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Syrian War Report – August 31, 2018: Russian Navy To Hold Large Drills Near Syria

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The Russian Navy will hold drills in the Mediterranean Sea, near Syria, in the period from September 1 to September 8, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on August 30. The drills will involve 25 warships led by the Marshal Ustinov missile cruiser and 30 aircraft, including the strategic Tu-160 missile-carrying bombers, the Tu-142MK and Il-38 anti-submarine warfare planes, Su-33 fighter jets and Su-30SM aircraft of naval aviation. The defense ministry said that “the grouping will practice a set of tasks of air defense, anti-submarine and anti-sabotage warfare and also mine counter-measures support”.

According to Syrian experts, these drills are a response to the growing threat of a new round of US missile strikes on government facilities in Syria.

On August 30, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the US currently has some 70 delivery vehicles with about 380 cruise missiles in the Middle East and is capable of preparing a missile-strike group for an attack against Syria in just 24 hours.

The US rejects all reports that it is beforehand preparing for an attack on Syria, but says that it’s ready to act if the Assad government uses “chemical weapons”.

Meanwhile, Syrian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid Muallem stated that the White Helmets had kidnapped 44 children in Idlib to use in a staged chemical weapons attack in the militant-held part of the province. The minister also emphasized that the Syrian military does not possess chemical weapons and there is no need for the Syrian army to use any kind of such weapons to defeat terrorists in the country.

In the area of al-Safa in southern Syria, the Syrian Army captured positions between the hill of Abu Ghanim and the and the area of Umm Marzakh thus splitting the ISIS-held pocket into two parts. Clashes are ongoing.

Warplanes of the US-led coalition carried out airstrikes on several ISIS positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, including the area of the al-Azraq oil field. These airstrikes are most likely a US response to the recent series of ISIS attacks on the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

However, while the ISIS-held pocket of Hajin on the eastern bank of the Euphrates is not cleared, these attacks can hardly be stopped any time soon. The key question is why are the US-led coalition and the SDF not hurrying up to deal with ISIS terrorists there?

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leon mc pilibin

The Russians are really pissing off the Zionists with this move.They are getting a taste of their own medicine,as Russia are putting it up to the Zionist cowardly scumbags.

Hide Behind

They in US do not worry about trut, they make up the lies for the public, the larger and oft repeated lies are best weapons against dumb as rock US and other peoples. The lies repeated over and over by US and European news media and gov pundits, are then later used as reason to destroy. The hordes of psychophant administrators and even the origi actors of lies end up believing.


Don’t know how F.uk.us can do the CW when they are calling the Russian’s reports of another false flag preps lies. Particularly when they don’t have any evidence that all the previous false flags were actually Syrian in origin. Why not go big and fast in Idlib before they can go to plan b?


A new addition to the propaganda war. The tides are changing.


Rex drabble

Yeah,,,wank wank!!

Smith Ricky

God bless Russia thats all i have to say.

John Mason

Shouldn’t the Russians respond by saying that they are prepared to act if the US and coalition attack Syria under a false flag situation.


Actions speak louder than words here maybe. The Russians seem to often convey their threats with a less boisterous twist. In this case they are simply prepared to act. I would figure it’s all live ammo.


I doubt Russia wants to go to war with the US over Syria

Brother Thomas

I agree. But I also sense somewhere a line is being drawn. All of this is extremely worrisome.

Rex drabble

Dont sweat over it.The US hasnt got the balls to fight a real enemy.all blow ,,no go.

Brother Thomas

It’s not the presence or absence of balls I’m worried about as much as the lack of brains. We are talking about people who do not know the difference between Austria and Australia (to quote Putin).

Rex drabble

You are right in that respect but America only understands FORCE and when they are confronted with it they buckle at the knees. I think Trump and Putin are working together,Trump has just shut down ALL communications of 5 eyes and every other means of the NWO to start a new war. I dont think this is a coincidence,it has happened in part to stop a war being started by the bad actors.In particular a war that they wanted to start in Syria between Russia and the USA.

Brother Thomas

I think Trump for all his flaws is a bullying businessman. He is not really interested in war. But the neocons are at his sleeve.


Also there is an ever increasing possibility of human error as more and more units get concentrated in the region. The absence of a carrier group is foreboding to me. Keep the really juicy targets away this could go hot.

Brother Thomas

Yes. And there seems to be no understanding or fear of the catastrophic consequences. Once things start, who will stop them.


Choice between the two, Russia! US has that bull in the china shop thing they do. Double down.

Harold Smith

Of course they don’t “want” to; but they’re backed into a corner. And Putin is apparently under increasing domestic political pressure to respond forcefully to Trump’s relentless provocations.


I haven’t heard that

Rex drabble

Trump has to make out he is tough for his mid terms.It isnt Trump but the people who want the NWO.He is actively shutting them down. How is he going to MAGA if he starts a new war?He cant and doesnt want to. I dont get stressed over these things like I used to.I believe there are some very GOOD things happening behind the scenes that the media dont know about and for good reason.The media in general would orgasm if a new war broke out. They dont care about truth the care about control through the narrative and$$$$$$

Harold Smith

Nonsense. Trump is the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. None of this would be happening without his assent. Trump’s a demon-possessed Satanist. Obviously, his whole campaign was a calculated bait and switch fraud from the beginning.

Rex drabble

I dont discount that Trump is owned in some way.I dont think he would be breathing right now if he hadnt done a deal. I am 50/50 on Trump.There have been attempts on his life already by some in the Military.If he is commander and chief then how could this happen? It happens because he might have the title but DOESNT have total control. It is not back/white like you think,which was exactly the same way I thiught up till recently.Who is right?I dont know but what I do know is that no matter what RUSSIA is the BOSS now with regards to Who does and doesnt start shit in SYRIA

Harold Smith

That’s pure BS. Why didn’t the “deep state” deploy a “lone nut” against him during the campaign? How did they know he’d turn out to be such a coward? Because he’s their agent, that’s why.

BTW, if he keeps pushing for nuclear war, none of us are going to be breathing much longer including him. So your theory is nonsense.

Rex drabble

Harold,,,I dont know.I never said I did.If you want answers,find them for your self. I am giving My opinion and I stand by it.If I am wrong then I will admit it and re-evaluate my position.I dont think you are entirely right but I DONT know it for a fact’ I do think though that you are over reacting.I know the US has a terrible track record.I dont like some things Trump says but I realise that The average American is almost geneticly programmed to be exceptional.

Harold Smith

Let’s see, Trump runs on a platform of utter defiance to the “deep state” boldly promising to undo everything they’ve done. Trump fearlessly proclaims to the whole world that he will “drain the swamp” (a metaphor for ending the corruption which is the source of their power). And all the while, Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts et al. tell the whole world that he’s risking his life, but Trump remains undeterred at the thought; steadfast; he’s courageous in his defiance.

And then – literally as soon as he’s inaugurated – he starts reversing himself? He starts his administration off by surrounding himself with warmongers and Russophobes. His first public pronouncement involves telling the world that Russia has to give back Crimea? Seriously?

And you tell me his betrayals are because of his cowardice? How come he wasn’t afraid during the campaign? How come he doesn’t resign rather than be the instrument of America’s destruction? How come he doesn’t appeal to the people? How come he doesn’t fight back? Your theory makes no sense. You’re just throwing handfuls of sh*t at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

Peter Bedijn

Trump has nothing to say,the Jews command the US for a long time !

Harold Smith

Your statement is meaningless.

Trump had a lot to say. He said: “elect me and I’ll drain the swamp”; “elect me and I’ll make America great again”; “elect me and I’ll cooperate with Russia”; “elect me and I’ll fight terrorism”; etc., etc., etc.

But what did he do when we elected him? He betrayed us. He proved that he was lying. He had no intention of following through on his pre-election intimations and campaign promises. He immediately handed his office over to the jews that made him. He’s a morally bankrupt, mentally defective jew puppet, just like his predecessors.

The jews rule by and through their demon-possessed puppets like Trump. And yet so many people demand that we hold Trump blameless for his evil.


Another grand title with no power. Its an oligarch man, democracy is a never delivered myth. For the oligarch, every day is Christmas, for the middle class, what they want, is what they will never get.

Harold Smith

That comment is so laughably absurd it’s self-refuting and needs no substantive reply from me.


“Nonsense. Trump is the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. None of this would be happening without his assent. Trump’s a demon-possessed Satanist. Obviously, his whole campaign was a calculated bait and switch fraud from the beginning.”

This post is the one I was responding to. Your reference to Trump as CIC and seemingly shocked that he does not have ultimate authority. I did not see your posts after that one. Having read more of your stuff I would tend to think we are in agreement on some. At least you got a laugh. Sometimes it is not at all clear, the order in which the posts are shown can be confusing. Also I have written some absurd posts, not sure what makes this one so? I tried to address you seriously, you dismiss offhand, perhaps leaving it at that would be better.

I don’t like it when people who agree on very substantive things get into pissing matches over misunderstandings. I have been at fault a number of times in that regard. I suppose it’s your turn.


Than why did you?

Harold Smith

Your inability to understand my simple statement reflects poorly on you, not on me. I said your comment needs no SUBSTANTIVE reply.


Well now you are talking sense as your reply was not at all substantive.

Harold Smith

Okay so it’s clear that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “substantive” just like you don’t understand much of anything else.

Harold Smith

If the office of president had no power, as you imply, why did somebody feel the need to take out JFK and RFK for example? Why did somebody feel the need to take out General George Patton, who apparently had presidential aspirations? You’re simply full of sh*t.


God talk about self refuting! You site a couple of good reasons proving the president is not in charge of a government that kills them. Reagan smartened up too after he got shot. You project a lot. How long have you been feeling like you are full of shit? My bowels are quite regular, thank you very much.

Titled. Princeton Study declare US gov. an oligarchy.


Harold Smith

So you’re jewish?


I am tempted to lie and say yes just so you can make me laugh some more. Are you a Rothschild Zionist? I consider them a much greater threat than a simple Jewish person.

Harold Smith

Of course you’re a jew.

Harold Smith

“You site (sic) a couple of good reasons proving the president is not in charge of a government that kills them.”

First, that would be “cite” not “site,” knucklehead. Second, the fact that somebody took the risk to kill the president proves my point: The office of president has so much power that they only way they can stop a president who is not under their control is to assassinate him.

I hope that clears things up for you, goofball.


Thanks for the cite thing, funny no one else called me on that. You must be one of them there college boys. I don’t suppose those boys at Princeton are worthy of your attention. I only did finish the tenth grade.

My god classic projection, you are covering the laughably absurd part with your assertion that killing JFK was risky. Very much missing the bigger point that since they got away with it, their power over future presidents is guaranteed. You make me laugh.

Harold Smith

“Thanks for the cite thing, funny no one else called me on that. You must be one of them there college boys.”

Yo shit for brains, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but being that you’re baffled by your your own language, chances are you don’t understand contemporary geopolitics either.

“I don’t suppose those boys at Princeton are worthy of your attention.”

LOL! Well chumpy, they’re not here making asses out of themselves like you are, right?

“I only did finish the tenth grade.”

Liar. You obviously didn’t make it past 3rd grade.

“My god classic projection, you are covering the laughably absurd part with your assertion that killing JFK was risky.”

You’re such a shameless idiot. Just because they got away with it doesn’t mean it wasn’t risky; of course it was risky.

“Very much missing the much bigger point that since they got away with it, their power over future presidents is guaranteed.”

That’s just another one of your absurd bare assertions. Then why did Trump run for president in the first place? And why doesn’t he resign if he’s afraid?

“You make me laugh.”

You’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile jew drivel, knucklehead.


The study from Princeton about the US not being a democracy was the link above that you could have used as a basis to insult me some more. You are quite versatile that way.

The fact that Alan Dulles sat on the Warren commission is a good illustration of the power bureaucrats within the US government wield over the elected puppets. That one of the very instigators of JFK’s murder was assigned to investigate it speaks to the risk, they must have been laughing through the whole fiasco.

Further to being risky, they had a lot of bases covered, far more than Kennedy. The fact that they then took out Robert drives home that point.

There is some evidence that there were more shooters present for JFK if the first shots failed.

So Trump is the oligarch’s guy? Did I say he wasn’t? So who’s really in charge, him or the people he is not afraid of? If he tried to do any of the things he said he would in the campaign, “they” would allow that, since the president is so powerful? You refute your own arguments better than I can.

My point would be if the office of the president had so much power they could not assassinate him or even threaten too. If democracy was real they certainly would not be doing these evils on the tax payer’s dime. You know who is powerful. Bashar al Assad, try as they might he still is in power and gaining daily.

Well you double talking, brother fuckin, cock sucking, Rothschild Zionist, they hate the Jews more than all the rest of the world combined. You are so full of shit cuz your faggot buddy pushes it back into your colon every time he takes a break from jamming it down your throat, you fat little, ugly, bastard prick.

Although somewhat bored with your shallow lack of comprehension along with your sniveling obfuscation of any valid points I may offer, I am generally enjoying this, so don’t let a few vulgar words dissuade you, there lot’s more where that came from you asshole licking, obese, smelly, arrogant mental pipsqueak.

Yeah I am uneducated, while you were giving blowjobs to the frat boys I was working.

Harold Smith

“you asshole licking, obese, smelly, arrogant mental pipsqueak.”

Yeah I am uneducated, while you were giving blowjobs to the frat boys I was working.”

Hey Shlomo Shitstein, you’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror as you type your infantile jew drivel.

Now why don’t you run along and get back to painting swastikas on your front door, or making up holocaust stories, or abusing children, or defrauding your insurance company, or whatever it is you Satanic judenfilth do when you’re not making asses out of yourselves on the internet.


Well that’s twice you’ve said that about the monitor. You have a tendency to repeat yourself. I got that you hate Jewish people from your previous posts, but you can hate me anyway. There are worse things than being Jewish, being you for instance.

Harold Smith

“Well that’s twice you’ve said that about the monitor.”

Well that’s twice it’s applicable.

“You have a tendency to repeat yourself…”

See above, goofball.

“…especially when it comes to cheaply recycling my comebacks.”

And you have a tendency to tell lies; but you’re a jew so that’s to be expected. (BTW your “comebacks” are as idiotic as you are, chump).

“I got that you hate Jewish people from your previous posts, but you can hate me anyway.”

ROTFL! As if you Satanic judenfilth should expect something else.

“There are worse things than being Jewish, being you for instance.”

Coming from a piece of animated dog shit such as yourself, that’s a great compliment. Thanks, judenfilth.

“Still waiting for some substance…”

You wouldn’t know “substance” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass.

“you only present lame insults that rang the kindergarten bell.”

Sorry that they’re so far over your head, moron.

“Defrauding my insurance company, specific, could be a projection, yet more of those.”

Now if you could only compose a meaningful sentence.

“You knew Allen Dulles headed the CIA and was fired by JFK right? For the Bay of Pigs, in which Dulles invaded Cuba without JFKs authorization. So much for the power of the president. I never studied it very closely, so I am sure you can twist it to fit your narrative.”

LOL! You stupid fool, you obviously know nothing about it. You’re going to take an historical event about which you’re obviously ignorant and try to use it as some kind of “argument” that JFK had no actual “power” as president?

And then the jew will say it’s “still waiting for some substance”…

What the jew lacks in common sense, moral reasoning ability, knowledge of history, knowledge of current events, etc., etc., etc., it almost makes up for in entertainment value.


You have yet to mount a single strong challenge to any of my arguments, you rely on bravado. I am open to learn, you offer nothing of substance, not a single illuminating gem.

You boldly state I know nothing about it, projection again. You know nothing about it or you would point out one flaw in my accounting of the events. You’ve yet to strongly argue one fact. Your only strong argument seems to be that I am Jewish. If I was I would proudly put you in your place. Instead the fact that I am not, just makes you wrong about the one thing you are so fucking certain of.

It would be interesting to know what is important to you. But I suspect that you would not be able to articulate anything more than hatred. Mostly for Jews but human beings in general. Hate and vitriol spew from your pen. An inferiority complex perhaps.

So I have nothing to offer you but good luck out there. I hope you find a way out of your hate, but it seem likely to consume you. Hate destroys the heart. I wish you a quick death, you seem to have already suffered a great deal.

As you lay there clutching your chest, feeling the life slipping away, think of my last words to you. Go fuck your self!

Harold Smith

“You have yet to mount a single strong challenge to any of my arguments, you rely on bravado.”

To the extent that’s true, it’s because your ignorant, utterly-childishly-mindless bare assertions and jew-inspired statist apologia don’t rise to the level of an argument. In other words, you don’t have an argument in the first place, goofball.

“You boldly state I know nothing about it, projection again.”

Less than sixty seconds on google is all it takes to prove you wrong, knucklehead.

“You know nothing about it or you would point out one flaw in my accounting of the events.”

Everything you’ve said in this “discussion” is “flawed” on its face. Obviously, you’re just being contrary.

“You’ve yet to strongly argue one fact.”

You wouldn’t know “fact” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass.

“Your only strong argument seems to be that I am Jewish.”

Actually I’ve made a few other logically indisputable points early in this “discussion” but your jewishness apparently prevents you from understanding/acknowledging them.

“If I was I would proudly put you in your place. Instead the fact that I am not, just makes you wrong about the one thing you are so fucking certain of.”

Just because you’re not a religious jew doesn’t mean you’re not a jew. Of course you’re a jew, goofball.

“It would be interesting to know what is important to you. But I suspect that you would not be able to articulate anything more than hatred. Mostly for Jews but human beings in general. Hate and vitriol spew from your pen. An inferiority complex perhaps.”

LOL! A jew, accusing goyim of “hatred”. If nothing else Shitstein, you’re entertaining.

“So I have nothing to offer you but good luck out there. I hope you find a way out of your hate, but it seem likely to consume you. Hate destroys the heart. I wish you a quick death, you seem to have already suffered a great deal.”

It have a feeling it won’t be long now before you and your Satanic tribe start WW3, just like you and your tribe started most other wars. Probably this time you’ll be responsible for the deaths of billions.

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” (Maurice Samuel, “You Gentiles” p.155)


As you lay there clutching your chest, feeling the life slipping away, think of my last words to you. Go fuck your self!

Harold Smith

As you lay there on the sidewalk, emanating a horrifically unimaginable stink, feeling the crushing “pain” as an overweight jewess steps on you, splattering your brown sticky essence all over the place, “think” of these last words: you’re nothing but an animated pile of dog shit.


As you lay there clutching your chest, feeling the life slipping away, think of my last words to you. Go fuck your self!

Harold Smith

As you lay there on the sidewalk, emanating a horrifically unimaginable stink, feeling the crushing “pain” as an overweight jewess steps on you, splattering your brown sticky essence all over the place, “think” of these last words: you’re nothing but an animated pile of dog shit.


“How is he going to MAGA if he starts a new war?” You gone Quinon on us Rex? I would pose it differently. How will he MAGA without war? Back to work missed the thing about shutting down the 5 eyes, you got a link?

Peter Bedijn

I hope they do !




With reference to the last sentence, isn’t a “key question” why the loyalists haven’t taken this area for themselves, advancing under mobile air defenses? Wouldn’t that help the security of al-Bukamal? There are no American bases or SDF there; what claim does the US have to the area except saying “these ISIS guys are reserved for us”? If you view American planes as untouchable angels, sent by god, chances are that yes, the Americans are going to still be carrying themselves as the boss of the Middle East.

So much evidence points to a secret deal between the US and Russia over east-of-Euphrates. If so, one wants to know (A) what the Russians thought they were getting in return, and (B) how they came to view Syrian land as theirs to bargain away.

Rodney Loder

Probably the blasts at Damascus Military Airport is israel testing the water on behalf of Trump’s adventure, he will put it to the test he’s being mind controlled by Freemason zz Zionists, that is Christian Crusaders.

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