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Syrian Su-22 Dodges Turkish Anti-Aircraft Missile Over Greater Idlib: Reports

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On March 4, a Su-22 warplane of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) dodged a anti-aircraft missile while conducting a combat sortie over Greater Idlib.

Activists released several photos showing the traces of the Su-22 and the missile that was fired at it. The incident reportedly took place over the town of Sarmin in southern Idlib. Earlier today, Turkish-backed militants launched an attack from there on Saraqib city, to the south.

Turkish sources claimed that the missile which targeted the Su-22 was fired from a Turkish F-16 fighter jet flying over the southern Turkish province of Hatay.

In the last two weeks, Turkish F-16s shot down three warplanes, two Su-24s and a L-39, of the SyAAF using what is believed to be U.S.-made AIM-120 AMRAAM beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles.

While Turkish sources’ claims are completely possible, there is also a chance that the Su-22 was targeted with a FIM-92 Stinger missile.

Turkish forces in Greater Idlib are known to be using Stinger man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS). The Turkish Armed Forces also deployed several Atilgan pedestal-mounted air defence missile system (PMADS), which are armed with Stinger missiles, in the Syrian region.

The Turkish military is attempting to restrict the operations of the SyAAF over Greater Idlib. This could further complicate the situation in the region.

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Assad must stay

Russia needs to be using jammers and shoot down any torki aircraft over idlib no exception this is fucking ridiculous either you are with SAA 100% or not, anything else just demoralizes them


Calm down Russians can’t do “jamming” on everything and everywhere. The best solution would be that Russia does most of the bombings if not all.



Because Turkey also uses EW Systems and Turkish sources say, that today, Turkey first Time used Harpy/Harop Anti Air-Defence Kamikaze Drones. Some AD Systems were destroyed,


Shut up Turd troll ! You have “destroyed” all SAA with your big mouth! Fu*k off Turd !


Videos will probably follow… The Statements were from reliable Turkish Twitter sources, which were always true until now.


Oxymoron = Statements were from reliable Turkish Twitter

Legis Legis Juscius

no it will not folow, because your twiter acounts posts BS, one posted yestearday that buk was destroyed over saraqib, but there was no video, also only BUK in syria is russain BUK in Hmeimin base and tartus…lie after lie

Legis Legis Juscius

some?which?words from the ass, and now turkish desperataly asking for US air support again:D

Zionism = EVIL

BS at its best. The Turkeys are taking a battering on the ground and are firing BVR missiles from their own airspace and SAA and Hezbollah have knocked out almost half of their shitty drones.

Assad must stay

their shitty “bayraktars” hahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, from the smoke trail it looks like the Turkeys are using the Zionist tactic of firing BVR AIM-120 AMRAAM from Hatay as the SU-24 is around 30-40 kms from the border. The SyAAF pilots is very skilled to have dodged a 4th generation air to air missile. Kudos.


True, the problem here is that turkish F-16s firing AMRAAM missiles that have a range around 100km(C5/C7 versions) within their borders, they do that to deny Russia or Syria to respond to their turkish jets, otherwise Turkey will invoke article 5 of NATO if they do shot down a turkish fighter inside their borders. Cowardice(clever for others) tactic that only a barbarian Turk would do.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Than plan B Turkey gives a shit about Astana so bomb their outposts!

Tudor Miron

Turkey can invoke what ever they like but question is – how would other nato nations respond to their “invoking”. Even if Syria shots an F-16 in Turkish airspace firing from Syrian territory than this is Syrians responding to a threat targeting their territory.


From legal point of view it is absolutely different if it is war declared or not or if it is in Syrian air space or not. That’s why Erdogan didn’t declare war to Syria even though he has promised it

Lone Ranger

AMRAAM only has a kill zone of around 30km, after that it goes into a house mode and can be outmaneuvered, give if you see it coming…

Xoli Xoli

Turkey pretends as their above all the countries rights of existance because of their are USA,France,Britain and Germany war jet landing stage.Not a member.


These AMRAAM missiles are incredibly expensive

– $300,000–$400,000 for 120C variants – $1,786,000(FY2014) for 120D[1] – US$1,090,000[2] (AIM-120D FY 2019


Božidar Maslać

That range is only if plane is on very high altitude and with high speed. In normal combat situation (10 km, 1900 km/h) range is only 60 km or on the same altitude with speed of 845 km/h range is only 45 km. Altitude and speed of the plane are crucial factors for all AA missiles because rocket motor works few seconds. F16 can not use maximal range of AMRAAM (130 km) because AMRAAM must be launched on 25 km with speed of 3500 km/h. But f16 could make 100 km on max altitude (15-16 km) and speed (2.400km). Problem for f16 and other planes without super-cruising is enormous fuel consumption on supersonic speed. So, it can not be longtime in position for 100 km launch. Many factors are at play and I am sure that Russians can do many things to neutralize this threat without shooting on them.

Xoli Xoli

He is truly brave and experienced.

Assad must stay

yes he is quite an excellent pilot


It’s not an AIM-120. The rocket propulsion of the missile is smokeless. And even if it Wasn’t, the burner only works for a fraction of seconds, 7 or 10 sec. the exact time is model dependent, and I don’t have a subscription to JANES. I suspect they are shooting those between 30 to 45 KM from the border for reasons already spoken below. I suspect the history behind that photo is other.

Angry Guy


Even after all the events that have happened Russia still flies their fighters with out air-air missiles! How stupid and naive can Russians be? Again no air-air missiles on this Su-30 plane. You never see any US or Nato plane flying anywhere without at least 2 missiles always attached. This is also 100% proof that Russians cant and don’t intend to shoot down any potential F-16 fighters attacking inside Syria.


Zionism = EVIL

Russian position would be clearer after the ErDOG has kissed Putin’s arse. The current state of affairs of Syria facing a direct aggression from a NATO member is unsustainable.

munhu mutapa

Turkey is saying they killed almost 3000 Syrian soldiers and destroyed their ammunitions for the loss of 2 of their soldiers but yet asking for weapons from USA and lose also a territory they had taken back from the Syrian army in 2 days. I just hope the Syrian army invades also parts of Turkey.

Lone Ranger

Twitter is not a reliable news source… Russian jets are loaded with air to air in Syria since 2015.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Russia will do everything but not themselfes! They will arm syria and the ssa with all tools they need! And train them! Turkey knows that but cant do anything against it! If turkey is killiing ruuians again this changes!

Wayne Nicholson

First where they are fighting in Idlib is within 20 km of the Turkish border so Turkey can use standoff weapons and second the attack wasn’t successful so how do you know that EW wasn’t used to evade the missile?

Assad must stay

i dont, i am hoping it was used tho

Xoli Xoli

True either we are together or side with USA,Israel puppet.


Turkish sources say another AD system (BUK) was destroyed. Lets wait for video…

Rhodium 10

as usual Computer graphics…with blurry vision to hide the fake!


Thermal Vision, the same as in former operations against SDF.

Ask SDF if it was fake…

Rhodium 10

ask LNA in Libya…they have deployed many Pantsir and Turkey backed forces are losing ground in spite of Syrian turkish backed terrorist deployed there


Hafter started its operation in April last year… Still big urban areas like Tripoli and others not conquered. Tripoli hosts 30 Percent of Libyas population and other Urban areas like Misrata, Zawiyah and Gharyan also still in GNA hand. Urban warfare is different then taking wast land of sand.

And Turkey is not that much involved like in Idlib anyway. But enough to bring Hafters operation to halt.

Rhodium 10

LNA could enter in Tripoli tomorow if he wanted…but it would cause civilians casualties beside refuges!

Wahid Algiers

…from Libya.


This contradicts to your statement: SAA operates also the same Versions like in Libya and other newer Version.




I am sick and tired this “destroyed Pantsir” bollocks! Why is not somebody else (SAA or Russia ) talking about that?! Only these Twiter idiots !

I will believe it when I here Syrian or Russian sources I don’t see why would they hide such important information


When I type in “Syrian SU-22 dodges Missle” I get AIM-120 AMRAAM

Did The Syrian old thing dodge one of the Best American Missiles?


like the Serbs shooting down an F-117


Why the f*ck Syria, Iran ore Russia are not downing Turkish jet operating on Syrian territory.I thought Syria imposed a NO FLY ZONE? Just liquidate those F16 ore are you not cappable of doing so Russia, Syria.by not doing so you no only strengthen the publicity power of Turkey but also his fire power.

Wahid Algiers

The tÜrkÜ cowards come from stolen province Hatay…


WHERE is that Turkish jet ? Your link is FALSE ! And you don’t provide any proof for your claim about Turk jet!


because they are shooting from their airspace, attacking those plane inside turks airspace would be act of war to whole NATO.

Friend of Russia

Attacking Syrian jets inside Syrian territory is also an act of war for the whole world except Russia


You are anti-Rusian troll no doubt about that. Targeted jets were reason for SAA to declare war and that would change absolutely nothing! That would help NATO to talk differently about all situation here. Syria and allays must find better tactics how to respond on this situation. Answer would be that Russians take over the bombings completely. Russian army doesn’t have support of Russian population to start war against Turks. But if attacked Russia will respond and annihilate you filthy Turd rats !

Now f*uck off Jew-Turd !


The thing is most the world are owned by NATO and their alliance.

Shia man

Politics is a bitch if turkey would have announced an open war on Syria then it would be a different story you would see syria and it’s allies launching volleys of ballistic missiles on Turkish military bases inside turkey


“Turkish jet operating on Syrian territory”

How can you be so stupid to claim something without any proof?!

Wahid Algiers

“…southern Turkish province of Hatay.” STOLEN by the strong smelling gypsy-tÜrkÜs in 1938 and earlier with the exclusive help from the fucken french traitors and colonists. Türküs thiefs, as jews and zionists.


ottoman cunts sold all arab countries and land to the west (france-brittain) they sold palestine to them and then they gave palestine to the jews…ottaman turks are the first cancer in the arab and muslim world then comes israel and golf states….all arabs should be united against the turkish state

Xoli Xoli

I agree with you.Turkey is USA,France,Britain and Germany war stage to destroy Arab countries and unity.It is not a member.It is a usable war landing stage.




Maybe Suhail and his Tigers can take Hatay back:




The pictures clearly shows this was not from a MANPAD.. Loo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a811c68abfa628dfa2754ecd110afc8a955585ab8560d4864a815116483fc5b.jpg k how the plane made a tight turn and the missile could not lock on it again. The trail dont show it moving up from the ground.

Cui bono

I don’t like to say it here, I didn’t believe it myself for a long time: Putin is a double agent and a traitor. He could end the war in Idlib within a few days. Putin doesn’t even deliver modern weapons to Syria. Tomorrow he meets Erdogan, one of the greatest war criminals and mass murders of modern times, also a friend of Bibi. Bibi is the greatest war criminal in modern times. Why do you think Putin, Trump, Merkel, Erdogan, Macron and all the big names in world politics are friends of Bibi? Finally wake up. They are all under the same blanket, China included. It is a satanic clique that dominates and controls the world – through the Mainstdream media. Of course, the big names in world politics are just puppets of the Satanic clique. Cui bono = To whom is it a benefit Marcus Tullius Cicero


i do not agree with this vision because china action and russia action like buying gold for exemple is a setback to mondialism and i have plenty of other exemple anyway is not a savior for sure

Wahid Algiers

You are right, fully. But Russia has to have one eye on his future role at all in the middle east and the another eye on his economic interests, even with Turkey. Understand and recognize what and how much Russia is doing to help Syria.


And why he is “right fully” ? In what exactly he is “right”since his list of accusations is endless

Wahid Algiers

All the names are really friends of bibi, the zio. And all these persons/nations never would harm a hair on israeli stolen land. A satanic clique really existing too. We all know that and who it is: the one world trendsetter and economical leaders in the back..


Politics is bitch and in politics every politician must talk to everybody and play friends with everybody! It is insane to accuse Russia to work for Bibi if Russians already for FIVE FUCKING YEARS are helping Assad, SAA to get rid of Jew-Turd terrorists ! Over hundred Russian (what is known) is already killed in Syria ! Do you think they do that for fun?!? How can you even say such thing that they have sold Syria?! Russia is here to liberate Syria from terrorist and nobody will stop them But they will not start big war because out of that only Israel , USA and NATO have profit !!


Russians are not Syrians! They will not start WW3 and destroy Russia because of Syria or anybody else ! Russia doesn’t want to declare war to Turks and Israel so they must find the way to talk to them. But if forced Russia will go to war against Turks or anybody Can’t you understand all that?!

Raptar Driver

Russia entered this so these forces don’t storm Moscow. It’s all or nothing for Russia a long time ago and Putin the meek talks big but does little. Time for his worshipers to regain sanity?


With NATO breeding down the Russian neck the strategy is low key conflict. That doesn’t mean that job will not be done. If there is no escalation of the war there will be no needed excuse for NATO to get involved And if NATO gets involved that only means that Russia can either back up and retreat or go all inside of the conflict since there isn’t anybody else to do it apart from them. Both of those scenarios are not good for Russia (and Syria & allays in general). Since Russia have sound economy and positive forecast even in the case of the worst global economic crisis there is no need for taking excessive risque and rush into bigger conflict unless forced into it. So why taking risque of starting WW3 if they can slowly achieve the same and in the meantime even dollar can collapse and change global situation completely Only few people here menage to see the complexity of the situation and the best way to deal with the problem. Your hunger to resolve everything with more war can only bring WW3 at the end but people with brains in Moscow, Peking and Tehran does not see that way as appropriate.

Raptar Driver

Why take the risk of WWIII? This is not the question, WWIII is being shoved down their throats, it’s time to respond or give up!




I also think that he is either Turd or Jew

FALSE ACCOUNT newly opened account


Thats Why We are Here… To call em out

Raptar Driver

You are the agents of chaos, dirty rats in the attic.

Shia man

It’s not that simple if you have a Rothschild central bank in your country you pretty much invited the Zionist to grab you by the balls and if you do anything against them they will start squeezing those balls by freezing your funds and your peoples funds imagine people in your country can’t go out and withdraw money to eat they will flip on their government in a heart beat.

Angry Guy


Even after all the events that have happened Russia still flies their fighters with out air-air missiles! How stupid and naive can Russians be? Again no air-air missiles on this Su-30 plane. You never see any US or Nato plane flying anywhere without at least 2 missiles always attached. This is also 100% proof that Russians cant and don’t intend to shoot down any potential F-16 fighters attacking inside Syria.





Big if true….

Intercepted pro-#Assad radio chatter in #Idlib suggests Tiger Force leader Suheil al-Hassan has been injured amid clashes in the #Saraqeb area.


Legis Legis Juscius

again injured, not killed, also more BS about russian made air defense systems destroyed with no videos


Ufff what relief !

I was already afraid of the announcement that commander Suhayl Hassan is pregnant and that he is going to have twins!!!


If this does not wake you up. Nothing will.



So they are Freemasons because having those Chinese robes (in China) and symbol of Freemasons tucked by Photoshop on the side?!?

For me that is only “proof” that you are either an idiot or troll or both.


I get it. You feel you need to debunk anything that goes against your subjective perception and opinion. To me it is “proof” that you are either as blind as f by your own self-righteousness or just another sheep thinking he has the cat by the tail while you are actually fondling it’s balls. I feel sorry for ignorant sheep like you. You’re intention is good, but you don’t have all the answers and seldom see the whole picture. Russia has a big history regarding Freemasonry. Photoshop!?!? Is that what you say when you don’t agree with an image. Do some real f research before you demonstrate your glorious ignorance here. B.t.w. I’m all for the SAA and the destruction of Rothschild-Zionism. It’s just you who are clearly wearing blinkers…


Imbeciles like you make me puke ! Go away retard !

Al Balog

The “Putin is a Zionist” motive is actually a Mossad psy-op. Spoke to a good number of patriotics Russians and ex-military. It’s meant to emotionally outrage the most patriotic Russians and initiate an “anti-Zionist coup” against Putin and his government. Then, there will be a new guy that will claim to be anti-Zionist (similar to Erdogan), but will be a huge Western puppet.


Exactly ! And why are people so effing naive and fall for all that bullshit?! How can Putin be Zionist and fight against Israeli terrorists in Syria? Many people do not use their fucking brains at all !


“How can Putin be Zionist and fight against Israeli terrorists in Syria?” Did I say he’s a Zionist? And please, there is a clear difference between Zionism and freemasonry. It’s time to use the few brain cells you have left and dig deeper. Just because Russia is fighting zionist proxies in Syria does not mean Putin is against the existence of Israel, you gnome. Take those blinkers of man.


You know that there is a difference between Zionism and Freemasonry albeit they are “friends”… Putin is not a Zionist. But that does not mean he’s not a Freemason. You self-righteous people on here clearly don’t know a lot about Freemasonry and how they run the world. There is a reason they call it the world stage.


Is that the best you’ve got? Please, puke out the last brain cells you have left. Freemasonry runs the biggest part of your brain dead reality. You go away, numbskull.


Go back to your Photoshop There is plenty of work for you to do !


Team Tel Aviv’s latest bot in “insult everyone” mode.


Here you have “proof” that Italian president Berlusconi is Russian !

What effing mega moron you are!



LMFAO!!! “Italian president Berlusconi is Russian” Now that is dumb. I’m probably black because I live in Africa?? Go away.You are embarrassing yourself.

Legis Legis Juscius

its sarcastics statmenet, not for your dumb brain to undestand tha


Spoke too soon, did you.


That was SARCASM you MORON !


Not that bright are you? I simply used your poor sarcasm AGAINST you. Why do I waist precious calories to reply to a turd. Buzz off fly.


Message to everybody : “Erol” is Turk TROLL.

Lone Ranger

Turkroaches and hasbarats will cry and range ;)

Julio Cesar Perez

This indicates that Turkish terrorists have air superiority within Syria? Where are the S-300, S-400, Su-34, and others, which should protect and provide an air superiority of Syiria?

Legis Legis Juscius

where are?they are protecting russain military bases, atleast 80 drones were shot down from 2019 from these systems, not even one missile firde now on turkish aairforce, because now turks using artilery, and planes whi are trying to shot syrian planes from turkish teritory, if s-400 will hit any of these planes over turkish teritory it means NATO article 5 and war

Legis Legis Juscius

they dont have the air superiority, russains still bombing turkish forces in idlib


Why are you liar? Claim of “Turkish terrorists have air superiority” is based on what?!


Airspace over Idlibistan is contested. No one there has superiority.


Are you saying that Russians and Syrians have stopped bombings? If yes than :

Source please!


Negative. I am just asserting that the airspace is contested. Aircraft from all sides operate under significant risk.


I tend to believe that “risque” doesn’t concern Russian airplanes. Turks may try to down another Russian jet but they will regret lot for doing it

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No manned aircraft other than Syrian and Russian have flown over Idlib. Are you slow, or don’t you listen to Erdogan pleading for US airforce to challenge SyrianRussian air domination over Idlib.


If the presence of Turkler UAVs cannot be reasonably controlled over Islibistan, then Damascus doesn’t have air superiority over Idlibistan. Whether the craft are manned or unmanned is neither here nor there.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

13 Turkish combat drones knocked out in last few days. Russian transports recently brought in Tor and other specialist anti drone gear, to counter the un-expected Turdish drone assault. The results are fucking obvious, unless you choose to believe otherwise.


Good, then if Russia and Syria are enjoying air superiority over Idlibistan, Turkler aircraft should not be causing any losses for the good guys today, or in any coming days. I hope you are correct. We shall see…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Allies, Syria and Russia, are carrying out air strikes all day, and as we post. Having an enemy fire back every now and then does not mean that air domination has been won. Erdogan has already stated that SyriaRussia control the airspace over Idlib.

In war, shit happens. The US were the undisputed masters of the sky over Vietnam, didn’t help them from losing thousands of aircraft, North and South.

No way would or could Turkey ever offer up that kind of fight to Russia, certainly not for Syrian territory.


No one can stop suicide missions. Turkish UAVs being shot down is a sign of air superiority. The Turks are contesting that superiority, but they can’t topple it.


If the presence of Turkler UAVs over Idlibistan cannot be reasonably controlled by Damascus, then Damascus doesn’t have air superiority over Idlibistan. Whether the aircraft are manned or unmanned is neither here nor there.

Erdogan wants to gain air supremacy over Idlibistan, and pleads with the USA to that end. That doesn’t currently presume Russian and Syrian air supremacy. It’s by all indications now a contested airspace.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You need a brain. Go pick one up in Idlib. Plenty of Jewhadi grey matter spilt everywhere there.

Legis Legis Juscius

Russain airsrtikes on turkish frorces continue near the outskirts of saraqib acourding to jihadist reporter, balsts can be seen



And where are the famous Turk anti aircraft defenses ? Nowhere to be seen.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Be fair, Turkish air defence is holding off the mighty Kurdish Airforce at the same time. lol


Lol, nice bombing. He also calls the Syrian Army the Assad militants! What a joke.

Xoli Xoli

If this is the case how Erdogan behave then Syrian forces should also hit targets in Hatay province in Turkey. Because Turkey terrorists friend soldiers life are not above Syrian soldiers and civilians as well as Syria territory. Turkey created ISIS and should bear the consequences as a NATO member.No more demarcation zones in sovereign Syrian land.Syrian Turkey border is the demarcation zone.


Only possible in todays Syria: Goverment bombing its own citizens with airplanes while a foreign countrys airplanes prevent it.Unreal!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And the Jewhadi airforce snipes away from behind.

Sad day for the world in 1948, when the seeds of Jewhadism was planted.


Only possible in todays israel: army snipers killing and injuring thousands of semitic civilians without an international outrage. Unreal!


wonder why syria doesnt shootdown invading turkish jets?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkish manned jets are far inside Turdish territory. Along with AWACs, well away from Syrian border, directing beyond visual range missiles from F16s towards Syrian targets in Syrian air space.

The Turds don’t need aircraft to hit targets in Idlib, they use VBIEDs and suicide vests.


I come close to believe that Russia does not want to kick Turkey out of Syria… It would be easy to organise massive ballistic missile Tochka,Scud,Fateh and MLRS attack on every Turkish position for Syria with some satellite images…


Tochka,Scud” are not in use any longer in Russian army mr. false expert… That only shows that you don’t have clue on military subjects what so ever. Yet you badmouth Russia from would be “expert” position



Syrian army has


Syria doesn’t have Scud’s and number of Tochka’s is not clear since they have been using them even recently (and Russia has given some more to Syria). Those are conventional tactical weapons and their importance can sometimes be exaggerated. They need designated FIXED targets to be used against. Bsaes, ammunition depots, training camps etc. …

So it is not as simple as it looks also they are not as powerful as it might sound to some. It is not wonder weapon that will change this war for sure.


no it is not but if Russians give the exact positions of Turkish artillery,EW systems,tanks by satellite they can get hit alongside with Turkish obs points. The best defence is the attack


Russian”s doesn’t have that kind of drones in Syria.

They need targets for their bombers and they can’t have them because there is no special ops or drones to designate the targets for the bombers.

I am tired of this stupid stories like yours and infinite demands that Russia must give more. They did give already plenty

They can’t win war for Syria instead of Syria

Now leave me alone because you are just one of those who expect that Russia does everything

Rafik Chauhan

Turkey has prove they are cowards same like israel they use tactic of Zionist to attack from thier border. Turkey want to provoke article 5 of nato. to bring nato in. and it was advice by US scum to do that Erdogon is playing dirty game. everything has its time. Erdogon think Syria cant respond . US want Turkey to declare war on Syria and use as much as weopeons. so US can sell turkey weopeons. Erdogon is fool and reatrded and enemy of Syrian and iraqi people .


Russia delivered to the SyAF R-77 A2A missiles of 110 km range.

To be used on the MiG-29 SM’s

namulit emperor

Is there a reliable source for this? Turks and especially Israelis won’t like this at all…

Maurizio Pucci



No conclusive evidence two su24s shot,there was a source claimed do,me thinks typical after two su24s evaded us manpads,as for the other it seems validated,either way maybe someone can come up with factual evidence,seens how many cameras are there around nowadays? just saying.


So many Syrian jets have been shot down recently: Therefore Syria now needs a lot of incoming new, modern or freshly upgraded Russian fighter jets!!

namulit emperor

I’ve read somewhere that the Russian airforce is replacing or has already replaced its’ Su24 planes with the Su34, so they should have some in good order to give to the Syrians…


We will down the rest, don’t worry.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like how you destroyed Iran a thousand times already! lol

Your lot are always screaming death and destruction, but still are surrounded by the people you claim you will destroy. Empty threats against defenceless civilians is your stock in trade actions.

Anyone remember how your country was established? By Christian soldiers bringing you into Palestine, you never fought for it, it was handed over.

Mickey Mouse military ffs.

Bruno Gama

If a Syrian SU-22 could dodge the “Invincible” State-of-the-Art American Missile…imagine the more moderns Sukhois and Migs… Bad News for NATO everyday… They will call the Turks to stop shaming them! Kkkkkkkk

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