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Syrian War Reignite From Greater Idlib

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Syrian War Reignite From Greater Idlib

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Syrian War Reignite From Greater Idlib
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The Syrian war reignited on November 27 as several militant groups led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched a large-scale offensive from the Greater Idlib region against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The offensive, codenamed “Operation Deterrence of Aggression,” began in the early morning with militants from HTS, the Turkistan Islamic Party, Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad and several factions of the Turkey-backed Syrian National Army, breaking through the SAA’s main defense line in the western Aleppo countryside.

The attackers were quickly met with heavy airstrikes by both the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force.

This was the first time Syrian warplanes have bombed targets in Greater Idlib since Russia and Turkey brokered a ceasefire in the region on March 5 of 2020. The HTS-led offensive put an end to the agreement.

Despite taking heavy losses, by the end of November 27, the militants managed to capture the key 46th Regiment Base in addition to several towns, including the town of Hawar, some ten kilometers away from Aleppo city.

On November 28, the militants made a new push in the western Aleppo countryside, another dozen towns or so, including Khan al-Assal which is located around six kilometers away from the western entrance of Aleppo city.

The militants also advanced to the southwest of the city, capturing the town of al-Zarba which is located on the strategic M5 highway, the main route to Aleppo. The highway was closed as a result.

Further southwest of Aleppo, the militants managed to capture the town of al-Barqoum right next to the strategic al-Eis hill.

Another attack, led mainly by Turkey-backed fighters, targeted the town of Anadan to the northwest of Aleppo late on November 28. However, no success was reported there.

Separately, HTS and its allies launched on November 28 an attack in the southern Idlib countryside and managed to capture the towns of Dadikh, Kafr Batikh, and Sheikh Ali along the M5.

Late on November 28, large reinforcements from the 25th Special Mission Forces Division, the 4th Armored Division, the Republican Guards, the Special Mission Forces and other formations of the SAA began to arrive to the front lines. There were also reports of limited counter-attacks and Syrian troops recapturing Khan al-Assal.

Still, the militants made more gains on November 29, reaching the western outskirts of Aleppo city in the morning after capturing an abandoned military scientific research facility and imposing control of al-Eis hill to the south.

Later in the afternoon, the militants stormed Aleppo city from the western direction, capturing the New Aleppo suburb and entering several other nearby areas. The city could quickly fall into the hands of the militants if the SAA failed to prepare defenses for urban fighting. The army may be however planning to flank them from the outskirts of the city.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said that some 400 militants from HTS and its allies were killed in the first 24 hours of the offensive.

In the month leading up to the offensive several reports talked about a plan by HTS and its allies to attack Aleppo city in order to take advantage of the distraction caused by the ongoing Israeli war on both the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. Moreover, Russian intelligence warned that the secret services of the Kiev regime were still active in Greater Idlib. However, Turkey, who maintains a large force in the region, did nothing to prevent the offensive.


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clearly we saw the betrayal of the turkish regime against bashar who did everything to get relations back. but the terrorists are not going to turn the tide of war overnight


the turks are shit, have always been shit. shouldn’t be in n.a.t.o. for the simple reason they act against n.a.t.o. interests frequently. i am not praising the stupid nato war pact. i’m saying the turks are shitheads. “buffer zone in northern syria.” also known as all the villages and the territory turks consider theirs. oh wait nevermind they are attempting to revive the ottoman empire. it’s part of erdoğan’s political platform.

Last edited 3 months ago by Paragoric
Döner kebap

they use a tactic called “push and pull” you have to be dirty like them to keep your states sovernity alive in this region. they must detain tve kurdish-zionist pact


one person says turks and israel are “partners” another person doner kebbab: kurds are rivals of the turks. a zio-kurd pact would clearly be against turkey. more like curds and whey.


its a coordinated attack by both turkey and israel cooperating to sabotage syria and iran. if you want an end to all the wars you need to recognize its always the jews who are behind it and the only proper solution to these filthy cockroaches is to exterminate them once and for all. and the same with turkey and azerbaijan both jewish inventions make azerbaijan armenian again and make anatolia greek again exterminate the turk roaches wherever you find them.

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend

ah there’s the “final solution” again. i’m sure the greeks will be pleased. maybe we should give it to the italian’s? they did defeat the greeks. what you describe is a warzone, from athens to tehran. sounds like a great idea. exactly what the world needs right now!

Last edited 3 months ago by InGodsEyes

yes you filthy jew its time to erase the scourge on humanity that is judaism from the face of this planet. its time you demons are wiped out and finaly pay the price for all the crimes your people have commited against humanity. you demons have no share to the world to come your the bringers of destruction and hell upon our once earthly paradise.

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend

responding anymore than is is a waste of time. you assume a lot about me. i’m only 1/32 jewish. i don’t support israel, and spew your crap elsewhere. thanks.


look i am two people. i’m not hiding it. wake up! “you demons are wiped out and finaly pay the price for all the crimes your people have commited against humanity.” ha-ha ha! i am responsible for all the shit israel has done before i was born. you’re so enlightened and awake. where’s your night-lite? you don’t like jews. i’m not one. you make a fool of yourself. but who cares? it’s s-front.

Zahid Awan

this is biggest upset 😢


fascinating how the saa had no defense at all, terrorists just went through and occupied territories with barely any resistance. on one hand saa had very few casualties but on the other hand if goal is to have no casualties then they (syrians and russians) might as well just surrender completely and proclaim erdogan or his master netanyahoo (same thing) as the sultan of syria.


assad looks very like he could be cousin oc king felipe whose father juan carlos was infamously notorious for his philandering, not his philanthropy .course if he hadn’t shot in the head and killed his older brother in the bedroom when he was 14 in what can only be described as a terrible accident then he would only ever have been the spare.


erdoğan or bibi? uhm. excuse my otherworldly perspective. they are rivals. playing the political game. wouldn’t be the same thing sharia law or talmudic noahide. both very racist.


erdogan and satanyahu are not rivals. they are allies. all nato has aligned with fakesrael.


wa are here now after alep it will be hama if god willing , it’s finish for russians and zionist baath regime . praise to allah it was so long but the god’s promise is true.


chrislam isn’t gods promise .


chrislam what is that? , but i know islam, the true religion of god in every era of time


you must be joking. chris-lam is the mixture of christianity and islam. “true religion of god” (intentional lower case g.) since 610 a.d. (after the death of jesus christ, the final sacrifice. injeel) oh! 600 years late! oh wait no! over 3000+ years late. jacob or esau? what does the quran say? look to the torah. “the people of the book” in fact the quran says that the bible is correct. quran verse (5:68) … genesis 25:26

Last edited 3 months ago by InGodsEyes

you only show your deep ignorance about islam, it’s a state of worship the perfect submission to god the one. so islam is from the beginning of genesis transcends all messengers prophets . what you said is just what was put in you head from dogmas and beliefs. final sacrifice ? son of god? etc hhh let me laugh , there’s almost nothing about in all bibles that exist and even less in thora .

Döner kebap

go and pray to the eye of the saturn (moon) . you dumb monkey. islam is religion of the devil . everyone know this. its book of geopolitic and expansionism


islam was founded 700 years after the founding of christianity by god’s son you ignorant muppet.


sure zionist baath regime… the baath regimes for all there fails were the only non zionist in the region besides iran.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic

i wouldn’t be so sure about iran


you are just bibi’s hound dog (or lap dog in case you are only web-brave). and you don’t even see it. god have mercy on your soul!


zzzzzombie talk


well nothings what it seems but until you wake up you’ll never know .whilst you publish non stop msm propagandas you’ll never be free.


the weaknes, incompetence and cowardness of the saa is still unbelievable! despite having 5 times more troops and armament than the islamists, with russian air support, anyway the whole aleppo front collapsed and terrorists now near the aleppo city center? what a big fcking joke!


here the problem: syrian and shia fight wahabis, while usa and israel bomb them and while turkey arms and organizes sunni terrorists. in palmyra alone israel killed 80 syrian soldiers, it also bombed many shia fighters in damascus and homs. how can you fight against multi-billion dollar armament from usa. with each bomb they drop they kill dozens. and russia just watched while shia fighters get butchered by the three bullies.


putin’s compulsion for appeasement is very dangerous. they wouldn’t have tried what they’re doing in ukraine if they hadn’t learned they could roll putin in syria. russia allows israel to bomb their allies almost at will, while tying their hands, putin needs to show some independence from the jews or they will just relentlessly antagonize the russians.

Shlomo's little weenie

“putin needs to show some independence from the jews.” i think you may find he is one of them, and he’s loaded up his government with them. musashtin and medinsky just two examples.


not only that but the tribe has a stranglehold on the russian economy and chabad have his ears.

Al Bosni

they’re not even muslim those wahhabi cunts.


moshe abdul-wahab was a donmeh from turkey that renamed and allied with the sheriff of mecca (saoud) to create the heresy called “takfirism” in order to carry out the anglo-zio plans against the ottoman empire since the sultan refused to give palestine to herzel’s patrons.

clerics are used to control their populations as these arab “kings” owe their kingdoms to their zio masters.

Janne Kankaanpää

it is amazing how hts took control of western aleppo in a single day. how can syrian army be so utterly weak? last time they beat hts to submission. last aleppo battle it took years and the rebels could not take western aleppo.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

turkey stabbed the shia fighters in the back. it knows they are weakend by the war in lebanon and the bombardement of them in syria by israel. thus erdogan took the opportunity and sent its wahabi fighters. don’t bother, it was all predicted by prophet muhammad, and they have a limited period. turkey awaits a big punishment, god willing.


“syrain war “re-ignites” plural. from greater idlib. you can’t even spell breathe/breath. learn english if you want to brainwash my dopehead.


“re-ignite” can also be a noun. since yesterday.


that is why the title and video graphics have different spelling? no.

The Hebrew Hammer

can’t fight the jews, so they fight among each other. perfect.. gaza is ours now, hezbollah lost, and the cease fier agreement allows israel to respond any time we see fit.


israel versus hamas. goliath facing david without even the slingshot.

The Hebrew Hammer

israel is champions.. my friends. we keep in fighting till the end..✡️🎶🇮🇱💪


you dont fight you let others who you pay fight for yourself. you just fight hamas which is tanks and air force against maschine guns and mortars. not difficult to win the fight. but even then you just dared to enter gaza after an entire us air carrier strike group was positioned to help you if neccesary.


israel wins with weapons and us dollars. a country on washington’s leash.


“we keep in fighting till the end..”

…well then, schnell schnell jude ✡️ , because your end is near 😆😆😆


the zio tik tok army couldn’t fight its way out of a paper bag. all they can do is run whining and kvetching to uncle sugar.


the moron leaders of hamas started this and gave the isrealis the turks and the west the perfect opportunity to reignite and this time win all the wars in the region while russia is busy. and china is just looking at it and looking at its own ridiculous time table for his fight with the usa and thinking not yet. by the time china will be ready to fight the entire planet inkl. russia will be controled by the usa. god luck then.


funny how hamas suddenly decided to make the incursion whilst bibi was facing massive demonstrations for his ouster as pm…

indeed this timely attack saved his backside from prosecution and revitalized his scores at the polls.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

these are the consequences of fighting a lite war as opposed to a lightning war. the smo in ukraine is similar. not sure who gave the russians this idea to do everything piecemeal but it sure goes against the russian character. unless they go all in and wipe out the infection completely these wars will continue until the frog is fully boiled.


obviously you pizdet amerikanski know zero about russian character

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

i fully understand the russian character being an ethnic serb. sometimes fighting with your character just doesn’t work and you have to adapt.


erdo-cat is a cheat and has no 7 lives. he pretends to have good relations with russia, then turns out to be a puppet of washington and israel. not even the crazy eu wants him inside. an outcast.


cheat? only non observant or blind would think he has good relations with russia. part of nato, great relations with isreal and us stores nuclear weapons in incirlik……


we amerikunt registered senile nazi submissively accept mulatto rule and lick all jew boots

jens holm

“rather than found an intellectual elite amerika created a mulatto stud farm”. rute hamsun


600 al nusra amerikan primitives eliminated past 2 days


first and foremost, this is a failure of russian and syrian intelligence. the russians should of known the united snakes of aipac, usa and the zio nazi terrorist jewscums together with the treasonous turks were moving arms to their terrorist creations…. absolute failure by russia…fails to protect syria from the zio nazi creatures bombing, fails to tell iran about isrealhell plans to attack, fails to stop the zio nazi jewscum from bombing


παψτε.. να αναπαραγετε την “σιωνιστικη προπαγανδα” ! οι εβραιοι ειναι “σιωνιστεσ” !!! δεν ειναι.. “ναζι” !!! ο “ναζισμοσ” ειναι, ιστορικα, ο μεγαλυτεροσ εχθροσ του “σιωνισμου” που “τουσ εβγαλε στο φωσ τησ ανθρωποτητοσ” !!!


this is erdogan cozying up to trump through nato


my senile hero biden last desperate gasp

jens holm

russia already spanking amerikunbt terrorists–senile bidens desperation


putin trusted erdogan just like he trusts israel and now taking 2 decades to clean up the trash in ukraine. putin is low iq


homer simpson 192 has no iq only senile mulatto lgbt bf


didn’t netaniyahu warn asad that “he is playing with fire” just a few days ago? who doesn’t see that jews control 95% of islamic world is either blind or just don’t care, as long as they allow him to kill his opponents. just doesn’t realize that there would be no opponents without jews poking them on one another… how stupid can they be?


peter the great and catherine the great founded cities and consolidated the russian empire, the great stalin created an industrial and nuclear superpower. the little man from moscow conquers ruined villages while losing entire cities and nations. the conclusion is extremely obvious, russia is in mortal danger under its current leadership.


like by hero joker biden i am a senile liar cannot afford coke cuz i retired janitor sniff glue i steal from walmart


this has got the fingerprints of that snake erdogan all over it, operating hand in glove with the zionist regime and the us neocons. that this happened just after the lebanon “ceasefire” is no coincidence. russia was unwise to tolerate the establishment of a turkish/ terrorist enclave in idlib a few years ago. this could provide an opportunity to eliminate the idlib terrorists once and for all and re establish syrian sovereignty there.


lately southfront is posting gulf states propaganda rantburg.com is much honest and more informative regarding palestine and yemen or even russia.

hunter biden

dumb burgers—i have a pound of coke and 3 hookers–pardom me—amerikunt justice


in my ugly amerikunt cesspool we prefer senile corrupt liars–amerikunt democracy=hookers and coke addicts like my hero hunter

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