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Syrian War Report – August 27, 2019: Army Works To Secure Recent Gains

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Syrian War Report – August 27, 2019: Army Works To Secure Recent Gains

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces are conducting active security operations in the recently liberated parts of northern Hama and southern Idlib. The goal of the effort is to remove mines and improvised explosive devices, uncover weapons depots, HQs and other infrastructure objects abandoned by militants and hunt down remaining cells of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other radical groups.

For example, the SAA seized a large HQ and a network of underground tunnels, which had belonged to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Jaish al-Izza in the vicinity of Khan Shaykhun.

Pro-government sources also released photos showing a decoy tank near Kafr Zita. A destroyed M-46 130mm artillery piece and a pick-up truck were spotted near. The decoy apparently did not help militants to avoid airstrikes.

Russian forces have started deployment near the Turkish observation post located near the town of Murak recently liberated by government forces. After the collapse of militants’ defense in the Khan Shaykhun countryside, Turkish troops at the Murak post found themselves encircled by the SAA. Most likely, the Russians came to rescue the Turks from warm greetings of the Syrian military that knows well about Ankara’s efforts to support radical militants in the area.

US and Turkish officials conducted the first joint reconnaissance flight, the Pentagon has said. This development followed establishment of the joint coordination center earlier in august, spokesman Sean Robertson said.

On August 26, President Tayyip Erdogan declared that the US and Turkey are slowly “making progress” to establish a safe zone there. He promised that Turkish troops will soon enter northwestern Syria, which is now controlled by US-backed Kurdish armed groups. If this happens, this will likely cause a local crisis and increase tensions in the area. Kurdish armed groups that rejected negotiations with Damascus hoped that the US will protect them from Turkey and help to create own state within Syria.

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Sadly Kurds still play for time, last negotiations were not successfull in the sense that any written agreement was achived. They still hope to somehow get their “Autonomy” which is out of the question for Assad, as this would lead to Iraqi style fragmentation of Syria. Still, Kurds seems to know that a deal without Autonomy will be better than loosing everything to the Turks. We will only know how this ends once the Turks move into Syria.

Icarus Tanović

It won’t end well. This is American game, and surely Erdogan is American man. They’re trying to put Syria to choose between autonomy and turkish occupation. Putting them between rock and hard place won’t work.

Xoli Xoli

For now let Turkey and Kurds USA sort out North western issue.Syria must concentrate on Euphrate, Taqa Dam and Omar oil fields.

Bill Wilson

The YPG/SDF and SAA will deal with the Turks and their FSA in Aleppo and Afrin.

Icarus Tanović

You sure?

Xoli Xoli

Ok good but let YPG and SDF side with SAA and distance from illegal masters USANATO who are there to loot the oil and gas.Rather then uniting people with existing legitimate government.

If peace is achieve elections will be facilitated to allow each and everyone to choose whom their want to lead them.

Then we need people like you to observe and make sure elections is not rig by greedy and selfish people in order to partnering elected government for self interest.

Thanks for you valuable time to respond.

Icarus Tanović

I think that you’re right. Several bombs would be good thrown at Isis Wahhabi molesters east from Palmyra. Al Tanf is place from which they’re attacking and comming from, but in this case only route to run would be Euphrates, where they would be welcomed by theirs American friends.

Xoli Xoli

Mr.Icarus my respect to you.Keep on telling like it is as you are doing know.If others do errors correct them.If their keep on reasoning foolish dont waist your time on them.Rather ignore the foolish.Thank you this formats needs your debate.

Icarus Tanović

Thank you, sir.


Kurds must choose not to lose, Turkey or Syria or irrelevance.


If the Syrian Kurds will chose Turkey, Turkey will finish in Mongolia, by the Mongols.

Pave Way IV

Funniest headline in a while:

Turkish-Backed FSA Group Fails To Show Up For Militant Operation In Idlib [link]

“On Tuesday morning, jihadist fighters of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the ‘Rouse the Believers’ alliance group launched a powerful operation against Syrian Army positions in southeastern Idlib province.

A major Turkish-backed militant coalition mostly made up of Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups claimed to be leading the insurgent assault in Idlib, stating through its official media outlet that it had begun an operation against “several points” of government forces.

In the event, however, the Ankara-backed group known as the National Liberation Front (NLF) was nowhere to be found in the areas that came under attack by jihadist factions, who were left on their to be annihilated in an assault which backfired with heavy losses and no gains on the ground.

The NLF, despite being backed by a major regional power such as Turkey, is the weakest of all the militant coalitions in Idlib. It is not a matter of opinion or analysis, it is a repeatedly proven reality in clashes with both the Syrian Army and rival terrorist groups.”


US will betray Curds as they betray everybody else


Kurds never rejected negotitions with the Syrian government, but there must be something to negotiate about. A government unwilling to make any concessions and asking to reinstate its old murderous sectarian regime is not negotiating at all. Thus it was the government unwilling to negotiate, not the kurds.


Hey Dutch, are you a “Kurd” based on Langley?

Icarus Tanović

Kurds wants to reconcile with Syrian government, and that is the fact that Americans are hiding. They are bargaining chips for Americans.


I think the same, about Kurds, but the Occalan boys aren’t Kurds, these boys were some years ago stalinists and they are now anarchomarxists, tomorrow may be they will be citizens of Turkey or of the U. S. of. A.

Icarus Tanović

It is better solution to be a Stalinist but Turkish which are American slaves.


All them have no possible solution, besides one solution of sulfuric acid. In this case to be or not to be isn’t the question, for sure. With guys like Bolton, sulfuric acid, nothing else.

Icarus Tanović

You mean they are so dirty?


A guy that don’t know where to stand, today…well, I’m going not to say nothing more to not be accused of spam and trolling.


Easy trolling. As for the dieing, neither are you and I am up front about my identity. You are not.


Bla, bla, bla…of an dutchnational, we have take care of you, the dutchnationals, long time ago in Agola and Brasil, but anyway you’re rigtht, you don’t exist.




I’ don’t give a dam about you nor about your identity. es nada, you don’t exist.


Oh fuck off eurotrash.

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