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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Troops Are In Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo City Liberated from Jihadists – Photo Report

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Fresh photos from the Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo city shows Syrian army troops in the area.

Syrian government forces liberated Al-Miysar from Jaish al-Fatah militants earlier today. Now, clashes are ongoing in al-Qaterrji and al-Sha’ar.

Syrian Army Troops Are In Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo City Liberated from Jihadists - Photo Report

Syrian Army Troops Are In Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo City Liberated from Jihadists - Photo Report

Syrian Army Troops Are In Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo City Liberated from Jihadists - Photo Report

Syrian Army Troops Are In Al-Miysar Neighborhood of Aleppo City Liberated from Jihadists - Photo Report

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Trustin Judeau

Syria army have also liberated the Eye Hospital.The jihadist are collapsing everywhere in Aleppo.

Eze Enwereuzor

Eye Hospital?

John Whitehot

Yeah, eye hospital. Where you get eye surgery and things.


That’s where Assad might have worked if his older brother had not died.

John Whitehot

thanks for the info. I knew he is a Physician but not abt his specialization

Marek Pejović

im not expert of the subject, but i think he is a children’s ophtalmologist. he also studied or practiced in London, not sure, and he was said to have been very kind to his patients without any arrogance of being son of a president. so a kind, educated and compassionate person – that’s rare among children of dictators.

Gary Sellars

The “Eye Hospital” that has been used as Jihadi HQ for several years and has been found to be filled with munitions, bomb workshops and chemical for explosive manufacture….

So much for the “last Hospital in Aleppo” that our Western media whores have been obsessing about….


Which one? Same media reported on 21 SEPARATE ‘last’ hospitals. Logic is not a strong point in the relict media.


The “Eye” maybe but they somehow lost de “hostpital”.

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