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Syrian Troops Push Turkish Forces Back From Saraqib As Ankara Makes More Victorious Statements (Map, Videos)

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Syrian Troops Push Turkish Forces Back From Saraqib As Ankara Makes More Victorious Statements (Map, Videos)

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Units of the Syrian Army and its allies have continued their advance on positions of Turkish-led forces in Greater Idlib followiing the second liberation of Saraqib

In eastern Idlib, Syrian troops retook the villages of Jawbas, Tarnaba, Dadikh and Kafr Battikh west of Saraqib. By this move, they technically secured the M5 highway that, if hostilities end, would allow the Syrian military to restore movement along it. In southern Idlib, the Syrian Army pushed the Turkish Army and al-Qaeda members back from Kafr Nabul and retook the villages of Amqiyah and Fulayfil.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (a pro-militant propaganda outlet), over 100 members of Idlib armed groups were killed in the recent clashes.

In the course of the advance, the Syrian military shot down another Turkish combat drone near Saraqib. Another Turkish drone was downed east of Khan Al-Subil.

At the same time, a L-39 warplane of the Syrian Air Force was downed by the Turkish military over Idlib. The warplane crashed near Maarat al-Numan. One pilot died in the incident. The second one survived.

The Turkish Defense Ministry claimed that March 3 that during the past 24 hours Turkish-led forces had destroyed a warplane, a UAV, 6 battle tanks, 5 howitzers and artillery pieces, 2 air defense systems, 3 armored combat vehicles, 5 armed pickups, 6 military vehicles and an ammunition depot belonging to Syrian forces. The defense ministry also claimed that 327 Syrian soldiers were “neutralized” during the same period. Taking into account that the Turkish-provided number of “neutralized” Syrian soldiers was 2,557, the Turkish-claimed number of “neutralized” Syrian soliders since the start of Operation Piece Spring just reached 2,884.

The Turkish campaign in Idlib is apparently going in a direction that the Turkish leadership does not like. The Turkish Army and its proxies failed to deliver a devastating blow to the Syrian Army and lost most of the gains made during first days of the operation.

Turkish propaganda sources claim that Turkish F-16 fighter jets launch air-to-air missiles at Syrian warplanes from the Turkish side of the border:

Meanwhile, Turkish supporters are claiming that Turkey will deploy Hisar air defense systems to the Syrian province of Idlib in order to put an end to Syrian and Russian strikes on al-Qaeda terrorists there. Right now, these claims look like a wishful thinking.

Some recent combat footage from the area of Saraqib:


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Legis Legis Juscius

Turkish drones are dropping like flies :D


turk trolls coming on southfront and reading fake news



russians+iranian+hizbullah+isis+sdf+saa and other mercanery vs TURKS , You killed 2 million Muslims, now you continue with the Christians, but you will be punished and wrath, be patient and see. If your father is not Russia, we will drive you to hell in a few hours.


lol are you retarded ?


wait 5 march after

Tim Williams

is that the day IRAN will launch several hundred Ballistic missiles at you


Iran should first destroy the corona virus. Also, there is the Turkish

Shia man

Don’t worry the coronavirus is coming to an end soon iran already made a vaccine


You shia are united with Christians and you are killing Muslims

Concrete Mike

You call jabhat al nusrah muslims?

Wtf is wrong with you?

You can call me Al

Hey, leave Iran out of this, good place, good people….. of sorry, I read your comment again. GO TIM, give it to them.


Iran is friendship with very wrong people

Ishyrion Av

He is retarded. Or drunk. Hopefully drunk, because for retards there is no cure.


Real fools are fighters for religions.

Ishyrion Av

You talk about Erdogan?

Wahid Algiers

yes man, he is a turk-monol.


mongols and turks are different


He is. Even his goat thinks Attilla is retarded.

Wahid Algiers

The poor goat.


The RSPCA has contacted the goat and arranged counselling , I understand.


Like you


Read some books, research, think, learn

You can call me Al

Well he is inbred, does that count ?.


You are far behind

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

How sad. Just like your “leader”, you are a rabid dog that needs to be put out of its misery – a sick, deformed human. The world sees how sick Turkey and its insane religious murderers are. If you insist on full war, Russia and Iran will destroy Turkey and no EU country or the US will help such a sick country.


The sad thing is that you don’t see 2 million people killed and 13 million people exiled in Syria.We don’t need anybody’s help. We are not a herd of hyenas like you (iranian+russian+saa+isis+sdf+ and others) We can fight you all for humanity and goodness.

Shia man

Humanity and goodness ? we have a Turkish comedian go


this guy is a whole new level ? ?




First choose to prostitute Christians, then consider your Muslim

Concrete Mike

Says the israeli prostitute, go fuck a goat will you!

You can call me Al

I would give it up now, because you just sound like an inbred cunt.


Learn some history strategy and sociology

Concrete Mike

We wont even start with the latanny of things you need to learn.

Love thy neighbor, start with that.

Or are you too busy being a zionist prostitue!


Learn strategy from the Turks, how to loose land for 500 years and cover it up with genocides. How to make every country hate you

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Blow me, fool.


You are as blind as the facts in detail

Horace Lacondeta

“humanity and goodness”. That is the best Turkish joke ever, I have to congratulate you.


Ask your grandparents about the Turkish they tell you

Concrete Mike

Hahahahaha turkey is the antithesis of.goodness.

Way to pump up your tires, the way your going there gonna blow up in your face! Turkey is now jabhat al.nusrah, what a shame on your once great country.

Simplekindof Man

You caused this mess fix it. Dumbass.

Wahid Algiers

What do you want you turkish goat lover and camel raptist? When your grand fathers would have more in their brain millions of squad-skull turk-mongols won’ t have pooring over western europe to do miserable work. Non-skilled turkish-peasant, nothing else, cheap and sstrong smelly. Keep at home and that is the mongo prairie and take these almanciks with you..

You can call me Al

Attila the bun, what the fuck are you waffling about you greasy wop. Oh and by the way Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are Muslims, so fuck off you inbred, brainless moron.


Muslims still live in medieval times, just killing each other.


LOL ……… oh, i expect it is going to get fantastical, in terms of story line. The Romans were no different.


yep moron


Nope, moron.


Attila, don’t bogart the joint baby!!! :P


Ask your mom she remembers


Mom never smoked, c’mon,stop being silly.

You can call me Al


Tim Williams

current map ….


Tim Williams

4 more communities under SAA control now





turks rats butt hurt

Tim Williams

TURKS out ammo ?



Well Russia has gazzilion tons of bombs from Soviet times ready to bomb the shit out of Jewhadist’s and pulverize those terrorists into the size of the microbes!

Wayne Nicholson

That pretty well sums up the USA. We won’t help with diplomatic leadership, we won’t send soldiers, we won’t risk media images of dead Americans during an election year, we won’t take in refugees or help them in any way except to smuggle arms in USAID deliveries but if you want to keep killing each other we will sell you all the bullets you need.

$USD, visa or mastercard thank you.

Tim Williams

Turk gathering point hit hard … that had to hurt


You can call me Al

Beautiful picture.

Shia man

Two Turkish army helicopters arrive at Bab Al-Hawa crossing north of Idlib to transport the injured Turkish army soldiers

Tim Williams

some good news ….



This is great! This makes me more happy than photo of dead terrorists ! A normal life is back to Syria, excellent news for all who support Syria!


This is a huge achievement for Syria in the midst of this dreadful conflict that has been fuelled by the US Coalition of Terrors orders from Israel.


Can you imagine the PHOTOS sent to the world of the peace and progress and Assad (that mast not go) is there with Syrian people who are smiling because NORMAL LIFE is BACK to Syria! Fucking fantastic !!! What humiliation for terrorist West !


Humiliation it certainly is. :)

There is always a great danger when a criminal bully is humiliated. They often seek to stab their victims in the back as thieves in the night.

The only logical strategy with such people is to cause their downfall by exposing the crimes of their leaders and henchmen. The courts and the hangman’s rope are then their fate.


Anything goes! Whichever method can kill them earlier I am all for it !!

You can call me Al

Which site do you get this from, or is it twitter and all that ?. Bloody good stuff Tim – although I must state that last night you put a couple of posts up that could have been misinterpreted by newbies to the site.

Tim Williams

all twitter feeds

Karim Al Ahamadi

Erdogan and his gang have to lie. They thought they were strong with huge popular support, but what kind of support is that, and what kind of relationship do you have with that public, if you have to lie to them this much


turk rats will cry blood after loosing saramin


Tim Williams

SAA must take SARMIN

Tim Williams

RUSSIA is going to stand by Syria to the end …



I have never doubted that. Russia will not be humiliated on her promise before it is fulfilled. So peace of advice to Turks:

Do not waist your money in Syria because you will fail at the end !


This is confirmation of Russia’s loyalty to her allies in time of need. Bravo.

Per Jensen

Incomprehensible that Russia is defending Syria while letting Turkey attack Syria!


So what is your option? War with Turkey from which only Israel USA &NATO can take adavnetege? Low key conflict is DELIBERATE choice not only by Russia but also by other allays of Syria. All that counts is VICTORY without high price for Syrian population that had already suffered so much.

Only people who understand little on the general situation pedal that Jew agenda “meme” as infinite Mantra ; “Want WAR even more WAR, the WAR that will never finish!

It is effing JEW PROPAGANDA SPEAKING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH and you don’t even realize that !

Per Jensen

Try to sober up and relax.


Are you pushing for WW3, Per Jensen?

Russian strategy seems to be preventing the NATO bandits from having the excuse to go to war with Russia and Syria. The Turks are now openly and directly directly supporting the Jihadi’s in plain sight of the world.

The fact that the NATO Turkish military is a de facto Jihadi terrorist organisation, cannot even escape your mind, Per Jensen

Per Jensen

´The above, was of course, a response to Florian Geyer.

Per Jensen

Well, do you see any dynamics in the Syrian war? It looks like the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc., will keep the war going and endlessly pump terrorists into Syria. Then the prospect and what they may be waiting for, is that Russia is running out of resources, as it did in Afghanistan. And Syria will thereafter be transformed to another Libya/ Afghanistan. So maybe Russia, as long as it has the resources, should more explicitly try to reverse the course of the war by supporting Syria more wholeheartedly against Turkish aggression in Idlib. And dont forget that the imperialists control the production means, the financial infrastructure, the money. So in principle they can afford to keep pumping terrorists into Syria serving their interests.


If you don’t “see any dynamics” than you need new glasses. Their “pumping of terrorists” doesn’t work any more since they are LOSING !

Shia man

Dead and wounded among Turkish army soldiers when pro-Assad forces shelled Turkish base in Maarat Alia near Saraqeb, east of Idlib

Tim Williams


Shia man

The turks should have stayed in their own lane

Tim Williams

more dead TURKS …


Tim Williams

Fresh new armor for the 25th ..


Peter Jennings

Lots of luck deploying Turkish Hisar air defense systems in Idlib. There is a slight matter of actually getting them there before they are smashed by allied aircraft. They would make a juicy target for any combatant.

It seems the battle for Idlib is going so well inside the heads of Turkish military brass. It seems a shame to point out the reality.


They are itching for humiliation : -)


Yeah, when the SAA and Co. overruns M4 in short order, I will be looking for Turkish/ head chopper PR to be saying the Syrians have fallen into trap. :P


Nice SAM from the Turk … this will be a good Anti-Radar mission for the Russ Su-35 and SU-30SM …


OUPS!! putin doesn’t want to meet the cunt


Tim Williams

The communist hag and the French Fry are not in the fight … may as well have a delegation from Jamaica and Thailand too …


I object to that ! Not everything red is communist !!





I have said this few days ago but nobody believed. And not only that he doesn’t want to see Merkel

He has refused Macron also! He needs some privacy while he kicks Erdogan’s arse. So they must abstain this time not to become witnesses of an ugly scene.


I wouldn’t either

Tim Williams

Syria should be self sufficient now and the rats will starve …



Terrorist don’t need that land.

They breast feed themselves on Erdogans tit !

Tim Williams


Concrete Mike


Tim Williams

another TURK drone shot down …



you are replacing SF all by yourself, you have published more news than they do in one week ;)

Tim Williams

It’s all out there for anyone to pick up … I just relay it


I know I know ….somebody has to do it …so since I was passing by …. I just did it….sort of thing.

Tim Williams


Tim Williams

must take these 2 communities .. and then SARMIN


Tim Williams

PILOT rescued …


Tim Williams

new map in the south …



Any Syrian maps for the “beginners level” …maybe :-) ?

Tim Williams

rats on the run …


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