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Syrian War Report – Dec. 26, 2018: Israel Strikes Syria. S-300 Is Not Employed

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Late on December 25, the Israeli Air Force carried out a missile strike on targets in the Damascus International Airport area. According to reports, Israeli F-16I jets launched at least 16 missiles from Lebanese airspace.

The Syrian media stressed that the Air Defense Forces (SADF) had intercepted most of the hostile missiles, but acknowledged that at least 3 Syrian servicemen had been injured in the incident. The SADF also fired several missiles at Israeli jets involved in the strike. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that they had employed their own air defense systems to protect the jets.

The Syrian side did not use the S-300 air defense system delivered by Russia to repel the airstrike. Syrian personnel have not yet finished the necessary training. According to experts, the Syrian S-300 system will be put on a combat duty in the second half of January or in early February 2019.

The recent Israeli strike came a day after the Russian Defense Ministry announced that 150 servicemen of one of the surface to air-missile regiments of Russia’s Central Military District had returned from Syria.

On December 25, Syrian Army soldiers, backed up by Russian servicemen, entered the village of Arima west of the town of Manbij, a stronghold of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Previously, Arima was controlled by the SDF. However, its current status is unclear. Pro-SDF sources claim that the village will be jointly controlled by the SDF and the Syrian Army. Pro-government sources claim that the village was handed over to the government.

Local sources claim that this move is the first stage of the implementation of a broader agreement, which may son be reached between the Damascus government, Russia and the Kurdish-dominated SDF.

Since the US decision to withdraw its troops from Syria and the resumption of Turkish threats to launch a new military operation against Kurdish armed groups in northern Syria, the SDF has desperately been seeking a new protector from Ankara. The Damascus government and Russia are one of the options considered by the Kurdish leadership. Another option is to hope that the remaining US personnel and French troops will be able to prevent a Turkish offensive along the entire contact line between the SDF and the Turkish military.

Meanwhile, Ankara continued its military build-up in Turkish regions bordering with northern Syria. Recently, a batch of Leopard 2A4 battle tanks  were reportedly sent to the area.

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Reza Rezwani

One day has passed and Now Russia and Syria tell us that S300 was not in action? really?


Was this action by Moshe intended to trick Syria into firing missiles that would hit commercial aircraft? Sometimes the Fox outfoxes its own self. It would appear that the Israelis have their backs up against the wall. Walls keep people out but they also keep people in. Syrian/Russian S300 downs commercial aircraft. 189 innocent civilians murdered by Syria and Russia. Another Israeli wet dream has come to naught.


Low provocation without any interest, blocked.

Reza Rezwani

Israel attacks International Airport and it is ok? The life of ordinary passengers are not important for Russian? Only Russian life matters? What is next : throw Iran and Hezbollah under bus and invite Saudi to build Syria and in process make Israel feel safe again?


daniel7612 but




Why don’t you read the article and find out dumbo.




No need for caps, or commas, thank you.

Estranghero Arafat

ISRAEL made an act of WAR, SYRIA has the right to retaliate Israel bomb their airport also.. SYRIAN government must wage war againts ISRAEL.

Bigaess Wangmane

On who’s terms would you like Syria to wage war with Occupied Palestine?

Alberto Garza

it does not have the military assets to strike back .


dont buy s-300 advertising


So you fail to see 150 Russian air defence troops going home, and Israel then attacking under the cover of civilian airliners, as evidence of just how scared Israel is of the S300s and the big bad Russians!

No wonder you got a job with the military trolls section.

stary ujo

Guys , S-300 is expensive item , from this reason Russians waiting for F-35 !

stary ujo

Where is principle airport for airport or was this only false declaration ?


Just when one thinks that the Cabal cannot go any lower they establish a new low. The dream “Christmas 2018 Syria/Russia down commercial airliner filled with children, a unicorn, fuzzy kittens and Holocau$t survivor senior citizens.” Did Israel intend to trick Syria/Russia into firing S300’s and hitting commercial airliner? It did not happen. It is beginning to look like the Cabal has gone to its bag of tricks only to find that the bag is empty?

Pablo Rivera

Good point, nobody else is talking of Israel “technique” of hiding behind civil liners, dissipating any doubt about its responsability on the killing of the Russian crew.


Saying that, the Nazis in the Ukraine just shoot them down,and blame the other guy..Then they run a flim flam type investigation that is closed to the public.

Natalia T.

You need to understand this action for what it is: it’s a bit like an adult spanking a naughty child!

Zaphod Braden

Israel is desperate to provoke conflict that will keep American(read Goyim/Christians) bleeding for Israel. Israel has 300+ NUKES — REFUSES inspections —- REFUSES to sign Non-ProliferationTreaty. Israel BRAGS about manipulating the governments where ever they migrate — Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Europe through Jewish BANKSTERS Israel HATES Christianity & GENTILES and denies the Spiritual and Human EQUALITY of NONJews to Jews. Israel thinks GREATER ISRAEL should rule the World. “Greater Israel” is all land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, Syria, Jordan, most of Saudi Arabia. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. You can find maps they have drawn online. http://www.globalresearch.ca/g… Did you know what the two blue bands on their flag stand for? The Nile and the Euphrates. Israel (using the Gentile USA) is spreading chaos and fracturing all Civilization in the Peoples immediately around it in order to facilitate a land grab for “greater israel”. Israel has “DUAL-citizens”(sayanim) whose true loyalty is to Israel, embedded throughout American government/society. According to the Zionist creed, Israel is the state of the Jews, all the Jews. Every Jew in the world belongs to Israel, even if temporarily residing somewhere else If Israel could provoke nuclear apocalypse between America&Russia …..and China ….. BY WAY OF DECEPTION…. Israel would be the ONLY NUCLEAR ARMED SUPERPOWER left……… Especially if it SNEAK nuked many of It’s HATED/HISTORICAL “enemies” While they are bombing each other.(Germany, Poland, England, Egypt, Iraq, basically ALL gentiles should “bear the YOKE of Israel”)Noted Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld stated that Israel could find itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all kinds of weapons including its nuclear arsenal if it felt its demise neared, stressing that Israel also considers Europe a hostile target. Does Israel have nuclear missiles aimed at the main world capitals?? — You bet. Israel BRAGS about doing similar in Persia/Iran (75,000dead), Jews even CELEBRATE with Purim [slaughter of enemies] and Egypt(slaughter of all the FIRST BORN CHILDREN) David Ben-Gurion, one of the father founders of Israel, described Zionist aims in 1948: “A Christian state should be established [in Lebanon], with its southern border on the Litani river. We will make an alliance with it. When we smash the Arab Legion’s strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo… And in this fashion, we will end the war and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram” ………….. read that again “and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram” They are STILL HATING and planning deadly attacks after 3,500+ YEARS . How do you think they feel about JESUS CHRIST whom they HATE most of ALL. Israel’s MOTTOES: (1) NEVER forgive & NEVER forget. (2) By Way of Deception you will Do War. (3) Their “god” is a WAR god

Hisham Saber

The Jewish Talmud, which 90 % of the worlds Jews believe supersedes the Torah, or Tanakh, or even the laws of Moses, and which was written by demented, nefarious, and diabolical Rabbi’s for millenniums since the days of Babylon, and modified up till the present day; is all about supremacism, racism, advocates for war, genocide and ultimately total hegemonic control of the entire world.

Ben Gurion , Israel’s first Prime minister was quoted as stating that the Jewish Messiah will come and rule the world from Jerusalem with an ‘ iron fist ‘.

Rabbinical Talmudic Judaism is devoid of all human compassion, empathy, and calls for Jews to be nefarious, evil, deceitful, warmongers, and all and all has made it quite simple for Jews to engage, plot and carry out genocides past and present, from the earliest days of recorded history, including the largest genocide in human history, the Bolshevik Red Terror Revolution of 1917, which was a Jewish design through and through, wiping out as much as 60-80 million innocent non-Jewish human beings, the forced famine in the Ukraine that wiped out about 7 million innocent non-Jews in 1936-37, up until present day Palestine and Arab peoples in general.

The Talmud and Kabbala ( which is all about sorcery, black magic, conjuring demons, ritual human sacrifices/murders etc.) both make up todays Judaism. Judaism is an evil cult that needs to be banned outright on earth for human kind to know peace and prosperity.

Is it no wonder that such a small group are despised and hated by so many ? Is it no wonder that Talmudic Jews have subverted and destroyed civilizations for millenniums, since the days of Babylon, and have been exiled and/or expelled from 109 places since Carthage 250 A.D., even before actually. All the way up until 1948, Arab countries.

John 8 : 44 , gives us a little glimpse into why. But humanity has been warned throughout history about this menacing cult and the danger it poses on the future of the human race, peace and prosperity, brotherly love and Godliness and goodwill.

Tommy Jensen

Its because the Jews were first slaves to Egypt, the to Babylon and then to Rome, why they dreamed about a Messiah would come to save them as King over an independent country. Then the Jews were kicked out like empty tin cans from multiple countries exploited as scapegoats by royal families and elites. After Rotschild bought Israel to them, they seek revenge over the cruel world.

Zaphod Braden

Jews do not believe in an afterlife. Jews do not believe in Life after death. Therefore Jews do not have souls and their “religion” is really just an Earthly Materialistic Rule system.

Rodney Loder

Very true there was a few swallowed up and got no remission that was when a rebellion was taking place, however you might be interested to know some actually were given a second go.

Numbers,21 ; 4-9 .

What happened was there was complaining not enough to eat , it was better in Egypt, one thing and another, back an forth back an forth until the Lord sent some poisonous snakes and bit a considerable number of them.

Naturally they soon changed their tune and (P) Moses preyed to Allah who replied that (P) Moses should make a bronze snake and put it on a pole then when someone gets bitten by the poisonous snakes they could look at the bronze snake on a the pole and they wouldn’t die.

Technically that proves the Jews believed in the after-life.


From ARTHUR Koestler, a writer/researcher of the Jewish Faith: “ The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century.”

Also from Arthur Koestler, : “Around 1928 they (Ashkenazi Jews)started building settlements with the Soviet government’s help and in 1934 the Autonomous Republic (Okrug) of Birobidjan Yevrei came into being with official languages of Yiddish and Russian. It is still there as an Autonomous Republic to this day, offering the only historically legitimate settlement area for Ashkenazi Jews willing to exercise their “right to return”…”http://rense.com/general89/notjws.htm

FURTHER “Research by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, published by the Oxford University Press in 2012 on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, found that the Khazarian Hypothesis is scientifically correct, meaning that most Jews are Khazars.

The Khazarians converted to Talmudic Judaism in the 8th Century and were never in ancient Israel. Probably no more than 2% of Jews in Israel are actually Israelites. So even if you believe the propaganda myth that God gave the land to the Israelites, He certainly didn’t give it to Netanyahu, Lieberman and the other East European thugs who rule the apartheid state.”

That is quoted by Stuart Littlewood writing on Veterans today : https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/24/zionist-inquisition-in-full-cry/

The SOLUTION is SIMPLE- SEND them BACK to Russia and Europe


This is the first report that I’ve seen that the S-300s won’t be ready until late January or early February. The article quotes experts, but doesn’t say who they are. I have a hard time believing that after 3 months in theater that the systems aren’t operational with at least a combination of Syrian and Russian personnel. Even after the training period is over, there are probably going to be Russian personnel embedded with the Syrian crews.

The Jews and their collaborators are going to use the S-300 inaction to push for more hostilities against Russia and to try to get the US withdrawal cancelled or modified in their favor. Right now nothing has changed from before the Russian plane got shot down. Other than the lull in Israeli attacks which is now over. They’ve assessed the S-300 and determined that it’s a non threat to their air strikes on Syria from outside Syrian airspace.

The lack of S-300 proven viability, combined with the ineffectiveness of the air defense systems that were used against NATO equipment in Israeli airspace will be used against Russia until it’s shown otherwise. And will make it harder for Russia diplomatically and commercially when dealing with both adversaries and allies.


You must be an Israeli troll to refer to the “Jews”. Many decent Jewish people have great admiration for Putin. However, no Zionist is a friend of Putin. Anti Semitism is the vitamin that strengthens Zionists.


You must be a disinfo peddler:

“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””




That’s an almost-fake poll. You phrase things in dramatic, apocalyptic terms to herd people in the direction you want. “No longer existed tomorrow” sounds like all the Jews in Israel got nuked; of course no Jew is going to like the sound of that. Not surprising it’s done by the Jerusalem Post.

Polls with more neutrally phrased questions these days show US Jews split fairly down the middle in terms of whether they broadly support Israel or the Palestinians more. And many, maybe even most, of the more prominent anti-Zionist intellectuals are Jewish; Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Gabriel Kolko, Ilan Pappe . . . the list goes on.


…. to “frame” a topic so as to guide a participant to a foregone conclusion. According to Lakoff, frames are the “mental structures that shape the way we see the world … you can’t see or hear frames … when you hear a word, its frame is activated in your brain.”


Feel free to post links supporting your assertions to disprove mine. At 14 million Jews worldwide. The drop out rate is high. Because many people born into Judaism find it repulsive and rightly criticize it as the ones that you quote. 99% of Jews unfortunately live in Christendom. Obviously there is no shortage of anti Judaic intellectuals outside of Christendom. To go with the many in Christendom. The UK Labor party comes to mind.


Dude, learn to read for comprehension. Then, learn not to misrepresent what people say even as you talk back to them, as if they’re somehow not going to notice. Then debate. So for instance, Zionism and Judaism are not the same thing; anti-Zionist does not mean “anti Judaic”.


You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written.


“I have a hard time believing that after 3 months in theater that the systems aren’t operational” Guess you did not receive the memo from Russian MOD in your E-mail ! :D The S-300 is deployed in battalion sets, first one active will be in Latakia province, not Damascus area ?


They were deployed to Latakia because that’s where they were delivered to to. I doubt that the Syrian government coalition is issuing press releases on where they’re going from there.


Well you are right there – the S-300 will not be used against enemy aircraft outside Syrian airspace, so far. This does not mean the system will remain inactive, just need Lebanon to ask for Syrian ADF to help defend its airspace which the IAF violate daily with impunity

me again

Why Syria must ask Lebanon to use its space when Israel uses it without any apologize??!! They should shoot down one or two bombers above Lebanon and show to IDF the game is over.

Tommy Jensen

Some screws lacked. Russia has send the order to the S-300 factory to produce screws. But you dont produce screws just like that. It take time.


not to worry -israel is toast or will be in the not too distant future. no way will israel survive although, desperate as they are they will resort to multiple provocations while the msm keeps quiet about the israeli shenanigans. but, think about it, a few millions israelis against many millions of arabs that are better and better equipped with weapons and intelligence and a foe with its back against the sea. israel won’t survive and the thieves and murderers and keepers of a concentration camp and war criminals engaged in ethical cleansing are doomed and that is nothing their iron dome can prevent. let them swim all the way to the moronic state where they might be welcome.


Don’t hold your breath.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Israel seems to be relaying a lot of invaluable information to the Russian military intelligence with regards the workings and capabilities of premiere U.S. supplied military systems. F-35I and Patriot PAC-2/GEM+ SAM having been operationally revealed.


You mean the dreaded ‘Tin Foil Dome?’


And the other way round – Israel testing the reactions and capabilities of Syrian ADF and Russian equipment


The purpose of this latest carefully timed unprovoked Israeli aggression was threefold :

1. To use civil air traffic as a shield/decoy to confuse and delay Syrian ADF reactions and so maximize the chances of targeting success. Result : FAIL

2. To deliberately cause Syrian ADF to down civilian airplane on Christmas Day thus producing a worldwide propaganda coup against Syria and Russia. Result : FAIL

3. To undermine the Syrian ADF rapid reaction/response by lengthening the fail safe

mechanisms with RuASF , possibly with future joint IAF-USAF combat air patrols in mind ? Result : UNKNOWN

Tommy Jensen

SAA have still not finished training of S-300. Training is not done overnight. It can take a long time to be trained in S-300 because it depends on many things. Everyhting could happen in this training period that dont allow SAA to be full trained in S-300. Syria still have the Bukh 75 missiles from 1973. Thats more than enough to defend themselves. You should think of the positive side of it. No Russians and no Israeli´s were hit. That is good. Chabad. Sholom. Goldstein.

Hisham Saber

Tommy Jensen, the crypto Jew.


As I have been saying since 2009, the SOLUTION is simple-We must take care of business by getting to the ROOT of the PROBLEM………… THAT UNLAWFUL entity called” Israel” by Russian and European , FAKE Jews led by the House of Rothschild

From ARTHUR Koestler, a writer/researcher of the Jewish Faith: “ The Thirteenth Tribe, debunks the claim by the white Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews that they are Jews at all! His careful, scholarly, and historically accurate 1976 study found that the white people we think of as Jews—the Netanyahus, the Jonathan Greenblatts, the Alan Dershowitzes and the rest of them—are imposters with no genetic connection to the holy land or holy people of the Bible; they are not even Semites! Koestler proves that their Caucasian tribal ancestors converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century.”

Also from Arthur Koestler, : “Around 1928 they (Ashkenazi Jews)started building settlements with the Soviet government’s help and in 1934 the Autonomous Republic (Okrug) of Birobidjan Yevrei came into being with official languages of Yiddish and Russian. It is still there as an Autonomous Republic to this day, offering the only historically legitimate settlement area for Ashkenazi Jews willing to exercise their “right to return”…”http://rense.com/general89/notjws.htm

FURTHER “Research by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, published by the Oxford University Press in 2012 on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, found that the Khazarian Hypothesis is scientifically correct, meaning that most Jews are Khazars.

The Khazarians converted to Talmudic Judaism in the 8th Century and were never in ancient Israel. Probably no more than 2% of Jews in Israel are actually Israelites. So even if you believe the propaganda myth that God gave the land to the Israelites, He certainly didn’t give it to Netanyahu, Lieberman and the other East European thugs who rule the apartheid state.”

That is quoted by Stuart Littlewood writing on Veterans today : https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/24/zionist-inquisition-in-full-cry/

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