A screenshot from the video
Syrian security forces have seized a large weapons cache smuggled for terorist cells in the government-held city of Hama.
According to reports, the event took place on September 27 when security forces stopped a car that was attempting to reach Hama city.
Following the initial investigation, it became clear that the weapons were moving from Idlib province for sleeper cells of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in Hama city.
Syrian Security Forces Seized Large Weapons Cache Smuggled For Terrorist Cells In Hama (Video)
I trust the Syrian authorities will put them to good use. There is a decent brave Iranian soldier who has just given his life for the liberation of Syria. His name is Mohsen Hojaji, Beheaded by the vile inhuman scum yesterday. Use every one of those captured weapons and think of this young man and liquidate every terrorist that comes your way, Syria. He must be crying out for vengeance. Vengeance will be particularly sweet if their weapons are used against them to eliminate them in the greatest numbers possible. And even sweeter if any US bast*ard is among them.
Wayne Madsen claims there are reports that US Special Forces have directly clashed with Russian, Iranian and Syrian forces in Syria. http://milfuegos.blogspot.com/2017/09/reports-from-syria-of-us-military.html
Reports from Syria of U.S. military engagement with Russian troops By The Wayne Madsen Report
Reports have reached WMR of possible combat between U.S. Special Forces and Russian troops in northeastern Syria. The situation is so dire, some U.S. Special Forces personnel have broken operational security, or “OPSEC,” to send electronic messages to their next-of-kin in the United States that they are currently deployed in Syria and may never again see their loved ones. It should be emphasized that these U.S. Special Forces personnel — Army, Marine Corps, and Navy — have never before revealed to their families where they are currently engaged in combat.
Thanks for that I will post it on. Sounds pretty credible. It was only a matter of time. It also confirms the coalition has been formed between ISIS and SDF. Both vile US proxies – invading, occupying and killing in another sovereign state.
Things must be pretty grim for US Special Forces if they’re breaking radio silence to talk to their families in fare well messages. I found it interesting in Madsen’s article that the Pentagon never acknowledges to the families the true location or the circumstances of where their loved ones were killed.
They made a bad decision to deliberately kill a Russian General and two Colonels. A very bad decision. The USA military are now fair game in anyone’s book. certainly mine.
America has nothing to gain in Syria or the Middle East. Unlike North Korea there is no direct threat to the American Homeland from Syria. Moreover, everything the US has touched in the Middle East has turned to dross.
Turned to dross. And mass slaughter.
There’s an old saying “Leave well enough alone.” American statesmen have yet to learn the wisdom behind those words.
Superb article. Voltaire http://www.voltairenet.org/article198066.html
I believe that one of the great mistakes of Churchill, Gertrude Bell and T.E. Lawrence was not creating an independent Kurdistan. Ever since the Kurds have been at the mercies of the Turks, Iraqis, Iranians and Syrians. And the US has used the Kurds to bedevil regimes it does not like such as Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime in 1991. But America played a perfidious game with the Kurds. The George H. W. Bush regime encouraged a Kurdish rebellion only to abandon the Kurds to be gunned down by Saddam’;s helicopter gun ships.
They keep choosing the wrong allies. You woukd think they would have learnt. But that Bazani or whatever his name is – is a thoroughly bad egg.
It’s difficult to understand what America’s tactics and intentions with respect to Kurdistan are.’Today America officially opposes an independent Kurdistan but it appears that the US wants to use the Kurds to weaken Iran, Turkey and Syria.
As for choosing bad eggs, 15 years ago American neoconservatives touted Ahmed Chalabi as the George Washington of Iraq.
Chalabi had already been convicted of bank fraud in Jordan. “A secret document written in 2002 by the British Overseas and Defence Secretariat reportedly described Chalabi as “a convicted fraudster popular on Capitol Hill.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Chalabi
Exactly and they must have known.
In 2003 the George Washington of Iraq, Ahmed Chalabi, sat behind Laura Bush at the President’s State of the Union Address. I already knew from public sources , that Chalabi had been accused of bank fraud in Jordan. I presume that Bush’s people in the White House and Rumsfeld’s people in the Pentagon already knew Chalabi was a weasel. Picture of Chalabi sitting behind Laura Bush at the State of the Union. http://uruknet.com/pic.php?f=bush-chalabi.jpg After the US took over Iraq it turned out that Chalabi was not only working for America, he was also working for Iran.
Never forget Blair could not get the illegal attack on Iraq through parliament. It was the biggest Labour rebellion for years. He got it through. David Cameron, Sharia May and other Tories crossed the floor of the House and voted for the war and saved Blair from defeat. Very fashionable to blame Blair for taking Britain into that war. It was Cameron, May and some Tories who swung the vote. Blair/Cameron/May. Spot the difference. War criminals the lot. Iraq, Afghanistan. Libya, Syria.
Here is an interesting connection. Ukraine. https://southfront.org/syrian-army-seized-hideout-of-ukrainian-isis-members-in-deir-ezzor-province-video/
Ukrainian ISIS members! When they return home from Syria will they bring their lessons in cruelty and depravity back to the Eurasian steppe? It’s strange how all of these random conflicts all have common threads and they all lead back to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
When you see the brutal mass killing in the Donbass and the mass burning alive in Odessa – these Ukrainian terrorists are pretty well trained before they go.
Maybe like athletes they don’t want to get out of practice. It’s now clear that either Trump was a Globalist all along or he’s lost control of US foreign policy to the Generals.
I would like to thnk he was at one stage sincere but that is getting more and more unlikely with every move he makes. I still think it was very possibly a co-ordinated detailed plan plotted by a foreign intelligence service – as a way of taking the Oval Office completely. It was a coup.
If there was a coup I think it was an American Deep State Coup. A coup like the JFK assassination would be too blatant and shocking. But a more subtle coup might pass muster with the public. One thing you should look into is that some 30 years ago Trump bought a casino company called Resorts International. Resorts had a long history of dealing with the CIA including money laundering. Resorts International was tied in with a Florida attorney named Paul Helliwell who had worked with American intelligence in China in World War Two. And Resorts International was involved with Thomas Dewey, a New York corporate attorney and Governor who ran for President. Some people believe that Trump’s involvement with Resorts International is evidence that he is tied to the American Deep State.
Very possible. But gawd!!! did that man lie and to 20,000 people at a time.
Trump claimed he was not a politician but in terms of prevaricating and trimming the truth he turned out to be a master politician.
the end for all terrorists in Syria and Iraq is near…..they may capture a village or 2, kill 5-10 brave soldiers but thats as far as it goes. death is wiating for them….from above, around the corner, everywhere
I wager my last can of ghetto-style pork and beans that the weapons in the picture (US M72 A2 66 mm. Light Anti-tank Weapons – LAW, AKM rifles, PKM machineguns, explosives and F-1 hand grenades ) were supplied by Lebanon or the Zionists. Retaliation against these two US-supported gangs of vermin is long overdue. Good seizure by the SAA.
If it came from Idlib then Turkey, not Lebanon, is the most likely supplier.
The LAWs pictured don’t have the standard US model/lot markings. If I had to wager the culinary treasure described based on the blurry video, I would guess the Turkish version which has been showing up a lot in ISIS stockpiles from Mosel, Tabqa and Idlib. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee9ba4a54e981ab1c3f4d4f11d58a28f92ab019d0540c76236748517a22a09f4.png US/Brit direction labels are titled “FIRE INSTRUCTIONS” or “FIRING INSTRUCTIONS “. Turkish versions say “ATLESME TALiMATI” which I think means “Sell to the Taliban”