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MARCH 2025

Syrian Troops Capture Two Important Hills En Route To ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Map)

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Syrian Troops Capture Two Important Hills En Route To ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Map)

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On Wednesday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) advanced from Deir Ezzor city in the direction of the ISIS stronghold of Mayadin, on the western bank of the Euphrates.

According to pro-governmnet sources, the SAA and the NDF captured the hills of Um Qddamah and Ard Hamirah and engaged ISIS units in Al Bo-Amr and nearby points where clashes are now ongoing.

Earlier reports appeared that the SAA and its allies advanced much more further towards Mayadin and reached Boqruss Tahtani in about 7km from Mayadin. However, this sill has to be confirmed.

Syrian Troops Capture Two Important Hills En Route To ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Map)

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Syrian Troops Capture Two Important Hills En Route To ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin (Map)

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Zainab Ali

kudos to the tireless russian coalition … more great news coming soon

Richard Noel Hedditch

I agree.

Moussa Saab

I have a problem where I cannot check Southfront on my iPhone. So it is like this: I can enter your website and enter the front page, but I cannot click any of Southfront’s articles. E.g.: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45448fb672602e139feef538e24d2db43d8ac1422a4e447f9afad20cb535050a.png Then it just stops loading and stays. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28137a25c5a4de4d8efdd3307801d445e6d59f24ccd9e8652c569a9cc6deeab9.png For some reason it sometimes opens, but does not work about 10 seconds later. That is how I am able to say this.

I don’t know why this is happening…

Graeme Rymill

Try a different browser…if you are using Safari try Chrome or vice versa


Firefox also works.

Moussa Saab

Thanks, it works for now.


Thank you for the feedback. We will work on this issue.

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So far Assad, with Russian help with the Syrian military leaders and its political activity with Turkey Iran and Lebanons Hezbollah, is pushing back Al’Q and ISIL only where US paid allies do not control and unlike those US allies they must fight while SDF get to out in them to occupy former ISIL controlled land. These military actions, while raising up hopes for wars end, are but minor skirmishes leading up to a major conflagration by US/ Israel and NATO allies that Russians or not could (will) see a quick strike that will turn Damascus into wasteland Quick and Dirty with Assad and his closest.Administrators deader than a football This would leave Syria leaderless, and Russia no longer having any say or ability to claim invited by Syrian government. Of couse Russia would protest, but today when every nations lack of courage in losing comfort zones, The only law is natures primative and continual,” Might makes Right” and kissing ass saves ones own ass”.


I would trust that the Russian and SAA planners have a strategy for that possibility . Burning Tel Aviv would be one possibility. That scenario might even be to the advantage of patriotic Americans in power who are currently under the Israeli Jackboot.

Jens Holm



“A quick strike that will turn Damascus into a wasteland “, “Quick and Dirty” , you should hide your face in shame , that would lead to kissing everyone’s ass goodbye .


A quick strike on a city with some 5 million? Disgusting

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Why the he’ll should I hide head in shame, I am not of US/Israel flag and Bible and Torah thumpers, nor am I pacifist either. IZRAEL/ AND 180 MILLIONS OF US CHRISTIAN ZIONIST ARE BELIEVERS IN PASSAGES THAT SAY DAMASCUS WILL BE MADE INTO WASTELAND! AND those fanatics nuts want it to happen right now. I bow to no man, my thoughts are mine made by observation, and any shames I feel come from ability to do more to stem them F’n idiots cravings in check.


Ur thoughts are highly unlikely. And if u want to go by bible readings, then u may aswell research who God and Magog are in the book of revelations. Then u will see who lays waste to Jerusalem. ITS RUSSIA. ALmost all bible scholars agree on this. Even the bible says Jerusalem will lay waste. (Be destroyed)


This revelation completely refutes ur comments on “russia doing nothing”! I’m not religious either, but I know the revelations.

If u are Muslim then u believe Damascus will lay waste.

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FOG AND MAGOG, US thumpers confuse US propaganda with most scholars as they say the two are but one The Old Ottoman Empire or today’s Turkey that used to extend far to North. Not gonna argue over religion , only fools with nothing co n structive do so. I merely State the pretext . Of US fantical Christian and Israels’ Zionist twisting of scripture to suit their agendas. Question: How many of the Orthodox, old not new, Judaic religion bbelieve that Israel of today is the promised by( ) returned Israel of ancient writings?


Gog and Magog! My computer tried to autocorrect me! Im not religious but ur original comment seemed very much so when u were talking about christians, zionists and “passages” about Damascus!

Im not Russian nor am I orthodox christian! I went to Roman catholic schools and I also believe religion is total bullshit!

lastly, u asked about shit with Israel of today is promised and bla, bla, bla!

Well, according to what I can remember from catholic school, yes thats all in the bible and New Testament. That Israel will be returned to the jews!

However it also says that Israel will lay waste due to the actions of the Jews themselves!

Isaiah 42:15 (damn I hate quoting this rubbish but u want answers, u got em) “I will lay waste the mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation; I will turn rivers into islands and dry up the pools.”

Amos 7:9 “The high places of Isaac will be destroyed and the sanctuaries of Israel will be ruined; with my sword I will rise against the house of Jeroboam.”

Ezekiel 35:4

I will turn your towns into ruins and you will be desolate. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

2 Chronicles 18:16

So he said, “I saw all Israel Scattered on the mountains, Like sheep which have no shepherd; And the LORD said, ‘These have no master. Let each of them return to his house in peace.'”

Ezekiel 6:6

“In all your dwellings, cities will become waste and the high places will be desolate, that your altars may become waste and desolate, your idols may be broken and brought to an end, your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be blotted out.

Ezekiel 35:9

“I will make you an everlasting desolation and your cities will not be inhabited. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

Ezekiel 35:15

“As you rejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel because it was desolate, so I will do to you. You will be a desolation, O Mount Seir, and all Edom, all of it. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”‘

Malachi 1:3

but I have hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation and appointed his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness.”

Malachi 1:4

Though Edom says, “We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the ruins”; thus says the LORD of hosts, “They may build, but I will tear down; and men will call them the wicked territory, and the people toward whom the LORD is indignant forever.”

“Ezekiel 24:21

‘Speak to the house of Israel, “Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I am about to profane My sanctuary, the pride of your power, the desire of your eyes and the delight of your soul; and your sons and your daughters whom you have left behind will fall by the sword.

Jens Holm

Well,we see the opposite here every day. So why not propose Damaskus as a lale too.

Jens Holm

I realy hope You will hide Your behind better or at least curve something in the hole there.


Can every body see the yellow band on the other side of the river which is advancing without any fight ? These dirty kurds (seudo-fighters) are blocking the path of Syria soldier to the other side of the river. The USA troops (kurds) will stop Syria troops to go to the other side of the river all they along the Euphrates river. That is my guess.

Jens Holm

No, we cant. SDF´s are delayd by resistance and probatly cleans a lot of mines. if not they had reached Khabur at least a couple of days ago.

You also have ignored the rapports from there. But they are all lies in your narrowminded propganda world as well.


Russians and allies clearly advancing towards Mayadin, though in slow pace.

Russians and allies clearly not advancing at all on the other side of the river. A week ago Kusham was already taken and no changes at all on that side.

If the SDF did indeed take Markadeh in the Khabur Valley, they can accelerate their southward advance there.

SAA happy, SDF happy.

Kira Binkley

Assad and Putin should be fighting the SDF. Or Syria could be fractured indefinitely.

Are they afraid of a proxy war with the U.S.? That is, global deep state.

Does the SDF act in tandem with the Iraqi Kurds?

Jens Holm

Only sometimes. Barzanis put pressure at the Syrian ones too often to make them more like Turks wish.

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Hear is an odd fact my twisted mind searched out and I reserve my right to not tell how: Russia even tho they do not formally recognize Kurdistan Iraq has been trading heavily with them and bypassing Iraq proper. From pipeline construction and development of oil fields, to mormal trade items. Now Israel has its only formal military base outside of nation and it sits to guardKurdistans’pipeline from Kirkuk directly to Haifa Israel’s major refinery. Israel also has contractor and formal trainers to Kurdistan Peshmurga. Is Israel afraid Russia my well influence with Kurds and get them to raise price of oil to equal world prices? As it is now Israel is getting oil at around 30 US$ per barrel. LOOK at total geopolitical and financial, hint : formal industry publications.

Kira Binkley

Do you have a link? I’m researching, or trying to, the Ottoman provincial administration of the Kurdish region, and of other regions.


They will be. But firstly, Isis and al-quieda must be defeated before any referendum can be pushed. Sealing the border with Iraq is the most important thing right now as it allows a road transit betweenness Iran and Lebanon. This will contain Israel.

Kira Binkley

Where would that “road transit” be? Along the border?


there are 2 main roads! The Al Quaim city which is directly south on the Border where the the SAA seem to be heading. The other is the Bagdad-Damascus Why of which is near the intersecting borders of Iraq, Syria and Jordan! Commonly known as Al-Tanf! Here, the US supported FSA (NSA New Syrian Army) along with Norwegian SpecialForces are buffering this connection!

However the Iraqi PMU and the SAA have. a connection over the desert terrain and are using this for now! The T2 airport also needs to be liberated because this has a road that can be used to cross the border too!

Israel is desperate to stop this connection between Iraq and Syria! Simply because Iran can transit by road any resources it wants from Tehran to Lebanon! This will mean the Syrian proxy war to rid Assad from power back fired!

Kira Binkley

I had forgotten that Assad is also in a conflict with the rebels. Haven’t heard too much on that front.

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SDF has heavy One branch of Kurds, there are and always has been predominately two differing Kurdish groupings. Kurd history reminds me of my old Irish ancestry; If we could not find a common enemy (Normans, Tudors or today’s Brits), to fight we fought ea

Kira Binkley

The lusty Irish, you know.

DJ Double D

If this is confirmed, it is definitely good news. We are always hungry for good news from SAA/Russia coalition. Please make it faster warriors.

Jens Holm

Its fine to me. Real advance in many matters are safe advance.

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When Kurds are mentioned how many know their History? There are today 13 nations with Kurdish minorities, but the vast majority are within Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Yemen, all within a triangular geographic shaped landmass, From one corner of southern Iran/Northern Irag, over to Egpt and then South to Yemn and back to Iran/Iraq. Under the Ottoman Empire A Kurd was appointed Sultan over Egypt on down to Syria Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Short lived but influential until Brita destroyed Ottoman Empire in WWI. Iran wanted Kurds own lands but it was the Brit and French who destroyed Kurdish influence in ME. RUSSIA JUST GOT KICK IN TEETH BY IRAQ KURDS AND ISRAEL, AS THEY ARE NOW ARMING, COMPLETE WITH US SUPPLIED AIRCRAFT BEARING KURDISTAN FLAGS, AND TRAINING PESHMERGA AS AN ALLIED STATE FOR FUTURE WAR UPON IRAN. Border of Iraq Kurdistan and heavily Kurd population within Iran means more DESTABILIZATION within Iran in near future.

Kira Binkley

The Kurdish people and leaders must listen to reason, not history.

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SDF is heavy with one of two primary Kurdish factions, and could well be reason they seem to of split from other main US funded and armed kurds, and are trying to gain enough territory seperate from the group US is in favor of and is helping to form Kurd Republic out of. Always been historicly two main Kurdish factions. Kurds remind me of my Irish ancestors; ” If we could not find a common enemy to fight,( Norman’s, Tudors or Brita of today), we would fight each other.

Kira Binkley

And it was the Irish, if I remember correctly, who invented football by playing with the heads of their enemy combatants. The dead ones, that is.

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