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Syrian War Report – December 2, 2019: Syrian Army Repels Major Attack By Idlib Militants

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Syrian War Report – December 2, 2019: Syrian Army Repels Major Attack By Idlib Militants

Last weekend, the province of Idlib once again turned into the main hot point in Syria.

On November 30, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation and several foreign Jihadi groups, including the Turkistan Islamic Party and Ajnad al-Kavkaz launched a major attack on positions of the Syrian Army in southeastern Idlib.

The advance started with an ambush of an army unit near Tell Dam. 6 soldiers were reportedly killed and 5 others were captured. Then, militants attacked and captured the villages of Sarjah, Ejaz, Rasm al-Ward and Istablat. Pro-militant sources claimed that at least 2 units of army military equipment were destroyed there.

Photos and videos from the ground showed that in many cases terrorists used Turkish-supplied weapons, like HY-12 mortars and HAR-66 anti-tank weapons.

The Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces responded with intense airstrikes on militants’ columns and facilities, as well as provided close air support to soldiers defending their positions. As always pro-militant sources claimed that airstrikes hit civilian targets only.

On December 1, the Syrian Army launched a counter-attack recapturing Ejaz. Government troops also re-entered Sarjah and several areas around it. The situation is developing.

The recent escalation in southern Idlib may lead to resumption of large-scale hostilities and lead to a new ground offensive of the Syrian Army in the region. Greater Idlib will remain the zone of instability as long as groups like Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies operate there. So, this threat should be eliminated.

The National Front for Liberation is a Turkish-backed coalition of militant groups, and a part of the Turkish-controlled fraction known as the Syrian National Army. The Syrian National Army is the main proxy force of Turkey in northeastern Syria. Therefore, the Ankara government bears at least a partial responsibility for hostile actions of its proxies.

At the same time, the situation became relatively stable in northeastern Syria. Over the past days, there have been no intense fighting between Turkish-led forces and the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces.

On November 30, the Russian Military Police established an observation point in the border town of Amuda in northern al-Hasakah. The point is located in a large building that has been reportedly used by the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units as a military academy.

Under the Turkish-Russian agreement on northeastern Syria, Kurdish units have to be withdrawn from a 30km zone near the Turkish border and the ceasefire has to be established in the area. Russian forces likely create these observation posts to monitor the ceasefire and propel a political dialogue between the Kurdish leadership and the Assad government.

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Karen Bartlett

“Turkish-supplied weapons”! God protect the SAA and Syrian people, and the Russian and Iranian allies, also Hezbollah! (And also protect the Palestinians and the Yeminis, Lord. Thanks.)


I always thought that Twitter is best place for prayers or talking to the president or similar… I was wrong it seams.. go figure…

Ricky Miller

That was her comment on the article. Perhaps Tweeter is the best place for you.


Why don’t you lighten up Ricky Miller. That was just bad joke…a silly comment. By the way I don’t like social media and I don’t trust in efficiency of public prayer either.

Karen Bartlett

I don’t like much social media,either.


Hi Karen. You seam to be nice person. Take care girl.

Karen Bartlett

Thanks, Ricky. He doesn’t bother me, though. He doesn’t mean anything bad, just his opinion. And maybe he’s right. (But that’s what I thought, so that’s what I wrote.)


Yeah “maybe” he’s right…but probably not.

Karen Bartlett

Prayer is good anywhere.


Aw common! ” You know better than that. Why empty slogans “good anywhere”….and stuff like that? There are some “prayers” that are not good “anywhere”because they are not what they pretend to be. There is something deeply incident in high moral ground posturing… Shouting “look at me how nice and good and kind fighter for Justice I am!” A vanity,..Theatrics, of shouting slogans to gather supporters and approvals. There is no true prayer or love in that (or not much really). Maybe it should be called “support” for one side to win against the other but that is not what prayer is suppose to be. A prayer is act of sincerity. A prayer is a pure intimacy. A prayer is an act of love with no other witness but our own heart Otherwise it is not good enough. Otherwise it is not worth it. And why would anybody “pray” for some and not for others? Pray for every human being…. Or why would anybody pray against others? That is not prayer but vengeance or feeble cry for justice.

Sorry for very long comment.

Mustafa Mehmet


Karen Bartlett

Depends. :)


I wonder whence these Turkish backed terrorists on the border with Turkey are getting these Turkish weapons. Baffled yet again!!

Hide Behind

I wonder if GOD(s) pack ARs’ , AKs’ and drive Toyota’s or armored vehicle and if in a hurry fly jets to wander from one heavenly palace to another. I know that self made men who worship their creator do, but they stay far from those damned mortals who choose to send their fellow men to hell. Governments and those employed by them always say they are looking out for they whom they rule over, when in reality they are each looking out for own butts, and willingly manage for the war makers, the oppressors needs for manpower and economic needs, keeping hands clean and groceries on table. The managers cannot claim ignorance as can those they send to die or kill, and then there are those who are deliberately ignorant, pretenders that they do not know truth of their and nations actions. And mortal man , how can he rid earth of such people, why of course pick up an AR or AK, make improvised explosives and join the killing. But damn that means we who have nice lives , good familys and lots of toys could get killed, worse yet get dirty, sweat, and learn to do God’s work of adding soul and souless onto earthly and heavenly funeral pyers. Live and let others die.

Karen Bartlett

Pure poetry. But some governments, for example Syria, only pick up weapons to defend their citizens, their resources and their territory. In the US it is the poor who go to war, of course.Often they actually believe that their country is in danger. (And then they find out it’s for oil, imo.) The honorable are the ones who fight defensive wars from “super powers” who invade their country.

Henrik Ræder Clausen

Very much looking forward to cleaning up this last hornets’ nest!


Turkey is the source of evil in this part of the world.

Putin and Trump need to come together and with the help of Greece and Syria invade Turkey, dismantle it and demilitarise it completely. Breaking Turkey to North controled by Russia and South controled by the USA.


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i agree, both russia and US are playing tug of war with turkey, but if turkey gets really damaged either economically or physically, nobody will want it anymore

Mustafa Mehmet

Help of Greece. ????????????your economy is bankrupt you can’t even look after your own people go on join Syria and partition Turkey … re souflaki


Its better than yours shit- kebap ! I Got euro, you got toilet paper ! ahhahaah

Turks leave Turkgay every day to cross the border illegally to come to Greece ! We got more Turks illegal immigrants than we have Syrians ! hahahahaha just shut up kebap face … hahahahahahaha

Mustafa Mehmet

You got nothing you hungry you r begging Germany to lend you money to survive… illegal turks keep them they are terrorists..you got some . Syrian refugees…by force you sending them back to Turkey shame on you souvlaki boy


ahahahaha you mean like you are begging Qatar and Russia ?

You turks are the worst living being on this planet, you are not even humans, cockroaches are more human than turks!

You rape your own women, your mothers and sisters, you eat your own shit, and you get down on your knees to pray to a false prophet that gaylord mohamed the pe@dophile! You dirty filthy turkish scum !

… your days are numbered, if you manage to escape what’s coming you ll be somewhere near Mongolia and China…where you belong!

Mustafa Mehmet

We pay s 400 in full…we owe Katar nothing.. Türkiye doing fine don’t need help from anyone.. your priest biggest pessefek all time souvlaki boy


Listen, I know its hard over there living under a dictatorship…

If you need to cross the border and come to Greece I maybe able to help you …

Or if worse comes to worse we can meet at the border and I ll sell some cyanide at a very resonable price to you !



Mustafa Mehmet

Dreaming dream souvlaki boy


It doesnt have to be a dream! Just make your way to the Greek border and I ll meet you there, I ll have the Cyanide with me, guarantee you ll feel much better after I sove it down your throat!

And once you are off to meet your virgins I ll take care of your shit kebap carcass too, got a big oven I m sure it ll fit.


Ali Alsaaidi

Brother Mustafa do you believe Trump wil really sanction turkey for the S400 or take them out of NATO , and can you do something if that would happen

Mustafa Mehmet

No sanction will happen nato can’t afford to lose turkiye.. to me don’t give dam about nato

Ali Alsaaidi

Are you sure remember the Lira went low after the Trump – Erdogan dispute with that American Andrew Brunson ?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

gayish al-islam hahahahaha

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Ejaz recaptured, are they sure, I’m not, I can’t see where the SAA has taken any ground anywhere in Idlib over the last 2 days, the rebels/terrorists are still there as far as I can see according to syrialiveuamaps, hopefully the maps lagging and yet to be updated.

Karen Bartlett

I think the reason why Syria and Russia seem to be slow to wipe Idlib off the map is because there are so many women and children there.Even if they are families of terrorists.


Rubbish. Plenty of people in Idlib are just ordinary Sunni Muslims. Ordinary people. Syrians. A human beings. They have right to make their choices (even bad choices) where to live and how to live. Some of them are just protecting their home and family. Many of them are going with the flaw and just trying to survive on day to day bases (like everybody else in Syria).

“Even if they are families of terrorists” Even if so…so they suddenly less worthy or guilty of something maybe?! Why using word “terrorist family” related to them, when it comes to women and children at all?

It is inhuman.

And what are they guilty of? Being Sunni Muslims and supporting husband and father of the family or their community and traditions? Reading Quran?

I don’t think that Russia and Assad wanted ever the same thing . Russia always wanted Asad to make compromise in Idlib and to pacify that population to hunt down only hard core jihad criminals and foreign mercenaries. While Assad wants SAA victory (with no compromise) even with the price tag of many dead Syrians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Most of the people in idlib are just ordinary people that’s true, but the people you actually support oppress those ordinary people at the point of a gun, and now Assad wants to save those ordinary people from the people you support. You Turks have the thinnest skins of any ethnicity bar none, I’ve never seen as much biased propaganda in my 15 years of reading SF, if anyone even dares say Erdogan’s got a hair out of place they get a dislike for it instantly. Your boss is an insane murderer and his followers aren’t that much better either, a bullet is the only remedy for that tyrant and all his followers.


Dear Mr “Truth” you are labeling me and putting in my mouth something I’ve never said

(That’s why you put up the “Truth” in your shop window I suppose) I never ever supported any terrorist in my life I support only ordinary people, not politicians .

The real problem is that Jihad is part of the Quran and nobody tries to give logical solution or the answer how to resolve that serious problem. World is facing indeed possibility of all out Jihad in the Muslim world against “Christian” world.

Me personally as an Orthodox Christian.. I do BELIEVE that Christ has died to absolve from sins whole of the Humanity (atheist, Muslim, Hindu …everybody) including Judah Iscariot.

So blame me as much as you like.

Since you are not being honest (or don’t read comments first) and are very confrontational I don’t see point talking to you. I will make no further comments to you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s only Putin holding up the show now, Assad’s more than ready to get stuck into the terrorists, once Putin gives him the green light Assad’s gloves will come off and those terrorist won’t just lose what they recently gained, but also lose a hell of a lot more as well. Keep your eyes on Kafr Nabel and the villages just south of it, I think the terrorists are about to get a big shock there today or tomorrow.


I read Z.P. comment to you but don’t accept his argument, he may not have seen videos of the terrorist wives behaving just as badly as their husbands do but I have, even some of the children are too far gone to ever be rehabilitated, so if they choose to stay and become human shields it’s not the SAA’s fault if they get bombed with the husbands/fathers. Terrorists families commandeer most of the food and medicine, occupy the best houses and locations, and kill other innocent civilians with impunity whenever they want to, so I don’t have as much sympathy for them as I do for the other group of civilians, it’s a simple case of either bomb the terrorist and their families, or let the terrorists and their families oppress the innocent civilians, there is no third option. Z.P. is probably a paid for Turkish troll, one of the very many here on SF, and if you hadn’t noticed it, it seems they’re all working overtime lately, LOL.

Rodney Loder

Very sad, if only I could communicate with my Islamic Turkish Brothers I would for sure be able to straighten this mess out.


We are going to send the alien space ship for you, don’t worry, you ll see your turkgayish mouslamic baboon friends soon on board the mothership in orbit round Jupiter !

Rodney Loder

Dirty little pseudo jew pox little tu rd you know my address I’m Terry Loder on Quora Terry is my second name . Listen up piece of sh it I’ve contributed thousands off $: to SF over the years you come to my place and I’ll pull your nose off with a pair of pliers.


HAHAHAHAHHA are you sure you ll use a pair of pilers? And not your keyboard weapon of mass retardness ? ahahahahha moron !

Rodney Loder

Kurds are terrorists Turks are policemen, regardless of that, my address is available to you, if you don’t want to turn up yourself send a friend, a pseudo jew pig like yourself, or better still I’ll tell you where I’ll be this Friday, that’s Nowra MotoPlex Braidwood Rd.

I race dirt bikes, turn up there and learn how to bellow little tu rd pseudo jew child murderer,


Turks are genocidal cockroaches and they will get what they deserve in the end, dont worry about it. Meanwhile you keep on sucking their d1ck!


What time twaty aussie c*nt ?

Karen Bartlett

He’s Greek. They hate the Turks since WWII and the genocide.

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/425006 soon turkstream…gradually as amerikan influence wanes, peace and prosperity will return to the ME

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