Syrian Sate Media Accuses US-led Coalition Of Striking Government Positions Near al-Bukamal: Multiple Casualties Reported

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Syrian Sate Media Accuses US-led Coalition Of Striking Government Positions Near al-Bukamal: Multiple Casualties Reported 5 out of 5 based on 9 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Early on June 18, the Syrian state-run news agecny SANA accused the US-led coalition of striking government forces’ position near the Syrian border town of al-Bukamal.

According to the SANA’s report citing a military sources, US-led coalition warplanes carried out strikes on a position in the village of al-Hiri, located southeast of al-Bukamal.

The new aggression comes three days after that the Syrian army liberated an area extending from the road of Haqel al-Wared (field of roses), al-M’aezleh and al-Tammah, to Ibn Muwain’e with 40 km-long axis and combed an area estimated at 2000 square kilometers in al-Mayadeen western Badiya.

The coalition has been targeting the military positions in a desperate attempt to raise the collapsed morale of the terrorist organizations due to the achievements of the Syrian army.

The field reports confirm that Washington provides Daesh organization with various kinds of support to prevent its collapse and invest it to keep its forces illegally in the Syrian territory and steal the economic resources in the eastern region through its mercenaries of terrorist groups,” the SANA added.

In turn, the US-led coalition denined the SANA’s claims and said that neither US forces nor the US-led coalition were behind the reported attack.

Various pro-government sources provided different info on the alleged casualties among pro-goverment forces as a result of the strikes. According to different versions from over 30 to up to 95 pro-government fighters were killed.

Last month, firs reports appeared that the US-led coalition established a military facility in the area of al-Omar oil fields, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, in the province of Deir Ezzor.

However, the US-led coalition’s claims remain in question because pro-government forces released a video showing results of the strikes on the area (18+):

Some Syrian experts link the recent tensions between the Damascus government and the US-led coalition with attempts by Washington to establish control of the western bank of the Euphrates, currently controlled by the government.

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.. And Putin has Soccer World Championship, but WORSE than that, ASSAD hasn’t S-300….

Wise Gandalf

Applause for pro-Syrian Putin!


Syrian defence troops die, while illegal Yanki Scum kill and lie. Time for Putin to remove the embargo on S-300s and even up Syrian-airspace.



Wise Gandalf

Hpw many yanks did you kill already?


My little bit Unwise Gandalf… as Wizzard you should know that Battles are Fought at MANY Levels… Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Intellectual….If Yanks come for a little Conquest in Holland…I will be happy to serve them what they came for… Syrians had the Right of Self-Defense… I will use that Right too… I ain’t the Agressor…but have no problems becoming one if challenged

Wise Gandalf

I think, it is time to block you.


Bwahahaha…Go ahead…PoOFFF!!! And the Great Magic Wizard of Wooz Vanished in Oblivion….

You can call me Al

I will never serve the Yanks. I am sorry mate, we maybe on opposing sides then.


That is not exactly what I meant… If the Americans ever set foot in Holland to conquer it…I’ll use my legal right of self-defense….Come as a friend and I’ll shake your hand….and this Wizard Stupid Saruman did not want to be my friend anymore….

You can call me Al

No worries, 1 1/4 hours on the train and I shall be there.

He blocked you, hahahaha…. you ain’t lost much, I wouldn’t worry about it.




Retribution will come for the US Coalition of terror but we are now seeing the usual illegal and murderous activities of the US and friends prior to any major SAA operation in order to dilute SAA resources. This time in Southern Damascus.

We all expect another false Flag chemical attack by the US terrorists as well.

America needs an excuse to get even deeper into Syria, so the best plan of action is to ignore their provocations for the moment, however hard that may seem.

When the time is right S300’s and S400’s will reap a harvest of US Coalition aircraft and the US will leave as they did in Vietnam. Total war would impact severely on Israel and a mass revolt by millions from the occupied territories combined with SAA and Hezzbollah attacks on Israel would I hope overwhelm Israel.

The Israeli’s know this and they also realise that murdering unarmed civilians is all they can achieve with any certainty.


This is why they prohibited European Civilians to carry Arms (yeah after their aproval and a paper contract, so they know were to find you)…. so when the time Arrives when the Government wants to put them in Concentration-Camps they won’t be able to defend themselves…. my advise is: Europeans Arm Yourself against Enemies… Foreign & Domestic


too late for europe brother….there is no european country with a population age 14-40 which is native any more……majority moslems with either little school education or absolutly none(cant read or write) and that come from medieval cultures….the heads of all states have all sold their souls to the satanic jews….99% in all countries in europe, if you have a gun in your house(with permit) and somebody breaks in, and that someone is not armed with a pistol too, you are not allowed too shoot.The house owner will be punished.Another example, bank robbery, a bank with a armed security.The security is not allowed to fire his weapon first.If he does(even if the robber is armed) he will get punished,the security. all lost here in europe bro


Here in Holland everything is fine with Muslims & People of Other Nations… It is the Goverment & the MSM Creating the Problems… the small Minority of’m causing troubles can be picked up and thrown in Jail within a matter of days… But they let them Walk to cause Trouble…it’s a Scam…


The lives of the child butchers Trump, Salman, Netanyahu and Israel are not beneficial to this world. They are evil. Therefore, their elimination is better for the future generations of this world.


Just take’m to Court..Let a Judge decide…if Convicted for the Crimes you mention.. Hang them high….


check out from about 3 months agon the speech of hollands police chief..”we are on the best way becoming a failed state.We as police can no longer be able to keep up with the crimes, ESPEICALLY committed by different moslem groups espeically in the drug industry.the price for a paid assassin is now by only 500 euros.We dont know who is here, we dont know who is coming in” and the speech continues about how misrabel working conditions and overall outlook is. If you people seriously believe that all is good, well then believe so.thast fine with me too bro.


Do you know why that is? Their Priorities have been writing Speeding Tickets, Parking Tickets… Arresting 70 year Old Women for not paying them…and putting them in Jail… Making Sure that all the EXTRA-TAX-Money is Collected by putting pressure on common people… Fines Fines Fines… The Big Cocaine-Dealers & Criminal Organisations are Free to do what they want… Because Coppers these days, don’t have the Intellect to Complete their Cases in a Proper way anymore, after 7 years of spending Tax-money on the investigation & Tapping of a Criminal Organisation… So they walk out of court Laughing… And Coppers often are just Chickenshit to take on the Big Boys of Crime…


Gee, sounds just like the US. Of course, the cops here are also taking peoples money and assets. Want your money back? You can’t just prove it’s legal assets, you have to sue the police. If you’re dumb enough to call the cops in the US, you put your life in their hands, especially if you’re the one that calls for help. Strange that this is happening in first world developed nations, not ‘shitholes’. Ah, the benefits of Israeli trained cops. I wonder how many other countries have their jackboots trained in Israel?


Holland always had a VERY Close Relationship with Israel & America since their very beginnings… and we still do…Training together… doing Business together…Our Governments are becoming somewhat of a problem I think…Mine is a Lying Snake just as Yours….it has poisoned the minds of the peoples over the Centuries with their lies…

Gregory Casey

You really should visit Ireland & Iceland. Both are islands in NW Europe with both nominally neutral. The ethnicity and cultural make-up of the population of both Countries is indisputably interlinked with 93/4%+ of total population of both Countries being white Caucasian.


being childish??? iceland???????????ireland??????????????

uk…is a dead country already….the moslems have a birth rate of 2.8 the white 0.8…..cut the bs…check out birmingham for that matters…be serious dude

same in germany,holland,belgium,france,austria………………..raping and murdering and drug dealiing

Gregory Casey

Funny isn’t it that the former Colonial Powers of Europe in Africa & Middle East, Little Britain, France, Belgium & Italy, all of which raped and plundered all before them throughout the 17th 18th 19th& 20th Centuries are now reaping what they sowed through their Islamic Immigrant Communities ………. and all they seek to do in the Governments of these Countries is pass responsibility to the other Countries of the European Union with Germany drawing the shortest straw of all in believing it forced to take in 1 Million + Refugees from Syria …….. Angela Merkel would have been far better off asking her fellow EU Member States why they believed they should continue to interfere in the affairs of their former Colonies in the Middle East across Syria & Iraq and in N Africa in Tunisia and Libya ……. and continuing to interfere, as they do in Chad Sudan Ethiopia & elsewhere in Central & East Africa. I have no sympathy whatsoever for them. Meanwhile, if White Caucasian European believe they may be overrun by Brown Hordes who worship Mohamed, then, all they need to do is raise their breeding rate. More sex among Caucasian might go a long way along this particular road.


The Whole World will be “Coloured” in 100 years…is that a problem you think? Because we have many Mixed-Bloods in Holland… they don’t Complain…they get all the Girls… There are Good & Bad People… this doesn’t say anything about Colour or Race… Higher Criminality Rates? Start Giving them Equal Rights… when that does not Work… it Becomes a Task for Coppers… Take them off the Streets throw them in Jail and keep them a couple of years…

Wise Gandalf



Good Sign…if you disagree then I’m Right…Thanks

Wise Gandalf

You should double your medicament dosage.


Tryin’ to Poison me? Take them yourself little Woozard..You can Stick’m where the Sun does not shine…use’m Rectally for you that is…


And my wretched government as well Merijn.


In reality Governments are safe from the people, up until the army turns against the government. Remember soldiers are just ordinary people, and at some point, they will turn their weapons on their officers.


Soldiers also have Wives… Kids or even Grandkids… Parents… Cousins… friends… families….Choices to be made…Do I Chose to Defend & Die for my Psychopathic Suicidal Government… or Do I Chose for Life….doesn’t seem like a very hard choice to me…

danny holmes

Strike and deny seems to be the new norm from US coalition in syria. This strike can only come from one of two sources Isreal or US coalition if both sources won’t own up to the strike then SAA should response at both. The strike was likely from Isreal or US stealth aircraft.

This type of attack must be very demoralising for SAA in their quest to mount future offensive against terrorists.

If Russia won’t protect SAA from this type of attack by giving SAA S400 misile defence system that can target stealth aircraft then Russia need to pack up and leave syria.


Or Russia needs to down the errant aircraft attacking the SAA . This will happen I am sure if the US/Israeli aggression continues.

Or , to really put the Cat amongst the Pigeons , I wonder if Iran would help with air defences in Deir Ezzor ? It would be good training for Hezbollah cadres as well :)


us pentagon just said it was the israelis, they hit SAA and iraqi popular forces hezbollah…..maybe the world cup was the reason russia did´nt see or hear anything lol


Only problem is the S300/400s are under Russia control & they will certainly not engage US planes. SAA will just have to rely on older S200 & Pantsirs


A lot depends on how aggressive and maniacal Israel and the US gets I suspect.


us pentagon just said it was the israelis, they hit SAA and iraqi popular forces hezbollah


A statement from Iraq has now declared that some of their soldiers were killed as well.

Israel really is in a panic to start a war with Iran and cares little who is murdered to do so.

Israel realises that their bloody and thieving past is fast catching up with them with the Worlds public opinion realising at last realising what the Israeli governments have been doing for circa 70 years.

Concrete Mike

Poor bastards can’t even get fucking teeth for their hoe….even the shanks are wore the fuck out

Daniel Miller

yup arabs getting ass fucked and they wont do shit about it…


So are civilians all over the western ‘democracies’ and they’re bending over for it, most of them willingly.

Daniel Miller

yea atleast they dont live in a shit hole.

Concrete Mike

Have you been to a trailer park outside Detroit??

While your cheerleading your government killing abroad, that money could be used to fix roads and bridges, creating american jobs for america.

You must truly be an egotistical sick fuck to support that.

Daniel Miller

oh no i do not like the fact we are in syria infact i wont mind if the SAA insinerated some US bases in Syria but they are pussys and dont want too…


Why don’t you go over there and show them how to do it? I can’t imagine how the rest of the world has the idea the US is full of idiots.

Daniel Miller

if only one man was enoth then yea but you cant make a pussy be a hero since a pussy is a pussy in nature.

Dušan Mirić

I read some article recently about two major events in the world, World football cup and the war. I am old enough to remember 2008 and Georgian Adventure, then in 2014 came Ukrainian coup… WTF intelligence was doing, or at least air defense (if it was air strike). If it was an air strike then some creepy conclusions could be drawn, one of them, creepiest to me, they were not able to detect incoming missiles


Supposedly it was from armed drones, but your question still stands. Manpads could deal with these attacks.


us pentagon just said it was the israelis, they hit SAA, and iraqi popular forces hezbollah


Would the USA lie? Did the USA lie about the hospital it bombed in Afghanistan? Did the USA bulldoze the remains of the hospital to hide evidence?


Exactly. I’m American and I don’t believe anything they say. Cheney told us the Pentagram ‘lost’ billions of dollars and don’t know where it went. Then those looking into just happened to it get killed in the Pentagram attack on 9/11. Who would believe anything they say? They also continue to say they are fighting IS, while attacking SAA.


You’re not alone, I don’t trust me Government(Australia) either. Pity you can’t get pitch forks anymore.


us pentagon just said it was the israelis

Joe Dirt

More dead terrorist :D


yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the satanic jewish piece of shit…….cry baby little jew joey.

You can call me Al

There will be dead terrorists IE the invading scum into Sovereign Syria. Hey dirt; go dob a donkey.

Gregory Casey

Open your Eyes everybody!! This was an Israeli AF Strike. I can only surmise that the reason underpinning this decision to ‘take-out’ 100 members of the Syrian Military and grievously injury scores more far, far away from the Israeli Border is that the Israelis believed they were about to be rumbled with their Israeli Military Personnel embedded on the ground with ISIS about to become engaged in fighting with the Syrians and most probably wiped out. This incident really is one of the seminal moments of this War.

S Melanson

If the strike was carried out by Israel, I suspect the Israelis flew south of the Syrian border until close enough to launch – unlike Lebanon, the Russians may not detect the Israeli craft or alternatively, do much about it if outside denial coverage. US could provide intel to Israelis to target and guessing correctly the target would be challenging until the missiles are almost upon their target.

This incident needs more study.


The important point here is …….. where is Russia intelligent system (radars, drums, spy satellites, spy planes) ? Didn’t Russia notice anything at all about this attack ? or is this attack in agreement with USA-Israel forces ? Please, do not tell me that this was a surprise attack for Russia (for Syria yes, but not for Russia).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well from what I see from all my sources it’s not just the Syrians who’ve lost troops, Iraqi’s have also been killed in the same airstrikes and they’re supposed to have even more casualties. Someone’s made a big mistake. I thought the French artillery were here to do this dirty deed but I was wrong, they used the Airforce instead. 52 dead at least.

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