to operate the S-300 air defense system themselves, Russia’s Kommersant newspaper reported on January 22.

According to the report, the S-300 crews have not passed firing exams yet. The newspaper speculated that the crews could be ready not earlier than in March 2019. Then, one battalion of the S-300 air defense system will be reportedly deployed in the T4 airbase area.

Citing own sources, Kommersant stated that Russia is not going to change its current attitude towards Israeli strikes on Syria if no targets near Russian personnel are hit.


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This explains why they havent been used – Russia wont shoot at Israeli targets.

Don Bart

Always excuses


Perhaps the Syrian crew are slow learners or they just cant cope with a more sophisticated system than they have been use to.

Tommy Jensen

Off course. Blame the victim. Its always the victims own fault they get slaughtered..LOL.


This might be true but weapon systems take time to be delivered to another country because the language must be that of the receiving country. These weapons were rushed to Syria and are used.Instruction language is most likely Russian

Daniel Miller

not really Syrians are very dumb…..and that is not even a insult their average IQ is 83……that is considered to be mentally challanged in Russia and the west…


Apart from the US that does have many millions with an IQ of village idiots. Even in Congress :)

Daniel Miller

well ofc their populations is almost 30 times that of syria.


If you IQ is so high then why are you still in your mothers basement?

Daniel Miller

I am not :D i finished high military education in 2012 :) But what dose my IQ have to do with the fact that Syria has a average IQ of 83? https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html


Judging by the last two years of political chaos and pantomime drama in the US , I would surmise that the majority of Americans are Village Idiots.

Idiots inside and outside government are easier for any malign Deep State to control. It is people with independent thought that they fear.

The ‘idiots’ are easier to trigger.


What the hell. Are Syrian’s retarded or something?

Real Anti-Racist Action

I was thinking, perhaps Russia knows Israel plans to bomb the S-300, and by keeping them staffed with Russians, that is preventing Israeli strikes on the S-300. I fully believe that Israel can bomb the S-300’s easily. That is why I advocate for the S-400 systems for Syria. Or better yet… Laser defense systems like the US now deploys over seas on ships.


“perhaps Russia knows Israel plans”

No they don’t have clue! Why don’t you send them e-mail to Kremlin ilico presto?! Honestly we are lucky to have you! I suggest that you find some available time to squeeze in Putin’s personal official visit to your trailer… I see that you understood Russian plan to keep ONE Russian everywhere to prevent Israeli aggression! Well done! “I fully believe that Israel can bomb the S-300’s easily” And I fully believe that you are full of shit! But than plenty of people here are exactly like you… “Advocating” LASERS & S-400 and up-voting yourself is nice touch and only shows how huge ignorant megalomaniac you are.

I advocate for you not to make future comments but for no avail…of course.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Israel advertised stating openly in the media that they can and will destroy the S-300 systems back in November this was stated by Israel. I think Russia knows as it is openly stated. Israel also plans on expanding their borders into neighboring countries… I think Russia knows this as well.


And who cares what Jews are bullshiting?!! Fuck them and fuck you! If you bring all Jewish propaganda they vomit every day this form will only talk about Jewish nonsense at the end ! Russian S-400 & S-300 are in Syria for very long time NEVER CHALLENGED so stop your pro Jewish anti-Russian propaganda!


Israel is and always will be , full of shit. Die for them if you want to :)

Real Anti-Racist Action

You are practicing an advance form of division. You are still a Zionist troll trying to pretend otherwise. You have been exposed. https://holodomorinfo.com/


And you are total MORON I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE about that.

Decadent feminized Western dickhead and wimp

Daniel Miller

yes they infact are their average IQ is 83.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I watched the Israeli footage of their incoming missile against the Russian Pantsir-S1 missile defense system. Missile after Russian missile was fired directly at the incoming Jewish missile, and they were deflected and confused and went totally sideways. The Israeli missile flew straight at the Pantsir-S1 and directly hit it. Russia has no defense at all against superior Jewish missiles. Israel is just waiting for Russia to finish training Syrian operators and hand the S-300 system over to be manned by Syrians. Once this is done, mark my words, Israel is going to successfully bomb the S-300 systems and destroy them. If Israel wanted to, they could easily bomb Russia’s S-400 system as well. Only a laser defense system as any hope at all defending against Israels attacks on others.


IAI Haron is a drone loitering munitions with stealth design. Pantsir can not trace it. The missiles you’re talking about were fired at other targets.

Daniel Miller

thats bullcrap


You can see that the missiles go to self destruct by turning erractly downside. EW-Jamming


This is kind of like a Jewish rally… WE ARE GOD’S CHOSEN…. aren’t we? Buck up little Israelis, Hezbollah just got in a lucky punch when they took out 49 Merkava tanks…

Manuel Flores Escobar

you dont see nothing!..the first image could be an AD launching missile to another targets because some of them are flying at the same time/position…second the image have been cut..then show another image of an explosion and later the missile hit ground…but cannot see what kind of target is!…could be another target an NO the AD system!…3º the Pantsir of the second is parked on open space, radar turn down as usual unprofessional movement of SAA..


It’s one of the most remarkable vids that show the effect of electronic warfare and jamming. The missiles go eratic and self destruct. I am disapointed by Russian Air Defence System. Ok it is probably a downgraded Version, but we Turks will get also downgraded Version of S400. I hope it is more Jamming resitant

Manuel Flores Escobar

yeah surely your an expert of EW…Israel needed 50 missile because during the morning 7 were shot down!..it is to show that IAF cannot substain airstrike for more than one week launching 50 missile per day..


On the vid you clearly see, that after launch the missiles are erractly turning down and go to self destruct…


Nonsense. You can “clearly” see they actually hit something. Obviously more than one missile were targeting that position (whatever was there, and it’s blurred deliberately). And of course Israeli won’t show all their failed attacks.


How come more than one Pantsir ( with the radar off and possibly out of missiles in the middle of nowhere) was not hit considering that 50 missiles were fired? Israeli capabilities are not much different than US capabilities, they suck when facing peer opposition.

“””Russia has no defense at all against superior Jewish missiles.””” The Russians have not employed EW or SHORAD defenses against any Jewish missiles, if the density of Tor and Pantsir was greater, Syrian air defenses would shoot down most or all of the Jewish missiles like they did during the first attack.


The Israelis hit an inactive Pantsir that was likely out of ammo. You are ignoring the 30 or so missiles the air defences took out. Since they havent come up against the S400 its stupid to say how they would perform – its telling though that they no longer fly in Syrian space


OK now relax, take your pills and go to sleep, In the morning tomorrow please read your commends in SF ten times before breakfast, then you will feel better.

Xoli Xoli

I am a Syrian supporter but truly speaking Israel is having upper hand over Russia defense systems.After Cyprus training Israel built confidence.The show is on no e stop.


Watch again and stop parroting IDF lies. What Pantsir? it’s so deliberately blurred you can’t see shit. Second video is entirely different target (inactive, or just a decoy). Are you so dumb you can’t realize there were more than ONE missile. One hit the target, one still flying (camera on) and a few more you can’t see (some of them probably destroyed 0:4 and 0:10)

Tommy Jensen

No one is asking Kremlin about its attitude and hypocrisy. People are only expecting Russia to fulfil the S-300 contract it signed with Assad in 2010 or let Iran deliver it. Thats all.

So we see the same phenomena in Kremlin as in Washington, where leaders are killing its allies, its own officers and its own people in hundreds even thousands to please Israel.


Fuck off you antisemite twat.

Lena Jones

Another antigentile terrorist “twat”.

Rancho Kareem

He’s not….


He is….

Real Anti-Racist Action

You anti-Japetic bigot. I would not be surprised if you were also racist against the Palestinian-Shemitic people as well. Heck you are pry one of those anti-Hamitic people who do not want Hamitic-Somalians living in Tel-Aviv either.


Pardon my French…you are full of it Tommy just like many other people here. Yet you are openly for NATO and not pretending to be something else like majority anti-Russians here and I appreciate that. You at least have decency not to pretend… You are also jumping on crypto-Jew train which majority of conspiracy NAZI morons here love! Good move! Idiots here will swallow hook,line and sinker all the way!

But you are liar also like all other pro NATO MSM media beacons of “truth”

Those S-300 are FREE !!!!!!!!! Assad has paid ZERO dollars for them !

Real Anti-Racist Action

You are Zionist troll. Here to sow division among the SF community.


If you are representative example of “SF community” than the sooner stops to exist the better But I don’t think you are.


Ha ha ha! Look who is talking.Hi shlomo. Are you getting swimming lessons?

Tommy Jensen

Sorry, but there is too many sources. The “training” issue was exactly the same bs in 2014. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/may/31/syria-russian-s-300-missiles


You quote a Guardian story from 2013…as somehow supporting your disneyland narrative about Syrian s300s…not only that but the article from this neoliberal British rag of rags says only that the contracts on the delivery of s300s stipulate delivery by 2014…in case you don’t know this [and you don’t] major weapons systems aren’t purchased like a candy bar…they take several years to deliver…Turkey has waited two years already…

Anyway, it is clear from your comments that you have no knowledge about any technical subject like air defense, and should not be yapping about it…but you continue to make a lot of noise here…blaming Russia who has saved the country of Syria…at great cost and sacrifice by many men in uniform who have left their bones far away from home…

Nobody can fault Russia…especially not Nato supporting maggots that sit on their fat ass and think it’s funny to spew bullshit on a chat room…

Tommy Jensen

Maybe its a simple money issue. Russia claimed in 2013 that 30% was not enough. $1 billion is a lot of money to just give away. Just saying the whole story around S-300 since 2010 and Israel smells fishy.


So “smells fish” despite the facts that Russia gave them FOR FREE S-300!?! And they are teaching them how to use it properly FOR FREE !

While your NATO terrorists are giving them only bombs on their civilians, women and children FOR FREE !

Tommy Jensen

Israel made a free trade agreement with Ukraine. A spit in the face of Russia.

Russia begged Israel not to hit Damascus International Airport. Israel shot down 24 Russian Servicemen and then Israel bombed and killed Iranians and Syrians in Damascus International Airport. Another spit in the face of Russia. Wake up jako to reality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujkxoMYrGPc


Where “Israel shot down 24 Russian Servicemen” ?! You are LIAR! You are turning into the vulgar primitive liar Tommy, this is too much! I am wasting my time talking to you Tommy. Russia “begged” works on the MORONS who fall for your cheap comments. This is totally idiotic comment just like the video of some Russian Jew That is proof for what?! That you are cheap propagandist without style? I have overestimated you Tommy if you do bad things do them with intelligence and style at least.


Israel made a free trade agreement with Ukraine because Ukraine is FREE INDEPENDENT country! WHY a “spit in the face of Russia” ?!!

Russia has sold so much weapons to Vietnam and Vietnam is not in good relations with China at all…Is that “spit in the face of China”?!?

NO!!! China and Russia are not military allays and Russia is free to sell their weapons to whomever they want! The same goes for Israel ! You are nothing but cheap demagogue Tommy.


I don’t want to go much into 2013 not to blur the subject ! Russia didn’t sell S-300 to Iran for long years because of sanctions also! But since Syria and Iran have S-300 that is not subject any more!

What I was arguing is that this S-300 Tommy is for FREE so there is no room for complaining specially not complaining from NATO hypocrite like you cause you do not give fuck about Syrians & Syria! All you do is trying to present Russia as worst as possible and you are not alone any excuse and false accusation is good for you!

But you can’t reproach to the Russians if 6 years ago they didn’t sell that to the Syrians because S-300 is OVER-KILL as weapon! Because of its range of 300 km it deeply affects all neighboring countries – Jordan, Turkey, Israel by going deeply in their air space! If you knew anything about weapons you would know that BUK M2 is more than enough for anti aircraft and anti missile defenses ! So Syrians could have bought many BUK systems instead. Also Syria is not official Russian allay not even today and in 2013 they were even MUCH LESS !

Ashok Varma

Russia is unreliable and weak. Even India has distanced itself from Putin’s Russia.


I don’t think that China, U.S. (to mention only the strongest) or anybody would ever have guts to attack country like Russia

But China can eat you for breakfast any time if they have to (they prefer to concentrate on economy) They can whip your arse AGAIN any time they want. So who is weak, huh?!

Manuel Flores Escobar

The problem is NOT Russia..the problem is that SAA dont retaliate like Hezbollah, Iran when launched 55 rockets vs israeli military base in retalion of T4 airstrike or Hamas that launched 100 rockets vs Askelon!…I dont think that Russia stop SAA to launch rockets and missile attacks vs israel..above all having MRLS Smerch,Upgrade SS-21, Fatheed 110….beside Assad would appear like strong leader in Arab world..instead of a Pussy protected by Russian forces!


The SAA CAN’T retaliate.Hezbollah has spent decades building up its missile force to a point that it will give pause to Israel. Syria spent decades doing fuck all except lining the pockets of corrupt generals and ministers, then the last decade trying to survive against a Western backed Jihadist onslaught. And now, with large parts of the country still not under its control, you want the SAA to magically create overnight a similar capability to Hezbollah?

Not going to happen.


Then they should start preparing now. But first they should clear Idlib!


Yep..Syria hosted CIA blacksites too during the rendition program after after the Afghan invasion.Syria didn’t take the Zionist/Western threat as seriously as Hezbollah and Iran.


There is a political reason why President Assad has not retaliated yet, Idlib and other pockets around the country needs to be cleared first, the axis of evil knows this and they are exploiting it.


Well-said and I would add let Idlib be cleared first!


The problem honey is the deep state being desperate for a war. And Russia is making it very hard for them.


The bets proof that this is truth is the facts that nobody up-votes you comment.. There is nothing jingoistic, bombastic in truth specially not for die hard armchair warriors

Tommy Jensen

It doesnt make sense that Israel continue to do as they please inside Syria.


Oh common Tommy I don’t believe single moment that you are against Israel ! You are typical Western NATO-ist guy and they are NEVER against Israel their allay! I haven’t met single one NATO-ist to be anti-Jew except neo-NAZI’s but you are too intelligent to be neo-NAZI (unlike many retards here)

You are just pretending to be anti Jew to have your angle of attack on Russia which true NATO-ist does if and when they can..

Tommy Jensen

Im not sided with anyone as both sides are played. Just trying to see the true picture.


You are really total dork if you expect me to believe such comment. Your’s comments are always pro NATO whatever you say. Haven’t seen single one that would ever say anything against US-NATO I have definitely overestimated you Tommy.


Netanyahu now plan another attack on Hamim military base on which Russia will learn may be some lesson. There is nothing difficult in air defence system. It is also vital to know how to hide their air defence systems. If SAA leave their ADS exposed to Israel in open area again then that will be so silly.

Zionism = EVIL

You are one of the smarter and realistic adults here, the Russian cunts are totally in Zionist pockets and are playing the Syrians as always. Assad is only interested in his own survival. The Ruskies need to be kicked out and even any opposition forces would be better for Syria than a piss weak puppet like Assad who is letting Turkey and Zionists carve up whatever is left of Syria.

Tommy Jensen

I dont agree. Assad has shown to be a true leader for Syria in this period and he is much admired and respected among the common Syrian people. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b69de80bddd7b76d9513ad235f835dce4bf2c17a8abb84205d423268ce55176.jpg


Russia controls the S-300 in Syria and it is doubtful that the Syrians will ever get control over them. Russia has an agreement with Israel and a joint operational command and hot line.

Kelli Hernandez

But that worked out so well when Israhell thought nothing of shooting down a Russian jet with 15 onboard. Putin is a pussy to Israhell like all the rest of the West. ALWAYS CAVING TO THE ZIONIST ENTITY


Kelli it was Syrian’s that shot down that airplane not Israel And you most probably know that …So why are accusing Russia of anything? They couldn’t possibly attack Israel for something Syria n’s did


That is either TOTAL ignorance or deliberate misinformation about Russian-Israeli ” joint operational command” ! Give us PROOF you low life LIAR!!

If you are saying that Syrians will not take over control of the S-300 than you are calling ( again )Russian’s liars. In that case you are totally ignorant person or some NAZi lunatic. Give me ONE example where they gave weapons to some country than they took them immediately back from that country ?! There is NONE !!!

What are you suggesting is so stupid and incredible that I can’t even understand that somebody is capable to claim such things! Or you are probably just another NAZI IMBECILE ! In that case I understand that you don’t use logic.

paul ( original )

I honestly don’t know how long and difficult this sort of training is. It would be good if someone with good knowledge on the matter could enlighten us. However, I would say that there is some urgency in the situation ( there is a war going on) so I would hope that this would be done in minimum time.

You can call me Al

Basically you hit the green button to switch it on, wait 3 minutes and when it tells you, hit the red button.


Operator also has to make sure the yellow light is not blinking. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c61eb3d88c5913b823ee4292a6fdda7a8d9eb6ce25748d5c6aab41fc749a8ce.jpg

You can call me Al

LOl. Sorry, I forgot about that one.

Daniel Miller

Its not that it takes long while it is qute complext to run the S-300 it takes about 3 to 6 months to train but the problem is that the Syrians are stupid……and i mean that in the most literal way possible. https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html

Turkish Greywolves


Daniel Miller

not really since arabs and turks have the average IQ of fucking rocks.

Lena Jones

Simmer down, Einstein.

Tommy Jensen

….like focking rocks? how do they do that?

Daniel Miller

https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html idk but a average IQ of 83 is considered border line retarded.

Turkish Greywolves

turks are 100x more smarter than stupid arabs, considering you dont know please dont talk dumb bitch

Daniel Miller

not really while the do have a average IQ higher then that of the average arab they are still far behind the world average https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-turkey.html

Turkish Greywolves

Turkey is one of the most rich countries and is expected to be among the top 10 countries in value of richness, don’t talk if you don’t know anything, mother fucker bitch

Daniel Miller

What dose wealth have to do with IQ? Saudi arabia is rich that dosent make them very smart. Also when Turkeys resouces run out it will be dirt poor again.


Did an Arab bone your ugly mom?

Daniel Miller

Nah they are too retarded to do that https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html ;)


Here we have a saying; ” As dumb as a Turk”


Maybe in ten years the S300 will be able to embarrass itself properly instead of the Israelis choosing for it


Manuel Flores Escobar

Again be worry of your soldiers..it is not recommended for health to lunch in Mc ISIS Burger of Manjib!…

Sadri Salah

You are not a patriotic white American you are one of the many retarded Americans sucking of Israel.


Yes, he is in fact just another Pathetic_White_American.


I’d wager the S300 against that crappy patriot system of the US anyday


You already lost then lol

Patriot has shot down those flying SU turkeys

S300 is target practice for the IAF along with Pantsirs hahaha


Those Patriots are a joke nobody wants them and you “forgot” to mention that many of your taxmoney payed missiles were intercepted in Syria now you American cuck for Israel.


The funniest thing of all, is the way you gloat, you don’t even understand that you lost the war.


Rafik Chauhan

just fired at Israel unguided missile at once thousand of them . their airdefnse will be confuse and will not cope . when Zionist cites will be hit . Israel will start shitting their pants.


Common anti-Russia dogs lets hear bark or two against Russians ! This new information must give you some new angle of attack ! Let us here some ugly words on Russians, Putin and these S-300 they gave to Syria for FREE.

Daniel Miller

ppl seem to miss the fact that the average IQ in syria is 83…….ppl with that low of a IQ have problems with written instructions…..


Listen I am pissed already as much as I can be. Because I know that target of preference for almost all forum people here is Russians. The favorite MEME is that Russian’s are in bed with the Jews, or too soft or can’t be trusted. It never crosses their minds that it just might be so many other reasons for things to happen the way they do Whatever incompetence and shortcomings those Syrian crews have they will blame it on the Russians at the end…. They’ll say Russians don’t want to teach them… or hiding from them or whatever they can invent!

Tommy Jensen

From the “devil´s” mouth himself. https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Russia-suspends-delivery-of-S-300-missile-systems-to-Syria-325257 So US/Israel were strongly against it, and only 30% were paid. So …………??


I don’t even want to look for proves that S-300 is given as present thus FREE of CHARGE to Syria! It is well known fact. Do I have to say anything else? I don’t think so.

Daniel Miller

Russia is not in “bed” with the jews they want good relations with Israel since it has a MASSIVE ethnic Russian population living in it.


That is not even the main reason. The main reason why Russia is in good relations with EVERYBODY in the Middle East is because of their ambition to be only DOMINANT power in Middle East without which is not possible to negotiate anything in Middle East ! Today countries can negotiate without even US but they NEED Russia because Russia has relatively good bilateral relations with EVERYBODY! —- “High five” with ENEMY of Russia Saudi Arabia https://lasvegasnews.media/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/181130115034-saudi-crown-prince-putin-high-five-super-tease-810×456.jpg

You can call me Al

Sad but true.

Even though, look at the bottom xx, Africa stands no chance at all: https://brainstats.com/average-iq-by-country.html

Meanwhile, in our vile PS World – https://www.rt.com/news/448732-james-watson-titles-revoked/



Too eager to see Israelis die, I think. Syria needs to find a narrow path to victory against many strong opponents, along with 50 Russian pilots and several Russian companies of specialist troops against US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, multiple Gulf States, Israeli proxies, sea and air forces of UK, France, along with weapons stores from former Warsaw Pact countries, incl. Bulgaria. CZ, and ex-Yugoslavia states. Heavy odds already.

Plus the short range defenses, despite the pantsir hit, ARE quite effective, taking 75% of incoming even against swarming-style attack from regions strongest air force. This is the reason for all this idf propaganda. Larger and larger efforts getting smaller and smaller results.


Yes “too eager to see Israelis die” ! And the worst thing is they pretend not to be ! How to explain to those who don’t use logic and brains but are over agitated or over passionate, too self absorbed, to use even resemblance of the common sense?! How to explain to people who doesn’t know how to count to compare small Russian contingent and “coalition forces”?! Some of them they don’t even ask themselves about numbers!!!

” Larger and larger efforts getting smaller and smaller results.” You say that yet majority of the people here think Russia is loser and in bed with the Jews on the top. They want some “action” like WW3 for example ! They pump them through MSM propaganda for the WW3 so thos WIMPS want to see some blood! And I am 100% that 99% of them would FAINT if they would see killed person with the scull blown out or his intestine all over the place. Yet media makes them thirsty for war!

If only ignorance of military subject is the only problem here. Many people here have no clue how to make difference between basic things in life This place looks like hen-house SOUTH FRONT FORUM https://s3.amazonaws.com/sevensons.net/fTfwH7Pqx1uBZ3yr-1433678549.jpg

Daniel Miller

well no shit the average IQ of syria is less then 89

Promitheas Apollonious

unlike your single digit IQ… are you jealous?

Daniel Miller

Oh yes very i am so envious of the arab inbreed gene pool XD and i envy their less then 85 ( in syria’s case) IQ https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html


“Kommersant (Russian: Коммерса́нтъ, IPA: [kəmʲɪrˈsant], The Businessman, often shortened to Ъ) is a nationally distributed daily newspaper published in Russia mostly devoted to politics and business. It is a leading liberal business broadsheet”

– Kommersant –


It wouldn’t surprise me if this is a Jew source involved in a disinfo can kicking exercise to try to keep the S-300/400s out of play.

The Jews probably didn’t want a bunch of jihadist crazies overrunning Damascus and taking over. But a damaged Syrian government in a truncated state with Kurdish Israelistan in the NE for use against Syria’s neighbors, Turkey in particular, works just fine with their Yinon plan machinations.

And the current Russian government is under a lot of pressure from the remaining Jew internal 5th column subversives that have hung on while over 90% of Russia’s Jews have been expelled or assimilated. As well as a lot of external pressure from international Jewry, US ziocons in particular, who are running a full court press against Russia to destroy Russian resistance to their Jew world order perpetual war hegemony project.


In the 1020’s a Jewish Oblast was provided in the Russian Far east for Russian and immigrant jews.


During the time of Peter and Catherine the Great, jews were confined as much as possible to an area in the West of Russia where many jews still reside today. It was called The Pale of Settlement.


The Russians and much of humanity recognized Jews as a problem. Starting with the non Jews living in and around Palestine thousands of years ago. Jerusalem was built by non Jews 1,000 years before David invaded and occupied it. Until the Jews were driven out of it on multiple occasions over time. General Grant tried to expel them from the southern US during the civil war.

Promitheas Apollonious

“General Grant tried to expel them from the southern US during the civil war.“

Do you know why?


Because they were subversive.


Promitheas Apollonious

black market………. and of course had nothing to do with the fact that zionists was the main force behind slavery in america, or that they was also the creators of KKK, that chase down the slaves when they try to escape.

Promitheas Apollonious

black market………. and of course had nothing to do with the fact that zionists was the main force behind slavery in america or that they was also the creators of KKK, that chase down the slaves when they try to escape.

Brother Ma

The Jewish oblast still exists I believe so there was no need for Jews to form Israel. They coul have gone to the oblast but i bet the west would not have allowed them to go and the russians probably never wanted the bourgois either

Bigaess Wangmane

Syria needs more pantsir-S systems, hopefully they’ll be provided soon enough.


WHY would they be “provided”? Are you offering any maybe?


So r you buying any “pantsir-S systems,” or not?!?

Not empty promises again I hope…. You should e-mail Assad though to let him know!

Prince Teutonic

At this stage I’m wondering how many of Syrian AD operators have finished even elementary school!?


You go help them..

Promitheas Apollonious

Do you believe everything you read and hear? For some reason none seem to understand or accept, is been a policy not to attack israel and is not the syrians who dont want to, but who ever is stopping them.

Daniel Miller

well the numbres say that they do have the IQ of elementary school children https://brainstats.com/average-iq-in-syria.html


To be fair, Israel has a long history of bombing schools and has a policy of stopping Arab countries educating themselves.

Daniel Miller

yea but if that was true why dose saudi arabia have sutch a low IQ score? Or the UAE? Or Qutar? Its not the schooling system witch is at fault its their culture Arab nations do not outlaw incest and they inbreed and inbreeding is not good for your IQ. Arabs or shuld i say the ansestors of arabs had been smart but after the 9th sentury shit hit the fan.


How about you, rarely have I seen so many spelling mistakes in such a short post. The answer is education.

Daniel Miller

I dont bother to check it english inharetad alot of stupid crap form inferior languages like french istead of haveing a spelling system like that inferior language english needed to adopt the latin form of grammar its easyer and far more efficient then the current inferior franco/germanic system. But what dose my language’s shortcomings have to do with how stupid arabs are? Also education cant fix IQ,IQ is a fixed value you cant change it you are ether born stupid or smart you have no say in it.


“Also education cant fix IQ,IQ is a fixed value you cant change it you are ether born stupid or smart you have no say in it.”

To a degree, yes people like Newton were freaks of nature, but anybody can raise their IQ by exercising their brain. Using the map you quoted from, you can see that Canadians are smarter than Americans, but genetically are very similar? China has the highest IQ, and although genetically Asians are the smartest, you can see the Asian countries around China have lower IQ’s?

The reason the Chinese are the smartest, and getting smarter is communism, every child is entitled to the best education the country can supply. In America education is dependent on the financial status of your parents, so idiots like Bush and Trump get educations, whilst the next American genius is working at KFC.

Daniel Miller

China and Japan have been caught cheating on the testing results selecting only the best students of classes to partake in them not all so China’s or Japn’s claims are invalide and so is the notion asians are smarter is debateble.


The proof of the pudding is in the eating. China leads the world technologically, whilst the US returns to the trees.


IQ is in no way a fixed value. It tends to go up with age, for instance. More specifically, you can study for them just like any other test, and people score better if they take IQ tests repeatedly; there are tricks and approaches that come up in IQ tests that people can get better at. General educational level, and particularly things like critical thinking courses, also have an impact on how well people do on IQ tests. And indeed, the Frenchman you referred to who invented them, invented them as a way of figuring out people’s educational level and what they needed to be taught, not as a measure of any inherent quality. The “IQ” label got hung on them later, by Americans I believe.

Much like markets, they are not magic.


“yea but if that was true”

Not if, it is true, the Israelis even assassinate the brightest Arabs. The plan is, Jews will rule the ME as Pharaohs and the Arabs will be the slaves of the Jews. Jews work on taking the intellectual high ground in every country/region they target. The USA is a prime example, since the Jewish invasion, Jewish politicians have worked to destroy the American education system, whilst ensuring Jewish children get the best education. It’s a good plan, and it works, up until the point where slaves rise up and the Jews buy their way into the next victim country.

Ashok Varma

Islam and its medieval ideology has literally taken the Muslim world back to 7th century. The biggest victims of Arab desert cult of Islam are the more advanced and sophisticated Persian,Turkish and Asian countries that fell under the spell of this warped fake religion of Bedouins.

Tommy Jensen

Maybe the IQ system is pure academic bs as so much else.

Daniel Miller

ah……so you will dismiss the a system used by all? Ok.

Promitheas Apollonious

those numbers speak of you and yours kid. As for the idiots who create them are the same scum of the earth that given obama and his likes peace nobel prices.

Obviously they confuse the syrians, with the americans and the brits who hold the flag among the western sheeple, on stupidity.

Daniel Miller

……..sooooo why is evryone useing them? Why are the Russian’s Chinese’s Arabs themselvs useing them? the IQ system was developed over 100 years ago….by a French man…Sorry but get a better argument.

Promitheas Apollonious

says who you? This systems are like statistics or feasibility studies or

polls you can manipulate them to have exactly the results you want them to have.

For example USA 98 and then the majority of this people are single digits. If in doubt watch this. Forgive me if I dont respond to your stupidity and parroting again.



Daniel Miller

And you think a cople of ppl asked on the street is proof of how high or low a nations average is? Ok then following that logic Syria is in the – relm.

Promitheas Apollonious

I lived there I know the IQ of the moron hybrids that live and pollute the streets. Do you know that 70% of high school graduates have hard time reading and writing? Unless you think what holyshiot shows is also the reality in US of morons

Ashok Varma

All violent desert Abrahamic cults are a curse on humanity and retard human development and free spirit. The Jews have somehow self-anointed themselves as the “chosen” ones, only the opposite is true.

Daniel Miller

considering their IQ yes they have not

Xoli Xoli

Russians are training Syrian forces and air defences are currently under Russian protection.If not so Israel will destroy All s-300 before operational.Why should the whole world know when Syrian forces will be capable to use s-300.Who cares about Russian attitude towards Israel .Israel is just like ISIS.Should Syrians and allies keep on dying while under training until one day Russian bases are under attack.Those bases came several times under coalition attack.Trump said Russia be ready it’s coming and had bomb Syria nothing happened.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are kind of confused as to what reality is in syria.


Time is again Israel not Syria…


not earlier than in March 2019.

Israel to hold elections in April. I guess Bibi will continue to bomb Syria until then… his voters are psychos just like him.


The one important fact that everybody seems to overlook is Syria has won the war. Yes the Israelis will bomb, they have been attacking their neighbours since the US/UK created their poxy country, and that is unlikely to change. But the main thing, is the Israeli plan to annex western Syria and isolate Hezbollah has failed. In fact they have facilitated Iranian deployments in Syria, that would not have occurred if Israel had not attacked Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

it will change I believe very soon this.

Tommy Jensen

So far ;-).


Has Israel obtained air superiority over Syrian skies NO! Will they ever NO! Remember the the Syrians are only defending their airspace and effectively denying Israel.

Promitheas Apollonious

correct observation, we agree on this.

Robert McMaster

Russia looks like a wus. Lily-dipping about just perpetuates Isreal’s ongoing assaults. Give the Syrians enough stuff to put an end to this.

Kelli Hernandez



We all operate on very imperfect info. It’s not just the fog of war, but even “news” is all editorial comment anymore, so we must analyze the fundamentals.

1st fundamental: the Russians are playing the long game, and that means these episodic events have no independent meaning from the long game.

2d fundamental: there are two types of systems to analyze: static and dynamic.

The static analysis looks at the interface of countervailing forces and we should seek, forvthe sake of peace, a stable static configuration. What are the fundamental interests at play? Geographically where do they meet? At a hard border or a huge DMZ? We need to conceptualize a stable static arrangement of interests. Russia has achieved with masterful application of strategic analysis a long term presence in the Levant; i.e. it has staked its geographic claim in this area and secured it. Put another star on that generals shoulder. The Russian analytic is effective.

The dynamic system is the game in action. The Japanese marshal Art Akido uses the momentum of the enemy. The Tussian has played the dynamics to attain its static objective.

So why would the Russian ever ever ever throw down in the insane destroy Israel crowd and put its assets at risk for an objective that does not serve its end?

It won’t.

Now let’s figure out how to adjust the pieces: Iran and Turkey and Iraq (to a much lesser degree) into a stable configuration. None of us need this none sense hate driven vendetta of Sunni against Shia, or Moslem against Jew. It serves no one.

Putin can get the Nobel and Russia can claim the high ground if the Rusky continues to play its hand as wisely as it has.

Nevins Harding

So disappointed in Putin. All allied life needs to be protected. Israel will kill Russians and Putin still will not act. He really has not acted since the IL 20 except to deliver S300. The crews were trained years ago when the S300 was to be delivered. Lenin was a Jew and I really wonder if Putin is a shadow Jew.

Xoli Xoli

Everyone pass already it’s only modifications part of the system which doesn’t have specification or Manuel’s.

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