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Syrian War Report – August 8, 2019: Army Makes Fresh Gains In Battle For Northern Hama

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Syrian War Report – August 8, 2019: Army Makes Fresh Gains In Battle For Northern Hama

On the morning of August 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces advanced on positions of radical militants in northwestern Hama. During the day, units of the SAA and the Tiger Forces liberated the villages of Arbeen and al-Zakah.

Government troops also cut off the supply line between the militant-held towns of Kafr Zita and al-Lataminah and increased artillery and air strikes on positions in this area.

Kafr Zita and al-Lataminah are the key strong points of Jaysh al-Izza and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in this part of the so-called Idlib de-escalation zone.

On August 5, the Syrian Armed Forces released a warning to militants that, if they continue to violate the ceasefire regime, the SAA would have to resume military operations. On August 6, violations continued. So, since August 7, the SAA has been conducting active actions to push radical militants out of the supposed demilitarized zone around Idlib.

It’s expected that in the coming days he SAA will continue its advance aiming to liberate Kaf Zita and then al-Lataminah.

On August 7. Russian warplanes destroyed two militant early warning posts, known as the 20th post and the Eagle post, in northern Hama. Opposition activists acknowledged that four militants, including two commanders known as Abu Jalbib and Abdo al-Nasan, were killed in the strike.

Such posts are usually stationed in plain sights. They are used to monitor flights of Russian and Syrian warplanes and warn militants throughout Greater Idlib of possible airstrikes on their positions.

On August 6, a Kurdish rebel group, the Afrin Liberation Forces, announced that its forces had killed 13 Turkish-backed militants in operations near the town of Marea and the village of Brad. Over the past month, the AFL has carried out a series of successful operations against Turkey-led forces in the Afrin region.

Turkey and U.S. have concluded their talks on northeastern Syria with an agreement to establish a “peace corridor” in the US-occupied region, the two countries announced in a joint statement on August 7.

The sides agreed on the following steps:

  • “the rapid implementation of initial measures to address Turkey’s security concerns;
  • to set up as soon as possible a joint operations center in Turkey to coordinate and manage the establishment of the safe zone together;
  • that the safe zone shall become a peace corridor, and that any additional measures shall be taken for our displaced Syrian brothers to return to their country.”

The Turkish Anadolu Agency claimed that the joint “peace corridor” will be 30 to 40 kilometers deep in northeastern Syria. The state-run agency said that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) will be moved out of the “peace corridor” and forced to surrender their heavy weapons. The irony of the situation is that these two groups, very hostile towards Turkey, are the core of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces that technically control the region. Therefore, the implementation of the agreement will likely face some serious difficulties.

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David Parker

The arrogance is overwhelming. “The Turkish Anadolu Agency claimed that the joint “peace corridor” will be 30 to 40 kilometers deep in northeastern Syria.” How about 30-40 kilometers deep inside southeastern Turkey? How about Syria and Russia agree to establish a “peace corridor” around Washington DC to protect we the people from them the Zionist-controlled deep state? The US and Turkey agree how to divide Syria?


Well said


Well, there are the stupids and there are the facts. Sorry, Jews, you can go all to Amerika, as alf of the Hong Kongers.

Conclusion and sentence: everyone must to be on his natural place.

David Parker

I don’t want the zionists demons here. They have been actively destroying the US of A for a hundred years. Their first success was the federal reserve system. Zionists and Muslims and Eastern Mystics are united in their hatred of Christian civilization. Jesus called them a “brood of vipers” because that is exactly what they are – hate personified, arranging for the goyim to kill each other, and then have to world for themselves.


The Sioux, Cherokees, Apaches, Seminoles and all also don’t want you there. Question: who do you think that they call demons?

David Parker

They had the land all to themselves for 4,000 years and never developed a civilization capable of defending itself. They fought viciously among themselves in a cruel and barbaric manner equal in horror to all the atrocities committed by the Muslim, Goth, Mongol, and Hun hordes that invaded Europe and to the atrocities of the Roman Catholic church with its inquisition and policy of bloody extermination of the reformers. It was a horrible fate to be taken prisoner by a rival tribe. The Darwinian victors of the War to Prevent Southern Independence wiped out what remained of any independent Indian tribes. The darwinist Ulysses S. Grant considered the indians to be a lesser species, same as the darwinists treated the Australian Aborigines. I know very well what pagans think of me. Now you know what I think of pagans.


Since you are not a darwinist as Ulisses S, Grant, I presume. So, anyway, thanks for your response.

David Parker

You are welcome. I confess I merely parrot the real historians and eye witnesses. A quote ” “The romantics want the Indians to retire from history and return to a mythical past. The American Indians are people with great potential, but the romantics are trying to turn them into a museum piece.” (p. 82)” from: https://www.garynorth.com/public/11827.cfm The book is The American Indian: A Standing Indictment Against Christianity and Statism in America.


There’s more a note above.

David Parker

? I read it all, there are only two Jorge replies above … . Ulysses S. Grant was well aware of Darwinian evolution even before the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Evolution has been popular among atheists since 1854.

S Melanson

Are you sure? Origins was published by Darwin in November of 1859 as a more rigorous theoretical development of Darwin and Wallace publication in 1858. Evolutionary concepts had been discussed by Lamarck (1744-1829) described as transmutation of species in his 1809 work that was strongly opposed by mainstream scientists. Ironically, geologist Charles Lyell, a harsh critic of Lamarck’s ideas, wrote papers on geological changes that suggested time scales that contradicted biblical accounts of a 6,000 year old earth. Lyell and Lamarck were influential in Darwin’s mental thought processes that led to his evolutionary theory.

What made Darwin famous was the groundwork had been made by prior scholars and researchers such that society was ready to accept a challenge to established orthodoxy – species are not fixed, the earth revolves around the sun, the earth is much older than 6,000 years… etc. By the way, evolution as a term To describe speciation became only firmly established 10 years after publication of Origins.

Icarus Tanović

This time it Wont WORK. Other parties, pro government ones, arent stupid, and it will FAIL.

S Melanson

It could be said ‘the arrogance is ongoing…’. A fine tradition of the West as we accept our god given mission to civilize the savages… it is our burden to decide what is best for ‘them’.

Strangely, when Ghandi was asked what he thought of Western civilization, his response was ‘sounds like a good idea’.

And it remains a good idea. One can only hope…


And they keep on rolling, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-army-keeps-rolling-in-northern-hama-new-areas-captured/

So, a little song to celebrate, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-2Of9aznxg

cechas vodobenikov


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan thinks the US will let him kick the Kurds out of their own homelands, I don’t. The vast majority of Kurds in Syria live in this proposed “peace corridor” so this sounds like another Erdogan fantasy to me, and something the US ill find impossible to achieve even if they were agreeable. LOL peace corridor my backside.

David Parker

Why don’t the Kurds wake up and play ball with Assad? If they can survive living in Turkey, they should be able to manage in Syria. I can’t imagine the taxes are more than a fraction as high as in the US, so I wonder why the Kurds chafe at living under the Syrian secular government? Did the CIA stir up the Kurds in Saddam Hussein’s day? Exactly why did Saddam feel it necessary to attack the Kurds? Why didn’t they play ball back then?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Some Kurds are already playing ball with Assad, the Afrin Liberation front [ALF] is secretly working with the SAA and cooperating with the SAA in at least one important way, they’re attacking Turkish interests in Aleppo. This is keeping the rebels there fully occupied and unable to send more reinforcements to help their colleagues in Idlib, so that’s actually benefiting the SAA big time. The ALF operate in Turkish controlled territory but are most likely secretly based in SAA controlled territory, they get a lot of their weapons and equipment from Assad, but they also have SDF units providing US stuff as well, but only on the sly behind the US’s back, and many SDF fighters have already defected from the SDF taking their weapons vehicles and equipment with them. Those ex SDF fighters don’t just join the ALF either, most join other Kurdish defence groups stationed in US/SDF controlled territory, but some even join the SAA. Erdogan now has to fight on two fronts in Syria at the same time, which is always bad in war, but he also has a large force of Turkish regulars in Iraq preoccupied with the PKK too, so in fact he’s actually fighting wars on 3 front’s right now, which is very bad for Erdogan but very good for Assad, as well as the Kurds. The Kurds have been recognized as a separate ethnic group since before Roman times, that’s nearly 2,500 years as an ethnic identity, they outlasted the Romans Persians and Assyrians, the Ottoman and British empires, and nearly every other ancient ethnic group, religious cult, political and or national identity, and even after being conquered and divided [by the Ottomans and the British], they still have an ethnic identity that predates all the other countries that lay claim to the lands the Kurds have occupied for more than 25000 years. The Kurds were left alone through most of their history because the lands they occupied weren’t suitable for much else except herding camels and goats, that’s until the Ottomans needed to reorganize a variety of their subordinate ethnic populations into smaller and more manageable units, and the Brits discovered the oil in their lands. Up until last year, all Kurds in Syria were refused a few basic Syrian civil rights that every other ethnic group in Syria enjoyed. Kurds were not allowed to speak their own language in public. They weren’t allowed to name their own children with traditional Kurdish names. They weren’t allowed to start or run a business using Kurdish names or the language. And there were about 250,000 Kurds that had never had, or had lost their Syrian citizenship, that needed to be dealt with in one way or another. last year Assad addressed all those issues and agreed to all those demands, and a few more too I haven’t listed, but there was one demand he didn’t agree to, self autonomy, but every single other demand the Kurds had, has already been passed into legislation courtesy of Assad. Now you could say the Kurds are incredibly ungrateful to Assad after he’s been so generous towards them, but that’s mainly because we only get to hear what the Kurdish leadership says, not what the Kurdish men and women on the streets say, and most of the ones from the west that have already lost their homes to Erdogan, don’t want to move to the US autonomous zone in the west, they want to kick Erdogan’s refugees out of their homes and return to them, and more importantly, remain under Syrian government control. I can’t blame the kurds for wanting their own homelands back, 2,500 years of history accounts for something, before the Ottomans and the Brits came along they were just plain old Kurds living in Kurdistan, after the Brits divided up the middle east they ended up as Iranian Kurds, Iraqi Kurds, Turkish Kurds or Syrian Kurds, even though they didn’t move anywhere at all.

David Parker

Thank you! It’s difficult to find what is going on.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re welcome.

PJ London

That leaves about 200 kms from Abu Kamal to the ‘corridor’ with US and SDF forces for Assad to kick out. Assad is playing a long game, piece by piece, village by village he is retaking Syria. “She measures time not by days and months and years, but by the empires she has seen rise and prosper and crumble into ruin. She is a type of immortality.” Mark Twain in 1867 wrote about Damascus:

David Parker

What I want to see is the SAA finally eliminate Al Tanf and every “observation post” of uninvited “foreign government militaries”.

Rodney Loder

Great News Trump is cutting the Kurds and going with Brother Erdogan, for sure great news, this will put Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and Hezbollah on the same page in the US attack on Iran, if the Zino pigs show their face in the Persian gulf there will be a decisive war ensuing.

Turkey is by far the highest priority Ally needed to confront Saudi Arabia, Syria is committed to liberating Idlib but that won’t mean much if Trump is successful with his Saudi israel alliance strategy.

David Parker

The Zios still need the Syrian gas and oil pipeline routes through Syria. On the other side, I bet China has an interest in its belt-and-road initiative to be able to send a truck from Berlin to Beijing and so will join with Assad.

Rodney Loder

That’s the thing, self interest, internatiomalism died with the Sovier Union, China has the same material needs as the US, the Soviet Union was our only chance for a egalitarian future because they were a Super power with abundant resources and would have sided with resource rich Nations without atomic deterrence.

Now we still got the UN which the US is opposed too and wants everything to be arbitrarily determined by them, best thing now would be to stabilise with Russia and China opposing US and this is the problum, who will be found to be the US industrial base, Vietnam, India? maybe but probably they will want US to settle political scores before the begin work.

The US are not going to start making their own shirts they would be too expensive, that’s why it’s a problem.

Rodney Loder

The big picture is Gadaffi turned the tide Assad sailed home on the rising tide against NATO, but that will all be lost like the aftermath of Vietnam if the enemy isn’t pursued.

Assad has little role to play in the ME except in Syria which can’t be balkanized thanks to Iran the main one, Trump seeks to win back Turkey into opposing Palestine same as he did with Sisi.

Sisi was a great help against the old Brotherhood which is likely to become the new Brotherhood if Assad can’t work with Iran and Turkey against the Kurds.

David Parker

Why don’t the Kurds want to just live under the Syrian government? As I understand it, the Syrian government was neutral toward religious affiliation – anyone could live there as long as they paid the taxes. Was the law not ethical as in don’t murder and don’t steal, etc., universal law, not the “sharia” bullshit. So what was their problem? CIA instigation? CIA trying to weaken Syria for Israel?

Rodney Loder

Same problum in South Yemen at one stage it was a battle for a Secular Democrasy, both Kurds and South Yemenese were Marxist supported by the Soviet Union same in Afghanistan only on a much bigger proportion, but it all failed.

Some peop are trying to kick start those failures by adding new ideologies and now have joined with them, it’s being exploited by the West with lucrative hand-outs, Libya is the linch pin for their ME stratigraphy, KSA is never going back, Haftar is the jew Messiah, probably this was all planned Morsi was always a sell out, but the New Muslim Brotherhood led by Turkey and Qatar can thwart KSA.

Mostly everyone in the ME are motivated by money or hatred for Israel and the West, the Kurds are a bit different with Nationalist Intentions.

David Parker

Thank you.

Rodney Loder

That’s OK.

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