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Syrian Tribes Hold Major Meeting Ahead Of U.S. Forces Withdrawal

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Syrian Tribes Hold Major Meeting Ahead Of U.S. Forces Withdrawal

Click to see full-size image, source: the SANA

On January 25, Syrian tribes held a major meeting in the government-held town of Ithriyah in Aleppo, where they discussed foreign threats and stressed their support for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that thousands of tribal leaders and public figures from all over Syria, including the areas controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), had attended the meeting. Tribal leaders from nearby Lebanon and Iraq were also present.

In the meeting’s foundational statement, the leaders stressed that the Syrian people are determined to defend themselves, their lands and their sovereignty by all means against any form of aggression, including the American and Turkish occupation of the Syrian territories.

The tribal leaders also emphasized that the Syria is untied and independent and said that the sons of the northeastern region are committed to their homeland, state, army and leadership.

“The flag of the country is the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic, which symbolizes its sovereignty and sanctity,” the statement concluded.

The meeting, which was reportedly organized by pro-government businessmen and the Syrian intelligence, is a part of the Damascus government’s efforts to pressure the SDF. The Kurdish dominated group appears to be submitting to this pressure as it has not prevented tribal leaders from attending the meeting as it did before.

A day earlier, Kurdish commander Sipan Hemo said that Damascus is taking positive steps and revealed that a new round of talks will begin soon. These talks will likely shape the future of northeastern Syria following the upcoming withdrawal of U.S. forces.

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Xoli Xoli

Safe zone for who.

Jens Holm

To remain as nothing should be changed only.

Hisham Saber

Excellent news. And very ominous and a disaster for the U.S., Britain and France, who have forces and bases in both Syria and Iraq. Two of the biggest losers are the Israeli’s and Kurds.

Sooner rather than later, an armed, vicious insurgency will envelop the region by these said Arab tribes.

Jens Holm

You dont know, what those tribes traditionals are. They only care for their own local land.

You coul learn about it using “shammar”, which emmígrated to a big territoru named Syria and Iraq of today and not only Tigris and Eufrat from 1820 to 1850.

Ottoaman as well as aloso french and Hafes has worked hard to make them to be a part of the rest. Those are only for themselves.

So that has to do with none others should have influence there.

Brother Ma


Dimpe news said the Kurd sdf had captured many of the Syrian Arab Tribal leaders-who went to Athriya- and they are now threatening to behead them.Looks like SDF don’t want to lose the land they got on the cheap.

Hisham Saber

If that was the case, then the Kurds are hell bent on a suicidal massacre of themselves in Iraq and most definitely in Syria. . They are in Arab lands, surrounded by Arabs, and Assyrians who don’t like them either.

Again, U.S., British, and French forces with their tiny contingencies and small bases will not be able to save them from the wrath of whats to come if they do/did that.

Probably fake news, of Zionist origin.


Bye bye monster, bye bye single autonomous administration of north and east Syria.

Jens Holm

Bye by to the world and back to the dark. Thats how it is.

Tudor Miron

This development is the worst possible news for anglo-zio empire. When people get united on the basis of understanding what is actually better for them, their children and future generations that’s something that is literally killing satanic anglo-zio agenda.


I think the Anglo zio empire was aware of this tribal sentiment, subsequently their effort in Syria was doomed to fail.

Jens Holm

We all know tribes still has influense, when there is nothing else or even then – some.

Fine they debate aboit it, but if there isnt any from the Counsil, its bad.

Jens Holm

Thios is about the future for locals. It never should be tribers outside Ain Isa. Of course they are alllowed to meet and discuss.

You tell that has something to do with anglos and the rest is gone.

Jim Bim

YPG prevented about 100 cars and buses with more than 400 representatives of the Al-Hasaka tribes to attend the National Assembly of the Syrian Tribes in Ithriya. – Raqqa activist


If that is truth, then the most stupids of the Ocalan boys must be in Hasaka and Raqqa.

Jens Holm

Not at all. The Shammers reach all the way up to the Dam of Khabour and they arte not united but several tribes. At the integration thnere was another tribe, which came.

So this meeting by that reach more then half of the arabs in the yellow zone, where parts support SDFs as well as other arabs support SDFs in another context also having another northern accent.

In theori they all are same thing.

It seemes You after Years not even know, why so many support SDFs compared to others, the choises they have taken by themselves – as well as the overwhelming majority dont support Assad as well as FSA.

How is it possible to stay that stupid even things has been shown right here in words and pictures for Years.

The question is not about SDFs. Its about living with Assads with knoves and fear under their noses and any available future.

We see the old mens world in the tribe way.

You also ignore their alternative was not Assads but ISIS – They agreed with SDFs and many, many joined because they did not like Nusra, FSA and mainly ISIS.

SDFs is a good example for that things in Syria can be better by the people there respect each other and work together.

Mr Bray

Rumor has it that there was one heck of a security operation in motion to cover that meeting (and the convoys to and from the meeting).

It was suggested that several ‘messages’ were prevented from being delivered by the usual suspects who really, really wanted to deliver their special kind of message.

I have no idea if it is true or not, but I read that there was a special guest appearance from a popular Iranian Officer who spoke about a significant develpment in Venuzuala. Apparently both Iran and Russia had sent a ‘private’ (but state sanctioned and assisted using Russian and Iranian aircraft) special security detail to intercept a ‘private’ US security detail (also state sanctioned and assisted contractors).

Apparently no one was killed in the interception and the Russian and Iranian contractors got to the objective first.

No doubt if there is any truth in Russian and Iranian contractors being sent to Venzuela to block US contracters something will ‘leak’ out in the wash.

Jens Holm

Wife owner meeting of the worst kind from the old days. I look at the future in the past.

Of course I hope its not like that.

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