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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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On April 24, Syrian security forces launched a special operation in the Druze town of Salkhad in southern al-Suwayda to arrest wanted individuals.

A source in al-Suwayda Police Department told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SAN) that special forces, police units as well as local armed groups are taking part in the operation, which is aimed at securing the town.

According to local sources, the operation is targeting an infamous gang led by Nawras al-Eid, who is wanted on several criminal charges. The gang is reportedly involved in theft, ransom kidnapping and even murder.

Security forces, backed by a local armed group, stormed al-Eid’s villa in Slkhad on April 24 afternoon. Several suspects were arrested. However, al-Eid managed to flee.

The SANA released photos showing loads of light caliber ammunition and hand grenades which were seized inside the villa. A source in the police said several IDs and documents of people who were abducted by the gang in the past were also found in the villa.

“The operation is still ongoing and the rest of the wanted individuals will be pursued until they are apprehended,” a security source told the SANA on April 25.

Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Security Forces Launch Operation Against ‘Criminal Gang’ In Southern Al-Suwayda (Video, Photos)

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In the last few years, several armed groups were formed in al-Suwayda under the pretext of protecting local Druze communities. While many of them indeed played this role, others became infamous for arms and drug trafficking as well as for ransom kidnappings and theft.

Government forces confronted these groups on many occasions. The most recent incident took place on March 26, when the Syrian military killed four local gunmen who attacked one of its checkpoints near the town of Sad al-Ain in southeast al- Suwayda.

Syrian security forces will likely carry out more operations against rogue groups in al-Suwayda in the near future. Damascus has apparently taken the decision to put an end to actions of these groups. Local observers believe that some of these groups could be linked to hostile foreign actors.


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The borderlands with ISISrael and Jordan will always require special operations, as the flow of weapons, drugs, money and supplies for the Ziowahhabis’ useful dipshit jihadi mercs won’t cease as long as the war on Syria rages on. The SAA will be kept a sharp fighting force due to this-


Shut up already you deep shit.


SAA and Hezbollah aren’t going anywhere except to getting even readier to deal with the Ziowahhabi terrorists.

Jens Holm

Advericing 1,2,3:

“Criminels figting and killing criminals themslves”

We still dont know if its the dog eating its own tail ot the tail eating the dog.

But if they need money for it, it can be donated by right wings in europe. They have a motto saying:

“If they are kill aech other , they wont come here”.

Jens Holm

Thats not the point. The point is that Assads are not able to establish civile conditions as in the bad old days.

Thats why those self established larger griups are asked. Assads cant even make a safe guaranty for them. Druses as well as many others has no own income, and then has to take “any”.

So the crime background is correct, but almost understandable.

Here the main network is Druse to Druse, where You seemes unfamiliar with that the Jordan and Israel borders are hermetic closed. Not even Covid has spread that way.

Instead You should be impresed for that the KIng in Jordan has avoided spreading the uprises to Jordan and also in a none scientific wat see thats why Jordan has not taken a single refugee whatever – from Al Tanf.

Things by that mainly come in and out from Lebanon by Bekaa, which never should have been a part of Syria, and from the rest of Syria and maybee even Iraq.

That of course includes SDFs.

Assads and so many here deny to understand those hard facts. In the one hand its fine to fined those weapons, but in the other hand those people are back under Assads in propaganda and bajonets.

The same pattern is visible in fx Venezuela. Who are the good guys and girls – the socalled goverment or the drugdealers? In Venezuala and other countries nearbye the socalled goverments are drugdealers too.

I mention it, because the Baathists waa hard criminals before the figtings began. So are they not that anymore???



I thought the house of representative s was based in DC?

Assad must stay


Assad must stay

very nice syrian security forces keep up the good work!

Jens Holm

They probatly are the robbers:)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is a bit of a worry because this is where the Druze are most loyal to Assad, I know 2 of the 12 different Druze enclaves sided with the rebel forces but they operated further east in Quneitra, this area was supposedly all pro government. Israel and the Syrian Druze communities have very really good relations with each other, so I hope these Druze the SAA are locking up really are just common criminals, if they’re not it might have something to do with Israelis anti Iran agenda, which would be the last thing Assad needs right now, Israeli proxies bumping off Iranian agents in Syria would complicate the situation way too much, so I really hope they are just common criminals. And every Druze enclave is armed to the teeth with all sorts of weapons and vehicles [even heavy], the defensive militias are armed to the teeth and all the civilians are armed to the teeth as well, so if you went to any Druze home and searched for weapons, you’d probably find the same sorts of weapons and ammo in their homes as well. They’re used to other Muslim groups trying to murder them and are always very well prepared, historically [recent] they’re the most targeted religious group in Syria.

Jens Holm

Far out biased just as Your Rutbah version yesterday.

The borders to Jordan and Israel has been hermatic closed, so even ovid cant find its way.

The rest seemes much better. I allow me to see those criminals as they have no income and need everything. They also are not protected by Assads. Military control is not even there and there is not much regained normalized civile conditions.

So any kund of income might be the way to stay alive – not matter what.

WHAR here is the whole Assad Ciorkus as incommers finding weapons for selfdefence as well as trade and grapping.

“East of Daraa is a good description”. Many might not know the Druses there not so long time ago had their own autonome.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Do you know how many Druze live and study in Israel, they have passports that allow them to travel to and from Israel nearly as easily as any Israeli citizen could, so the Israeli border has never been closed to the Druze population, they welcome them with open arms. And right up until June 2018 the Israelis actually supported 2 of the anti Assad Druze militias that were fighting against the SAA, and they did actively supply them with weapons through their mutual border. And you should know there’s enough weapons and ammo in Syria as it is, you can buy anything you want to if you have the money, and with free and open borders for the Druze, it makes it easy for Israeli money to get into Syria by air or by bus, not to mention electronic transactions too.

And you think it’s just a coincidence that the Rukban camp only had 7 to 8,000 refugees pre october 2017, but after a 2 month operation to finally eradicate Isis from Homs and Deir ez Zor, by Russia, Syria and Iraq [the US were invited to participate but refused], that camp swelled to having 50,000+ refugees by January 2018, and then to 70,000 mid 2018, that wasn’t just a coincidence, all the fleeing Isis fighters and their families all headed for the US run refugee camp after they were beaten, that’s why the numbers swelled in just 2 months. And as I said Assad and Russia rescued all the genuine refugees from Rukban last year, they vetted them all for criminal and terrorist activity, and if they were genuine refugees they were repatriated to their old homes if possible, and to other location if it wasn’t. SF had several articles on the matter last year so maybe you missed them. So I’ll say again, most of the refugees left at Rukban now are just Isis fighters and their families, otherwise they’re common criminals who can’t go back to Syrian controlled territory, but I don’t think any genuine refugees would still be there if they refused to accept the Russian and Syrian deal to leave if they wanted to. I think all the refugee left at Rukban should all be sent to the US, don’t you think that would be a good idea, or don’t you like the idea of all those ex Isis fighters living in the US with refugee visa’s. And if they’re not really Isis fighters as you say they aren’t, why not send them to the good old USA, it’s the humane thing to do isn’t it, or better still send them to Denmark to live with you, you keep championing the moderate opposition all the time, so go on, sponsor a refugee from the camp at Al Tanf, let them come and live in your home for a while, that’s if you really think they’re genuine refugees, and then you can let me know if I was right or wrong about them.

David Parker

“Local observers believe that some of these groups could be linked to hostile foreign actors.” You think so maybe?

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